000:00:00, 000--> 00:00:07, 000XIN VUI LÒNG KHÔNG REUPLOADJAV phụ bởi (lúc) BONEKACE TÌM PHỤ THÊM TẠI JAVSUBTITLES.COM100:00:09, 701--> 00:00:13, 935Là wa isshukan mae không datta kotoNó đã xảy ra một vài tuần trước đây.200:00:18, 033--> 00:00:19, 166Ya, iinee.Tốt.300:00:21, 133--> 00:00:22, 767Chotto berodashitemiyouka.Hãy thử dính ra lưỡi của bạn.400:00:22, 868--> 00:00:23, 702Saikou.Tuyệt.500:00:25, 501--> 00:00:26, 634Sống, sống.Dễ thương.600:00:37, 901--> 00:00:39, 135Sou.Vâng, như vậy.700:00:43, 901--> 00:00:45, 901Oke, otsukaresama.Tốt, cảm ơn cho tốt công việc.800:00:46, 000--> 00:00:47, 334Otsukaresamadesu.Cảm ơn rất nhiều.900:00:56, 968--> 00:01:03, 469Geinoujin Ichinose Ameri.Ca sĩ Ichinose Ameri.1000:01:31, 367--> 00:01:32, 968Moshimoshi, Ichinosedesukedo.Xin chào, đây là Ichinose.1100:01:34, 767--> 00:01:37, 334Ichinosechan doushita?Ichinose, nó là gì?1200:01:38, 634--> 00:01:39, 535Shachou.Quản lý.1300:01:40, 200--> 00:01:41, 233Watashi biên bản ghi nhớ...I'am...1400:01:42, 100--> 00:01:44, 734Kono kosupurei katalogu không có không có moderu wa ii desu... .tired đang được các mô hình của cosplay danh mục.1500:01:47, 067--> 00:01:48, 701Maa, souiiwanaideyo.Xin vui lòng đừng nói thế.1600:01:49, 334--> 00:01:51, 434Uchisa, chiisana jimushodashi.Vâng, cơ quan của chúng tôi là nhỏ, vì vậy...1700:01:51, 534--> 00:01:53, 768Shigo để nanka eranderanai karasa.Chúng tôi không cầu kỳ về công ăn việc làm.1800:01:54, 100--> 00:01:57, 968Sono uchi shotai ageruyo na?Cuối cùng bạn sẽ nhận được công việc ok?1900:01:59, 534--> 00:02:00, 301Giới thiệu...Nhưng...2000:02:02, 167--> 00:02:05, 035Ashita mo satsueikai ga arukarasa.Ngày mai sẽ có một chụp ảnh quá.2100:02:05, 167--> 00:02:06, 634Yoroshikune na.I'am đếm ngày bạn, okay.2200:02:08, 200--> 00:02:09, 567Shachou...Quản lý...2300:02:24, 933--> 00:02:26, 167Moshimoshi.Xin chào.2400:02:26, 567--> 00:02:28, 667Kono aida không có kototte...Về ngày khác...2500:02:29, 300--> 00:02:30, 634Hontou?Thực sự?2600:02:31, 067--> 00:02:31, 634Liên Hiệp Quốc.Có.2700:02:32, 267--> 00:02:33, 467Itsu?Mấy giờ?2800:02:34, 501--> 00:02:35, 168Liên Hiệp Quốc, Liên Hiệp Quốc.Ok2900:02:35, 267--> 00:02:37, 467Jya, ashita no jyuhachiji jimushoune.Sau đó, ngày mai 18 giờ tại văn phòng bên phải.3000:02:37, 734--> 00:02:39, 801Wakatta, arigatou, hai.Có nó, cảm ơn, tạm biệt.3100:03:07, 434--> 00:03:08, 634Lorelei.Vì vậy, nó là ở đây.3200:03:15, 434--> 00:03:16, 302Douzo.Xin vui lòng đến trong.3300:03:16, 467--> 00:03:17, 201Shitshureishimasu.Xin lỗi.3400:03:19, 801--> 00:03:23, 568Hajimemashite Ichinosedesu yoroshikuonegaishimasu.Tên tôi là ichinose, rất vui được gặp bạn.3500:03:25, 167--> 00:03:27, 834Ichinosesan saa suwatte.Hoa hậu Ichinose, xin vui lòng có một chỗ ngồi.3600:03:34, 801--> 00:03:36, 901Doumo watakushiwa manejyaa tantoushitemasu.I'am the one in charge as manager.3700:03:37,033 --> 00:03:37,967Takano tomoushimasu.My name is Takano.3800:03:38,267 --> 00:03:40,101Yoroshikuonegaishimasu. / Yoroshikuonegaishimasu.Please to meet you. / Please to meet you.3900:03:41,534 --> 00:03:43,402Dee, soudan teiunowa?So what do you want to talk about.4000:03:44,467 --> 00:03:50,435Ano, jitsu wa souchokui iimashuto...Well, honestly to put it bluntly...4100:03:51,400 --> 00:03:56,001Sochi wa jimushou nii isekisasete itadakenaideshouka?Can't i get transferred to your agency?4200:03:58,767 --> 00:04:00,034Naruhodone.I see.4300:04:00,868 --> 00:04:04,868Iya, Yukari kara hokano jimusho