Harry! Harry, wake up!

Harry! Harry, wake up!"Harry opened

Harry! Harry, wake up!"

Harry opened his eyes and peered into the darkness. He could barely make out Ron's face in the dim candlelight of the Slytherin dormitory. "What's up, Ron?"

"You've got to see this!" Ron's voice was an excited whisper. "I went exploring, and I went down this hallway where I've never been and walked through a locked door and... Harry! There was a dog with three heads!"

"A dog with three heads?" Harry sat up in bed now, wide awake. "How wonderful! I've never seen a three-headed dog before. Let's go meet him!"

"He is enormous!" whispered Ron excitedly as they made their way out of the dormitory. "Good thing he was sleeping, or I would have been a little freaked out. But you'll be able to speak to him in Dog or Triple Dog or something if he wakes up, won't you?"

Harry nodded and followed Ron eagerly along the darkened corridors. "Along here," whispered Ron, "and then through this locked door here..." The two boys slipped quietly through the locked door. Lovely soft string music greeted them as soon as they stepped into the torchlit chamber. Music? In the middle of the night? How very odd! Harry suddenly remembered that Dumbledore had told him that it was not a good idea to walk through locked doors, and for a moment, he wondered if he should tell Ron that they had better go back to bed. But the next instant, he had forgotten all about Dumbledore and his Rules, for he had caught sight of the most magnificent creature he had ever laid eyes on.

"Oh!" whispered Harry. He gazed in awe at the sleeping dog in front of them. The dog was almost as big as a young troll, and he really truly did have three heads! Harry couldn't help himself. He reached out and petted the beautiful dog gently on each of his three massive heads.

The dog opened his six large dark eyes then, and the effect was so funny that Harry almost laughed out loud. He had never felt so thoroughly watched in his whole life!

A ferocious snarl escaped each of the three large mouths, and Ron jumped a little. "Maybe we should...er... leave-?" he said weakly. "I don't speak Dog, of course, but I don't think that sounded very friendly."

*I'm going to eat you up!* growled the dog. His growl sounded terribly strange and echo-like, since it was made up of three similar deep voices snarling the same words from three large mouths.

Harry shook his head and smiled. *Oh, no, we are not food,* he explained politely in Dog.

The six eyes blinked at him in surprise. *You are a dog?* The three-headed creature studied Harry curiously and sniffed at him with his three huge snouts. *You are the strangest looking dog I've ever seen. You don't look right at all.*

Harry couldn't help laughing. *I'm not a dog,* he explained. *My friend and I are humans. Surely, you can see that?*

The three-headed dog leaned over Harry and stared at him from all sides at once. After a long pause, he muttered: *No. You smell human, that's true, and you look like a scrawny human, but you can't fool me. You speak like a puppy, so you must be a puppy.* He hesitated for a moment, then licked Harry hesitantly on the head. It was a rather slobbery lick, but Harry understood that it was meant as a caress, so he stood still and let each of the three heads lick him in turn. It was really very wet.

Ron backed up slowly towards the door, apparently worried that he was going to get licked next.

*So,* said Harry conversationally, wiping dog drool discreetly off his cheeks, *is this where you live?*

*No,* sighed the three heads simultaneously, making Harry's hair flutter a little in the breeze. *My friend Hagrid brought me here. I have to lie here and watch that trap door, and if any human wizards come by, I have to chase them away and bite them.* He glanced down at a trap door that was barely visible among the wooden planks of the floor.

*Why?* Harry peered curiously at the trapdoor.

*No idea,* breathed the dog. *Hagrid said it was a game of sorts. So far, it hasn't been a lot of fun.*

*A game?* Harry lit up. *I love games! What's under the trapdoor, then?*

The dog leaned its three heads to the side, pondering. *More games, I suppose?*

*Really?* Harry poked at the trapdoor. *Mind if we have a look?*

*Suit yourself, puppy.* The three-headed dog gave him another series of licks. *I was told not to let any wizards through here, but Hagrid didn't say anything about puppies, so I suppose it will be all right if you go through. Your friend, is he a puppy, too?* He glanced doubtfully at Ron.

*Of course!* Harry grabbed Ron by the hand. *Lovely to meet you... er... What's your name?*

*Rgggrrrr,* muttered the dog. *But Hagrid likes to call me "Fluffy" for some reason.* He rolled all of his six eyes at that.

Harry smiled at the dog and pulled the trapdoor open. *See you later, Rgggrrrr!*

"What's in there?" Ron peered curiously into the darkness.

"A game, I think. Let's check it out!" Harry grabbed Ron's hand, and they jumped through the trapdoor together.

