"Come here."It was a command and Ak

"Come here."

It was a command and Akihito fumbled with removing his shoes before threadbare feet touched the softest rug he'd ever felt in his life. With trepidation he found his way to the man, standing before him and trying his best to keep his composure.

What would this man do to him? What did he want with him?

Akihito gasped and jumped, startled, when the man leaned towards him, putting down the liquor before grabbing his hips with both hands, running them up and down,over hips and waist and legs before he pulled back and sipped his drink again with an unreadable expression still on his face.

"Go to the bathroom, there's an enema and clothes. Use it, shower thoroughly and then get back here."

Frozen like a block of ice in the coldest winter, Akihito forced himself to obey the man's command, moving as fast as his shaky legs could take him towards...he paused, swallowed, then asked thickly, "Um...where's the bathroom?"

"Last door on the right down the hall," was the response and Akihito bolted for it, locked the door with the lock and leaned against the polished wood, clutching his chest while trying to quell his racing heart. The bathroom alone was triple the size of his own bedroom with glass sliding doors for the stall and a huge ass porcelain tub in one corner. There was a vanity with the only clothes in the room and a face basin where the enema supplies laid inconspicuously.

It took him almost an hour to get through the entire process and another hour to shakily unlock the door. This man had time, he knew, and when he stepped back out into the living room, he was met with an empty space and a suffocating atmosphere. He stood there for many minutes, unwilling to move when the man, Asami, half dressed and showing off the breadth of his chest, broad shoulders and corded muscles, walked from behind a door and looked at him expectantly. He startled when the man spoke.

"You've kept me waiting a long time, come here."

Through the fear and the never ending emotions it took most of Akihito's will for him to utter the words that left his lips in answer. "No."

The man was obviously taken aback, golden eyes arching up before they narrowed, slitted and predatory like a cat's. Akihito wanted to back away when barefooted, the man seemed to glide across the floor to stand before him, looking down on him with a eyes so intense he wished for a moment he'd put more effort into trying to stay away. Maybe he would have succeeded.

"On my own turf, in my own house you dare to defy me?"

Akihito squared his shoulders, sort of, and decided he would not bow nor cower to this man -as much as possible- no matter what. "I'm not a thing owned, don't treat me as such."

The man stared, then chuckled before letting out a small laugh. Akihito watched his face, the corner of his lips curved sexily and the crinkle at the corner of his eyes while his face slackened in his amusement. Except, this wasn't funny to him. Asami looked back at him in mirth, taking shallow steps to circle him slowly while he spoke.

"One million yen for six months...you sound owned to me."

Akihito shivered when one broad hand rested on a shoulder softly, then the other one followed suit. His heart wanted to beat out of his ribcage when Asami's warm breath ghosted over his left ear when the man whispered, "And a lot of things that I own get fucked, one way or another."

Akihito yelped when the man's fingertips started digging painfully into his shoulders, then he was shoved forward, right through the threshold into the master bedroom. A rush of air left his lungs when he was flung on the bed, bed he was young and agile enough to back flip onto on his hands and knees, locking eyes with the man whom he now realized was growing harder by the second. Was this man enjoying toying with him so much? "I won't sit still while you do what you want with me."

Asami moved like a panther, graceful and stealthy and Akihito watched him with a critical eye, trying to read the man but failing, even if he knew subconsciously what Asami wanted from him. He figured it out from the enema. He crawled back when the man approached the bed, watching as the muscles in his chest and arms flexed when he clenched his fists in anticipation. He was a lot intimidated but tried his hardest not to let it show.

Asami had one foot on the bed and Akihito had one off, getting ready to bolt.

"How far can you run?" Asami asked, a dutiful smirk planted firmly on his lips, like he was enjoying this way too much...a kid getting presents on holidays.

Akihito frowned. "You'll find out."

"God, you get me hot. Don't give in, I like you this way."

Faster than a panther Asami moved, made a grab at him but Akihito managed to back off just in time to narrowly miss getting caught. It was so close he could feel the air displacement from Asami's grabby hand on his skin before he pulled back and turned to run. With heart hammering in his chest, he was half way around the bed foot when a hand grabbed him, spun him around and then used the momentum to shove him on the soft mattress, flat on his back while the man sat on him, straddling his waist and pinning his hands over his head. They locked eyes and Akihito could see the desire in Asami's even if his was filled with fear. He thrashed, tried to throw Asami off but his much younger body was no match for such a larger man's and Asami only watched him keenly until he collapsed from exertion, not having the energy to move even if he wanted to.

"Get off me."

"I don't think you understand how hard being yourself has made me, Takaba."

