I am not satisfied that the nature of household the gives strong support for the existence of a<br>Genuine and continuing relationship between you and your sponsor.<br>As you and your sponsor live in separate countries and have spent a limited period of time in the<br>Company of one another, I recognise the difficulty of demonstrating that the nature of your household<br>Is that of two people in a genuine relationship. Therefore, I give little weight to this factor in my<br>Consideration of this application.<br>III. The social aspects of the relationship<br>In assessing the social aspects of the relationship, I have considered your social interactions such as<br>The way you and your sponsor represent your relationship to others and the level of recognition of<br>Your relationship by friends and family.<br>You and your sponsor submitted evidence of travel together including boarding passes for a trip to<br>Thailand. You and your sponsor also submitted a selection of photos mostly of yourselves, some with<br>Friends and family. Most of the photos seems to have been taken on two days, the 25 April 2018 and<br>The 18 April 2018, according to the date stamp on some of the photos.<br>During The interview you were asked whether photographs had been taken during some significant<br>Occasions such as when the sponsor attended your birthday party on the 18 April 2018 and met your<br>Friends, when the sponsor stayed at your house during his trips to Vietnam and when the sponsor<br>Introduced you to his parents. You responded that you did not take any photographs on these<br>Occasions, which seems implausible to me. Given the significance of some of these occasions, it<br>would seem reasonable to expect that some photographs would have been taken to commemorate<br>These occasions. I give the absence of photographs of you and your sponsor socialising with friends,<br>Staying at your house with your family and you meeting the Sponsor's family significant weight.
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