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Get The Advanced Text Game Guide ©

Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
By Race de Priest
Text Game
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Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
Table of Contents
About the Author .........................................................................................4
I Have a Question for You… .......................................................................7
Your New Reality ........................................................................................8
I Really Dislike Pickup ............................................................................10
WELCOME TO Text Game Mastery .......................................................13
Dating Multiple Women ...........................................................................17
Easy Peasy, Nice And Breezy .................................................................19
TEXT THAT GIRL ....................................................................................26
Terms and Conditions of Use ....................................................................29
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Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
A quick-start guide to
sending texts that always
get replies.
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Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
About the Author
Who is Race de Priest? Well for starters I am a world traveler, a
dolphin rider, a bridge-jumper-offer, a true blue friend, an award
winning bartender, a class clown, a cheese fiend, an adventure
junkie, a HUGE dork and all around funstigator. But I bet the part
of me that you are most interested in is how I became a professional dating and relationship consultant who has written several
books, been on quite a few radio shows including Maxim Radio
and Covino and Rich, filmed a TV pilot about meeting women
in NYC, worked with the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, been
made fun of on Saturday Night Live, been the topic of countless
articles and worked with thousand of clients all around the world.
Well truth is it started back in High School. At the age of 15 my parents moved the whole family
2,300 miles (3,701 k) across the country. I went from having a well established social circle of tight
knit friends to a small private school where I was the outsider. I mean, these kids had grown up
together since grade school. My way of dealing with it was to withdraw into myself and become
stand-offish. Hey, that way I couldn’t get rejected or hurt right? The only problem was, this was
NOT getting me friends and definitely was NOT getting me dates.
Being the bookworm that I am, I began to devour every book I could find on how to connect with
people, make friends and overall become popular. As I began to incorporate what I was learning, I
was amazed to see how people began to respond differently to me. It was scary and I was nervous
as hell but it payed off. Within a few months I was dating the most popular girl in my class. Fast
forward 8 months and a breakup later I was back at square one. Yet I learned a valuable lesson.
You don’t have to be born with it, this stuff can be learned!
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Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
I was so intrigued, in fact, that I chose Psychology as one of my majors in College. But something
was wrong. No matter how much I learned I still didn’t seem to be getting the results I wanted. But
I was relatively comfortable so I didn’t worry about it too much. Until another girl broke up with me.
You see, I was the kind of guy that would find a girlfriend and then hold on to her however I
could (usually through manipulation and guilt – yeah I know, very unhealthy) because I was afraid
that if we broke up I wouldn’t be able to find another one. For me, being in a relationship was
comfortable, it was safe and I yet deep down I knew I wasn’t completely happy. I relied on the
woman I was dating for my identity and my happiness. Now back to the story.
So there I was working as a bartender in New Zealand after graduation when my girlfriend of 2
years decided to come out and live with me. She quit her Flight Attendant job, flew out and after
two months living together she broke up with me. I was devastated. This is the most alone I had
ever felt in my entire life. Heartbroken, alone and completely unhappy in a foreign country was the
last straw. I was going to master social skills if it killed me!
And it did… I am actually a ghost. j/k I spent the next five years searching out guys who had
charisma, who made friends easily and instantly, who girls fawned over, the kind of guy we all wish
we could be. It became my personal mission to learn every last thing I could from them. And you
know what was odd? They all did different “things”, sometimes contradictory things. And yet it all
worked… for them. But a curious thing began to happen to me as I spent more and more time
with them. I started to get the same results. It wasn’t until later that I realized what had happened.
Ready for the big secret? I began to subconsciously absorb their beliefs and values.
Beliefs and values are the subconscious “commands” that direct our actions, filter the way we
view the world and determine how we interpret events, including social interactions. All of the
“techniques” that these guys were teaching me, even the ones that contradicted each other, worked
because they were in line with each particular guy’s beliefs and values. Now I finally understood
why no matter how much I learned, I still wasn’t getting the results I wanted! My subconscious
beliefs and values were out of line and holding me back!
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Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
I was so excited I spent the next couple years learning the absolute quickest and most
effective ways to uncover these sabotaging, subconscious beliefs and transform them into the
self-empowering, solid identity building beliefs that these guys all had. I was FINALLY becoming
the persona I had always wanted to be. People began to notice. All of a sudden I was the one
being complemented on my charisma, I was the one making friends everywhere I went, I was the
one people were calling to see what was going on, I was even the one guys came to for advice on
meeting and dating beautiful women.
