When Severus apparated himself and the young Gryffindor to his house i dịch - When Severus apparated himself and the young Gryffindor to his house i Việt làm thế nào để nói

When Severus apparated himself and

When Severus apparated himself and the young Gryffindor to his house in Spinner's end he had to catch the boy around his waist to prevent him from falling on his face. This clumsiness brought a dry chuckle of the usually stern and dour Potions Master. Harry for his part spent a few moments in the arms of the older wizard trying to regain his breathing and not lose his lunch. As soon as he was okay, he stepped away from Snape, a blush once again staining the boy's cheeks.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, Po… Harry." – said Severus, struggling with the boy's name – "Apparation is always unpleasant the first few times you do it. Did you bring all the ingredients?"

"Yes, sir. I'm pretty sure I got the right things, I just hope the quality is good enough…"

Severus took the bad from Harry, opened the door and ushered the child inside the house. While the outside was not very inviting, the inside was very homely, or at least Harry thought it was. Snape told the boy to sit down and brought a pitcher of orange juice to the sitting room.

"Now I will go and brew the potion. You may busy yourself with some books…" – he said – "or you could even take nap. Just stay out of trouble. And don't snoop around."

The last remark brought a grin to Harry's face and he settled down on the couch. Considering all the running around he had to do that day, a nap sounded rather good. With that thought the boy snuggled into the pillow, which smelt faintly of Severus, and quickly fell asleep.

Several hours later, when it was already getting dark outside, one rather tired Severus Snape walked out of his personal potions laboratory. He was about to shout for Potter, when he noticed the boy was asleep on the couch, curled around his pillow. The man chuckled lightly, thinking the boy was rather adorable like that. He crouched beside the couch and gently shook Harry awake, taking care not to startle the boy.

"Professor?" – mumbled Harry sleepily while rubbing his eyes.

"Indeed, Harry." – replied Severus –"Come on, up with you. The potion is ready."

That had the boy wide awake in a matter of seconds, bringing a smirk to Severus' lips.

Arthur cursed under his breath. Not only he had to send another child to Spain, but he also had to contact Amelia Bones, his boss and let her know about the new information. At least, he thought, he could bring one of the bastards who hurt his kids to justice.

"Now," – continued Aubrey – "I'll move to Ginevra's case. I will warn you, it's even worse."

"Tell me." – said Arthur resolutely. He was aware that whatever happened to his little girl was no doubt horrible, but he needed to know if he wanted to help her recover.

"First of all, Ginny is a virgin… in the traditional sense…"

"You mean..?" – he whispered brokenly.

"Yes, your daughter was raped. Anally. Only once and quite a while ago. Obviously she does not remember it, which is a good thing. However the problem is different… I don't even rightfully know how it's possible…"

"Just tell me, Aubrey."

"Your 11 year old daughter… is a pregnant virgin."

Healer White expected him to yell, or maybe even cry. She, however, did not expect him to faint. The woman shook her head sadly and woke the man up.

"Oh, hey healer White…" – said Arthur rubbing the back of his head – "I just had a really horrible dream…"

The elderly witch sighed and helped the red head back to his chair:

"Sorry to say this, but it wasn't a dream, Arthur, now get a grip. I'd prefer if you didn't faint again. A calming draught perhaps?"

"Yes, please." – rasped Arthur, downing the potion as soon as the vial was pushed into his hands.

"Well, then…" – the woman continued with her speech – "The situation is quite bizarre. Ginevra is just 11 years old. It should not be possible for her to be pregnant at all, especially since she's a virgin. Thus I've contacted madam Pomfrey and gotten your daughter's medical file. As you know, Ginny has been possessed for the better part of the school year…"

"WHAT?" – yelped Arthur. That was not something he was aware of – "What do you mean possessed? By what?"

"Oh dear…" – whispered the healer as she massaged her temples and began explaining the situation to the best of her knowledge – "It has to do with their time at the Chamber of Secrets. Obviously this is all my guess work and no one will be able to tell you whether I'm right or wrong except your own daughter, or maybe Mr. Potter perhaps… but Poppy said that the diagnostic charm showed clear signs of possession. There were also reports of a huge magical outburst that literally shook Hogwarts from bottom to the roof. And now Ginevra is pregnant. I cannot tell you how it happened exactly, though I will do my best to research the topic. Obviously we tried to abort it, since a child of her age is unlikely to actually give birth without complications, but… the fetus seems to be resistant to termination hexes."

