he reason that Minokichi-kun was attacked before seems to be because t dịch - he reason that Minokichi-kun was attacked before seems to be because t Việt làm thế nào để nói

he reason that Minokichi-kun was at

he reason that Minokichi-kun was attacked before seems to be because the necklace was destroyed due to his growth during his 【Rank Up】.

However, this is the troublesome matter, it costs five silver coins per person to acquire one.

Moreover, after exploring a dungeon, if you intend to enter another one, you need to pay five silver coins again to get a necklace followed by five additional coins for each dungeon.

From what I hear, every time you enter a dungeon, it’s necessary to have the necklace corresponding to that particular dungeon.

Even if I try to save money by carrying the same necklace into other dungeons, the effect wont work outside of the dungeon it was created for.

It advises you of this by emitting a pale light from the gold plate that it is adorned to.

It’s a very greedy business. To enter a dungeon costs around five silver coins. It’s a rather crafty practice utilizing the fact that one can easily earn money while traversing a dungeon

Setting aside the idle talk for the time being, I decided to enter the Mine of the Cyclops, one of Purgatory’s dungeons.

Mine of the Cyclops is a common type of underground dungeon that, from what I hear, has twenty floors.

The monsters are of intermediate strength that emerge from it’s depths.

Since it doesn’t go very deep, it’s the perfect challenge for a one day vacation.

Judging from the name, the image I had before entering was that of a rocky cave.

However, what I saw instead was a gloomy corridor that had paved floors and walls with the surface of the walls having a metallic color.

Although it may have been a bit difficult for a human to navigate the darkness, with my racial ability 【Night Vision】, it wasn’t much of a problem for me.

In addition, the few traps there were were quite easy to disarm since they had been installed poorly.

For being geared towards adventurers of intermediate strength, it seemed kind of dull.

While advancing, I felt a little unsatisfied of the difficulty.

On the ground, I found a goblin with dark skin who had all of the muscles on it’s body torn off by an ice axe.

It’s the kind of goblin known as a Mine Goblin.

Curious as to how it tasted, I immediately ripped off it’s head with my silver arm and ate it.

As for the taste, it was so-so, I guess.

Although it wasn’t delicious, I wouldn’t go as far as to say it was an unpleasant taste. They were probably a common occurrence in this place.

I normally don’t take a bite and then leave the body alone, however, I wanted to make several observations this time, so I left it to serve as an experiment.

If a person dies in the dungeon, it appears after a certain amount of time has passed, the body of that person will disappear.

This is something that I had Minokichi-kun’s group check up on beforehand, however, it seems that I have indeed verified the truth for myself.

In addition, it seems that if I do not remove the body from the dungeon within this time frame, it will vanish even if I have it stored in my backpack.

I hear that the names of those who have fallen to the dungeon are carved into a huge memorial that’s located in the public cemetery near the corner of the city.

In other words, I should eat humans and monsters not related to the dungeon before leaving the dungeon.

However, it’s strange that the dungeon’s monsters can become ingredients.

When your provisions start to run out deep in a dungeon, it seems you can cook the dungeon monsters that you kill and eat them.

For that reason, I experimented to determine to what extent you could bring dungeon monsters back with you.

With the one bite I’d taken still in my mouth, I picked up one of the Mine Goblin’s fingers with my right hand.

Then I changed the shape of my silver arm to conceal another finger within it and then threw the right leg into my item box and left the rest of the body where it was.

These are the results of the experiment.

When the body of the Mine Goblin disappeared, the finger in my right hand vanished as well, however, both the finger in my silver arm as well as the leg in my item box both remained.

I was a bit surprised about the leg in my item box, however, given the convenience of it, there were no complaints.

If I were to guess the reason for these results, it won’t disappear as long as you take it inside of your body.

In the case of my item box, I’m just going to wager a guess that it’s also considered a part of my body, though I can’t necessarily prove such.

At any rate, with this, I’ll have some souvenirs for Kanami-chan and the others to look forward to.

While advancing forward along the shortest route possible, of which I had check up on during my little experiment. I systematically killed any monsters I encountered, ate some of their flesh and threw rest into my item box for later.

Like this, I quickly descended.

Then, after around four hours had passed, I had arrived at the deepest part of the dungeon.

■ ■ ■

Two months ago, a dwarf by the name of Barth had met up with some people he had been friends with for years.

