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Intro Main Text
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Hi, this is AJ Hoge, Director of the Effortless English Club. Welcome to our new set of
lessons, these are called the Power English Lessons. The reason they’re called Power
English is because in these lessons we’re going to do two things. Number one, you’re
going to learn English, of course. As always, we have the mini‑stories which are our
favorite lessons for most of our members, but the content, the focus, the topics in these
lessons are going to be focused on the psychology of learning and the psychology of
Now these ideas, they’re not just my ideas. In fact, they come from a lot of other
people. They come from people like Tony Robbins, who is a famous success coach,
Robert Anton Wilson, Joe Vitale, Robert Kiyosaki, Alan Watt, so I’ve taken a lot of ideas
from a lot of different people about this topic of the psychology of success. And the
reason that we’re going to talk about this in these lessons is that in my experience, most
English students struggle and fail because of psychology, not because of methods, not
because of teachers.
Those things are important, but Tony Robbins talks about the fact that psychology is
80% of success. And I think he’s right, based on my experience with many, many
English students. Psychology is 80% of success, so 20% are the methods you use to
study. 20% are the schools you go to, the teachers you have, the books you use.
Those are important, we talk a lot about them. But the other 80% is psychology, your
motivation, your emotions, how you manage your time. All of these things are in fact
much, much more important.
What I saw in my classes were that the enthusiastic students, the energetic students,
the optimistic students always learned much faster. They succeeded. The ones who
failed, the ones who dropped out and quit, the ones who struggled had the opposite
mentality. They had a very negative mentality. Their motivation was low. They tended
to be pessimistic. They felt that they weren’t good at English. They had ideas that
English was very tough, very difficult, they struggled. They didn’t have enthusiasm for
English. They didn’t love English.
So in these lessons we’re going to talk about how can you manage your emotions. How
can you develop that strong, powerful, enthusiastic attitude towards English, how can
you maintain it so that you don’t get bored? So that in fact you get stronger and
stronger with English and your psychology gets stronger and you succeed, you reach
your goals. You speak fluently, effortlessly. So among teachers, English teachers,
language teachers, this topic is called Non-Linguistic Factors. Non‑Linguistic Factors.
So what “Non‑Linguistic Factors” means is things that are not related to language
learning directly. When we talk about language learning research, when we talk about
the best methods to use when you learn English, those are linguistic factors, right?
They are related to the language. Non‑linguistic factors means not related to the
language. This has nothing to do with English, it’s more about psychology. Motivation,
for example, is a non‑linguistic factor. So all it really means is just emotional factors.
And there are actually many research studies about this topic.
Dr. Stephen Krashen down in Los Angeles, probably again the expert in language
acquisition and language learning, has done many studies and he has also looked at
many studies and he’s found that non‑linguistic factors are equally or in fact more
important than the linguistic factors to determine who is successful ultimately. What that
means is that things like your emotions, things like your peer group, the community that
you belong to, your feelings about English are as important or more important than the
methods you’re using to learn English.
So how are we going to do this? How are we going to learn? Well, one of the things we
have to do is create a daily English ritual. You need to engage your physiology. That
means you need to engage and use your body. You need to engage and use your
subconscious. That’s how you start to affect and strengthen your psychology. So we
have to strengthen our psychology, what does that mean? Really it means affecting
your body and your mind at the same time, so that you actually feel better. Your
emotions are happier while you’re learning English. And I know this is the opposite of
what you learned in school.
You probably didn’t feel very happy when you were sitting in your English classes. But
when you’re learning with Effortless English, it’s very important for you to feel happy.
For your body to feel good, for your mind to feel good. For you to emotionally enjoy the
process of learning English. Of course, it’s just more fun, you’re going to like it a lot
better. But the other benefit is that you actually will learn faster. You’ll improve your
grammar faster, you’ll improve your pronunciation faster. You’ll remember vocabulary
words better, longer and faster when you feel good. So there’s a very practical reason
for doing this, too.
So we’re going to talk a lot in detail in these lessons about how to do this. But just right
now, during this introduction, let’s talk a little bit about a daily plan. Something you
could do immediately, right now, today, to start improving your success with English by
changing your psychology. So here’s a little ritual, a little plan you can follow every day
to start improving, to start feeling better and therefore improve your motivation and to
learn English faster and faster and faster, better and better and better. And it’s very
So the first thing you’re going to do is when you get up in the morning, the first part of
this plan, this daily plan. You want to get into a peak emotional state. Peak means top.
