
Mandrakes!" Harry lit up. "How wond

Mandrakes!" Harry lit up. "How wonderful, professor!"

For some reason, Professor Sprout stared at him, her mouth slightly ajar. "Wonderful, Mr. Potter? What?"

Mandrakes were Harry's favorite plants - if they even were plants, which was of course a very controversial issue. Fairies were generally of the opinion that mandrakes were plants, as evidenced by the leaves on their heads and the fact that their language seemed to be an archaic dialect of Fern. The mandrakes, of course, disagreed strongly with this, and pointed out that they had two legs and could walk around if they felt like it, so therefore they were clearly related to fairies and humans. In fact, one of Harry's mandrake friends had the theory that humans and fairies had all evolved from particularly restless mandrakes who were too unfocused and lazy to put their roots down properly in some nice deep soil at the end of a long day. Before long, said Harry's friend, these poor mandrakes lost their connection to the earth altogether and began to live their entire lives aboveground, which was so stressful that their leaves fell out, and they turned into humans or fairies. Harry found the theory fascinating, although he wasn't quite sure it was accurate. Mandrakes were terribly clever about predicting the future, of course, but he wasn't sure they knew as much about the past.

"You need to put your earmuffs on, Mr. Potter," said Professor Sprout quickly. "The cry of the mandrake can be fatal to anyone who hears it. These are not fully grown yet, but still... "

"Oh, I wasn't going to make them cry," said Harry quickly. "Why would anyone do that?"

Professor Sprout blinked slowly at him. "What-? Listen, everyone. We are going to re-pot the mandrakes. You need to yank them out of the pot they are in and put them in a larger pot. They always cry when you do that."

Harry frowned. "Well, that's not surprising, is it? They probably don't like the yanking part. They like pulling their roots out nice and slow when they are going somewhere. Mandrakes just hate being rushed. Maybe we could just ask them nicely to walk into a larger pot?" Harry turned to a nearby mandrake, whose greenish-purple leaves were poking up from the soil. *Hello! I'm Harry. I am so sorry to disturb you in your restful state, but you seem to be getting a little squished in there. There are some larger pots over here, if you would care to move to a bigger pot.*

Professor Sprout stared at Harry. "Why are you making that peculiar sound, Mr. Potter? You sound like a rustling leaf."

Harry smiled. "Oh, I'm just talking to the mandrakes."

"Talking to the mandrakes?" Professor Sprout just gaped at him.

*A bigger pot?* came a small leafy voice from deep inside the soil. *Sounds like an excellent idea; it's getting very crowded in here. Some of my brothers and sisters have rather sharp elbows, which makes it hard to get proper rest down here.*

*You are one to talk, Ththffth,* muttered another underground voice. *You can't sit still for more than a month without wriggling your toes and poking a fellow in the hip. If you keep squirming like that, you are going to Uproot For Good and become Human.*

A hush fell over the mandrakes for a long moment after this horrible prediction of doom. Then Ththffth whispered: *So, there are bigger pots nearby, you say? With good soil?*

*That's right.* Harry nodded, even though the mandrakes couldn't really see him, of course. *Professor Sprout has prepared some beautiful roomy pots for you so you don't have to be quite so crowded. Do you wish to see your new living quarters?*

A silence followed, and then there was a stir among the leaves, as if a faint wind had swept through the mandrakes, and a few small wrinkled faces peered cautiously out of the soil.

"The mandrakes!" wailed Professor Sprout. "Oh, no! Children, put your earmuffs on right away! Plug your ears!"

"But they are not crying, Professor." Ron was gazing at the small soil-smeared faces in fascination. "In fact, they are looking sort of cheerful." He swallowed. "We are not going to ... you know... cut them up, are we? My brothers said that they had taken Herbology before and... "

"Of course not!" Harry was shocked. "I know your brothers say some strange things to tease you sometimes, Ron, but that's the most bizarre idea I've ever heard. Cutting up mandrakes! No one would do something like that. What a horrible thing to say!"

"Erm." For some reason, Professor Sprout was flushing bright red now. Then she emitted a small squeal. "Oh, good heavens! What are those mandrakes doing?"

"Walking over to their new pots, of course." Harry smiled. "They are ever so pleased with their new homes."

The children stared in silent wonder as the mandrakes climbed slowly out of the soil, stretched a bit and continued at a leisurely pace towards their new homes, humming a little rustling leaf-song to themselves as they walked.

*Thank you so much, my friend.* Ththffth bowed a leaf politely at Harry as he walked by. Then he paused and glanced at Harry in consternation. *Oh, no! You seem to have lost your leaves, sir. By the Soil, you look like one of the humans! So sad... Would you care for a prophecy to cheer you up?*

Harry shrugged. He didn't really have much use for a prophecy, but he didn't want to be rude, and he knew that mandrakes were very proud of their prophetic powers. *Sure, that would be very nice.*

*Ahem.* The mandrake fluttered his leaves impressively and cleared his throat. *Ready? Here we go:

Hidden lies his wounded soul,

splintered through the darkest art.

