Carbon Dioxide Capture DOI: 10.1002/anie.201000431Carbon Dioxide Capture: Prospects for New MaterialsDeanna M. DAlessandro,* Berend Smit,* and Jeffrey R. Long*Angewandte ChemieKeywords:absorbents · adsorption · carbon dioxide ·membranes ·metal–organic frameworksReviews D. M. D’Alessandro et al.6058 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 6058 – 60821. IntroductionThe prospect of a worsening climatic situation due toglobal warming is a subject of widespread public concern,with annual global emissions of CO2 having escalated byapproximately 80% between 1970 and 2004.[1] This drasticrise has been attributed to an increasing dependence on thecombustion of fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas)which account for 86% of anthropogenic greenhouse gasemissions, the remainder arising from land use change(primarily deforestation) and chemical processing.[2]The urgent need for strategies to reduce global atmosphericconcentrations of greenhouse gases has promptedaction from national and international governments andindustries, and a number of high-profile collaborative programshave been established including the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United NationsFramework Commission on Climate Change, and theGlobal Climate Change Initiative. The capture and sequestrationof carbon dioxide—the predominant greenhousegas—is a central strategy in these initiatives, as it offers theopportunity to meet increasing demands for fossil fuel energyin the short- to medium-term, whilst reducing the associatedgreenhouse gas emissions in line with global targets.[3] Carboncapture and storage (CCS) schemes embody a group oftechnologies for the capture of CO2 from power plants,followed by compression, transport, and permanent storage.CCS will complement other crucial strategies, such asimproving energy efficiency, switching to less carbon-intensivefuels such as natural gas and phasing in the use ofrenewable energy resources (e.g., solar energy, wind, andbiomass).A critical point is that the deployment of CCS schemes is amultifaceted problem that requires shared vision and worldwidecollaborative efforts from governments, policy makersand economists, as well as scientists, engineers and venturecapitalists. From this perspective, it is apparent why theproblem of CO2 capture is regarded as one of the grandchallenges for the 21st century.[3]A number of recent high-profile reports and comprehensivearticles have considered the engineering feasibility andeconomics of CO2 capture, and have sought to estimate thecosts by modeling reference cases of existing postcombustioncapture in coal- and gas-fired power plants.[3–5] Such conventionaltechnologies for large-scale capture have been commerciallyavailable for over 50 years and are focused on theseparation of CO2 from flue gases by the use of amineabsorbers (“scrubbers”) and cryogenic coolers.[6]The IPCC estimates that CO2 emissions to the atmospherecould be reduced by 80–90% for a modern conventionalpower plant equipped with carbon capture and storagetechnology.[7] A recent analysis has shown that the thermodynamicminimum energy penalty for capturing 90% of the CO2from the flue gas of a typical coal-fired power plant isapproximately 3.5% (assuming a flue gas containing 12–15%CO2 at 40 8C).[8] By comparison, conventional CO2 captureusing amine scrubbers will increase the energy requirementsFrom the Contents1. Introduction 60592. Conventional ChemicalAbsorption 60623. Emerging Methods for CO2Capture 60634. New Materials for CO2 Capture 60645. Future Prospects 6078The escalating level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is one of the mostpressing environmental concerns of our age. Carbon capture andstorage (CCS) from large point sources such as power plants is oneoption for reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions; however, currentlythe capture alone will increase the energy requirements of a plant by25–40%. This Review highlights the challenges for capture technologieswhich have the greatest likelihood of reducing CO2 emissionsto the atmosphere, namely postcombustion (predominantly CO2/N2separation), precombustion (CO2/H2) capture, and natural gassweetening (CO2/CH4). The key factor which underlies significantadvancements lies in improved materials that perform the separations.In this regard, the most recent developments and emerging concepts inCO2 separations by solvent absorption, chemical and physicaladsorption, and membranes, amongst others, will be discussed, withparticular attention on progress in the burgeoning field of metal–organic frameworks.[*] Dr. D. M. D’AlessandroSchool of Chemistry, The University of SydneySydney, New South Wales 2006 (Australien)E-mail: B. SmitDepartment of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of California, BerkeleyBerkeley, CA 94720-1460 (USA)E-mail: Berend-Smit@berkeley.eduProf. B. Smit, Prof. J. R. LongDepartment of ChemistryUniversity of California, BerkeleyBerkeley, CA 94720-1460 (USA)Fax: (+1) 510-643-3546E-mail: jrlong@berkeley.eduCarbon Dioxide Capture Angewandte ChemieAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 6058 – 6082 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 6059of a plant by 25–40%.