"So what can we do?" – asked Arthur. Of course he knew that technically Ginny wasn't his daughter and even though when he found out he thought that he wouldn't care one way or another, the man did feel a bit better that none of his own kids were subjected to such trauma. That thought made him feel like a bad parent and he made an effort to throw it out of his mind and concentrate on the conversation – "How can we stop this?"

Aubrey gave Arthur a knowing smile:

"I don't know right now, but I will figure something out. Normally I would suggest to transfer the fetus to a willing woman who wants to be a mother, but since we have no idea who technically is the father and how the fetus will react… well, for now take her home, she's in no immediate danger. In the meantime I will do my best to research the problem, even set up a meeting with the Potter heir and see if he can shed some light on the situation."

Mr. Weasley frowned:

"How would he help? It's not like he did this…"

"Of course not. But he was there. His memory of the event will help me greatly."

"Oh… okay then…"

With that a very shaken Arthur Weasley took his sleeping daughter into his arms and went into the corridor where the twins were waiting with a sleeping Percy.

"Hey Dad." – greeted George quietly, trying not wake up his older brother – "Are we going home?"

"Yes." – sighed their father as he shifted Ginny in his arms, trying , but failing to reach the portkey in his pocket – "Fred, be a good boy. Take the portkey. I can't reach it. It's in my back pocket."

Fred, sensing the gloomy mood, tried to lighten it:

"Wow, a chance to grope dad!" – he smirked cheekily as he reached around his father's tall frame to fish out the pocket watch that was the portkey.

"Fred!" – admonished Arthur lightly, but a twitching corner of the mouth told the twin in question that his objective was achieved.

Harry followed Snape into the potions lab and fidgeted as Severus picked up a vial.

"So this is it?" – asked the boy excitedly – "Do I just drink it? Or do I need to add blood? Or is there some…"

"Potter!" – barked the potions master, highly amused by the boy's perky behavior – "Breathe."

"Professor…" – whined the child – "I told you to call me Harry…" – he added a pout at the end, making a very cure puppy dog expression.

"Ah" – snickered Severus – "I see you've adopted Pansy's habit of making that expression when you want something. Unfortunately for you I'm already used to that one… Very well, Harry," – the man drawled the name – "You need to add three drops of blood into the potion. Shake it for exactly a minute and then drink it. Wait for 5 more minutes and then put tree drops of blood on this parchment. Everything will appear on the parchment about 20 minutes later."

While Harry and Snape were waiting to find out what sort of inheritance the boy came into, one very angry animagus was pacing around the Dursley house. He did his best to stay out of sight, even if he was in his dog form. He could not understand how his godson, the son of Lily and James would willingly go anywhere with that greasy bastard. The very idea made the wizard want to retch. Unfortunately he was in position to ask anyone to help him. Thus his only option was waiting for his godson to come back. Since he had nothing better to do, he thought about the event that changed his life, gave him the will and resolve to do what no one else has done before – escape from Azkaban, the wizarding prison, perhaps only slightly better than Numengard.


Sirius Black was lying on his cot, staring at the ceiling and listening to Rabastan and Rudolphus Lestrange fight with Rudolphus' wife and Sirius' cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black. It wasn't pleasant at all, not with all the death threats and screaming, but it was much more entertaining than just staring at walls. Still, it was becoming a bit old and he was ready to yell at them, just to give a different direction to the argument, when he heard footsteps. Visitors were very rare on their floor and it made both him and the Lestranges shut up and get close to the bars, eager to see who decided to pay them a visit. Seeing Fudge, however, was a disappointment. The Minister of Magic, while being a pompous ass, was a total coward. Baiting him was absolutely no fun. That was something even Bellatrix agreed with.

"Minister, what a pleasant surprise!" – simpered his cousin, doing a fairly good imitation of her younger sister, Narcissa Malfoy nee Black – "What brings you here on this sunny day?"

Obviously the woman didn't know if the day was actually sunny, but she preferred pretending that it was, just to keep her mood somewhat nice. Sirius found that it worked for him as well. He decided to throw in his two cents into Fudge-baiting:

"Come, come! Would you join us for a cup of stale water?" – he fell into his pureblood manners easily, especially since it gave other the impression that he was completely bonkers.