There, they had said that there was an item drop from a certain boss that they wanted dearly.

It’s been one month and twenty-six days since it was judged that possessing the item would be beneficial in the future.

The five person party Iron Sword Hunters led by a female adventurer, entered the dungeon【Mine of the Cyclops】.

The dungeon has already been challenged many times with the aim of obtaining the boss item drop, but the stress had begun to build up.

In the lowest part of the dungeon where the boss could be located, in the safety zone where monsters don’t appear, Arty, the one handed swordswoman that had tied her blond hair into a ponytail, made a final confirmation of their strategy together with her four comrades.

“I’ve said it many times, but regardless, if Longsword Bellula shows up, Zack will defend against the frontal attacks while Barth and I attack it’s legs.

Brianna and Aisha will use their best attacks on its flanks and rear.”

“If Demon Songstress Hatchell shows up, Brianna and Aisha should unleash small attacks on her to keep her from singing. Zack will protect the pair while Barth and I move around behind it and attack repeatedly. Of course we need to deal with her mace from the start.”

“Finally, if Quake Hammer Gründ shows up, use your standard attacks while being cautious of it’s strong moves.”

“Does everyone understand?”

Arty and the others had already challenged and killed the boss monsters many times over, but they had not yet been able to obtain the desired item, there were two big reasons for this.

The first reason is that the item they wanted so desperately had an extremely low rate to begin with. If it was something that easy to obtain, it wouldn’t be worth all the effort they have put forth to obtain it.

As it’s a 【Unique】 class magical item that possesses an extraordinary ability, that fact makes it understandable that it is located in a special area.

The second reason is that there are multiple different bosses within this dungeon. There exists three types of Cyclops that gives this dungeon it’s name as well as comprise of the boss monsters for the Mine of the Cyclops dungeon.

Wielding it’s massive yet sturdy longsword as if it were a mere twig, the youngest Cyclops, Longsword Bellula.

Wielding a massive mace that uses powerful magical strikes as it’s main method of attack, the female Cyclops, Demon Songstress Hatchell.

And finally, wielding an enormous spiked hammer that can cause the very earth to shake and buckle when it’s smashed, the oldest and strongest of the three, Quake Hammer Gründ.

This is how the current state of affairs stand.

The magical item that Arty’s team desires to obtain can only be dropped from the strongest of the bunch, Quake Hammer Gründ.

The problem is that the chances for Gründ showing up compared to the other two is exceptionally low.

Therefore, the magical item that they wish to obtain is quite difficult to get.

While it’s rather frustrating, it isn’t something that can be helped.

“Yes, yes, we get it. So then, let’s just head out immediately!”

Having already answered Arty’s question, the Werebear, Zack, a bear that walks on two legs like a human equipped with his tower shield, with a fitting depiction of a bear head stricken upon it, and his electrified bastard sword.

Quite contrary to his ferocious appearance, the bear actually harbors an instinctual fear of humankind.

He stands out everywhere given that he’s covered in dense hair and has the habit of easily getting carried away.

“Now now, calm down little Zack. Don’t get impatient on us.”

After a quick admonishment on Zack, Arty turned towards the remaining three members of the group to check on if they were prepared.

As their eyes met, all three of them gave a bland nod that signaled that they were prepared and ready to head out.

Barth the Dwarf was equipped with heavy armor and a morningstar.

Brianna possessed the 【Conjurer】 job and was wearing dark purple robes with a magical staff in her hand.

Aisha was dressed similar to that of a Shinto priest, carrying a footman’s flail in her left hand. She also had numerous support items such as holy water and other consecrated materials.

“In that case… Let’s quickly…”

Just as they were about to enter the boss room, their strategy meeting/break was cut short as a thunderous roar caused the ground to shake as if the earth was falling apart.

The furious tremors assaulted Arty’s group and the sheer magnitude of it caused them to stop moving on the spot.

The party of five people were forced to wait where they stood as it was as if the dungeon itself began to creak from the violent tremors to the point where it almost seemed as it it would collapse.

