That morning she woke up early, perhaps to the fact that the night before she went to bed earlier than usual. He felt fresh and rested, ready to face another day. The problem of being too lively in the early morning, though, is that if you do everything, absolutely everything. Even the less pleasant things. He went into the bathroom adjacent to her room and Robin, who had their own bathroom. No one could put your feet up, just like the bedroom. In the eyes of others their spaces were sacred temples and impassable, and those who transgressed the rules would suffer the punishment of God. Aware of this, she and her partner moved secure in that environment untouched by the male gender and all that this entailed. He walked over to the sink, grabbed her toothbrush and the toothpaste. Only then did he notice that something was wrong. On the bristles of the toothbrush there were still traces of toothpaste dry, probably the day before. Which is rather unusual, since she kept us quite personal hygiene and wash carefully each object for the body which used. He never had left dirt. In addition, the bristles themselves were not perfectly aligned, as they should be in the brush of who is brushing his teeth gracefully like her, but every time someone took a different direction, a sign that had been rubbed against the teeth with little delicacy. C ' was one reason why his brush could be reduced in those conditions: someone had used it. As well as to make him sick, he literally sent her into a rage. Ai là rằng bó bẩn thỉu dễ có sự cho phép để vào phòng của mình, và hầu hết các quan trọng để sử dụng bàn chải đánh răng của mình?! Nhưng trên tất cả, như ông đã làm để có được nơi họ luôn luôn giữ cửa bị khóa?! Suy nghĩ và suy nghĩ, ông nhớ rằng một ngày trước đó đã có một sự thất bại trong một đường ống dẫn của Sunny. Có thể sửa chữa Franky đã đóng nó, và vì vậy tất cả đã bị buộc phải sử dụng tản đi vào phòng tắm chung với Bồn tắm. Kết quả là một bồn rửa chén chỉ xâm chiếm chín bàn chải đánh răng. Nó đã không là rằng mỗi người trong số họ đã có một với màu sắc riêng của mình, tất cả mọi người nào rửa với bàn chải của tất cả. Nhưng nếu nó đã, những người có thể đã nhầm lẫn? Họ biết rằng màu cam là cô ấy! Rằng ai đó đã làm cho cô ấy ra khỏi mặc dù? Nhưng anh ta nhớ có đưa ra bàn chải của mình mỗi khi, chỉ cần cho sợ những gì để lại các cọc bất cứ ai có thể chọn nó lên và sử dụng nó... Một flashback vượt qua tâm trí của mình, đưa ra câu trả lời cho câu hỏi của ông. Franky đã không hoàn thành sửa chữa apprestata khi cô đã phải đi ngủ, sau đó tại buổi tối ông đã sử dụng của bồn rửa phòng tắm chung. Trở lại trong phòng, cô nhận ra rằng ông đã quên một bàn chải đánh răng có. Quá mệt mỏi và buồn ngủ để trở lại và làm cho nó, ông quyết định lấy lại ngày hôm sau, thuyết phục bởi bây giờ tất cả họ đã rửa sạch răng của họ và do đó không sửa chữa nguy hiểm. Khi cô thức dậy sáng hôm đó, Robin đã nói với cô ấy đã phục hồi cho cô ấy và nó báo cáo trong phòng tắm của họ bây giờ sửa chữa. Là trường hợp, có là không có nghi ngờ rằng một cái gì đó đã xảy ra trong đêm. That thought gave her no peace. He wanted a name, and he wanted it at all costs. The culprit would pay dearly. He thought of a way to discover the author of the crime, and in the end he realized that there was only one, as it was disgusting: sniff the brush. Perhaps the smell of food stuck in the toothpaste could let her know who it was. Each had its quirks when it comes to food, and this could play in his favor. With no little reluctance, came to his nostrils the bristles, sniffing and eyes widening. Drinking and metal. The smells that he felt on his toothbrush were alcohol and metal . He knew that there was only one person who could constantly of those aromas: Zoro. He shook convulsively toothbrush in hand fist, gritting his teeth. That stupid swordsman was allowed to use his toothbrush to clean his dirty dentacci !!! Certainly he had done it on purpose to take revenge of debt that had laid! He strode towards the door, slamming the door nell'aprirla. There was still no one on the bridge, but the creaking of the iron tools came clearly to the ears of the gym. Like every day Zoro had gone there for his morning practices before breakfast. He climbed with agility on rope ladders, arriving quickly at the door of the gym. He slammed that, too, bursting inside. - So, you think that the way to get ?! You know I do not want to be disturbed when I train! - the shooting the swordsman, interrupting his weightlifting. - You ... - hissed, ignoring him and narrowing his eyes, while a vein throbbed on his temple - How dare you, filthy swordsman! !! - he waved under the nose brushing dirt and ruined. - What do you want?! - he frowned, not understanding - And to those who have given the filthy swordsman, bad witch?!?! - - To you! - he bellowed - Look what the hell have you done to my poor toothbrush !!! - - What are you babbling about, kind of berserk! I did not do anything to your toothbrush, why should I?! - - Oh no? You did nothing? - him