[7–9] Other recent cost analysis estimatesbased on near-term conventional regenerative amine scrubbingsystems have predicted an increased cost of electricity of$0.06 kWh, or an “avoided cost of capture” of $57–60/tonneCO2 (as an alternative measure).[8] Clearly, the existingmethods of capture are energy intensive and are not costeffectivefor carbon emissions reduction.[7] These economicand energy comparisons underscore the immense opportunitiesand incentives that exist for improved CO2 captureprocesses and materials.Various components of the CCS process chain includingcompression, transportation (by pre-existing pipelines forinstance), and storage of CO2 are technologically mature andavailable, and a growing number of fully integrated CCSprojects are reaching the pilot and demonstration phases priorto commercialization. In addition to three large-scale demonstrationprojects which are currently underway in SleipnerWest (Norway), Weyburn (Canada), and In Salah (Algeria),several smaller projects have commenced on the Dutchcontinental shelf (Netherlands), Snøhvit (Norway), La Barge(Wyoming, United States), Fenn Big Valley (Canada), Ketzin(Germany), and Schwarze Pumpe (Germany).[9–11] All of thecurrent projects demonstrate carbon storage or reuse inenhanced coal-bed methane recovery schemes, although oneproject at Schwarze Pumpe in Germany, captures CO2 at acoal-based plant. A further 40 CCS projects have alreadybeen proposed worldwide between 2008 and 2020.[11]One explanation for the slow deployment of fullyintegrated commercial CCS schemes is the considerable costof the capture phase, which represents approximately twothirds of the total cost for CCS. A recent comprehensivereport on postcombustion CO2 capture technologies hasdetermined that the regeneration energy, followed by thecapital cost of capture-specific equipment are the twovariables contributing most significantly to the cost of CO2
capture.[8] One significant contributor to the regeneration
energy is the maximum separation efficiency which can be
achieved by a given capture material. Enhancing this
efficiency will have the greatest potential for lowering the
overall cost of capture systems in near-term,[8] with improvements
in the capture phase for new materials representing one
of the foremost challenges.[5] As shown in Figure 1, there
exists a serious need for research on innovative new materials
in order to reduce the time to commercialization.
It is evident that a consideration of the process design
economics and costs are required to assess fully the potential
of any given new material. The challenge arises due to
necessary assumptions which must be made, and the variations
in the technical characteristics (e.g. fuel used, plant
characteristics), scale and application of a given material,
which require that capital costs be balanced with the
efficiency of material. Assessing the economics of CCS is a
nontrivial task which is outside the scope of the present
article. Nevertheless, a number of groups have developed
advanced cost-analysis models, which permit a number of the
aforementioned parameters to be varied.[5]
Here, we focus on the significant challenge of CO2 capture
and highlight recent advances in materials and emerging
concepts. The emphasis is on designed materials in which a
molecular level of control can be achieved as a means of
tailoring their performance in separating relevant gas mixtures.
In this regard, particular attention is directed towards
the latest developments in CO2 separations using microcrystalline
porous solids or metal–organic frameworks. For
more in-depth discussions on materials for CO2 separations,
the reader is directed to a number of excellent authoritative
reviews in the field.[13–21] We also seek to provide some
criteria, measurement parameters and performance standards
in which materials developed in the laboratory can be
Deanna M. D’Alessandro received her PhD
in Chemistry from James Cook University
(Australia) in 2006 for which she received
the RACI Cornforth Medal and a 2007
IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists. She held a
postdoctoral position with Prof. Long at
Berkeley (2007–2009) and was a Dow
Chemical Company Fellow of the American–Australian
Association and an 1851
Royal Commission Fellow. In 2010 she will
commence a University of Sydney Research
Fellowship focusing on energy-related applications
of microporous materials.
Berend Smit received his PhD in Chemistry
from Utrecht University. From 1988 to
1997, he worked as a researcher at Shell
Research. In 1997, he returned to academia
as Professor of Chemistry at the Univ
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