While his dogfather was trying to get some sleep (not that Harry was a dịch - While his dogfather was trying to get some sleep (not that Harry was a Việt làm thế nào để nói

While his dogfather was trying to g

While his dogfather was trying to get some sleep (not that Harry was aware of the man's existence), Harry Potter looked over the list he wrote out. No matter how he looked at it, there were just too many holes he couldn't fill on his own, which meant that he needed help with research. The twins, though probably the choice he would have preferred, were still living in one house with Molly Weasley as far as he knew and that woman was nowhere near being on his trust list. Thus Harry considered his other friends. All of them were purebloods like him and unlike him lived with their families. Thus, Harry figured, they would have access to more books that wouldn't normally be sold in Diagon Alley. He only needed to decide who to trust with his secret. First his thoughts turned to Pansy, but the girl could be such a gossip that Harry didn't want to risk telling her. Neville, the Potter heir thought, was definitely trustworthy, but his Gran sounded too domineering and he doubted Neville would be able to keep this a secret from her and since he knew close to nothing about the woman, he decided against telling Neville, at least not yet. That left him with Draco and the new girl he met, Luna. She did seem like a nice person, if a bit of an airhead, but he knew was in no way close to her and so couldn't bring himself to trust her.

'Well, I guess that leaves Draco…' – mused the boy – 'I guess I'll tell him first. Of course Snape and Pomfrey are an option as well, but still, I want at least one of my friends to be the first person to find out.'

To stay that Draco Malfoy was surprised to receive a letter from Harry was like saying that the sun shone as bright as the moon. Of course that surprise was nothing compared to the shock he received when he read the letter.

"NO FREAKING WAY!" – exclaimed the blond boy and reread the missive… just to be sure he understood correctly.

[Dear Draco,

I hope your summer is going nicely. I myself am rather busy this summer because of something that was triggered by the events at the end of school year. As it is rather difficult to explain properly, I'll begin with the Weasley situation. You already know about Ron, but I recently found out that he was not the only victim. I know for sure that something is very wrong with Ginny as well, though I haven't gotten in touch with the twins yet, so I don't know about the rest the rest of them. I'll get back to you about that later as well.

Okay, you've probably already realized that I'm stalling. And indeed I am. I have no idea how to say this properly, so I'll be blunt. While in the chamber of Secrets, I've acquired a new familiar, though I won't say what creature it is just yet. Our bonding created a magical wave that triggered my creature inheritance to come early. And this is where I need your help. You see, I have become a 'Ryu-youkai'. If that means anything to you then you're in a better position than I am. I've managed to acquire several books that mention them, but only in comparison to other creatures. And then there was a muggle book that had a section about Ryu-youkai related legends, Obviously that is nowhere near enough information, but I've exhausted my resources. I have no idea where to look next. This is something that only Pomfrey and Snape are aware of and I'm not ready for others to know just yet, so I hope you'll keep this knowledge to yourself at least until September.

That being said I really hope you can help me with info gathering. Write soon,

H. J. P.]

'He really doesn't do anything half-way, does he?' – chuckled Draco nervously as he burnt the letter so it wouldn't fall into his father's hands. The boy didn't want to hide this from his father, but Harry was his friend and the blond did not want to betray Harry's trust – 'Well, at least finding info won't be too difficult, especially since he said Uncle Sev already knows. I can just ask him to owl Harry the books he has.'

He asked a house elf about his father's whereabouts and was rather pleased to hear that Lord Malfoy already left for the Ministry.

'Well, that makes things easier than I expected. I suppose I'll just fire-call uncle Sev now and be done with it.' – decided the boy and went to have a chat with his godfather.

Ever since he made the Potion for Potter, Severus knew the boy would try to find out more about his creature. He supposed the decent thing to do would be volunteering the information, but he was a Slytherin for a reason and it wasn't like he actually liked the Potter spawn. During the school year Severus was forced to admit that the brat was rather intelligent no matter how much he looked like a clone of James (though if he was honest with himself the glasses had been a large part of the likeness and once the boy stopped wearing them Severus noticed various small differences from his school-time enemy).

