//Reika//date「デート? いいわよ」=

//Reika//date「デート? いいわよ」="Date? Sur


「デート? いいわよ」="Date? Sure."
「一緒にいって見張っててあげる」="I'll watch over you while at it."
「ごめんなさい、用事があるのよ」="I'm sorry, I have business to attend to."

//event 0
「ごめんなさい、ちょっと待ってね」="I'm sorry, just one moment."
「それじゃ、診せて下さい」="Okay, let me have a look at you."
「あら、傷だらけ」="Oh my, covered in scratches."
「どこでこんなに怪我して来たのかしら?」="How and where did you get these injuries?"
「元気なのはいいけど――」="Being energetic is fine and all..."
「気をつけてね」="But try to be more careful."

「あら、また来たの?」="Oh, you're back again?"
「これで何回目かしら?」="How many times has it been now?"
まだ、3回目くらいかな=It's probably only the third time.
え、何回ですか?=Eh? How many times?
初めてじゃなかったけ?=Is this not the first time?
あなたには何回会っても新鮮です="It's refreshing to see you no matter how many times..."

「十分多いわよ?」="That's already too many you know?"
「それに、また傷が増えてるわ」="What's more, the number of wounds increased again."
「3回目…結構な頻度よ?」="The third time... That's quite frequent you know?"
「どうしたらこんなに傷が増えるのかしら?」="I wonder how do you keep getting more and more injuries like this?"
「ちょっと頭でもぶつけたのかしら?」="I wonder if you bumped your head a little?"
「記憶が混乱してるんじゃないの?」="Is your memory okay? You're not confused?"
「そうね、新鮮な傷も増えてるし」="I guess so, since you got fresh new injuries as well."
「一体、何の仕事してるのかしら?」="I wonder what work it is that you do?"
「とにかく、あんまり無茶したら、大変なことになるわよ?」="Anyway, if you keep being so reckless, it's going to become a serious problem you know?"
「まぁ元気だからいいものの…」="Well it's good that you are so energetic..."
「しかも…ここは必要以上に元気みたいだし…」="Not to mention... Down here you seem more energetic than necessary."
「まったく、こんなに状態じゃ、また怪我しそうね」="Seriously, you're probably going to injure yourself again in this state."
「少し、抑えておいてあげるわ」="I'll help you suppress it a little."

//event 1.1
「はい、お疲れ様」="All done, thanks for your patience."
「本当に、特別なのよ、こんな事」="Just so you know, I did this as a special exception."
「それじゃ、もうあんまり無茶しないようにね」="Well then, try not to be so reckless again."

//event 2
「あらあら、また来たのね」="Oh dear, you've come again."
「そんなにここが気に入ったのかしら?」="Do you like this place that much?"
「まったく、正直感心できないわね」="Seriously, I can't honestly speak well about this."
「怪我しないようにしてって言ってるの!」="I'm saying you should try to avoid geting hurt!"
「心配かって? あたりまえでしょ」="I worry too much? Of course I do, isn't that natural?"
「何か怪我しなくなる方法は無いのかしら?」="I wonder if there is a way to stop you from getting hurt?"
「何よ? 方法があるって―」="What? There is a way...?
「まぁ、怪我の予防になるなら付き合ってあげるけど…」="Well, if it can prevent your injury then I'll go along with it."
「まじめにやらないと、怒るわよ――」="If you don't take it seriously, I'm going to get angry!"

//event 2.1
「お医者さんごっこがしたかったわけ?」="Have you always wanted to play doctor or something?"
まぁ、あこがれてたから=Well, it's because I admire doctors.
おかげで大分落ち着いたよ=Thanks to you, I've calmed down a lot.
あ、聴診器使うの忘れてた=Ah, I forgot to use the stethoscope.
できれば、お注射してあげたいなぁ、なんて…=If possible, I want to give you an injection, maybe...

「これで怪我がなくなるならいいけど」="If this will stop you from getting injured, then it's fine."
「なんなら、本当に注射しておこうかしら」="If you want, I can give you an injection."
「あれ、ちゃんと聞くにはコツがいるのよ?」="There is a trick to using it if want to listen properly you know?"
「その前に、しっかり治療しないとね」="Before that, I should give you proper treatment first."
「とりあえず、今日はこれくらいにしておきましょうか?」="For now, how about we end it here today?"
「なぁに? 今度は私に診察しろって言うの?」="What was that? It's my turn to give you an examination?"
「調子に乗らない!」="Don't push your luck!"
「それじゃあね、次は怪我してない時に会いたいわね」="Well then next time, I'd like to see you when you're not hurt."

//event 3
「もう、本当にどうしようも無いわね」="Seriously, I don't know what to do with you."
「聞いてるの?」="Are you listening?"
はい、聞いてます=Yes, I'm listening.
いやぁ、面目ない=Nope, regretfully.
キミに会いたくて、ワザとやってるんだ=I wanted to meet you, so I got hurt intentionally.
俺が罪つくりすぎて、色々狙われてるんだ=I've committed too many sins, so I'm being targeted by all kinds of people.