The Lestrange brothers snickered in
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When Severus apparated himself and the young Gryffindor to his house in Spinner's end he had to catch the boy around his waist to prevent him from falling on his face. This clumsiness brought a dry chuckle of the usually stern and dour Potions Master. Harry for his part spent a few moments in the arms of the older wizard trying to regain his breathing and not lose his lunch. As soon as he was okay, he stepped away from Snape, a blush once again staining the boy's cheeks."Nothing to be embarrassed about, Po… Harry." – said Severus, struggling with the boy's name – "Apparation is always unpleasant the first few times you do it. Did you bring all the ingredients?""Yes, sir. I'm pretty sure I got the right things, I just hope the quality is good enough…"Severus took the bad from Harry, opened the door and ushered the child inside the house. While the outside was not very inviting, the inside was very homely, or at least Harry thought it was. Snape told the boy to sit down and brought a pitcher of orange juice to the sitting room."Now I will go and brew the potion. You may busy yourself with some books…" – he said – "or you could even take nap. Just stay out of trouble. And don't snoop around."The last remark brought a grin to Harry's face and he settled down on the couch. Considering all the running around he had to do that day, a nap sounded rather good. With that thought the boy snuggled into the pillow, which smelt faintly of Severus, and quickly fell asleep.
Several hours later, when it was already getting dark outside, one rather tired Severus Snape walked out of his personal potions laboratory. He was about to shout for Potter, when he noticed the boy was asleep on the couch, curled around his pillow. The man chuckled lightly, thinking the boy was rather adorable like that. He crouched beside the couch and gently shook Harry awake, taking care not to startle the boy.

"Professor?" – mumbled Harry sleepily while rubbing his eyes.

"Indeed, Harry." – replied Severus –"Come on, up with you. The potion is ready."

That had the boy wide awake in a matter of seconds, bringing a smirk to Severus' lips.

Arthur cursed under his breath. Not only he had to send another child to Spain, but he also had to contact Amelia Bones, his boss and let her know about the new information. At least, he thought, he could bring one of the bastards who hurt his kids to justice.

"Now," – continued Aubrey – "I'll move to Ginevra's case. I will warn you, it's even worse."

"Tell me." – said Arthur resolutely. He was aware that whatever happened to his little girl was no doubt horrible, but he needed to know if he wanted to help her recover.

"First of all, Ginny is a virgin… in the traditional sense…"

"You mean..?" – he whispered brokenly.

"Yes, your daughter was raped. Anally. Only once and quite a while ago. Obviously she does not remember it, which is a good thing. However the problem is different… I don't even rightfully know how it's possible…"

"Just tell me, Aubrey."

"Your 11 year old daughter… is a pregnant virgin."

Healer White expected him to yell, or maybe even cry. She, however, did not expect him to faint. The woman shook her head sadly and woke the man up.

"Oh, hey healer White…" – said Arthur rubbing the back of his head – "I just had a really horrible dream…"

The elderly witch sighed and helped the red head back to his chair:

"Sorry to say this, but it wasn't a dream, Arthur, now get a grip. I'd prefer if you didn't faint again. A calming draught perhaps?"

"Yes, please." – rasped Arthur, downing the potion as soon as the vial was pushed into his hands.

"Well, then…" – the woman continued with her speech – "The situation is quite bizarre. Ginevra is just 11 years old. It should not be possible for her to be pregnant at all, especially since she's a virgin. Thus I've contacted madam Pomfrey and gotten your daughter's medical file. As you know, Ginny has been possessed for the better part of the school year…"

"WHAT?" – yelped Arthur. That was not something he was aware of – "What do you mean possessed? By what?"

"Oh dear…" – whispered the healer as she massaged her temples and began explaining the situation to the best of her knowledge – "It has to do with their time at the Chamber of Secrets. Obviously this is all my guess work and no one will be able to tell you whether I'm right or wrong except your own daughter, or maybe Mr. Potter perhaps… but Poppy said that the diagnostic charm showed clear signs of possession. There were also reports of a huge magical outburst that literally shook Hogwarts from bottom to the roof. And now Ginevra is pregnant. I cannot tell you how it happened exactly, though I will do my best to research the topic. Obviously we tried to abort it, since a child of her age is unlikely to actually give birth without complications, but… the fetus seems to be resistant to termination hexes."