So he was not overly surprised when he received a letter from Draco. Of course it was much earlier than he anticipated, but, he reckoned, Potter only got lucky because he thought to contact Draco first. Now that he was actually asked for information, Snape found himself to be rather hesitant. Of course he swore to protect Lily's child and this information was important for any dragon demon to have.

'Merlin, why did this happen again?' – he sighed – 'Why couldn't he have been something more common, like a vela, or even a vampire? Oh, well… no use complaining now. I guess I'll just send the brats some of the books and have a talk with him at some point… he can't be left on his own or it could cause trouble, especially considering the Weasley mess… Speaking of which, I really should catch up with Minerva and see if any of the kids she was watching had been harmed…'

Arthur Weasley was currently very far from being the happiest person on the globe. Actually he was pretty far from just being happy. He had to really force himself to believe everything he has been told. That only the three that were not biologically his had been harmed was weird. Of course Arthur knew that if his children inherited his creature they would be impossible to rape, but that left another question – how did his wife find out about the creature? Obviously it was not a 100% certainty that she did, however, all things considered, Arthur was glad he stopped taking the inhibition potion.

Having sent his sons to spend some time with their grandfather, Arthur poured himself a shot of fire-whiskey and settled in front of the fireplace to wait for Molly who had been visiting her parents' grave that day. Finally the flames turned green and the plump red-haired harpy that was his wife stepped through.

"Hello, Molly." – said the man staring at her coldly. This was very different from the always mild tempered wizard Molly was used to. Of course she could recall him having a similar disposition before, when they were in Hogwarts, but he never showed this side of him since the wedding. So seeing him like that made alert bells jingle in Molly's mind, not that she paid them any attention, she was too confident in her plan.

"Arthur, dear, you waited for me." – she exclaimed and went to hug her husband, not noticing how rigid he became when she did so – "That's so sweet of you!"

And then it happened. Arthur roughly pushed her away and snarled, his eyes glaring holes through her:

"There is nothing sweet about this, or the conversation that is long overdue." – the voice was so cold and stoic that Mrs. Weasley flinched.

"W-what conversation?" – she stuttered – "Arthur, what's going on with you?"

The man chuckled bitterly and narrowed his blue eyes:

"Really we have lots to discuss as you very well know… where do I begin? How about this one: when were you going to confess that you've been cheating on me? Or maybe you'd like to discuss the fact that not all of our children are mine by blood? No? Not that one either? Oh, maybe you'd like to talk about how Dumbledore raped your son and you got money from Harry Potter's vault? So? Which problem are we going to discuss first?"

By the end of the speech Molly was as white as a ghost, while Arthur was dangerously calm. The only thing that betrayed his fury were his eyes – they turned purple and were practically glowing with power. Now scared out of her mind, Moly turned on her heels and made a dash for the fireplace.

'Must get to Dumbledore.' – was the only thing on her mind. Unfortunately for the plump woman, her husband was much stronger and faster. Of course he was nowhere near his real strength and speed, not after taking an inhibiting potion for a decade, still it was more than enough to restrain his wife. He grabbed her around the wrist and practically threw her in the opposite direction, not caring if he hurt her. That was not really true, but at that moment his creature was out and it wanted revenge.

While Arthur was having it out with his wife, Harry received one of the biggest shocks of his life (not counting the inheritance of course). His letter to Draco bore fruits much sooner than expected and answers came from a very unexpected source – Severus Snape. Potter pinched himself and went over the letter again. No matter how many times he read it though, it still remained the same.

[Dear Mr. Potter,

I am sending you these books on behalf on my godson, Draco Malfoy. In his letter to me he asked me for information since you told him I was already aware. As it happens I am in possession of a few volumes that will interest you greatly. They have been passed to me through my maternal grandmother, who like you was a Ryu-youkai. I have never needed them myself, since I did not inherit the creature, but I'm sure you will find the information in them useful.