For example, the top of a mountain, when we talk about a top of a mountain, the very
top we call the peak. So we’re saying a peak emotional state means a top emotional
state or top emotional feeling. It means you want to feel great. Not just good, you want
to feel really great. That’s the first thing you need to do before you listen to any English
lessons. Before you study you want to first be sure that you feel great.
How can you do it? Well, it’s really easy. I recommend, for example, using music. And
I actually do this myself in the morning, most mornings. I will put on some great,
exciting music that I love, jump around, act like a crazy person, and get myself feeling
energetic and happy. Do that first before you listen. So move your body, smile. We’re
going to talk about this more in detail in later lessons. But just for now, every morning
when you get up first put on some music. Some energetic, happy music that you like,
smile, move around. Do that for maybe 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes. Then when
you’re feeling really great, your body is moving, you feel like you have energy, you’re
happy, then start your English lessons.
The first thing you want to listen to is the main article, the main audio. So the first thing
is listen to the main talk. And you can read this as well the first time if you cannot
understand easily, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time. Do this
perhaps two times per day, starting with the main story and reading. Use a dictionary if
you need to to look up new words.
Next, listen to the vocabulary. So in the vocabulary again I will discuss the meanings of
some of the difficult words that I used. And again, you can read the transcript of that
vocabulary lesson. There’s always a transcript you can read if you can’t understand my
speaking, if I’m too fast, then read at the same time. It’s okay.
Next, you’ll listen to the mini‑story and the mini‑story is the most important lesson. The
mini‑story is designed for deep learning. In the mini‑story I am going to ask a lot of very
easy questions while I tell a story. In fact I really ask the story, I don’t tell the story. Why
am I doing this? Students ask me “Why are the questions so easy?” Well, the
questions are supposed to be easy because I want you to answer fast and
automatically. I want you to train your brain, teach your brain to answer very quickly.
I don’t want you to translate from your language to English or from English to your
language. It’s a bad habit, it will make you speak very slowly. I want you to just answer
quickly, automatically, very fast. So that’s why I ask so many questions, like questions
again, again, again, again, again…very easy. Your job…answer the questions quickly.
You can answer with only one or two words, its okay. Short answers are fine. You don’t
need to answer with a big, long sentence. In fact, short is better.
So that’s the order that you’re going to follow. You’re going to listen to the main article
first, one or two times. You can read as well if you need to. Then you’re going to listen
to the vocabulary one or two times, each day. And then finally you’re going to listen to
the mini‑story, one or two times or more. You can also read the transcript for the
mini‑story in the beginning.
Now another important point, when you’re listening to these lessons do not study them.
Don’t struggle to memorize. Just relax and listen. If necessary, you can read as well,
as I said if you need to. But relax, you’re not trying to memorize anything. Just let it
come in. Let the English come into your ears and into your eyes. Don’t think about it.
Don’t analyze it. Do not think about grammar. The mini‑stories will help you learn
grammar subconsciously, so don’t interrupt that process by trying to analyze it. Don’t
think about grammar rules.
You want
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Giới thiệu văn bản chínhNhững bài học được bán chỉ trên trang web của chúng tôi, Nếu bạn mua những bài học ở một nơi khác, bạn có một bản sao bất hợp pháp. Xin vui lòng thông báo cho chúng tôi và chúng tôi sẽ đi ngay lập tức hành động pháp lý chống lại người bán. Cảm ơn bạn.Hi, đây là AJ Hoge, giám đốc của câu lạc bộ tiếng Anh không mệt nhọc. Chào mừng đến với chúng tôi thiết lập mới của bài học, chúng được gọi là bài học tiếng Anh của quyền lực. Lý do họ đang gọi là sức mạnh Tiếng Anh là bởi vì trong những bài học chúng ta làm hai việc. Số một, bạn đang bạn phải học tiếng Anh, tất nhiên. Như mọi khi, chúng tôi đã mini‑stories đó là của chúng tôi yêu thích bài học cho hầu hết các thành viên, nhưng bên trong, tập trung, các chủ đề ở đây bài học sẽ được tập trung vào tâm lý học và tâm lý của thành công. Bây giờ là