Swine System One
Recent developments in rearing Hermetia allow for waste management in fully enclosed buildings (Figure 1). Swine waste collected by conveyor belt was separated into manure solids and urine plus excess water. Collected manure solids were delivered to the larval culture basin. The larval culture basin contained 85,000 to 100,000 mixed aged larvae/m2. A 35o ramp along opposing walls of the manure pit directed the migrating prepupae to a gutter at the top. This gutter directed prepupae to collection containers. A portion of the prepupae were saved and used to support the adult soldier fly colony. Eggs from the adult colony were used to maintain larval densities sufficient to digest the manure. The remaining prepupae were dried and processed for rendering or feed preparation. The digested swine manure could undergo further treatment or be land applied as a soil amendment.