Should you have any questions feel free to owl me.

Prof. S. Snape.]

'Straight forward and to the point… very Snape-ish.' – Harry chuckled mentally and took out the books. There were four of them and all were very useful – 'I guess I'll forgive
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Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
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Trong khi dogfather của ông đã cố gắng để có được một số giấc ngủ (không rằng Harry đã nhận thức được sự tồn tại của con người), Harry Potter nhìn qua danh sách ông viết ra. Không có vấn đề như thế nào, ông nhìn vào nó, đã có chỉ cần quá nhiều lỗ ông không thể lấp đầy trên riêng của mình, điều này có nghĩa rằng ông cần giúp đỡ với nghiên cứu. Các em sinh đôi, mặc dù có lẽ sự lựa chọn ông đã có thể ưa thích, đã vẫn còn sống trong một ngôi nhà với Molly Weasley xa như ông biết và người phụ nữ đó là hư không ở gần đang trên danh sách sự tin tưởng của mình. Vì vậy Harry coi là bạn bè khác của mình. Tất cả chúng đã là purebloods như anh ta và không giống như ông sống với gia đình của họ. Vì vậy, Harry thấy rằng họ sẽ có quyền truy cập vào sách nhiều hơn bình thường sẽ không được bán tại Diagon hẻm. Ông chỉ cần phải quyết định những người tin tưởng với bí mật của mình. Lần đầu tiên suy nghĩ của mình quay sang Pansy, nhưng các cô gái có thể gossip rằng Harry không muốn có nguy cơ nói cho cô ấy. Neville, người thừa kế Potter nghĩ, là chắc chắn đáng tin cậy, nhưng Gran của ông nghe quá bạo và ông nghi ngờ Neville sẽ có thể giữ điều này bí mật từ cô ấy và kể từ khi ông biết gần gũi với không có gì về người phụ nữ, ông đã quyết định nói cho Neville, ít không được nêu ra. Mà để lại cho anh với Draco và mới cô gái anh gặp, Luna. Cô đã có vẻ giống như một người đẹp, nếu một chút của một bã, nhưng ông biết là tại không có cách nào gần với cô ấy và vì vậy không thể mang lại cho mình để tin tưởng của cô.'Vâng, tôi đoán rằng lá Draco...'-hỏi cậu bé-' tôi đoán tôi sẽ nói cho anh ta lần đầu tiên. Tất nhiên Snape và Quirrell là một lựa chọn là tốt, nhưng vẫn còn, tôi muốn ít nhất một số bạn bè của tôi là người đầu tiên để tìm hiểu.'Ở Draco Malfoy đã ngạc nhiên để nhận được một lá thư từ Harry là giống như nói rằng mặt trời chiếu sáng như mặt trăng. Dĩ bất ngờ đó là không có gì so với những cú sốc ông nhận được khi ông đọc những lá thư."Không có FREAKING cách!"-kêu lên cậu bé vàng và đọc lại bức... chỉ để đảm bảo rằng ông hiểu một cách chính xác.[Thân mến Draco,Tôi hy vọng mùa hè của bạn đi độc đáo. Bản thân tôi đang khá bận rộn mùa hè này vì một cái gì đó đã được kích hoạt bởi các sự kiện cuối năm học. Vì nó là khá khó khăn để giải thích đúng, tôi sẽ bắt đầu với tình hình Weasley. Bạn đã biết về Ron, nhưng tôi mới phát hiện ra rằng ông đã không các nạn nhân duy nhất. Tôi biết chắc chắn rằng một cái gì đó là rất sai với Ginny là tốt, mặc dù tôi đã không nhận được liên lạc với các em sinh đôi được, vì vậy tôi không biết về phần còn lại phần còn lại của họ. Tôi sẽ lấy lại cho bạn về điều đó sau này là tốt.Chấp nhận được, bạn đã có thể đã nhận ra rằng tôi đang trì hoãn. Và thực sự tôi. Tôi không có ý tưởng làm thế nào để nói điều này đúng cách, vì vậy tôi sẽ được cùn. Trong khi ở phòng chứa bí mật, tôi đã mua lại một mới quen thuộc, mặc dù tôi sẽ không nói rằng sinh vật đó là chỉ được nêu ra. Liên kết của chúng tôi tạo ra một làn sóng huyền diệu đã kích hoạt của tôi thừa kế sinh vật đến sớm. Và đây là nơi mà tôi cần giúp đỡ của bạn. Bạn thấy, tôi đã trở thành một 'Ryu-youkai'. Nếu đó có nghĩa là bất cứ điều gì cho bạn sau đó bạn đang ở một vị