even closer to the eyes - Then explain why my toothbrush is in these conditions, and especially because it smells of alcohol and metal !!! - At these words Zoro eyes widened slightly, taking the brush by hands and looking at him with attention, while she stood staring hysterical with his arms folded across his chest, waiting for an answer. - Look, you big wrong: this brush is not yours, but mine. That's because he knows the smell of alcohol-metal and said at last, sure of what he had said. That claim the open space: now also had the courage to say that the brush was her ?! Did he want to be beaten up ?! - What nonsense you're making now ?! That is my toothbrush was in my bathroom and my color !!! - pointed. - I do not know how it got in your bathroom, but I tell you that this is my spazzolino- continued persuaded to defend his theory. - Now shut up Zoro !!! Your toothbrush is green, I know! if you're not become blind eye even on the other you will see that this here is orange, so it can be yours! - spoke in one breath, now exasperated. - Ѐ true, my old toothbrush was green, but I It changed because now everything was ruined and I could not use it. So I bought a new one, orange- colored explained, trying to remain calm despite her accusations. He stopped to stare at him stunned, not believing what he had just heard. For someone else it was a minor detail, totally unnecessary, but she made the difference. It was not just a color, it was her color. - Why did not you bought back the green, because everyone has its own color to distinguish it from the others? - was the spontaneous demand, to satisfy his desire to know. The swordsman not She answers immediately, but his cheeks took on a purple coloration, unusual for its bronze skin. Certainly it was not the heat due to training to make it react well, at least not out of the blue. He scratched his head, a gesture that he did when he was embarrassed. She was not clear why that reaction, basically there was nothing embarrassing in toothbrushes. - Well ... There was green ... - sbiascicò finally. He raised an eyebrow, not at all convinced of that version. Zoro had many flaws least many advantages, but the worst was to not know how to lie. His lies are unmasking themselves, and that it was in effect. Why lie on the color of a toothbrush? It was then that a thought flashed like lightning, making it almost startled. The thought was unusual, but could give an explanation for the whole thing. It made strange even have him, let alone having to confirm! Yet, in a corner of his heart, so he hoped that was true. - If there was a green you could buy any other color that is not equal to that of someone else. Because its orange, because you knew it was mine? - tried to put him cornered. - What a nuisance! There was green and I took one at random without stopping to think about the color, is as big a problem?! - snorted, feeling under pressure. - You've got one chance, or did you get just that because you wanted it the same as mine? - smiled mischievously, knowing that if he continued to torture him sooner or later would have given in. - Do not be silly, why would I want a toothbrush like yours?! - lied again, and his face became more and more colorful and beaded with droplets of sweat. - Simple: because you can not resist me! - winked. - Do you realize the absurdity you say ?! I do not ... - - Okay, okay, I get it. If you like me so you can have a toothbrush equal to myocardial approached him waddling - But you will have to buy me a new one, since my sparito- seems - is not gone, I have it very likely. This morning I noticed that last night I had left it on the sink and I went to take it back. I found only one, so I assumed it was mine and I took it. Anyway, it is not true that I like you! - he denied it again. - Of course it's true! However if you used not want it anymore, if I find myself with your germs in the mouth prefer that we end up in another way ... - he made vague, referring to a kiss. - I have not used! - promptly replied, pretending I did not hear that part about the germs which had clearly grasped the meaning, and scratched his head once again. - So I'm going to riprendermelo- gave him away, away from him. He allowed himself a smile of triumph, but even happiness: his suspicions had been confirmed. The truth was exactly what he had hoped. He liked Zoro, as he had always liked her. The thought that before seemed so absurd had become the most natural thing in the world. Even if he had denied to the last, his eyes had spoken to him. She knew him better than anyone on that ship, he could read his every move and every look. Blushing, scratching his head and turning his gaze had wanted to say "yes, I like you." Maybe one day, when it was decided to put in your pocket pride, he would have said those words with his deep voice and masculine. Meanwhile it would be fun as hell teasing! - Oh, one last thing- turned his head to look - The next time you want something l
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