"So what can we do?" – asked Arthur. Of course he knew that technically Ginny wasn't his daughter and even though when he found out he thought that he wouldn't care one way or another, the man did feel a bit better that none of his own kids were subjected to such trauma. That thought made him feel like a bad parent and he made an effort to throw it out of his mind and concentrate on the conversation – "How can we stop this?"

Aubrey gave Arthur a knowing smile:

"I don't know right now, but I will figure something out. Normally I would suggest to transfer the fetus to a willing woman who wants to be a mother, but since we have no idea who technically is the father and how the fetus will react… well, for now take her home, she's in no immediate danger. In the meantime I will do my best to research the problem, even set up a meeting with the Potter heir and see if he can shed some light on the situation."

Mr. Weasley frowned:

"How would he help? It's not like he did this…"

"Of course not. But he was there. His memory of the event will help me greatly."

"Oh… okay then…"

With that a very shaken Arthur Weasley took his sleeping daughter into his arms and went into the corridor where the twins were waiting with a sleeping Percy.

"Hey Dad." – greeted George quietly, trying not wake up his older brother – "Are we going home?"

"Yes." – sighed their father as he shifted Ginny in his arms, trying , but failing to reach the portkey in his pocket – "Fred, be a good boy. Take the portkey. I can't reach it. It's in my back pocket."

Fred, sensing the gloomy mood, tried to lighten it:

"Wow, a chance to grope dad!" – he smirked cheekily as he reached around his father's tall frame to fish out the pocket watch that was the portkey.

"Fred!" – admonished Arthur lightly, but a twitching corner of the mouth told the twin in question that his objective was achieved.

Harry followed Snape into the potions lab and fidgeted as Severus picked up a vial.

"So this is it?" – asked the boy excitedly – "Do I just drink it? Or do I need to add blood? Or is there some…"

"Potter!" – barked the potions master, highly amused by the boy's perky behavior – "Breathe."

"Professor…" – whined the child – "I told you to call me Harry…" – he added a pout at the end, making a very cure puppy dog expression.

"Ah" – snickered Severus – "I see you've adopted Pansy's habit of making that expression when you want something. Unfortunately for you I'm already used to that one… Very well, Harry," – the man drawled the name – "You need to add three drops of blood into the potion. Shake it for exactly a minute and then drink it. Wait for 5 more minutes and then put tree drops of blood on this parchment. Everything will appear on the parchment about 20 minutes later."

While Harry and Snape were waiting to find out what sort of inheritance the boy came into, one very angry animagus was pacing around the Dursley house. He did his best to stay out of sight, even if he was in his dog form. He could not understand how his godson, the son of Lily and James would willingly go anywhere with that greasy bastard. The very idea made the wizard want to retch. Unfortunately he was in position to ask anyone to help him. Thus his only option was waiting for his godson to come back. Since he had nothing better to do, he thought about the event that changed his life, gave him the will and resolve to do what no one else has done before – escape from Azkaban, the wizarding prison, perhaps only slightly better than Numengard.


Sirius Black was lying on his cot, staring at the ceiling and listening to Rabastan and Rudolphus Lestrange fight with Rudolphus' wife and Sirius' cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black. It wasn't pleasant at all, not with all the death threats and screaming, but it was much more entertaining than just staring at walls. Still, it was becoming a bit old and he was ready to yell at them, just to give a different direction to the argument, when he heard footsteps. Visitors were very rare on their floor and it made both him and the Lestranges shut up and get close to the bars, eager to see who decided to pay them a visit. Seeing Fudge, however, was a disappointment. The Minister of Magic, while being a pompous ass, was a total coward. Baiting him was absolutely no fun. That was something even Bellatrix agreed with.

"Minister, what a pleasant surprise!" – simpered his cousin, doing a fairly good imitation of her younger sister, Narcissa Malfoy nee Black – "What brings you here on this sunny day?"

Obviously the woman didn't know if the day was actually sunny, but she preferred pretending that it was, just to keep her mood somewhat nice. Sirius found that it worked for him as well. He decided to throw in his two cents into Fudge-baiting:

"Come, come! Would you join us for a cup of stale water?" – he fell into his pureblood manners easily, especially since it gave other the impression that he was completely bonkers.

The Lestrange brothers snickered in
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