những ý tưởng, chúng tôi không chỉ là ý tưởng của tôi. Trong thực tế, họ đến từ rất nhiều khác người. Họ đến từ những người như Tony Robbins, người là một huấn luyện viên nổi tiếng thành công, Robert Anton Wilson, Joe Vitale, Robert Kiyosaki, Alan Watt, do đó, tôi đã thực hiện rất nhiều ý tưởng từ rất nhiều những người khác nhau về chủ đề này của tâm lý của sự thành công. Và các lý do mà chúng ta sẽ nói về điều này trong những bài học là mà trong kinh nghiệm của tôi, đặt Anh sinh viên đấu tranh và thất bại vì tâm lý học, không phải vì phương pháp, không Vì giáo viên. Những điều rất quan trọng, nhưng Tony Robbins nói về thực tế là tâm lý học 80% của thành công. Và tôi nghĩ rằng ông là đúng, dựa trên kinh nghiệm của tôi với nhiều người, nhiều Sinh viên tiếng Anh. Tâm lý học là 80% của thành công, do đó, 20% là các phương pháp bạn sử dụng để nghiên cứu. 20% là trường bạn đi đến các giáo viên bạn có, những cuốn sách bạn sử dụng. Đó là quan trọng, chúng tôi nói rất nhiều về họ. Nhưng 80% khác là tâm lý, của bạn động lực, cảm xúc của bạn, làm thế nào bạn quản lý thời gian của bạn. Tất cả những điều này là trong thực tế quan trọng nhiều, nhiều hơn. Những gì tôi đã thấy trong các lớp học của tôi đã có các sinh viên nhiệt tình, học sinh tràn đầy năng lượng, Các sinh viên lạc quan luôn luôn học được nhanh hơn nhiều. Họ đã thành công. Những người không thành công, những người đã bỏ học và bỏ, những người phải đấu tranh có đối diện tâm lý. Họ đã có một tâm lý rất tiêu cực. Động lực của họ là thấp. Họ có xu hướng để được bi quan. Họ cảm thấy rằng họ không tốt tại Anh. Họ đã có ý tưởng mà Tiếng Anh là rất khó khăn, rất khó khăn, họ đấu tranh. Họ không có sự nhiệt tình cho Tiếng Anh. Họ không yêu tiếng Anh. Vì vậy, trong những bài học này chúng ta nói về làm thế nào có thể bạn quản lý cảm xúc của bạn. Làm thế nào bạn có thể phát triển mà mạnh mẽ, mạnh mẽ, các thái độ nhiệt tình đối với tiếng Anh, làm thế nào có thể bạn duy trì nó, do đó bạn không nhận được chán? Do đó trong thực tế bạn nhận được mạnh mẽ hơn và mạnh mẽ hơn với tiếng Anh và tâm lý của bạn được mạnh mẽ hơn và bạn thành công, bạn đạt được mục tiêu của bạn. Bạn nói chuyện trôi chảy, dễ dàng. Vì vậy, trong số các giáo viên, tiếng Anh giáo viên, giáo viên ngôn ngữ, chủ đề này được gọi là yếu tố ngôn ngữ phòng không. Các yếu tố non‑Linguistic. Vì vậy, những gì có nghĩa là "Non‑Linguistic yếu tố" là những thứ mà không liên quan đến ngôn ngữ học trực tiếp. Khi chúng tôi nói chuyện về ngôn ngữ học tập nghiên cứu, khi chúng tôi nói chuyện về những phương pháp tốt nhất để sử dụng khi bạn học tiếng Anh, đó là những yếu tố ngôn ngữ, đúng không? Họ có liên quan đến ngôn ngữ. Non‑Linguistic yếu tố phương tiện không liên quan đến các ngôn ngữ. Điều này không có gì để làm với tiếng Anh, nó là nhiều hơn nữa về tâm lý học. Động lực, Ví dụ, là một yếu tố non‑linguistic. Vì vậy, tất cả nó thực sự có nghĩa là yếu tố chỉ cảm xúc. Và có là thực sự nhiều đề tài nghiên cứu về chủ đề này. Tiến sĩ Stephen Krashen xuống tại Los Angeles, có lẽ một lần nữa là chuyên gia về ngôn ngữ mua lại và ngôn ngữ học, đã thực hiện nhiều nghiên cứu và ông đã cũng tìm hiểu nhiều nghiên cứu và ông được tìm thấy rằng non‑linguistic yếu tố là như nhau hoặc trong thực tế, thêm quan trọng hơn những yếu tố ngôn ngữ để xác định ai là thành công cuối cùng. Những gì mà có nghĩa là những thứ như cảm xúc của bạn, những thứ như nhóm đồng đẳng của bạn, các cộng đồng mà bạn thuộc về, cảm xúc của bạn về tiếng Anh là quan trọng hoặc quan trọng hơn các phương pháp bạn đang sử dụng để học tiếng Anh.Vậy làm thế nào chúng tôi sẽ làm điều này? Chúng tôi sẽ tìm hiểu làm thế nào? Vâng, một trong những điều chúng tôi phải làm tạo ra một nghi lễ tiếng Anh hàng ngày. Bạn cần phải tham gia sinh lý của bạn. Rằng means you need to engage and use your body. You need to engage and use your subconscious. That’s how you start to affect and strengthen your psychology. So we have to strengthen our psychology, what does that mean? Really it means affecting your body and your mind at the same time, so that you actually feel better. Your emotions are happier while you’re learning English. And I know this is the opposite of what you learned in school. You probably didn’t feel very happy when you were sitting in your English classes. But when you’re learning with Effortless English, it’s very important for you to feel happy. For your body to feel good, for your mind to feel good. For you to emotionally enjoy the process of learning English. Of course, it’s just more fun, you’re going to like it a lot better. But the other benefit is that you actually will learn faster. You’ll improve your grammar faster, you’ll improve your pronunciation faster. You’ll remember vocabulary words