Since then I have dedicated a large part of my life to working with men and women to help
them uncover and transform these subconscious beliefs and values that are literally making it
impossible for them to achieve the life they desire. So now it’s your turn. IF you are a member of
the select few who are ready to move past the same old tips and techniques that have been getting you limited results and often leave you feeling unauthentic and weird then I invite you to a new
lifestyle. A lifestyle of adventure, unlimited fun, self-discovery, unshakable confidence, happy,
healthy relationships, awesome and abundant friendships, and of course the most exciting and
beautiful women you have ever met. I invite you to share in my lifestyle
btw: Absolutely feel free to contact me with any and all sincere questions. Yes that means YOU. I
promise to get back to you asap. After all, we are in this together :)
Race dePriest
Page 7 of 32
Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
What’s the absolutely most efficient way to go from meeting a woman, to getting her into your
Since the name of this report is Text Game Mastery, you probably already know that the answer to
that question has to do with text messaging.
And over the next few pages, I’m going to show you exactly how powerful it can be… how proper
use of text messaging can take you FAR beyond even what most guys use it for… and how you
can have the most abundant dating life ever if you get this one skill handled.
Big claims, for sure. And since I know that I can back them up, I want to explain exactly how you
can have this power for yourself.
Get ready for Text Game Mastery.
Race dePriest
Page 8 of 32
Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
Imagine it’s a Friday night. You’re out with some friends, and over the course of the few hours
you’re out, you get five numbers.
Is it because you’ve got the best game in the world? Not at all… in fact, you’re in and out of the
conversations in five to ten minutes. You’re welcome to stick around as long as you want, but
there’s absolutely no need. As long as you get a number, you’re good.
(and you’re not worried about bringing someone home, because you’ve already got someone waiting for you – but more on that later)
I’ll go one step further – you don’t even need to have them get your phone number in return, or
make a memorable impression.
Of course, that won’t hurt your chances.
But if your game isn’t exactly at the level where every girl you meet wants to sleep with you within
five minutes of meeting you, well, no problem.
Because you know that with nothing more than a number, you can get a date. There’s no question
in your mind – all you need is that number.
So whether you get that number after five minutes of awkward conversation, or five hours of deep
…whether you get it from a drunk 21 year old at a bar, or a classy 30-something at a gala…
…whether she gives it to you with total excitement or enthusiasm, or complete reluctance…
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Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
…you don’t care. You know that that number is as good as a date.
Even b
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Hướng dẫn sử dụng trò chơi văn bản chuyên sâu © 2013 thu hút Rockstarwww. TextThat Girl.comtheo chủng tộc dePriestBởi chủng tộc de linh mụcVăn bản trò chơiLàm chủTrang 2 trên tổng 32Hướng dẫn sử dụng trò chơi văn bản chuyên sâu © 2013 thu hút Rockstarwww. TextThat Girl.comtheo chủng tộc dePriestBảng nội dungAbout the Author ......................................................................................... 4Tôi có một câu hỏi cho bạn...... 7Your New Reality ........................................................................................ 8I Really Dislike Pickup ............................................................................ 10Chào mừng đến với văn bản làm chủ trò chơi... 13Dating Multiple Women ........................................................................... 17Dễ dàng Peasy, tốt đẹp và mát mẻ... 19TEXT THAT GIRL .................................................................................... 