「神妙にしたってだめよ、まったくもう…」="It's no good even if you act docile, good grief..."
「本当にそう思ってるのかしら?」="I wonder if you really do feel that way?"
「だったら普通に会いに来なさい!」="Then just come meet me normally please!"
「そのうち捕まっちゃうんじゃないでしょうね、まったく」="You wouldn't end up getting caught one of these days would you? Seriously."
「まぁいいわ…とにかく、なんとかしないと」=Well anyway, if nothing is done..."
「そのうち通院だか入院だかわからなくなるわよ?」="Eventually visiting the hospital and being hospitalized are going to be difficult to distinguish."
「わたしは別にそれでもいいけど…」="Personally I'm fine with it either way, but..."
「あなたにも仕事があるんでしょ?」="Don't you have a job to do too?"
「仕方が無いわね…わたしが面倒見るわ」="It can't be helped... I'll look after you from now on."
あの、何をするんですか?=Um, what do you plan to do?
面倒見るって、一体?=Looking after me? What exactly...
下の世話までしてくれるの?=You're going to take care of me even down there too?
俺と結婚してくれるの?=You're going to marry me?

「大丈夫、わたしに任せて」="Don't worry, just leave it to me."
「大丈夫大したことじゃないのよ?」="Don't worry, it's not a big deal alright?"
「下の世話、要らない体にしてあげましょうか?」="Should I turn your body into one that won't need care down there?"
「ば、何言ってるのよ…違うわよ、まったく…」="Ba-, what are you saying... That's no
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ReikaNgày「デート? いいわよ」 = "ngày? Chắc chắn."「一緒にいって見張っててあげる」 = "Tôi sẽ xem qua bạn trong khi lúc nó."「ごめんなさい、用事があるのよ」 = "Tôi xin lỗi, tôi có các doanh nghiệp tham dự vào."sự kiện 0「ごめんなさい、ちょっと待ってね」 = "Tôi xin lỗi, chỉ là một thời điểm."「よしっと―」 = "được rồi..."「それじゃ、診せて下さい」 = "Chấp nhận được, hãy để tôi có một cái nhìn tại bạn."「あら、傷だらけ」 = "Oh của tôi, được bảo hiểm trong vết trầy xước."「どこでこんなに怪我して来たのかしら? 」 = "như thế nào và nơi cậu những vết thương chưa?"「元気なのはいいけど――」 = "Đang tràn đầy năng lượng là tốt và tất cả..."「気をつけてね」 = "nhưng cố gắng để cẩn thận hơn."event1「あら、また来たの? 」 = "Oh, bạn đang trở lại một lần nữa?"「これで何回目かしら? 」 = "bao nhiêu lần rồi bây giờ?"sự lựa chọnまだ、3回目くらいかな = đó là có lẽ chỉ lần thứ ba.え、何回ですか? = Eh? Bao nhiêu lần?sự lựa chọn初めてじゃなかったけ? = là đây không phải lần đầu tiên?あなたには何回会っても新鮮です = "Đó là làm mới để xem bạn không có vấn đề làm thế nào nhiều lần..."「十分多いわよ? 」 = "Đó là đã quá nhiều bạn biết?"「それに、また傷が増えてるわ」 = "những gì nhiều hơn, một số vết thương tăng lên một lần nữa."「3回目... 結構な頻度よ? 」 = "lần thứ ba... Đó là khá thường xuyên, bạn biết?"「どうしたらこんなに傷が増えるのかしら? 」 = "Tôi tự hỏi làm thế nào bạn làm tiếp tục nhận được càng nhiều chấn thương như thế này?"「ちょっと頭でもぶつけたのかしら? 」 = "Tôi tự hỏi nếu bạn bumped đầu của bạn một chút?"「記憶が混乱してるんじゃないの? 」 = "là okay bộ nhớ của bạn? Anh không nhầm lẫn?"「そうね、新鮮な傷も増えてるし」 = "Tôi đoán như vậy, kể từ khi bạn có tươi mới chấn thương là tốt."「一体、何の仕事してるのかしら? 」 = "Tôi tự hỏi những gì công việc nó là bạn làm?"「とにかく、あんまり無茶したら、大変なことになるわよ? 」 = "Dù sao, nếu bạn giữ thiếu thận trọng vì vậy, nó sẽ trở thành một vấn đề nghiêm trọng mà bạn biết?"「まぁ元気だからいいものの... 」 = "Vâng nó là tốt mà bạn đang tràn đầy năng lượng như vậy..."「しかも... ここは必要以上に元気みたいだし... 」 = "không phải đề cập đến... Dưới đây bạn có vẻ nhiều năng lượng hơn cần thiết."「まったく、こんなに状態じゃ、また怪我しそうね」 = "Nghiêm túc, bạn đang có lẽ sẽ làm tổn thương chính mình một lần nữa trong trạng thái này."「少し、抑えておいてあげるわ」 = "Tôi sẽ giúp bạn ngăn chặn nó một chút."sự kiện 1.1「はい、お疲れ様」 = "Tất cả được thực hiện, cảm ơn sự kiên nhẫn của bạn."