Wake up; wake somebody up Example 1. He's always in a bad mood when he wakes up. 2. Please try not to wake the baby up. I've only just got him to sleep. 3. Sh! You'll wake up the whole family if you don't keep quiet. 4. Will you wake me up at 7 o'clock tomorrow, please? 5. We were woken up by the sound of breaking glass. Come across somebody or something 1. While she was cleaning, she came across a pair of gold earrings. 2. I've never come across anything like this before. What is it? 3. Whose book is this? I came across it in a drawer. 4. She is the most difficult woman I have ever come across. Look after somebody, something or yourself 1. She found that looking after two young children on her own was not easy. 2. Who's looking after the apartment while Amy and Ben are away? 3. That bike was expensive. You should look after it. 4. He was sixteen, and he felt that he was old enough to look after himself. 5. My sister is still very ill and is being looked after by our parents. Take after somebody 1. I take after my mother in look, but people say I've got my father's character. 2. He's very musical. He takes after his grandfather in that respect. 3. Who do you take after - your mother or your father? 4. Jack doesn't take after his father at all. Give something away 1. I can't believe you just gave those tickets away! 2. The magazine is giving away six luxury holidays this month. 3. The old computer still works. Shall we sell it or give it away? 4. Over one million dollars has been given away since the TV show began. Put something away 1. When the bell rang, the students quickly put their books away. 2. He always put away his toys when he's finished playing with them. 3. I carefully folded all my winter clothes and put them away in the cupboard. 4. To her surprise, she found that all the dishes had been washed and put away. Throw something away 1. She threw the letter away without reading it. 2. Every year the average family throws away two tonnes of waste. 3. Our old computer's completely useless now. We'll have to throw it away. 4. All the fruit had gone bad and had to be thrown away. Call somebody back 1. I'm afraid Mr. Smith is in a meeting. Can you call back later? 2. There's a phone message for you: can you call John back this evening? 3. I left lots of messages for Sue, but she never called me back. Break down 1. Why are you late? Did the bus break down? 2. What a terrible journey! We broke down twice on the way home. 3. I'm nervous about using the washing machine in case it breaks down again. Cut down 1. Even if you've smoked all your life, it's never too late to cut down or stop. 2. I've spent far too much money this month - I really must cut down. 3. If you want to lose weight, try cutting down on fatty snacks such as crisps. Let somebody down 1. When he missed that penalty, he felt that he'd let the team down. 2. We think that this government has let down particular communities. 3. Don't worry - I won't let you down this time, I promise. 4. He finds it hard to trust anyone - he's been badly let down in the past. Put somebody or something down 1. She's always putting her glasses down somewhere and losing them. 2. At the end of the exam the teacher told everyone to put down their pens. 3. You're going to break that vase if you're not careful. Put it down. 4. Put me down, Mummy! 5. He heard the sound of the phone being put down. Settle down 1. What Manuela really wanted was to get married and settle down. 2. I'm going to travel for six months before settling down with a career. 3. Jack had settled down with his new wife in a small town near London. Slow somebody or something down 1. He realized he was driving too fast and began to slow down. 2. They claim they can slow down the ageing process. 3. Can't you work any faster? You're slowing the whole class down! 4. Don't wait for me - I'm only slowing you down. 5. The plant's growth is slowed down by lack
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