better, longer and faster when you feel good. So there’s a very practical reason for doing this, too. So we’re going to talk a lot in detail in these lessons about how to do this. But just right now, during this introduction, let’s talk a little bit about a daily plan. Something you could do immediately, right now, today, to start improving your success with English by changing your psychology. So here’s a little ritual, a little plan you can follow every day to start improving, to start feeling better and therefore improve your motivation and to learn English faster and faster and faster, better and better and better. And it’s very simple. So the first thing you’re going to do is when you get up in the morning, the first part of this plan, this daily plan. You want to get into a peak emotional state. Peak means top. For example, the top of a mountain, when we talk about a top of a mountain, the very top we call the peak. So we’re saying a peak emotional state means a top emotional state or top emotional feeling. It means you want to feel great. Not just good, you want to feel really great. That’s the first thing you need to do before you listen to any English lessons. Before you study you want to first be sure that you feel great. How can you do it? Well, it’s really easy. I recommend, for example, using music. And I actually do this myself in the morning, most mornings. I will put on some great, exciting music that I love, jump around, act like a crazy person, and get myself feeling energetic and happy. Do that first before you listen. So move your body, smile. We’re going to talk about this more in detail in later lessons. But just for now, every morning when you get up first put on some music. Some energetic, happy music that you like, smile, move around. Do that for maybe 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes. Then when you’re feeling really great, your body is moving, you feel like you have energy, you’re happy, then start your English lessons. The first thing you want to listen to is the main article, the main audio. So the first thing is listen to the main talk. And you can read this as well the first time if you cannot understand easily, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time. Do this perhaps two times per day, starting with the main story and reading. Use a dictionary if you need to to look up new words.Next, listen to the vocabulary. So in the vocabulary again I will discuss the meanings of some of the difficult words that I used. And again, you can read the transcript of that vocabulary lesson. There’s always a transcript you can read if you can’t understand my speaking, if I’m too fast, then read at the same time. It’s okay.Next, you’ll listen to the mini‑story and the mini‑story is the most important lesson. The mini‑story is designed for deep learning. In the mini‑story I am going to ask a lot of very easy questions while I tell a story. In fact I really ask the story, I don’t tell the story. Why am I doing this? Students ask me “Why are the questions so easy?” Well, the questions are supposed to be easy because I want you to answer fast and automatically. I want you to train your brain, teach your brain to answer very quickly. I don’t want you to translate from your language to English or from English to your language. It’s a bad habit, it will make you speak very slowly. I want you to just answer quickly, automatically, very fast. So that’s why I ask so many questions, like questions again, again, again, again, again…very easy. Your job…answer the questions quickly. You can answer with only one or two words, its okay. Short answers are fine. You don’t need to answer with a big, long sentence. In fact, short is better. So that’s the order that you’re going to follow. You’re going to listen to the main article first, one or two times. You can read as well if you need to. Then you’re going to listen to the vocabulary one or two times, each day. And then finally you’re going to listen to the mini‑story, one or two times or more. You can also read the transcript for the mini‑story in the beginning. Now another important point, when you’re listening to these lessons do not study them. Don’t struggle to memorize. Just relax and listen. If necessary, you can read as well, as I said if you need to. But relax, you’re not trying to memorize anything. Just let it come in. Let the English come into your ears and into your eyes. Don’t think about it. Don’t analyze it. Do not think about grammar. The mini‑stories will help you learn grammar subconsciously, so don’t interrupt that process by trying to analyze it. Don’t think about grammar rules. You want
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