Greetings Nguyen Lam!Just taking a couple of minutes to keep you updated. Everyday something goodhappens at ACX! Today two very important things happened during the last 24hours:1) Requested Withdrawals were paid twice. 2) All New Ad and Media Package Purchased within the last 30 days earned 6%today... provided Members viewed websites.That's two pretty good things, right?Understanding the ACX System helps when you Share!ACX is your program, so the more you know about it, the better you will feelabout sharing it with others. Have you taken time to understand how theVariable DSC Pack Program works? When you share it with confidence and clarity,you improve the likelihood for sponsoring a New MemberAlways Working As A TeamWe all want to see ACX continue to grow. One way you can help it grow is tocreate even more success for yourself. Take every opportunity you can to SHAREACX with friends and family, and even your business associates. That will makeACX even stronger, and it will make YOU a lot more money.The Best Pay System in history helps ALL ACX Members who purchase Ad Packagesmake money. The Best Support Staff is always available to answers yourquestions and provide help. That's why we call it the Best of the Best!Every day something good happens at ACX! Thanks for being part of the ACX Team.Always working for your success!ACX Management TeamP.S. Here are some very important points we think should be in every update we write:1- ACX Support Team is now available 24/7 by clicking on the LIVE CHAT feature. Our goal is to provide you with help to make your experience at ACX enjoyable and profitable.2 - All today's requested withdrawals are being worked on.We will inform you as often as possible of any withdrawalbatches we have completed, as they happen - this will helpyou request withdrawals for the smaller payment processors.You can review these notifications in your Message Center,under Support News - the link is near the bottom of on theACX Dashboard in the Member Area.3- ClickDraw Winners have been updated recently - see themall at4- ACX Management invites you to take the ACX Challenge!We don't think you can find an easier way to make big money online than with Ad Click Xpress and the POWER 300 Comp Plan5- Money will NOT make you happy, but Af-x WILL make you happier and wealthier! Check it out!6- If you speak a language in addition to English and would like to help other ACX Members, we are always looking Global Representatives who will take time to assist members in their "first" language. In exchange for help, ACX offers many benefits to Global Reps that can add more income and opportunities. Read more here7- We think the easiest way for All Members to Share ACX is by using affiliate websites. These are pages that are designed to introduce ACX in a way that people will want to join you as a New Members of ACX. Take a look at
our newest page
8- Members who want to review past Email Updates, please go to
9- Feel free to give us your suggestions about anything
11- Don't forget this very important point!
Spend $10, make back $15 in less than three months
Spend $100, make back $150
Spend $1,000, make back $1,500
Spend $10,000, make back $15,000
Spend $100,000, make back $150,000
Get the picture
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