26Điều khoản và điều kiện sử dụng... 29Trang 3 / 32Hướng dẫn sử dụng trò chơi văn bản chuyên sâu © 2013 thu hút Rockstarwww. TextThat Girl.comtheo chủng tộc dePriestMột hướng dẫn bắt đầu nhanh chóng để gửi văn bản mà luôn luôn nhận được trả lời.Trang 4 của 32Hướng dẫn sử dụng trò chơi văn bản chuyên sâu © 2013 thu hút Rockstarwww. TextThat Girl.comtheo chủng tộc dePriestVề tác giảNgười là cuộc đua de linh mục? Tốt cho người mới bắt đầu tôi là một du lịch thế giới, một cá heo rider, một cây cầu-jumper – lời mời, một người bạn true blue, một giải thưởng chiến thắng người pha rượu, một lớp hề, một qui pho mát, một cuộc phiêu lưu junkie, một dork rất lớn và tất cả xung quanh funstigator. Nhưng tôi đặt cược phần của tôi rằng bạn đang quan tâm nhất là làm thế nào tôi đã trở thành một chuyên nghiệp hẹn hò và mối quan hệ tư vấn người đã viết một số sách, trên khá một vài cho thấy đài phát thanh trong đó có Maxim Radio và Covino và phong phú, quay một phi công TV về cuộc họp phụ nữ tại New York, làm việc với thủ tướng của Bahamas, làm cho niềm vui của ngày Saturday Night Live, là chủ đề của vô số Bài viết và làm việc với ngàn khách hàng trên toàn thế giới.Thật tốt là nó bắt đầu trở lại tại trường trung học. Tại 15 tuổi cha mẹ tôi lại cả gia đình 2.300 dặm (3,701 k) trên toàn quốc. Tôi đã đi từ có một vòng tròn xã hội cũng được thành lập của chặt chẽ Đan bạn bè đến một trường học tư nhân nhỏ nơi tôi là người ngoài cuộc. Tôi có nghĩa là, những trẻ em đã tăng lên cùng nhau kể từ khi lớp học. Theo cách của tôi đối phó với nó là để thu hồi vào bản thân mình và trở thành đứng-offish. Này, như vậy tôi không thể nhận được từ chối hoặc bị thương ngay? Vấn đề duy nhất là, điều này là KHÔNG nhận được tôi bạn bè và chắc chắn đã không nhận được tôi ngày.Là bookworm rằng tôi, tôi bắt đầu để nuốt mỗi cuốn sách tôi có thể tìm thấy trên làm thế nào để kết nối với con người, làm cho bạn bè và tổng thể trở nên phổ biến. Khi tôi bắt đầu để kết hợp những gì tôi đã học hỏi, tôi đã ngạc nhiên để xem làm thế nào người dân đã bắt đầu để đáp ứng một cách khác nhau với tôi. Nó là đáng sợ và tôi đã lo lắng như là địa ngục nhưng nó payed off. Trong vòng một vài tháng tôi đã hẹn hò với cô gái phổ biến nhất trong lớp học của tôi. Nhanh chuyển tiếp tháng 8 và một tan rã sau đó tôi đã trở lại tại một hình vuông. Nhưng tôi đã học được một bài học có giá trị. Bạn không cần phải được sinh ra với nó, công cụ này có thể được học!Trang 5 của 32Hướng dẫn sử dụng trò chơi văn bản chuyên sâu © 2013 thu hút Rockstarwww. TextThat Girl.comtheo chủng tộc dePriestTôi đã rất hấp dẫn, trong thực tế, tôi đã chọn tâm lý học là một trong các chuyên ngành của tôi tại trường đại học. Nhưng một cái gì đó là sai. Không có vấn đề bao nhiêu tôi đã học được tôi vẫn không có vẻ để nhận được kết quả tôi muốn. Nhưng Tôi đã thoải mái tương đối vì vậy tôi không lo lắng về nó quá nhiều. Cho đến khi một cô gái chia tay với tôi.Bạn thấy, tôi là loại người mà có thể tìm thấy một bạn gái và sau đó giữ cho cô Tuy nhiên tôi có thể (thường thông qua thao tác và tội lỗi-có tôi biết, rất không lành mạnh) vì tôi sợ Nếu chúng tôi vỡ ra tôi sẽ không thể tìm thấy một số khác. Đối với tôi, đang trong một mối quan hệ là thoải mái, nó là an toàn và tôi nhưng sâu xuống tôi biết tôi không phải là hoàn toàn hài lòng. Tôi dựa vào các người phụ nữ tôi đã hẹn hò cho danh tính của tôi và hạnh phúc của tôi. Bây giờ trở lại câu chuyện.Như vậy, có, tôi đã làm việc như một bartender ở New Zealand sau khi tốt nghiệp khi bạn gái của tôi 2 năm quyết định đi ra và sống với tôi. Cô bỏ công việc của cô tiếp viên hàng không, bay trong và sau khi two months living together she broke up with me. I was devastated. This is the most alone I had ever felt in my entire life. Heartbroken, alone and completely unhappy in a foreign country was the last straw. I was going to master social skills if it killed me!And it did… I am actually a ghost. j/k I spent the next five years searching out guys who had charisma, who made friends easily and instantly, who girls fawned over, the kind of guy we all wish we could be. It became my personal mission to learn every last thing I could from them. And you know what was odd? They all did different “things”, sometimes contradictory things. And yet it all worked… for them. But a curious thing began to happen to me as I spent more and more time with them. I started to get the same results. It wasn’t until later that I realized what had happened. Ready for the big secret? I began to subconsciously absorb their beliefs and values.Beliefs and values are the subconscious “commands” that direct our actions, filter the way we view the world and determine how we interpret events, including social interactions. All of the “techniques” that these guys were teaching me, even the ones that contradicted each other, worked because they were in line with each particular guy’s beliefs and values. Now I finally understood why no matter how much I learned, I still wasn’t getting the results I wanted! My subconscious beliefs and values were out of line and holding me back!Page 6 of 32Get The Advanced Text Game Guide © 2013 Attraction Rockstarwww. TextThat Girl.comby Race dePriestI was so excited I spent the next couple years learning the absolute quickest and most effective ways to uncover these sabotaging, subconscious beliefs and transform them into the self-empowering, solid identity building beliefs that these guys all had. I was FINALLY becoming the persona I had always wanted to be. People began to notice. All of a sudden I was the one being complemented on