4.1.1. FiltrationHot-vapour filtration can reduce the ash content of the oil toless than 0.01% and the alkali content to less than 10 ppm,much lower than reported for biomass oils produced insystems using only cyclones. This gives a higher qualityproduct with lower char [57], however char is catalyticallyactive and potentially cracks the vapours, reduces yield by upto 20%, reduces viscosity and lowers the average molecularweight of the liquid product. There is limited informationavailable on the performance or operation of hot vapourfilters, but they can be specified and perform similar to hot gasfilters in gasification processes.Diesel engine tests performed on crude and on hot-filteredoil showed a substantial increase in burning rate and a lowerignition delay for the latter, due to the lower average molecularweight for the filtered oil [58]. Hot gas filtration has not yetbeen demonstrated over a long-term process operation. Alittle work has been done in this area by NREL [56], VTT andAston University [59], and very little has been published.Liquid filtration to very low particle sizes of below around5 mm is very difficult due to the physic-chemical nature of theliquid and usually requires very high pressure drops and selfcleaning filters.
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