Translated and edited by AsianOtakuGuy and JzarHaving gone back to the underground dungeon of Jigolaths, Weed spent his time carving sculptures. Weed knew he would need more than just his army of undead to defeat the tough enemies he currently had to overcome.“I have to use the sculptures. Using the power and strength of sculptures, I think I see a way to escape this situation.”Since learning Nature Sculpting, all of his raw materials looked different to his eye. On the surface of the material and within the core, the material was alive with vibrant and pulsating mana. The look and texture of the mana also had a lot of variety to it. The difficulty of sculpting climbed dramatically with the need to create a sculpture without damaging these dancing forms of mana contained throughout the material.The act of striking, beating or cutting the ore with a tool can damage ore, even though it’s very hard. When the ore was hit or struck the resulting shock wave traveled all the way to the core.“Smoothly and accurately.”*Ting!*==================================Sculpture Completed !Does not effect of the artistic value of the sculpture,durability has risen significantly.-For the contribution to the arts notoriety decreases by 2.==================================Another advantage for the sculptor class!By creating a sculpture, your fame goes up while notoriety falls. Weed laughed satisfactorily.“Yep, a sculptor shows his true spirit through his sculptures.”Weed spoke to himself while hard at work mass producing sculptures. Since his fame was so high doing quests with high difficulty can drop his notoriety easily. Notoriety also drops by creating sculptures.“I can even commit some crimes later if I have to since I can just lower it again.”Rather than turning over a new leaf, for Weed, this was like a golden ticket to continue engaging freely in even more rotten behavior.“To drop notoriety even faster, I’ll make sculptures of angels and little children. Maybe Daycram made his mithril angel sculpture to lower his notoriety after committing a crime too.”Weed, who was almost as good as a master sculptor, began working!*Sparkle Twinkle Sparkle*Pure and innocent, many young children with bright beaming smiles were carved.Weed’s hard working persona was operating at full speed, he had already created over a hundred innocently smiling little girls.“Good bye notoriety stat!”*****When Seo Yoon was not online, Yellowy, Golden Bird and Silver Bird spent their time watching the sculptures being made.Since they were sculptural life forms they gained small amounts of EXP just by watching the process of a sculpture being made.Golden Bird, Silver Bird and Yellowy were quietly talking amongst themselves.Golden Bird; “Owner’s been sculpting for quite a while now. I haven’t seen Owner with such a happy expression except when he’s beating me and when a good item drops.”
Silver Bird; “I admit I was reluctant about Owner since I thought he was just a foul smelling Lich, but it seems his sculpting skills are pretty good. The most important thing about a sculptor are their sculpting skills.”
Yellowy; “Not only does Owner have good sculpting skills, Owner has a good personality.”
Golden Bird; “Yellowy, does Owner really have a nice personality? Do you think that the day will come where we will think of him as a nice person too?”
Yellowy; “So far my life is; being beaten, being threatened to be eaten, and being ridden into battle against scary monsters, but Owner told me that I’m lucky to have a such good master like him.”
Golden Bird; “Umm… Yellowy, I don’t think he’s being truthful.”
As the sculptures of life were conversing about their unfortunate lives, the little girl sculptures looked at Yellowy and suddenly licked their lips. It happened so quickly that no one could have seen it, but it was unmistakable, it had really happened.
Growing by itself, Weed’s Power of the Dead stat had started to affect his sculptures. Weed usually didn’t give much attention to the many sculptures he made. Only when the sculptures turned out decent did he briefly inspect them.
“Identify Sculpture.”
A Sculpture of a Young Child Smiling Delightedly
A sculpture of a young girl smiling so innocently that it would be impossible to view her as a troublemaker.
Created by the famous Sculptor and Adventurer Weed. While it has no special abilities, it would make a fine gift.
Artistic Value: 6
Option : Charm +2
It was hard to see the changes, they were so small and quick that if you blinked you would miss it. As the pure and innocent sculpture transformed itself, its expression and description completely changed.
A Statue of a Young Child Saturated with Fiendishness.
A statue of a creepily laughing little girl.
Made by the hands of one who is reported to be endlessly corrupt, the sculptor Weed. Whoever owns this sculpture will have continuous bad luck.