"I don't want to," Akihito begged, even while the man's fingers trailed softly down his exposed arms, body scooting back until Asami could lean over and kiss him on the lips; a chaste sort of touch until he was forcing himself inside and plundering his mouth, causing him to crane his head back so Asami could get a better angle.

Akihito couldn't stop the kiss and the hands he brought up to push the man off only held on to him tightly. He could feel Asami's hard-on resting heavily on his leg and the man wrapped both hands around his back before rolling them over so their position was reversed.

Akihito sat hunched over with his hands on Asami's chest to hold him up while he straddled the man. With the new position he looked down at Asami, who was now holding him firmly around the waist, looking up into his eyes.

"Why do you want to do this to me?" Akihito asked breathless, feeling the man rubbing softly against him.

"Breaking many bones in your father's body wouldn't teach him anything. You're his weakness..."

Akihito made a disappointed noise of understanding. He's a mean to an end. Asami's hands came up and settled on his waist, around his abdomen and he didn't try to run or fight it this time. Hopefully his sacrifice would be worth it and his father can finally do what he should have a long time ago and stop his addiction; move on, start over fresh. He shivered when one of Asami's hands flitted down to the waist of his shorts before fingers caressed the sensitive skin of his upper pelvis.

"Anybody else ever touch you before?
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Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
"Lại đây."Nó là một lệnh và Akihito fumbled với loại bỏ giày của mình trước khi threadbare chân chạm vào tấm thảm mềm nhất, ông đã bao giờ cảm thấy trong cuộc sống của mình. Với sự rung chuyển ông đã tìm thấy con đường của mình để những người đàn ông, đứng trước khi Ngài và cố gắng tốt nhất của mình để giữ giư bình tỉnh của ông.Người đàn ông này sẽ làm gì với anh ta? Ông muốn gì với anh ta?Akihito gasped và nhảy, giật mình, khi người đàn ông cúi về phía Anh ta, đặt xuống rượu trước khi grabbing hông của mình với cả hai tay, chạy chúng lên và xuống, trên hông và thắt lưng và chân trước khi ông kéo và sipped đồ uống của mình một lần nữa với một biểu hiện không thể đọc được vẫn còn nằm trên khuôn mặt của mình."Đi vào phòng tắm, có là một thuốc xổ và quần áo. Sử dụng nó, vòi hoa sen kỹ lưỡng và sau đó quay lại đây."Đông lạnh như một khối băng trong mùa đông lạnh nhất, Akihito buộc mình phải tuân theo lệnh của người đàn ông, di chuyển nhanh như run rẩy chân có thể đưa anh ta về phía... ông bị tạm dừng, nuốt, sau đó yêu cầu quả, "Um... Phòng tắm ở đâu?""Qua cửa bên phải xuống hội trường," là các phản ứng và Akihito bolted cho nó, khóa cửa với khóa và cúi chống lại đánh bóng gỗ, ôm ngực của mình trong khi cố gắng để dập tắt trái tim đua xe của mình. Phòng tắm một mình gấp ba lần kích thước của phòng ngủ riêng của mình với cửa kính trượt cho các gian hàng và tắm lớn ass sứ ở một góc. Có bàn trang điểm với những bộ quần áo duy nhất tại phòng và một lưu vực mặt nơi thuốc xổ nguồn cung cấp đặt mà không nhìn thấy.It took him almost an hour to get through the entire process and another hour to shakily unlock the door. This man had time, he knew, and when he stepped back out into the living room, he was met with an empty space and a suffocating atmosphere. He stood there for many minutes, unwilling to move when the man, Asami, half dressed and showing off the breadth of his chest, broad shoulders and corded muscles, walked from behind a door and looked at him expectantly. He startled when the man spoke."You've kept me waiting a long time, come here."Through the fear and the never ending emotions it took most of Akihito's will for him to utter the words that left his lips in answer. "No."The man was obviously taken aback, golden eyes arching up before they narrowed, slitted and predatory like a cat's. Akihito wanted to back away when barefooted, the man seemed to glide across the floor to stand before him, looking down on him with a eyes so intense he wished for a moment he'd put more effort into trying to stay away. Maybe he would have succeeded."On my own turf, in my own house you dare to defy me?"Akihito squared his shoulders, sort of, and decided he would not bow nor cower to this man -as much as possible- no matter what. "I'm not a thing owned, don't treat me as such."Người đàn ông stared, sau đó chuckled trước khi cho phép ra một cười nhỏ. Akihito theo dõi khuôn mặt của mình, góc của đôi môi của mình cong sexily và crinkle ở góc của đôi