my charisma, I was the one making friends everywhere I went, I was the one people were calling to see what was going on, I was even the one guys came to for advice on meeting and dating beautiful women.Since then I have dedicated a large part of my life to working with men and women to help them uncover and transform these subconscious beliefs and values that are literally making it impossible for them to achieve the life they desire. So now it’s your turn. IF you are a member of the select few who are ready to move past the same old tips and techniques that have been getting you limited results and often leave you feeling unauthentic and weird then I invite you to a new lifestyle. A lifestyle of adventure, unlimited fun, self-discovery, unshakable confidence, happy, healthy relationships, awesome and abundant friendships, and of course the most exciting and beautiful women you have ever met. I invite you to share in my lifestyle
btw: Absolutely feel free to contact me with any and all sincere questions. Yes that means YOU. I
promise to get back to you asap. After all, we are in this together :)
Race dePriest
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Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
What’s the absolutely most efficient way to go from meeting a woman, to getting her into your
Since the name of this report is Text Game Mastery, you probably already know that the answer to
that question has to do with text messaging.
And over the next few pages, I’m going to show you exactly how powerful it can be… how proper
use of text messaging can take you FAR beyond even what most guys use it for… and how you
can have the most abundant dating life ever if you get this one skill handled.
Big claims, for sure. And since I know that I can back them up, I want to explain exactly how you
can have this power for yourself.
Get ready for Text Game Mastery.
Race dePriest
Page 8 of 32
Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
Imagine it’s a Friday night. You’re out with some friends, and over the course of the few hours
you’re out, you get five numbers.
Is it because you’ve got the best game in the world? Not at all… in fact, you’re in and out of the
conversations in five to ten minutes. You’re welcome to stick around as long as you want, but
there’s absolutely no need. As long as you get a number, you’re good.
(and you’re not worried about bringing someone home, because you’ve already got someone waiting for you – but more on that later)
I’ll go one step further – you don’t even need to have them get your phone number in return, or
make a memorable impression.
Of course, that won’t hurt your chances.
But if your game isn’t exactly at the level where every girl you meet wants to sleep with you within
five minutes of meeting you, well, no problem.
Because you know that with nothing more than a number, you can get a date. There’s no question
in your mind – all you need is that number.
So whether you get that number after five minutes of awkward conversation, or five hours of deep
…whether you get it from a drunk 21 year old at a bar, or a classy 30-something at a gala…
…whether she gives it to you with total excitement or enthusiasm, or complete reluctance…
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Get The Advanced Text Game Guide
© 2013 Attraction Rockstar
www. TextThat
by Race dePriest
…you don’t care. You know that that number is as good as a date.
Even b
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Các ngôn ngữ khác
Hỗ trợ công cụ dịch thuật: Albania, Amharic, Anh, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ba Lan, Ba Tư, Bantu, Basque, Belarus, Bengal, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Bồ Đào Nha, Catalan, Cebuano, Chichewa, Corsi, Creole (Haiti), Croatia, Do Thái, Estonia, Filipino, Frisia, Gael Scotland, Galicia, George, Gujarat, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Hungary, Hy Lạp, Hà Lan, Hà Lan (Nam Phi), Hàn, Iceland, Igbo, Ireland, Java, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Klingon, Kurd, Kyrgyz, Latinh, Latvia, Litva, Luxembourg, Lào, Macedonia, Malagasy, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Myanmar, Mã Lai, Mông Cổ, Na Uy, Nepal, Nga, Nhật, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Pháp, Phát hiện ngôn ngữ, Phần Lan, Punjab, Quốc tế ngữ, Rumani, Samoa, Serbia, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenia, Somali, Sunda, Swahili, Séc, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thái, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, Thụy Điển, Tiếng Indonesia, Tiếng Ý, Trung, Trung (Phồn thể), Turkmen, Tây Ban Nha, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Việt, Xứ Wales, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu, Đan Mạch, Đức, Ả Rập, dịch ngôn ngữ.

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