Evil : +15
Options : Escaped Convicts, Wanted Criminals, Smugglers, etc, these classes will receive an increase to all stats +2
Good Luck -10
Dangerous disasters that are normally unlikely will have a higher chance of occurring.
After completing the sculpture, the notorious murderer state showing Weed’s name in red above his forehead completely disappeared.
“Great. Finally.”
The notoriety wasn’t completely gone, but the murderer state was removed. There are many awkward things about being in the murder state. Morata, speaking frankly, was not too strict about security.
Unlike Morata, other cities have castles and religious buildings whose guards will deny entry to those in the murder state. Of course, it’s obvious, that you couldn’t meet with Kings or Nobles.
No matter how high your fame is, if you couldn’t be trusted, you wouldn’t receive requests easily.
“Now to expand the range of the sculptures.”
As part of his plan for getting away from Jigolaths he needed to be rid of the murder state. His preparations were just about complete.
“I’ve sent out a ton of floating glass bottles but I’ve no idea how many of them arrived.”
Seo Yoon and Yellowy were coping well having to endure hiding in a small space. Seo Yoon watched the sculptures being made, Yellowy could bear it if he could just somehow survive all this.
A furious and determined desire to survive!
Hiding deep inside the dungeon, sparingly eating provisions while making sculptures, their current appearance looked no different than refugees. Weed made sculptures while occasionally also making time to utilize his tailoring skills to make preparations
“For clothes, twenty should be enough. Even if I use lower quality fabric the clothes will… no. There’s no need to use the poor quality fabric and leather for these clothes. I can always sell them later to recover the cost. However, since it will be difficult to make the clothes that I will wear exactly the same, making them look close will be important.”
Weed was making articles of clothing and aristocratic outfits from the Niflheim Empire era, he had learned the style while in Morata, mainly to increase his sewing skills. Based on the era clothing of the Niflheim nobility, slowly only a bit at a time, these clothes were ready to conquer the pirates.
“I don’t know why Pirates bother dressing so well, Pirates should just be Pirates and wear cheap rag tag clothes.”
Weed’s sewing skills, already high, reached new levels while making these outfits making its final look a bit excessive. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to look a bit refined.
Money, skills, and levels, such things will never betray you in life.
Between sculpting and sewing to continue lowering his notoriety, Weed used his crow form to make daily trips to the sea. On the day when there was only a little notoriety left, the distant horizon of the sea was filled with phantom ships.
“They’re here. Now I can really get started.”
When it comes to text messaging, glass bottles had Weed’s undivided and absolute faith. However, since a phantom ships duty was to idly wander at sea they had no reason not to come.
Even if the ghost ships hadn’t come, Weed would have just proceeded with his much more difficult backup plan, but since the ships had been seen as soon as they arrived, the plan became a lot easier.
Of course this plan did not include having phantom ships enter the Unfreezing River, that was only asking for problems.
Although the number of ships isn’t exactly known, having a large number of phantom ships enter a narrow river is not a recipe for a success. They would just be eaten on one side by the Haven Kingdoms 2nd fleet or on the other side by the Pirate fleet. You truly don’t want to feed your enemy.
The day Weed escapes Jigolaths with Seo Yoon and the sculptures of life.
Weed along with Silver Bird and Golden Bird landed on top of the Sculptor’s Tower. Standing besides him as escorts were the coal covered Golden bird and Silver Bird.
“It can’t be right.”
They had come here to check out one last thing that Weed was suspicious about.
“There’s no way it’s possible.”
Even among Weeds adventures, the hardships that occurred in Jigolaths had been particularly severe.
When Weed had arrived he knew a normal approach wouldn’t work so he used his Lich and the Undead, along with every trick he knew… yet it hadn’t worked.
Weed had tried the Copper Plate of Rest, but it had fallen short of success. If Seo Yoon hadn’t made her timely appearance the quest might have failed. If it had failed, it would have failed in a very public way!
The combat difficulty of this sculptor quest was extremely high, Weed had then reasoned that perhaps he was supposed to, or needed to, make use of Emperor Von Arpen’s Sculptur
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