no moderu woshoukaishitaittekiitekara.Well, i heard from Yukari that she want to introduce a model from other agency.4400:04:04,968 --> 00:04:07,535Maa, soiiu kotonanka jyanaikanaatteWell i think was not like that.4500:04:08,067 --> 00:04:12,267Tashika ichinosesan wa oogino puroomosion tsuzoku desuyone?If i'am not mistaken miss Ichinose came from Oogino promotion , correct?4600:04:12,667 --> 00:04:19,667Hai, demo uchinojimusho wa tsuhanzasshi toka, cosupurei moderutokaYes, but in our agency there only like picture magazine or cosplay model4700:04:19,934 --> 00:04:22,934Watashi ga yaritakatta shigoto wa naindesu.There is no job that i wanted.4800:04:23,501 --> 00:04:25,601Kyou mo satsueikai deshitashi.Like today's photoshoot.4900:04:27,701 --> 00:04:28,435Soudesuka.I see.5000:04:29,467 --> 00:04:33,867Tashika uchiwa fashion zashii kankeinado saouitta shigoto wo ooidesukarane.Sure that in our agency there is lot of work related to fashion magazine.5100:04:35,100 --> 00:04:39,701Tada iseki to naruto iroiro no mondaigaaru kono gyoukaide.But there is alot of problem about transfering in this industry.5200:04:40,634 --> 00:04:44,301Sochirano shachousan wa ryousoushiteirudesukane?Are your manager know about this?5300:04:45,601 --> 00:04:47,168Sorewamadadesu.No, not yet.5400:04:48,334 --> 00:04:50,901Demo kanarasu settokushitekimasu.But i will convince him.5500:04:52,400 --> 00:04:53,700Wakarimashita.Alright then.5600:04:53,968 --> 00:04:57,936Sochira no sachousae nattokush itakereba kochira wa mondainarimasen.If your manager agree with it, there will be no problem.5700:04:58,701 --> 00:05:01,302Kanarasu Settokushite mata renraku kudasai.Be sure to convince him dan call me again.5800:05:01,567 --> 00:05:02,667Omochishitemasu.I'll be waiting.5900:05:03,601 --> 00:05:05,035Ichinosesan.Miss Ichinnose.6000:05:05,701 --> 00:05:07,335Arigatougozaimasu.Thank you very much.6100:05:13,467 --> 00:05:16,101Nee, Ichinochan hanashittenanika?So, Ichinose what do you want to tell about?6200:05:18,367 --> 00:05:19,235Shachou...Manager...6300:05:21,100 --> 00:05:22,068Watashi...Please...6400:05:23,200 --> 00:05:25,300Hokano jimushouni isekisasetekudasai....let me transfer to another agency.6500:05:28,067 --> 00:05:29,834Ittaidoushichattanoyo?What happened?6600:05:34,334 --> 00:05:38,202Watashi wa chiisai koro kara fashion no moderu ni naru yume de...I have a dream to become a fashion model since a kid so...6700:05:38,267 --> 00:05:40,367...kono sekai ni hairimashita....i went working in this industries.6800:05:40,801 --> 00:05:46,502Demo itadaki shigoto wa kataroguto ka ebento no kompanion bakaride.But the job i got only for dress catalogue or company event.6900:05:47,968 --> 00:05:50,135Shachou onegaishimasu.Manager please let me transfer.7000:05:52,601 --> 00:05:55,601Souka Wakatta.Ok i understand.7100:05:56,133 --> 00:05:57,730Kimi wa sokomade iunara...If you insist saying like that...7200:05:57,868 --> 00:06:00,935Kongetsu ippaide keiyakuuchi kirouka?How about we canceled the contract at the end of the month?7300:06:01,634 --> 00:06:04,767Hontoudesuka? Arigatougozaimasu.Really? thank you very much.7400:06:07,434 --> 00:06:09,302Demo hitotsu jyoukengaaru.But with one condition.7500:06:13,033 --> 00:06:14,567Nandesuka?What condition?7600:06:16,934 --> 00:06:19,701Kongetsu ippai keiyaku kaijyosuru aida...Until the contract is canceled...7700:06:20,667 --> 00:06:24,734...ore no iikoto nandemo kikutte yakussokushitekure.