「本当に、特別なのよ、こんな事」 = "chỉ cần để bạn biết, tôi đã làm điều này như là một ngoại lệ đặc biệt."「それじゃ、もうあんまり無茶しないようにね」 = "sau đó, cố gắng không để thiếu thận trọng vì vậy một lần nữa."//event 2「あらあら、また来たのね」="Oh dear, you've come again."「そんなにここが気に入ったのかしら?」="Do you like this place that much?"「まったく、正直感心できないわね」="Seriously, I can't honestly speak well about this."「怪我しないようにしてって言ってるの!」="I'm saying you should try to avoid geting hurt!"「心配かって? あたりまえでしょ」="I worry too much? Of course I do, isn't that natural?"「何か怪我しなくなる方法は無いのかしら?」="I wonder if there is a way to stop you from getting hurt?"「何よ? 方法があるって―」="What? There is a way...?「まぁ、怪我の予防になるなら付き合ってあげるけど…」="Well, if it can prevent your injury then I'll go along with it."「まじめにやらないと、怒るわよ――」="If you don't take it seriously, I'm going to get angry!"//event 2.1「お医者さんごっこがしたかったわけ?」="Have you always wanted to play doctor or something?"//choicesまぁ、あこがれてたから=Well, it's because I admire doctors. おかげで大分落ち着いたよ=Thanks to you, I've calmed down a lot.//choicesあ、聴診器使うの忘れてた=Ah, I forgot to use the stethoscope.できれば、お注射してあげたいなぁ、なんて…=If possible, I want to give you an injection, maybe...「これで怪我がなくなるならいいけど」="If this will stop you from getting injured, then it's fine."「なんなら、本当に注射しておこうかしら」="If you want, I can give you an injection."「あれ、ちゃんと聞くにはコツがいるのよ?」="There is a trick to using it if want to listen properly you know?"「その前に、しっかり治療しないとね」="Before that, I should give you proper treatment first."「とりあえず、今日はこれくらいにしておきましょうか?」="For now, how about we end it here today?"「なぁに? 今度は私に診察しろって言うの?」="What was that? It's my turn to give you an examination?"「調子に乗らない!」="Don't push your luck!"「それじゃあね、次は怪我してない時に会いたいわね」="Well then next time, I'd like to see you when you're not hurt."//event 3「もう、本当にどうしようも無いわね」="Seriously, I don't know what to do with you."「聞いてるの?」="Are you listening?"//choicesはい、聞いてます=Yes, I'm listening.いやぁ、面目ない=Nope, regretfully.//choicesキミに会いたくて、ワザとやってるんだ=I wanted to meet you, so I got hurt intentionally.俺が罪つくりすぎて、色々狙われてるんだ=I've committed too many sins, so I'm being targeted by all kinds of people.「神妙にしたってだめよ、まったくもう…」="It's no good even if you act docile, good grief..."「本当にそう思ってるのかしら?」="I wonder if you really do feel that way?"「だったら普通に会いに来なさい!」="Then just come meet me normally please!"「そのうち捕まっちゃうんじゃないでしょうね、まったく」="You wouldn't end up getting caught one of these days would you? Seriously."「まぁいいわ…とにかく、なんとかしないと」=Well anyway, if nothing is done..."「そのうち通院だか入院だかわからなくなるわよ?」="Eventually visiting the hospital and being hospitalized are going to be difficult to distinguish." 「わたしは別にそれでもいいけど…」="Personally I'm fine with it either way, but..."「あなたにも仕事があるんでしょ?」="Don't you have a job to do too?"「仕方が無いわね…わたしが面倒見るわ」="It can't be helped... I'll look after you from now on."//choicesあの、何をするんですか?=Um, what do you plan to do?面倒見るって、一体?=Looking after me? What exactly...//choices下の世話までしてくれるの?=You're going to take care of me even down there too?俺と結婚してくれるの?=You're going to marry me?「大丈夫、わたしに任せて」="Don't worry, just leave it to me."「大丈夫大したことじゃないのよ?」="Don't worry, it's not a big deal alright?"「下の世話、要らない体にしてあげましょうか? 」 = "Nên tôi chuyển cơ thể của bạn thành một trong đó sẽ không cần chăm sóc dưới đó?"「ば、何言ってるのよ... 違うわよ、まったく... 」 = "Ba-, nói gì... Đó là không có
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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