13700:04:42,311 --> 00:04:44,344not one protest.13800:04:44,346 --> 00 dịch - 13700:04:42,311 --> 00:04:44,344not one protest.13800:04:44,346 --> 00 Việt làm thế nào để nói

13700:04:42,311 --> 00:04:44,344not

00:04:42,311 --> 00:04:44,344
not one protest.

00:04:44,346 --> 00:04:46,012
Now we're one stray brick

00:04:46,014 --> 00:04:48,148
from being synonymous
with Michael Brown and Ferguson

00:04:48,150 --> 00:04:49,716
or Freddie Gray and Baltimore.

00:04:49,718 --> 00:04:52,152
So, yes, I understand
the nature of your request.

00:04:54,789 --> 00:04:56,656
An internal review
could take weeks.

00:04:56,658 --> 00:04:58,692
Looks like we're in
for a hell of a fight.

00:04:58,694 --> 00:05:00,360
Looks like.

00:05:00,362 --> 00:05:02,629
But since we're already
into a fight...

00:05:02,631 --> 00:05:05,065
might as well
throw the first punch.

00:05:05,067 --> 00:05:06,299
Yeah, Raven.

00:05:06,301 --> 00:05:07,968
Time to find out who
the officer is in that video.

00:05:07,970 --> 00:05:12,005
CROWD (chanting):
Justice knows no death!

00:05:12,007 --> 00:05:16,309
...and this was Derek
in high school.

00:05:16,311 --> 00:05:17,677
He played drums in the band.

00:05:17,679 --> 00:05:19,579
He wanted to be
on the football team, but...

00:05:22,517 --> 00:05:24,818
When's the last time
you saw Derek?

00:05:24,820 --> 00:05:27,053
Oh, it's been
several months.

00:05:27,055 --> 00:05:29,489
He would come and go.

00:05:29,491 --> 00:05:30,857
He couldn't find work...

00:05:30,859 --> 00:05:32,726
it-it was hard.

00:05:32,728 --> 00:05:34,794
And then my
birthday came,

00:05:34,796 --> 00:05:37,130
and he never missed my birthday.

00:05:37,132 --> 00:05:38,698
That's when I knew
something was wrong.

00:05:38,700 --> 00:05:41,168
And you filed
a missing persons report.

00:05:42,570 --> 00:05:44,471
Ms. Noels,

00:05:44,473 --> 00:05:45,805
I'm aware that Derek had

00:05:45,807 --> 00:05:48,708
a couple of previous arrests
for drug possession.

00:05:48,710 --> 00:05:51,378
Do you know if
he was still in that world?

00:05:51,380 --> 00:05:52,846
You mean, was he a drug dealer?

00:05:52,848 --> 00:05:54,347

00:05:54,349 --> 00:05:56,850
He used more than he sold.

00:05:57,752 --> 00:06:00,820
He was no angel, Agent Ryan,

00:06:00,822 --> 00:06:02,355
but no one deserves this.

00:06:04,759 --> 00:06:07,127
That's a beautiful necklace.

00:06:07,129 --> 00:06:09,696
It's a gift from Derek.

00:06:09,698 --> 00:06:11,698
He always said

00:06:11,700 --> 00:06:13,300
he would give me the world.

00:06:13,302 --> 00:06:15,936
(sobbing): No matter how
hard I tried,

00:06:15,938 --> 00:06:18,405
I couldn't save my baby.

00:06:23,044 --> 00:06:25,445
I just couldn't
save my baby.

00:06:28,082 --> 00:06:30,283
(indistinct chatter)

00:06:32,687 --> 00:06:34,754
Ah! Found it--

00:06:34,756 --> 00:06:37,224
a root kit hooked
to the system's kernel API.