mắt của mình trong khi khuôn mặt của mình đạt trong công viên giải trí của mình. Ngoại trừ, đây không phải là buồn cười với anh ta. Asami xem xét lại tại Anh ta ở mirth, tiến hành các bước nông để vòng tròn anh ta từ từ trong khi ông nói."Một triệu yên trong sáu tháng... bạn âm thanh sở hữu với tôi."Akihito shivered khi nghỉ ngơi một tay rộng vào vai một nhẹ nhàng, sau đó một khác tiếp theo phù hợp. Trái tim của mình muốn để đánh bại ra khỏi ribcage của ông khi hơi thở ấm áp của Asami ghosted trong tai trái của mình khi người đàn ông thì thầm, "và rất nhiều điều mà tôi sở hữu có được fucked, một trong những cách này hay cách khác."Akihito yelped khi trong tầm tay của người đàn ông bắt đầu đào bới đau đớn vào vai của mình, sau đó ông đã xô đẩy về phía trước, phải thông qua ngưỡng vào các phòng ngủ. Một cơn sốt của trái máy phổi của ông khi ông bao la trên giường, giường ông còn trẻ và nhanh nhẹn, đủ để trở lại lật lên trên bàn tay và đầu gối, khóa mắt với người đàn ông mà ông bây giờ nhận ra phát triển khó khăn hơn do thứ hai của mình. Người đàn ông này đã thưởng thức đùa giỡn với anh ta rất nhiều? "Tôi sẽ không ngồi vẫn còn trong khi bạn làm những gì bạn muốn với tôi."Asami di chuyển giống như một con beo, duyên dáng và tàng hình và Akihito đã xem anh ta với một con mắt quan trọng, cố gắng để đọc người đàn ông nhưng thất bại, ngay cả khi ông biết tiềm thức những gì Asami muốn từ anh ta. Ông đã tìm nó ra từ thuốc xổ. Ông thu thập dữ liệu trở lại khi người đàn ông tiếp cận giường, xem như là các cơ bắp trong ngực và cánh tay flexed khi ông clenched nắm tay của mình với dự đoán của mình. Ông được rất nhiều đe dọa nhưng đã cố gắng của mình khó khăn nhất không phải để cho nó hiển thị.Asami đã có một chân trên giường và Akihito đã có một ra, nhận được sẵn sàng để bolt."Làm thế nào đến nay bạn có thể chạy?" Asami hỏi, nhếch mép hiếu thảo trồng vững chắc trên đôi môi của mình, như ông đã thưởng thức này cách quá nhiều... một bé nhận được món quà vào các ngày lễ.Akihito cau mày. "Bạn sẽ tìm ra.""Chúa, bạn nhận được tôi nóng. Không cung cấp cho trong, tôi thích bạn theo cách này."Faster than a panther Asami moved, made a grab at him but Akihito managed to back off just in time to narrowly miss getting caught. It was so close he could feel the air displacement from Asami's grabby hand on his skin before he pulled back and turned to run. With heart hammering in his chest, he was half way around the bed foot when a hand grabbed him, spun him around and then used the momentum to shove him on the soft mattress, flat on his back while the man sat on him, straddling his waist and pinning his hands over his head. They locked eyes and Akihito could see the desire in Asami's even if his was filled with fear. He thrashed, tried to throw Asami off but his much younger body was no match for such a larger man's and Asami only watched him keenly until he collapsed from exertion, not having the energy to move even if he wanted to."Get off me.""I don't think you understand how hard being yourself has made me, Takaba.""I don't want to," Akihito begged, even while the man's fingers trailed softly down his exposed arms, body scooting back until Asami could lean over and kiss him on the lips; a chaste sort of touch until he was forcing himself inside and plundering his mouth, causing him to crane his head back so Asami could get a better angle.Akihito couldn't stop the kiss and the hands he brought up to push the man off only held on to him tightly. He could feel Asami's hard-on resting heavily on his leg and the man wrapped both hands around his back before rolling them over so their position was reversed.Akihito sat hunched over with his hands on Asami's chest to hold him up while he straddled the man. With the new position he looked down at Asami, who was now holding him firmly around the waist, looking up into his eyes."Why do you want to do this to me?" Akihito asked breathless, feeling the man rubbing softly against him."Breaking many bones in your father's body wouldn't teach him anything. You're his weakness..."Akihito made a disappointed noise of understanding. He's a mean to an end. Asami's hands came up and settled on his waist, around his abdomen and he didn't try to run or fight it this time. Hopefully his sacrifice would be worth it and his father can finally do what he should have a long time ago and stop his addiction; move on, start over fresh. He shivered when one of Asami's hands flitted down to the waist of his shorts before fingers caressed the sensitive skin of his upper pelvis."Anybody else ever touch you before?
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