trí tốt hơn hơn tôi. Tôi đã quản lý để có được một số cuốn sách đề cập đến họ, nhưng chỉ so với các sinh vật khác. Và sau đó đã có một muggle cuốn sách mà đã có một phần về Ryu-youkai liên quan đến truyền thuyết, rõ ràng đó là hư không ở gần đủ thông tin, nhưng tôi đã kiệt sức của tôi tài nguyên. Tôi không có ý tưởng nơi để xem xét tiếp theo. Đây là một cái gì đó mà chỉ Quirrell và Snape được nhận thức được và tôi không sẵn sàng cho những người khác để biết chỉ được nêu ra, vì vậy tôi hy vọng bạn sẽ giữ kiến thức này cho mình ít cho đến tháng chín.Người nói tôi thực sự hy vọng bạn có thể giúp tôi với thông tin thu thập. Viết ngay sau đó, H. J. P.]'Ông thực sự không làm bất cứ điều gì tới nửa, không ông?'-chuckled Draco nervously như ông cháy thư vì vậy nó sẽ không rơi vào tay của cha mình. Thằng bé không muốn để ẩn điều này từ cha mình, nhưng Harry là người bạn của ông và tóc vàng không muốn phản bội niềm tin của Harry-', ít việc tìm kiếm thông tin sẽ không được quá khó khăn, đặc biệt là kể từ khi ông nói chú Sev đã biết. Tôi có thể chỉ cần hỏi anh ta để owl Harry những cuốn sách ông đã.'Ông yêu cầu một gia tinh nhà về cha của whereabouts và đã được khá hài lòng khi biết rằng Chúa Malfoy đã để lại cho bộ.' Vâng, đó làm cho mọi thứ dễ dàng hơn hơn tôi mong đợi. Tôi cho rằng tôi sẽ chỉ cần lửa gọi chú Sev bây giờ và được thực hiện với nó '-quyết định cậu bé và đã đi đến có một trò chuyện với bố đỡ đầu.…Kể từ khi ông thực hiện pháp dược cho Potter, Severus biết cậu bé sẽ cố gắng để tìm hiểu thêm về sinh vật của mình. Ông yêu cầu điều Phong Nha để làm sẽ hoạt động tình nguyện thông tin, nhưng ông đã là một Slytherin cho một lý do và nó không giống như ông thực sự thích đẻ trứng Potter. Trong năm học Severus đã buộc phải thừa nhận rằng brat là khá thông minh không có vấn đề làm thế nào nhiều ông trông giống như một bản sao của James (mặc dù nếu ông là trung thực với chính mình kính đã là một phần lớn của chân dung và một cậu bé dừng lại mặc chúng Severus nhận thấy sự khác biệt nhỏ khác nhau từ kẻ thù thời gian học của mình).Vì vậy ông đã không quá ngạc nhiên khi ông nhận được một lá thư từ Draco. Tất nhiên, nó đã nhiều trước đó hơn ông dự đoán, nhưng, ông reckoned, Potter chỉ may mắn vì anh nghĩ rằng để liên hệ với Draco lần đầu tiên. Bây giờ mà ông thực sự yêu cầu thông tin, Snape tìm thấy mình là khá do dự. Tất nhiên ông đã thề bảo vệ trẻ em của Lily và thông tin này là quan trọng cho bất kỳ con quỷ rồng có.'Merlin, why did this happen again?' – he sighed – 'Why couldn't he have been something more common, like a vela, or even a vampire? Oh, well… no use complaining now. I guess I'll just send the brats some of the books and have a talk with him at some point… he can't be left on his own or it could cause trouble, especially considering the Weasley mess… Speaking of which, I really should catch up with Minerva and see if any of the kids she was watching had been harmed…'Arthur Weasley was currently very far from being the happiest person on the globe. Actually he was pretty far from just being happy. He had to really force himself to believe everything he has been told. That only the three that were not biologically his had been harmed was weird. Of course Arthur knew that if his children inherited his creature they would be impossible to rape, but that left another question – how did his wife find out about the creature? Obviously it was not a 100% certainty that she did, however, all things considered, Arthur was glad he stopped taking the inhibition potion.Having sent his sons to spend some time with their grandfather, Arthur