...promise me that you will do everything i say.
00:06:27,934 --> 00:06:28,868
00:06:29,334 --> 00:06:30,302
00:06:31,801 --> 00:06:33,968
Sono jyoken wo nomenai dattara...
If you can't do that...
00:06:34,167 --> 00:06:38,167
Kongou, kono sekai de shigoto wo dekinaiyouni..
I will make sure that...
00:06:38,300 --> 00:06:40,067
...ore ga tee wo mashikarana.
...you can't get a job this industry anymore myself.
00:06:40,200 --> 00:06:41,434
No way.
00:06:43,467 --> 00:06:48,767
kono sekai de isekishite koto wa soregurai kakugo wa hitstuyounanda.
You need that that much resolve if want to transfer in this industry.
00:06:53,067 --> 00:06:54,334
I understand.
00:06:55,067 --> 00:06:56,401
I'll promise.
00:06:59,801 --> 00:07:00,801
00:07:01,767 --> 00:07:04,368
Jyaa orenomaeni sassoku fukuwo nugunnda.
Now take off your cloth in front of me.
00:07:06,934 --> 00:07:08,468
Sonna kotodekimasen.
I can't do that.
00:07:09,868 --> 00:07:12,369
Sassoku yakusoku yaburunoka?
You want to broke promise already?
00:07:12,901 --> 00:07:13,668
Hayaku nugunnda.
Take off your cloth.
00:07:16,868 --> 00:07:18,202
I understand.
00:07:59,534 --> 00:08:01,402
Dare ga yametteittandayo?
Who said to stop?
00:08:02,501 --> 00:08:04,302
Shitagi mo zenbu nugunnda.
Take off all of your underwear too.
00:08:05,868 --> 00:08:06,569
00:08:37,300 --> 00:08:38,500
Te wo ooshinayo.
Don't hide it.
00:08:52,467 --> 00:08:55,101
Sasuga wagasha no moredudakeatte.
As expected model from my agency.
00:08:56,734 --> 00:08:58,101
IIkarada shiteiruna.
What a nice body.
00:09:02,367 --> 00:09:03,001
What is it ?
00:09:03,334 --> 00:09:04,001
Iie, iie.
No, nothing.
00:09:05,367 --> 00:09:10,201
Konna koto taishitakoto naidaro.
Something like this is not such a big deal isn't.
00:09:10,834 --> 00:09:13,702
Kouyattesa shigoto toteru hito ga irundayo.
There is also people doing this as a job you know.
00:09:14,834 --> 00:09:16,702
Atarimaedakara kono youkaidato.
It's something common in this bussines.
00:09:19,167 --> 00:09:20,167
Please stop it.
00:09:20,400 --> 00:09:22,533
IIkara misenayo,hora.
C'mon show it.
00:09:26,701 --> 00:09:27,935
Let's begin shall we?
00:09:28,434 --> 00:09:29,768
Please stop.
00:09:33,367 --> 00:09:34,901
Jimushou ni nuketainndaro?
You want leave the agency right?
00:09:35,501 --> 00:09:36,335
00:09:38,734 --> 00:09:40,335
Jya wakatteruyone.
Then you know what to do right?
00:09:42,434 --> 00:09:47,368
Bibinakutemo iiyo, yashashiku surukara sa na.
Don't be afraid, i'll do it gently.
00:09:56,834 --> 00:09:58,834
ii d
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