No charm or spell can make it whole,

except the magic of your heart.*

*Oh.* Harry stood still for a moment, pondering the strange words of the Mandrake. Something about the verse - perhaps the part about "a wounded soul" - made him think of Tom, and of Shard. *Thank you. That was quite lovely.*

*Any time.* Ththffth rustled a bit, obviously pleased with the compliment. *You know, if you should ever feel the need to settle down a little, sir, there is a nice empty pot right next to mine...*

*I will keep that in mind,* smiled Harry.


Harry stayed after class for a bit, tending to Professor Sprout, who didn't seem to be feeling well.

"The mandrakes can talk," she muttered over and over. "And one of them stopped to greet you, Mr. Potter! And here I was, all these years, teaching the children that mandrakes were plants, to be used in potions!" A tear trickled slowly down her face. "Oh, Merlin help us!"

She looked so heartbroken that for a horrible moment Harry really began to wonder if there had been some truth to what Ron's brothers had said about cutting up mandrakes. He shuddered.

It took a bit of Cheering Magic to make Professor Sprout feel better, but by the time Harry left, she was petting the mandrakes' leaves tenderly and promising to look after them better in the future.

By the time Harry found his way back to the Slytherin dormitory, Basil had already decided to take the matters into his own hands (figuratively speaking, of course, since he didn't have any hands) and meet Harry's friends.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Mandrakes!" Harry sáng lên. "Làm thế nào tuyệt vời, giáo sư!"Đối với một số lý do, giáo sư Sprout stared lúc anh ta, miệng hơi ajar. "Tuyệt vời, ông Potter? Những gì?"Mandrakes là thực vật yêu thích của Harry - họ thậm chí đã là nhà máy, mà tất nhiên là một vấn đề rất nhiều tranh cãi. Nàng tiên đã nói chung ý kiến rằng mandrakes là nhà máy, được minh chứng bằng lá trên đầu họ và thực tế rằng ngôn ngữ của họ dường như là một phương ngữ cổ dương xỉ. Mandrakes, tất nhiên, không đồng ý mạnh mẽ với điều này, và chỉ ra rằng họ đã có hai chân và có thể đi bộ xung quanh nếu họ cảm thấy như nó, vì thế họ được rõ ràng liên quan đến nàng tiên và con người. Trong thực tế, một người của Harry mandrake bạn có lý thuyết rằng con người và nàng tiên có tất cả đã tiến hóa từ mandrakes đặc biệt là bồn chồn đã quá không tập trung và lười biếng để đặt gốc rễ của họ xuống đúng trong một số đất sâu tốt đẹp vào cuối một ngày dài. Trước khi dài, cho biết Harry của bạn, những người nghèo mandrakes mất kết nối của họ để trái đất hoàn toàn và bắt đầu sống toàn bộ cuộc sống của họ aboveground, đó là như vậy căng thẳng rằng lá của họ rơi ra, và họ trở thành con người hay nàng tiên. Harry tìm thấy lý thuyết hấp dẫn, mặc dù ông đã không khá chắc chắn nó là chính xác. Mandrakes đã terribly thông minh về dự đoán tương lai, tất nhiên, nhưng ông đã không chắc chắn họ biết càng nhiều về quá khứ."Bạn cần phải đặt earmuffs của bạn trên, ông Potter," cho biết giáo sư Sprout một cách nhanh chóng. "Tiếng khóc của giống cây độc có thể gây tử vong cho bất cứ ai những người nghe nó. Đây không hoàn toàn phát triển được nêu ra, nhưng vẫn còn... ""Oh, tôi không phải là sẽ làm cho họ khóc," ông Harry một cách nhanh chóng. "Tại sao sẽ bất cứ ai làm điều đó?"Giáo sư Sprout blinked chậm lúc anh ta. "Những gì-? Nghe này, tất cả mọi người. Chúng tôi sẽ tái nồi các mandrakes. Bạn cần để yank chúng ra khỏi nồi họ đang có trong và đặt chúng trong một nồi lớn hơn. Họ luôn luôn khóc khi bạn làm điều đó."Harry cau mày. "Vâng, đó không phải là đáng ngạc nhiên, là nó? Họ có thể không giống như phần yanking. Họ thích rút nguồn gốc của họ ra khỏi tốt đẹp và chậm khi họ đang đi một nơi nào đó. Mandrakes chỉ ghét được vội vàng. Có lẽ chúng tôi có thể chỉ cần yêu cầu họ độc đáo để đi bộ vào một nồi lớn hơn?" Harry đã chuyển sang một mandrake lân cận, có lá màu xanh-màu tím poking từ đất. * Xin chào! Tôi là Harry. Tôi rất tiếc làm phiền bạn trong trạng thái yên tĩnh của bạn, nhưng bạn dường như nhận được một chút squished trong đó. Có là một số chậu lớn hơn ở đây, nếu bạn sẽ chăm sóc để di chuyển đến một pot.* lớn hơnGiáo sư Sprout stared lúc Harry. "Tại sao có bạn làm cho âm thanh kỳ dị, ông Potter? Bạn âm thanh như một lá rustling."Harry cười. "Ồ, tôi chỉ nói chuyện với các mandrakes.""Nói chuyện với các mandrakes?" Giáo sư Sprout chỉ gaped lúc anh ta.