To Harry's surprise, it was a very long way down, but fortunately, the floor they landed on was covered by soft leaves. A plant wrapped itself lovingly around them as soon as they reached the floor.

"What in Merlin's name is this?" Ron sounded a little scared. "This plant is... weird. Hey! What is it doing? It's squeezing me!"

Ron had a point. The plant they had landed on was terribly snuggly. Harry just went along with it at first, but when the plant began to wrap itself a little too firmly around his neck, he had to speak rather sharply to it. The plant muttered something about just trying to be friendly, and began to slink back with an air of embarrassment.

Released from the plant's insistent hugs, Harry and Ron slid further down. Before they knew what was happening, they found themselves in a brightly lit underground stone chamber. Harry looked around in wonder. What a marvelous room! Yes, this was definitely a delightful game of sorts, for the air was humming with the beating of hundreds of rapid wings. It sounded like a flock of birds in autumn, except there were no birds there at all - only keys!

Flying keys? Harry gazed up at them in wonder. What were they supposed to do now?

The next instant, his eyes fell on a door on the opposite side of the room, and he realized that one of the swarming keys probably fit that large keyhole in the oaken door. Maybe they were supposed to guess which key to use? There were broomsticks, too, in case you wanted to fly for a bit. Sorting keys didn't strike Harry as a terribly interesting game, so he motioned to Ron to follow him through the door. They slipped easily through the wood of the door, leaving the hundreds of little keys flapping wildly behind them.

The next room had a much better game in it. The entire floor was covered with black and white squares, and rows of black and white columns and statues of people and horses were lined up along the edges.

"It's a chess set!" Ron gazed around the room, eyes wide. "I wonder if you can play it like a regular game?" He gasped as one of the white pieces on the opposite side of the room suddenly slid forward on the floor. "Yes, it is a chess game, Harry! Apparently, we are playing Black! Pawn to d5!"

Harry watched in silence as the pieces moved across the floor. Ron called out commands eagerly, and the black pieces did exactly as he told them. But the white pieces weren't playing very nicely at all. Without warning, a tall white piece wearing a crown smashed one of the pretty black horses to pieces.

"Hey!" Harry exclaimed in alarm. "That's not a nice way to play!" He turned to the white piece. "What did you do that for?"

The white piece regarded him haughtily. "I am the White Queen," she said icily, "and this is the way chess is played. I am merely following the Rules."

Harry frowned. "Well, if the Rules allow you to do that, I don't think they are very good Rules. What are you trying to accomplish?"

The White Queen drew herself up to her full height. "My goal," she said in a frosty voice, "is the Death of the Black King!" She nodded in the direction of a tall black piece.

Harry stared at the white pieces. "What? Are you all trying to kill the Black King?"

"No, sir!" piped a short white piece. "Well, I mean, we could, but it's not very likely. It's usually the Queen who kills him. I'm usually just trying to get to the other side of the board without being knocked down."

"Get to the other side of the board?" Harry regarded the piece thoughtfully. "Now, that's more like it! Why don't you all just try to work together, and you can all get to the opposite side of the board? It's not that hard if you all help each other a bit."

"Help each other?" The White Queen stared at him. "But that's absurd! If we help each other, who will Win the Game?"

"Everybody," said Harry firmly.

The White Queen shook her head. "That doesn't sound like much fun. Someone has to Win. Which means that someone else has to Lose."

Harry thought for a moment. "Perhaps you can add something to make the game more fun without killing each other? How about some jumps, or a few dance steps?" He stretched his arms out and swirled around in an empty square. "Try this - it's kind of fun, but you will get dizzy!"

The pieces were a little hesitant at first, but then some of the smaller pieces who had been standing around looking bored began to twirl. Before long, the entire room was filled with spinning, laughing pieces.

"Oh, I'm getting all giddy!" giggled the White Queen. "I think I'm going to faint!"

"Don't worry, my dear!" The Black King dashed gallantly to her side. "I will catch you!"

Ron looked at all the twirling, laughing chess pieces and shook his head. "This is the strangest game of chess I've ever seen, Harry!" He ducked quickly as a small black piece attempted to jump over him, laughing madly.

Ron sighed. "Come on, Harry. I'm getting dizzy just watching them. Let's see what's in the next room!"