When the tremors finally stopped, the dust scattered about as if it was dancing. Small fragments of dirt and stone fell from the walls to the ground.
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lý do ông Minokichi-kun bị tấn công trước khi có vẻ là bởi vì vòng cổ đã bị phá hủy do tăng trưởng của ông trong thời gian của mình 【Rank Up】.Tuy nhiên, đây là vấn đề rắc rối, nó chi phí tiền xu bạc năm một người để có được một.Hơn nữa, sau khi khám phá một dungeon, nếu bạn muốn nhập một số khác, bạn cần phải trả tiền xu bạc năm một lần nữa để có được một chiếc vòng cổ theo sau năm bổ sung tiền xu cho mỗi dungeon.Từ những gì tôi nghe, mỗi khi bạn nhập một dungeon, nó là cần thiết để có necklace tương ứng với dungeon cụ thể đó.Ngay cả khi tôi cố gắng để tiết kiệm tiền bằng cách thực hiện cùng một necklace vào ngục tối khác, hiệu quả sẽ không làm việc bên ngoài các dungeon nó được tạo ra cho.Tư vấn cho bạn về điều này bằng cách phát ra một ánh sáng nhạt từ tấm vàng nó được trang trí với.Nó là một doanh nghiệp rất tham lam. Để nhập một dungeon chi phí khoảng năm tiền xu bạc. Nó là một thực tế xảo quyệt thay vì sử dụng một thực tế rằng một có thể dễ dàng kiếm tiền trong khi đi qua một dungeonThiết lập sang một bên ảnh chuyện trong lúc này, tôi quyết định nhập vào mỏ Cyclops, một trong ngục tối của Purgatory.Sắt thép Cyclops là một loại phổ biến của dungeon ngầm đó, từ những gì tôi nghe, có hai mươi sàn.Những con quái vật sức mạnh trung gian nổi lên từ độ sâu của nó.Kể từ khi nó không đi rất sâu sắc, nó là thách thức hoàn hảo cho một kỳ nghỉ một ngày.Xét xử từ tên, hình ảnh tôi đã có trước khi vào là của một hang động đá.However, what I saw instead was a gloomy corridor that had paved floors and walls with the surface of the walls having a metallic color.Although it may have been a bit difficult for a human to navigate the darkness, with my racial ability 【Night Vision】, it wasn’t much of a problem for me.In addition, the few traps there were were quite easy to disarm since they had been installed poorly.For being geared towards adventurers of intermediate strength, it seemed kind of dull.While advancing, I felt a little unsatisfied of the difficulty.On the ground, I found a goblin with dark skin who had all of the muscles on it’s body torn off by an ice axe.It’s the kind of goblin known as a Mine Goblin.Curious as to how it tasted, I immediately ripped off it’s head with my silver arm and ate it.As for the taste, it was so-so, I guess.Although it wasn’t delicious, I wouldn’t go as far as to say it was an unpleasant taste. They were probably a common occurrence in this place.I normally don’t take a bite and then leave the body alone, however, I wanted to make several observations this time, so I left it to serve as an experiment.If a person dies in the dungeon, it appears after a certain amount of time has passed, the body of that person will disappear.This is something that I had Minokichi-kun’s group check up on beforehand, however, it seems that I have indeed verified the truth for myself.
In addition, it seems that if I do not remove the body from the dungeon within this time frame, it will vanish even if I have it stored in my backpack.

I hear that the names of those who have fallen to the dungeon are carved into a huge memorial that’s located in the public cemetery near the corner of the city.

In other words, I should eat humans and monsters not related to the dungeon before leaving the dungeon.

However, it’s strange that the dungeon’s monsters can become ingredients.

When your provisions start to run out deep in a dungeon, it seems you can cook the dungeon monsters that you kill and eat them.

For that reason, I experimented to determine to what extent you could bring dungeon monsters back with you.

With the one bite I’d taken still in my mouth, I picked up one of the Mine Goblin’s fingers with my right hand.

Then I changed the shape of my silver arm to conceal another finger within it and then threw the right leg into my item box and left the rest of the body where it was.

These are the results of the experiment.

When the body of the Mine Goblin disappeared, the finger in my right hand vanished as well, however, both the finger in my silver arm as well as the leg in my item box both remained.

I was a bit surprised about the leg in my item box, however, given the convenience of it, there were no complaints.

If I were to guess the reason for these results, it won’t disappear as long as you take it inside of your body.

In the case of my item box, I’m just going to wager a guess that it’s also considered a part of my body, though I can’t necessarily prove such.

At any rate, with this, I’ll have some souvenirs for Kanami-chan and the others to look forward to.

While advancing forward along the shortest route possible, of which I had check up on during my little experiment. I systematically killed any monsters I encountered, ate some of their flesh and threw rest into my item box for later.