* Một nồi lớn hơn? * đến một giọng nói nhỏ lá từ sâu bên trong đất. * Âm thanh như một ý tưởng tuyệt vời; nó là nhận được rất đông đúc ở đây. Một số anh em và chị em của tôi đã khá sắc nét khuỷu tay, mà làm cho nó khó khăn để có được phù hợp còn lại xuống here.**You are one to talk, Ththffth,* muttered another underground voice. *You can't sit still for more than a month without wriggling your toes and poking a fellow in the hip. If you keep squirming like that, you are going to Uproot For Good and become Human.*A hush fell over the mandrakes for a long moment after this horrible prediction of doom. Then Ththffth whispered: *So, there are bigger pots nearby, you say? With good soil?**That's right.* Harry nodded, even though the mandrakes couldn't really see him, of course. *Professor Sprout has prepared some beautiful roomy pots for you so you don't have to be quite so crowded. Do you wish to see your new living quarters?*A silence followed, and then there was a stir among the leaves, as if a faint wind had swept through the mandrakes, and a few small wrinkled faces peered cautiously out of the soil."The mandrakes!" wailed Professor Sprout. "Oh, no! Children, put your earmuffs on right away! Plug your ears!""But they are not crying, Professor." Ron was gazing at the small soil-smeared faces in fascination. "In fact, they are looking sort of cheerful." He swallowed. "We are not going to ... you know... cut them up, are we? My brothers said that they had taken Herbology before and... ""Of course not!" Harry was shocked. "I know your brothers say some strange things to tease you sometimes, Ron, but that's the most bizarre idea I've ever heard. Cutting up mandrakes! No one would do something like that. What a horrible thing to say!""Erm." For some reason, Professor Sprout was flushing bright red now. Then she emitted a small squeal. "Oh, good heavens! What are those mandrakes doing?""Walking over to their new pots, of course." Harry smiled. "They are ever so pleased with their new homes."The children stared in silent wonder as the mandrakes climbed slowly out of the soil, stretched a bit and continued at a leisurely pace towards their new homes, humming a little rustling leaf-song to themselves as they walked.*Thank you so much, my friend.* Ththffth bowed a leaf politely at Harry as he walked by. Then he paused and glanced at Harry in consternation. *Oh, no! You seem to have lost your leaves, sir. By the Soil, you look like one of the humans! So sad... Would you care for a prophecy to cheer you up?*Harry shrugged. He didn't really have much use for a prophecy, but he didn't want to be rude, and he knew that mandrakes were very proud of their prophetic powers. *Sure, that would be very nice.**Ahem.* The mandrake fluttered his leaves impressively and cleared his throat. *Ready? Here we go:Hidden lies his wounded soul,splintered through the darkest art.No charm or spell can make it whole,except the magic of your heart.**Oh.* Harry stood still for a moment, pondering the strange words of the Mandrake. Something about the verse - perhaps the part about "a wounded soul" - made him think of Tom, and of Shard. *Thank you. That was quite lovely.**Any time.* Ththffth rustled a bit, obviously pleased with the compliment. *You know, if you should ever feel the need to settle down a little, sir, there is a nice empty pot right next to mine...**I will keep that in mind,* smiled Harry....Harry stayed after class for a bit, tending to Professor Sprout, who didn't seem to be feeling well."The mandrakes can talk," she muttered over and over. "And one of them stopped to greet you, Mr. Potter! And here I was, all these years, teaching the children that mandrakes were plants, to be used in potions!" A tear trickled slowly down her face. "Oh, Merlin help us!"She looked so heartbroken that for a horrible moment Harry really began to wonder if there had been some truth to what Ron's brothers had said about cutting up mandrakes. He shuddered.It took a bit of Cheering Magic to make Professor Sprout feel better, but by the time Harry left, she was petting the mandrakes' leaves tenderly and promising to look after them better in the future.By the time Harry found his way back to the Slytherin dormitory, Basil had already decided to take the matters into his own hands (figuratively speaking, of course, since he didn't have any hands) and meet Harry's friends.
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