They wove their way carefully through the dancin
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Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Harry! Harry, thức dậy!"Harry mở mắt và peered vào bóng tối. Ông hiếm khi có thể tạo ra khuôn mặt của Ron trong mờ candlelight của ký túc xá Slytherin. "What's up, Ron?""Bạn đã có để xem này!" Ron của giọng nói là một tiếng thì thầm vui mừng. "Tôi đã đi khám phá, và tôi đã đi xuống hành lang này, nơi tôi đã không bao giờ và đi bộ qua một cánh cửa bị khóa và... Harry! Đã có một con chó với ba đầu!""Một con chó với ba đầu?" Harry ngồi lên giường bây giờ, toàn tỉnh táo. "Làm thế nào tuyệt vời! Tôi đã không bao giờ nhìn thấy một con chó ba đầu trước khi. Chúng ta hãy đi gặp gỡ anh ta!""Ông là rất lớn!" thì thầm Ron hào hứng như họ thực hiện theo cách của họ ra khỏi ký túc xá. "Điều tốt ông đã ngủ, hoặc tôi sẽ có là một chút freaked ra. Nhưng bạn sẽ có thể nói chuyện với anh ta trong con chó hoặc ba con chó hoặc một cái gì đó nếu ông tỉnh dậy, phải không?"Harry gật đầu và sau đó là Ron hăm hở dọc theo hành lang tối tăm. "Cùng ở đây," thì thầm Ron, "và sau đó thông qua điều này bị khóa cửa ở đây..." Hai chàng trai trượt lặng lẽ qua cánh cửa bị khóa. Âm nhạc đáng yêu mềm chuỗi chào đón họ ngay sau khi họ bước vào phòng torchlit. Âm nhạc? Ở giữa đêm? Làm thế nào rất lẻ! Harry đột nhiên nhớ rằng giáo sư Dumbledore đã nói với ông rằng nó đã không một ý tưởng tốt để đi bộ qua cửa bị khóa, và cho một thời điểm, ông tự hỏi nếu ông nên nói với Ron rằng họ đã tốt hơn trở lại giường. Nhưng ngay lập tức tiếp theo, ông đã quên tất cả về Dumbledore và quy tắc của mình, vì ông đã bắt gặp cảnh của các sinh vật tuyệt vời nhất ông đã bao giờ đặt mắt vào."Oh!" whispered Harry. He gazed in awe at the sleeping dog in front of them. The dog was almost as big as a young troll, and he really truly did have three heads! Harry couldn't help himself. He reached out and petted the beautiful dog gently on each of his three massive heads.The dog opened his six large dark eyes then, and the effect was so funny that Harry almost laughed out loud. He had never felt so thoroughly watched in his whole life!A ferocious snarl escaped each of the three large mouths, and Ron jumped a little. "Maybe we should...er... leave-?" he said weakly. "I don't speak Dog, of course, but I don't think that sounded very friendly."*I'm going to eat you up!* growled the dog. His growl sounded terribly strange and echo-like, since it was made up of three similar deep voices snarling the same words from three large mouths.Harry shook his head and smiled. *Oh, no, we are not food,* he explained politely in Dog.The six eyes blinked at him in surprise. *You are a dog?* The three-headed creature studied Harry curiously and sniffed at him with his three huge snouts. *You are the strangest looking dog I've ever seen. You don't look right at all.*Harry couldn't help laughing. *I'm not a dog,* he explained. *My friend and I are humans. Surely, you can see that?*The three-headed dog leaned over Harry and stared at him from all sides at once. After a long pause, he muttered: *No. You smell human, that's true, and you look like a scrawny human, but you can't fool me. You speak like a puppy, so you must be a puppy.* He hesitated for a moment, then licked Harry hesitantly on the head. It was a rather slobbery lick, but Harry understood that it was meant as a caress, so he stood still and let each of the three heads lick him in turn. It was really very wet.Ron backed up slowly towards the door, apparently worried that he was going to get licked next.*So,* said Harry conversationally, wiping dog drool discreetly off his cheeks, *is this where you live?**No,* sighed the three heads simultaneously, making Harry's hair flutter a little in the breeze. *My friend Hagrid brought me here. I have to lie here and watch that trap door, and if any human wizards come by, I have to chase them away and bite them.* He glanced down at a trap door that was barely visible among the wooden planks of the floor.*Why?* Harry peered curiously at the trapdoor.*No idea,* breathed the dog. *Hagrid said it was a game of sorts. So far, it hasn't been a lot of fun.**A game?* Harry lit up. *I love games! What's under the trapdoor, then?*The dog leaned its three heads to the side, pondering. *More games, I suppose?**Really?* Harry poked at the trapdoor. *Mind if we have a look?**Suit yourself, puppy.* The three-headed dog gave him another series of licks. *I was told not to let any wizards through here, but Hagrid didn't say anything about puppies, so I suppose it will be all right if you go through. Your friend, is he a puppy, too?* He glanced doubtfully at Ron.*Of course!* Harry grabbed Ron by the hand. *Lovely to meet you... er... What's your name?**Rgggrrrr,* muttered the dog. *But Hagrid likes to call me "Fluffy" for some reason.* He rolled all of his six eyes at that.Harry smiled at the dog and pulled the trapdoor open. *See you later, Rgggrrrr!*"What's in there?" Ron peered curiously into the darkness."A game, I think. Let's check it out!" Harry grabbed Ron's hand, and they jumped through the trapdoor together.To Harry's surprise, it was a very long way down, but fortunately, the floor they landed on was covered by soft leaves. A plant wrapped itself lovingly around them as soon as they reached the floor."What in Merlin's name is this?" Ron sounded a little scared. "This plant is... weird. Hey! What is it doing? It's squeezing me!"Ron had a point. The plant they had landed on was terribly snuggly. Harry just went along with it at first, but when the plant began to wrap itself a little too firmly around his neck, he had to speak rather sharply to it. The plant muttered something about just trying to be friendly, and began to slink back with an air of embarrassment.
Released from the plant's insistent hugs, Harry and Ron slid further down. Before they knew what was happening, they found themselves in a brightly lit underground stone chamber. Harry looked around in wonder. What a marvelous room! Yes, this was definitely a delightful game of sorts, for the air was humming with the beating of hundreds of rapid wings. It sounded like a flock of birds in autumn, except there were no birds there at all - only keys!

