Họ bắt đầu trên đường hướng tới của Dinah nhà với nhau, Camila của tay và còn lại im lặng, chờ đợi cho bạn bè tốt nhất của cô bắt đầu nói chuyện."Đó là tiêu cực," Dinah nói với cô sau một vài phút đã thông qua với họ đi bộ trong im lặng cảm thấy thoải mái và Camila quay đầu để đáp ứng của Dinah mắt. "Thử nghiệm mang thai mà tôi đã diễn tại nhà của bạn." Cô làm rõ. "Đó là tiêu cực. Bạn không tưởng tượng nó.""Ok," Camila trả lời, sự lớn tiếng, nhẹ nhõm rằng cô ấy đã không mơ thấy toàn bộ điều."Bạn thực sự nghĩ rằng bạn có thể đã làm?" Dinah hỏi cô perceptively, nhận thấy Camila của cứu trợ."Tôi không biết." Camila trả lời một cách trung thực. "Bộ nhớ của tôi không phải là chính xác tuyệt vời và đã có rất nhiều đang xảy ra ngày hôm đó những gì với các tin tức về phiên tòa. Tôi tự hỏi nếu tôi đã nhận nhầm lẫn hoặc một cái gì đó và bạn chỉ cần không có nó trong bạn để cho tôi biết sau đó bởi vì tôi đã trong mess như vậy.""Không, tôi đã không ẩn nó từ bạn." Dinah nói một cách trung thực. "Tôi đã muốn cho bạn biết sự thật kể từ khi tôi phát hiện ra," cô tiết lộ thực sự, "nhưng nó dường như chỉ cần không bao giờ là đúng thời điểm. Sau đó bạn loại đưa nó lên trong phòng tắm và tôi thấy cơ hội của tôi cuối cùng đã được trung thực với bạn." Cô tạm dừng một chút thời gian để xem xét một cái gì đó. "Làm những gì bạn nghi ngờ rằng tôi thậm chí đã không?" bà hỏi interestedly."Lauren," Camila trả lời không do dự và Dinah nhìn hơi bị phản bội tại các phản ứng.“You told her?” Dinah asked.“No,” Camila was quick to defend herself. “We took Sofi to the park the other weekend and she was telling Lauren that you made her try ice cream and sweetcorn. I made a comment that you’d been eating a lot of weird things recently and she joked that maybe you were pregnant. It just got me thinking…”“She doesn’t suspect anything though?” Dinah asked worriedly.“I don’t think so,” Camila reassured her. “I mean, she hasn’t said anything to me if she does.”“Ok,” Dinah replied seemingly soothed by this knowledge. “That’s good then.”“Dinah…” Camila started tentatively, thinking back to the exchange in the bathroom. “Are you really keeping the baby?” she asked and Dinah looked at her a smile spreading across her lips.“Yeah Mila,” Dinah told her, “I’m keeping it.”“I thought that you didn’t want to?” Camila asked puzzled. “I thought you said that you weren’t ready to be a mom…”“I’m not,” Dinah agreed, “but a lot of things have changed since the last time that we spoke about it Mila. Things are different now.”“How?” Camila asked and so Dinah told her everything that had happened from the moment she’d left her house that afternoon until now.“I went straight over to see Siope,” Dinah explained. “He was still kind of mad about the way that I’d just left in the middle of things but I told him what had happened, that I’d gone to take a pregnancy test because I didn’t want to fight if it was over nothing. I said that it’d come back negative but he wanted to see it with his own eyes, only, I’d put it in the trash can at yours and didn’t have it one me.”“So you took another one?” Camila asked understanding where Dinah was going with her story.“He drove us to the pharmacy and we bought another test.” Dinah confirmed.“This time it was positive when you took it.” Camila realised.“Actually, no.” Dinah informed her. “It was still negative.”“I don’t understand,” Camila said.“The second test that I took was negative too,” Dinah reiterated. “Siope was still upset with me though. He couldn’t understand why I’d go off and take the test by myself. He said it should have been something that we’d done together and we started arguing again about everything. He was still upset that I’d not wanted to keep the baby and I was still angry with him for trying to pressure me in to doing something that I didn’t feel ready for.”“So that’s why you were still fighting all the time?” Camila questioned.“Yeah,” Dinah said. “I really thought that we might break up.” She shared with Camila. “I mean, all we’d ever seemed to do was shout at each other…”“Why didn’t you say anything?” Camila asked. “You could have spoken to me about it.”“I didn’t want to bother you.” Dinah replied. “You already weren’t sleeping because of the trial and your speech was bad again. I just didn’t want to add to that further.”“Dinah I’m your best friend.” Camila reminded her. “You could have talked to me you know. I’m not going to fall apart. You’ve been so amazing this last year and you should have someone that you can talk to if you need to. God knows that you’ve listened to me enough…”“Mila, you were there for me when I needed you,” Dinah interrupted. “You were amazing and you gave me some incredible advice. You told me exactly what I needed to hear.” She continued. “Jesus, you even went to get me a pregnancy test from the store. You didn’t have to do that but you did…”“You still didn’t talk to me though,” Camila stated confused.“Yeah, but it wasn’t because I didn’t think you couldn’t handle it,” Dinah divulged reading Camila’s insecurit
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