00:06:37,226 --> 00:06:38,491
That confirms it.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
13700:04:42,311 --> 00:04:44,344not one protest.13800:04:44,346 --> 00:04:46,012Now we're one stray brick13900:04:46,014 --> 00:04:48,148from being synonymouswith Michael Brown and Ferguson14000:04:48,150 --> 00:04:49,716or Freddie Gray and Baltimore.14100:04:49,718 --> 00:04:52,152So, yes, I understandthe nature of your request.14200:04:54,789 --> 00:04:56,656An internal reviewcould take weeks.14300:04:56,658 --> 00:04:58,692Looks like we're infor a hell of a fight.14400:04:58,694 --> 00:05:00,360Looks like.14500:05:00,362 --> 00:05:02,629But since we're alreadyinto a fight...14600:05:02,631 --> 00:05:05,065might as wellthrow the first punch.14700:05:05,067 --> 00:05:06,299Yeah, Raven.14800:05:06,301 --> 00:05:07,968Time to find out whothe officer is in that video.14900:05:07,970 --> 00:05:12,005CROWD (chanting):Justice knows no death!15000:05:12,007 --> 00:05:16,309...and this was Derekin high school.15100:05:16,311 --> 00:05:17,677He played drums in the band.15200:05:17,679 --> 00:05:19,579He wanted to beon the football team, but...15300:05:22,517 --> 00:05:24,818When's the last timeyou saw Derek?15400:05:24,820 --> 00:05:27,053Oh, it's beenseveral months.15500:05:27,055 --> 00:05:29,489He would come and go.15600:05:29,491 --> 00:05:30,857He couldn't find work...15700:05:30,859 --> 00:05:32,726it-it was hard.15800:05:32,728 --> 00:05:34,794And then my
birthday came,

00:05:34,796 --> 00:05:37,130
and he never missed my birthday.

00:05:37,132 --> 00:05:38,698
That's when I knew
something was wrong.

00:05:38,700 --> 00:05:41,168
And you filed
a missing persons report.

00:05:42,570 --> 00:05:44,471
Ms. Noels,

00:05:44,473 --> 00:05:45,805
I'm aware that Derek had

00:05:45,807 --> 00:05:48,708
a couple of previous arrests
for drug possession.

00:05:48,710 --> 00:05:51,378
Do you know if
he was still in that world?

00:05:51,380 --> 00:05:52,846
You mean, was he a drug dealer?

00:05:52,848 --> 00:05:54,347

00:05:54,349 --> 00:05:56,850
He used more than he sold.

00:05:57,752 --> 00:06:00,820
He was no angel, Agent Ryan,

00:06:00,822 --> 00:06:02,355
but no one deserves this.

00:06:04,759 --> 00:06:07,127
That's a beautiful necklace.

00:06:07,129 --> 00:06:09,696
It's a gift from Derek.

00:06:09,698 --> 00:06:11,698
He always said

00:06:11,700 --> 00:06:13,300
he would give me the world.

00:06:13,302 --> 00:06:15,936
(sobbing): No matter how
hard I tried,

00:06:15,938 --> 00:06:18,405
I couldn't save my baby.

00:06:23,044 --> 00:06:25,445
I just couldn't
save my baby.

00:06:28,082 --> 00:06:30,283
(indistinct chatter)

00:06:32,687 --> 00:06:34,754
Ah! Found it--

00:06:34,756 --> 00:06:37,224
a root kit hooked
to the system's kernel API.