Flying keys? Harry gazed up at them in wonder. What were they supposed to do now?

The next instant, his eyes fell on a door on the opposite side of the room, and he realized that one of the swarming keys probably fit that large keyhole in the oaken door. Maybe they were supposed to guess which key to use? There were broomsticks, too, in case you wanted to fly for a bit. Sorting keys didn't strike Harry as a terribly interesting game, so he motioned to Ron to follow him through the door. They slipped easily through the wood of the door, leaving the hundreds of little keys flapping wildly behind them.

The next room had a much better game in it. The entire floor was covered with black and white squares, and rows of black and white columns and statues of people and horses were lined up along the edges.

"It's a chess set!" Ron gazed around the room, eyes wide. "I wonder if you can play it like a regular game?" He gasped as one of the white pieces on the opposite side of the room suddenly slid forward on the floor. "Yes, it is a chess game, Harry! Apparently, we are playing Black! Pawn to d5!"

Harry watched in silence as the pieces moved across the floor. Ron called out commands eagerly, and the black pieces did exactly as he told them. But the white pieces weren't playing very nicely at all. Without warning, a tall white piece wearing a crown smashed one of the pretty black horses to pieces.

"Hey!" Harry exclaimed in alarm. "That's not a nice way to play!" He turned to the white piece. "What did you do that for?"

The white piece regarded him haughtily. "I am the White Queen," she said icily, "and this is the way chess is played. I am merely following the Rules."

Harry frowned. "Well, if the Rules allow you to do that, I don't think they are very good Rules. What are you trying to accomplish?"

The White Queen drew herself up to her full height. "My goal," she said in a frosty voice, "is the Death of the Black King!" She nodded in the direction of a tall black piece.

Harry stared at the white pieces. "What? Are you all trying to kill the Black King?"

"No, sir!" piped a short white piece. "Well, I mean, we could, but it's not very likely. It's usually the Queen who kills him. I'm usually just trying to get to the other side of the board without being knocked down."

"Get to the other side of the board?" Harry regarded the piece thoughtfully. "Now, that's more like it! Why don't you all just try to work together, and you can all get to the opposite side of the board? It's not that hard if you all help each other a bit."

"Help each other?" The White Queen stared at him. "But that's absurd! If we help each other, who will Win the Game?"

"Everybody," said Harry firmly.

The White Queen shook her head. "That doesn't sound like much fun. Someone has to Win. Which means that someone else has to Lose."

Harry thought for a moment. "Perhaps you can add something to make the game more fun without killing each other? How about some jumps, or a few dance steps?" He stretched his arms out and swirled around in an empty square. "Try this - it's kind of fun, but you will get dizzy!"

The pieces were a little hesitant at first, but then some of the smaller pieces who had been standing around looking bored began to twirl. Before long, the entire room was filled with spinning, laughing pieces.

"Oh, I'm getting all giddy!" giggled the White Queen. "I think I'm going to faint!"

"Don't worry, my dear!" The Black King dashed gallantly to her side. "I will catch you!"

Ron looked at all the twirling, laughing chess pieces and shook his head. "This is the strangest game of chess I've ever seen, Harry!" He ducked quickly as a small black piece attempted to jump over him, laughing madly.

Ron sighed. "Come on, Harry. I'm getting dizzy just watching them. Let's see what's in the next room!"

They wove their way carefully through the dancin
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