Like this, I quickly descended.

Then, after around four hours had passed, I had arrived at the deepest part of the dungeon.

■ ■ ■

Two months ago, a dwarf by the name of Barth had met up with some people he had been friends with for years.

There, they had said that there was an item drop from a certain boss that they wanted dearly.

It’s been one month and twenty-six days since it was judged that possessing the item would be beneficial in the future.

The five person party Iron Sword Hunters led by a female adventurer, entered the dungeon【Mine of the Cyclops】.

The dungeon has already been challenged many times with the aim of obtaining the boss item drop, but the stress had begun to build up.

In the lowest part of the dungeon where the boss could be located, in the safety zone where monsters don’t appear, Arty, the one handed swordswoman that had tied her blond hair into a ponytail, made a final confirmation of their strategy together with her four comrades.

“I’ve said it many times, but regardless, if Longsword Bellula shows up, Zack will defend against the frontal attacks while Barth and I attack it’s legs.

Brianna and Aisha will use their best attacks on its flanks and rear.”

“If Demon Songstress Hatchell shows up, Brianna and Aisha should unleash small attacks on her to keep her from singing. Zack will protect the pair while Barth and I move around behind it and attack repeatedly. Of course we need to deal with her mace from the start.”

“Finally, if Quake Hammer Gründ shows up, use your standard attacks while being cautious of it’s strong moves.”

“Does everyone understand?”

Arty and the others had already challenged and killed the boss monsters many times over, but they had not yet been able to obtain the desired item, there were two big reasons for this.

The first reason is that the item they wanted so desperately had an extremely low rate to begin with. If it was something that easy to obtain, it wouldn’t be worth all the effort they have put forth to obtain it.

As it’s a 【Unique】 class magical item that possesses an extraordinary ability, that fact makes it understandable that it is located in a special area.

The second reason is that there are multiple different bosses within this dungeon. There exists three types of Cyclops that gives this dungeon it’s name as well as comprise of the boss monsters for the Mine of the Cyclops dungeon.

Wielding it’s massive yet sturdy longsword as if it were a mere twig, the youngest Cyclops, Longsword Bellula.

Wielding a massive mace that uses powerful magical strikes as it’s main method of attack, the female Cyclops, Demon Songstress Hatchell.

And finally, wielding an enormous spiked hammer that can cause the very earth to shake and buckle when it’s smashed, the oldest and strongest of the three, Quake Hammer Gründ.

This is how the current state of affairs stand.

The magical item that Arty’s team desires to obtain can only be dropped from the strongest of the bunch, Quake Hammer Gründ.

The problem is that the chances for Gründ showing up compared to the other two is exceptionally low.

Therefore, the magical item that they wish to obtain is quite difficult to get.

While it’s rather frustrating, it isn’t something that can be helped.

“Yes, yes, we get it. So then, let’s just head out immediately!”

Having already answered Arty’s question, the Werebear, Zack, a bear that walks on two legs like a human equipped with his tower shield, with a fitting depiction of a bear head stricken upon it, and his electrified bastard sword.

Quite contrary to his ferocious appearance, the bear actually harbors an instinctual fear of humankind.

He stands out everywhere given that he’s covered in dense hair and has the habit of easily getting carried away.

“Now now, calm down little Zack. Don’t get impatient on us.”

After a quick admonishment on Zack, Arty turned towards the remaining three members of the group to check on if they were prepared.

As their eyes met, all three of them gave a bland nod that signaled that they were prepared and ready to head out.

Barth the Dwarf was equipped with heavy armor and a morningstar.

Brianna possessed the 【Conjurer】 job and was wearing dark purple robes with a magical staff in her hand.

Aisha was dressed similar to that of a Shinto priest, carrying a footman’s flail in her left hand. She also had numerous support items such as holy water and other consecrated materials.

“In that case… Let’s quickly…”

Just as they were about to enter the boss room, their strategy meeting/break was cut short as a thunderous roar caused the ground to shake as if the earth was falling apart.

The furious tremors assaulted Arty’s group and the sheer magnitude of it caused them to stop moving on the spot.

The party of five people were forced to wait where they stood as it was as if the dungeon itself began to creak from the violent tremors to the point where it almost seemed as it it would collapse.

When the tremors finally stopped, the dust scattered about as if it was dancing. Small fragments of dirt and stone fell from the walls to the ground.
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