00:06:37,226 --> 00:06:38,491
That confirms it.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Việt) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
00: 04: 42.311 -> 00: 04: 44.344
không phải là một cuộc biểu tình. 138 00: 04: 44.346 -> 00: 04: 46.012 Bây giờ chúng tôi đang là một gạch đi lạc 139 00: 04: 46.014 -> 00: 04: 48.148 từ được đồng nghĩa với Michael Brown và Ferguson 140 00: 04: 48.150 -> 00: 04: 49.716 hoặc Freddie Gray và Baltimore. 141 00: 04: 49.718 -> 00: 04: 52.152 Vì vậy, có, tôi hiểu bản chất của yêu cầu của bạn. 142 00: 04: 54.789 -> 00: 04: 56.656 Một đánh giá nội bộ có thể mất vài tuần. 143 00: 04: 56.658 -> 00: 04: 58.692 Có vẻ như chúng ta đang ở trong một địa ngục của một cuộc chiến. 144 00: 04: 58.694 -> 00: 05: 00.360 Hình như. 145 00: 05: 00.362 -> 00: 05: 02.629 Nhưng kể từ khi chúng tôi đã vào một cuộc chiến ... 146 00 : 05: 02.631 -> 00: 05: 05.065 là có thể cũng ném cú đấm đầu tiên. 147 00: 05: 05.067 -> 00: 05: 06.299 Yeah, Raven. 148 00: 05: 06.301 -> 00:05 : 07.968 Thời gian để tìm ra những người nhân viên trong video đó. 149 00: 05: 07.970 -> 00: 05: 12.005 ĐÁM ĐÔNG (tụng kinh): Tư pháp biết không có cái chết! 150 00: 05: 12.007 -> 00:05 : 16.309 ... và đây là Derek ở trường trung học. 151 00: 05: 16.311 -> 00: 05: 17.677 Anh ấy chơi trống trong ban nhạc. 152 00: 05: 17.679 -> 00: 05: 19.579 Ông muốn để được vào đội bóng đá, nhưng ... 153 00: 05: 22.517 -> 00: 05: 24.818 Khi là lần cuối cùng bạn nhìn thấy Derek? 154 00: 05: 24.820 -> 00: 05: 27.053 Oh, đó là được vài tháng. 155 00: 05: 27.055 -> 00: 05: 29.489 Ngài sẽ đến và đi. 156 00: 05: 29.491 -> 00: 05: 30.857 Anh không thể tìm được việc làm ... 157 00: 05: 30.859 -> 00: 05: 32.726 it-thật khó. 158 00: 05: 32.728 -> 00: 05: 34.794 Và sau đó tôi sinh nhật đến, 159 00: 05: 34.796 -> 0:05: 37.130 và ông không bao giờ bỏ lỡ ngày sinh nhật của tôi. 160 00: 05: 37.132 -> 00: 05: 38.698 Đó là khi tôi biết có điều gì đó sai. 161 00: 05: 38.700 -> 00: 05: 41.168 Và bạn nộp một người mất tích . Báo cáo 162 00: 05: 42.570 -> 00: 05: 44.471 Ms. Noels, 163 00: 05: 44.473 -> 00: 05: 45.805 Tôi biết rằng Derek đã có 164 00: 05: 45.807 -> 00: 05: 48.708 một vài vụ bắt giữ trước đó. Vì tàng trữ ma túy 165 00:05 : 48.710 -> 00: 05: 51.378 Bạn có biết nếu ông vẫn còn trong thế giới đó? 166 00: 05: 51.380 -> 00: 05: 52.846? Bạn có nghĩa là, ông đã là một kẻ buôn ma túy 167 00: 05: 52.848 -> 00: 05: 54.347 Có. 168 00: 05: 54.349 -> 00: 05: 56.850 Ông đã sử dụng nhiều hơn, ông đã bán. 169 00: 05: 57.752 -> 00: 06: 00.820 Anh là thiên thần, Agent Ryan, 170 00: 06: 00.822 -> 00: 06: 02.355 nhưng không có ai xứng đáng này. 171 00: 06: 04.759 -> 00: 06: 07.127 Đó là một chiếc vòng cổ xinh đẹp. 172 00: 06: 07.129 - > 00: 06: 09.696 Đó là một món quà từ Derek. 173 00: 06: 09.698 -> 00: 06: 11.698 Ông luôn nói 174 00: 06: 11,700 -> 00: 06: 13,300 ông sẽ cho tôi thế giới. 175 00: 06: 13.302 -> 00: 06: 15.936 (thổn thức): Không có vấn đề làm thế nào tôi có cố gắng, 176 00: 06: 15.938 -> 00: 06: 18.405. Tôi không thể cứu em bé của tôi 177 00: 06: 23.044 -> 00: 06: 25.445 Tôi chỉ không thể cứu em bé của tôi. 178 00: 06: 28.082 -> 00: 06: 30.283 (nói nhảm không rõ ràng) 179 00: 06: 32.687 -> 00:06 : 34.754 NELSON: Ah! Tìm thấy it-- 180 00: 06: 34.756 -> 00: 06: 37.224 một bộ rễ nối với kernel API của hệ thống. 181 00: 06: 37.226 -> 00: 06: 38.491 Điều đó khẳng định nó.

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