There are few prospective studies of acute and persisting pain after cardiac surgery.Although acute postoperative pain has been mild in retrospective studies, persistent longtermpain has high prevalence: 21% to 56%. However,in most studies the time intervalbetweensurgery and completion of the postoperativequestionnaire has been long, whichmighthaveaffected the data gathered. The presentstudy was conducted to investigatepatients’expectationsand experiencesof acuteand persisting postoperative pain aftercardiacsurgery. The questionnaireswere performedpreoperatively;on the fifthpostoperativeday; and at 1, 3, 6, and 12 monthsafter surgery. Thesecond aimwas to studytheefficacy and feasibility of the opioid adjuvantspropacetamol and ketamine in acutepaintherapy after cardiac surgery. We alsoexploredwhether remifentanilinfusion duringcoronaryartery bypass grafting(CABG) surgerywill increase pain and opioidrequirementspostoperatively.
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