poured himself a shot of fire-whiskey and settled in front of the fireplace to wait for Molly who had been visiting her parents' grave that day. Finally the flames turned green and the plump red-haired harpy that was his wife stepped through."Hello, Molly." – said the man staring at her coldly. This was very different from the always mild tempered wizard Molly was used to. Of course she could recall him having a similar disposition before, when they were in Hogwarts, but he never showed this side of him since the wedding. So seeing him like that made alert bells jingle in Molly's mind, not that she paid them any attention, she was too confident in her plan."Arthur, dear, you waited for me." – she exclaimed and went to hug her husband, not noticing how rigid he became when she did so – "That's so sweet of you!"And then it happened. Arthur roughly pushed her away and snarled, his eyes glaring holes through her:"There is nothing sweet about this, or the conversation that is long overdue." – the voice was so cold and stoic that Mrs. Weasley flinched."W-what conversation?" – she stuttered – "Arthur, what's going on with you?"The man chuckled bitterly and narrowed his blue eyes:"Really we have lots to discuss as you very well know… where do I begin? How about this one: when were you going to confess that you've been cheating on me? Or maybe you'd like to discuss the fact that not all of our children are mine by blood? No? Not that one either? Oh, maybe you'd like to talk about how Dumbledore raped your son and you got money from Harry Potter's vault? So? Which problem are we going to discuss first?"By the end of the speech Molly was as white as a ghost, while Arthur was dangerously calm. The only thing that betrayed his fury were his eyes – they turned purple and were practically glowing with power. Now scared out of her mind, Moly turned on her heels and made a dash for the fireplace.'Must get to Dumbledore.' – was the only thing on her mind. Unfortunately for the plump woman, her husband was much stronger and faster. Of course he was nowhere near his real strength and speed, not after taking an inhibiting potion for a decade, still it was more than enough to restrain his wife. He grabbed her around the wrist and practically threw her in the opposite direction, not caring if he hurt her. That was not really true, but at that moment his creature was out and it wanted revenge.While Arthur was having it out with his wife, Harry received one of the biggest shocks of his life (not counting the inheritance of course). His letter to Draco bore fruits much sooner than expected and answers came from a very unexpected source – Severus Snape. Potter pinched himself and went over the letter again. No matter how many times he read it though, it still remained the same.[Dear Mr. Potter,I am sending you these books on behalf on my godson, Draco Malfoy. In his letter to me he asked me for information since you told him I was already aware. As it happens I am in possession of a few volumes that will interest you greatly. They have been passed to me through my maternal grandmother, who like you was a Ryu-youkai. I have never needed them myself, since I did not inherit the creature, but I'm sure you will find the information in them useful.
Should you have any questions feel free to owl me.

Prof. S. Snape.]

'Straight forward and to the point… very Snape-ish.' – Harry chuckled mentally and took out the books. There were four of them and all were very useful – 'I guess I'll forgive
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