A: Dear Yong-Il,Choosing your life partner is a decision that requires very careful thought. Gettingmarried is something you do not want to take lightly2. Divorce rates around theworld are increasing every year, and in some countries they are now as high as 50percent! If you don’t want to end up3 divorced and heart-broken, take my advice andfollow these five rules to help you choose your perfect partner.First of all, you and your partner should be compatible. You need to know thatyou share a common purpose in life. You and your partner should have similar goalsand ambitions that you can work toward achieving throughout your married life. Itwill be difficult to keep your marriage together if your partner wants to stay at homeand raise a large family, but you want to travel the world instead of having children.Find out what your intended4 spouse’s life goals are long before you tie the knot5!Next, ask yourself this question: Is my partner a person with whom I can sharemy innermost6 thoughts and feelings? In other words, can you be completely honestand open with this person, or do you sometimes feel shy and uncomfortable telling151015200212345— 4 —her how you feel? If your situation is the former, then you have probably found yourtrue love. If, however, it is the latter, take your time before you make plans to walkdown the aisle7 with this person.Third, only marry someone who has qualities you admire. If you respect peoplewho work hard, you should marry someone who is hard-working, not someone who
is lazy or too easy-going.
Fourth, marry a person who is polite and kind to others; they will be polite and
kind to you. In my experience, you can learn a lot about the true nature of a person
by watching how he or she treats other people. A person who is kind and giving to
family and friends will be kind and giving toward you. Someone who has good
manners and is polite and respectful toward others will show you the same consideration8.
Watch how your partner treats people she does not have to be nice to such as
waiters, taxi drivers, or store clerks. Does your partner pay attention to how you and
others feel, or does she have a self-centered nature?
Finally, when you enter into a relationship with someone, remember that you
should not expect to change that person. If your partner has qualities or faults9 that
you feel you cannot tolerate, then you probably shouldn’t marry her. Marriage
should be about accepting a person — with all their good and bad points — for life.
Finding your life partner is not always easy. Falling in love is a great feeling, so
take time to enjoy all the emotions that go along with it. However, when you decide
to marry, use your head and your heart to think about things carefully. Spending the
rest of your life with one person takes hard work and effort. Make sure that the person
you marry is the right one for you
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