{1027}{1124}Ôi! trong tất cả các năm của tôi, |never có tôi nhìn thấy trên đường phố...{1128}(1210) nên đầy đủ các nhộn nhịp và hustle|and các loại hôn.{1214}{1258}Công chúa của chúng tôi là thứ tư.{1262}{1374}Oh, tuyệt vời! |Và ai là hoàng tử may mắn?{1378}{1483}Không phải là một hoàng tử cả. |Chỉ là một con chuột đường phố no-account!{1487}{1576}Không có cách nào! Hãy thử nó phonetically.{1580}{1655}Nó là Aladdin!{1742}{1834}Đã xảy ra! Một số bạn không tin.{2007}{2052}Màu!{2150}{2250}Đó là một bữa tiệc ở đây trong Agrabah|Đó là sự phấn khích trong không khí{2254}{2306}Người đổ in|from gần và đến nay{2310}(2366) vì hoa nhài và Aladdin|are sẽ có một weddin'{2370}{2474}Đó là một bữa tiệc ở đây trong Agrabah|Tất cả mọi người sẽ ở đó{2478}{2583}Vì vậy, nếu bạn là một người ăn xin hoặc một shah|Làm gì với tóc của bạn{2587}{2643}Bạn không nên trang phục wear|an là naughty{2647}{2696}Một khăn xếp đó là unravelling|just sẽ không làm{2700}{2754}Hoa tai không có mà are|tasteless hoặc gaudy{2758}{2812}Bạn sẽ xem gorgeous|when tôi nhận được thông qua{2816}{2918}Đó là một bữa tiệc ở đây trong Agrabah|Vì vậy, tôi sẽ Sơn thị xã{2922}{3034}Nếu bạn muốn xem những gì màu sắc are|Làm theo tôi xung quanh{3038}{3149}Aladdin của nhận được ' lập gia đình và nó ' s|going phải đám cưới của thế kỷ{3153}{3254}Buddy của tôi nhận được ' kết hôn and|you sẽ thấy chỉ cần bao nhiêu tôi có thể làm{3258}{3310}-bạn đã nghe nói of|your safari bar mitzvahs|-Wow!{3314}(3366)-tất cả đã bạn đến một 16| ngọt luau-Ahh!{3370}{3421}Vâng, không ai trong số họ compare|to là gì{3425}{3474}The food'll be disgusting|By evening you'll be busting{3478}{3582}There's a party here in Agrabah|and it's got us all aglow{3586}{3670}If a street rat could've come so far|Maybe I could do it{3674}{3750}- Sure, there's nothing to it|- There's a party here in Agrabah{3754}{3795}But we're not sure|that we'll go{3799}{3911}For although the bride is la-di-dah|The groom is awfully low{3915}{4030}And now we take you down|to the palace, where everyone|has celebrated all night long.{4034}{4110}Without Jafar and all of his malice|Everybody's happy{4114}{4162}What could possibly go wrong?{4166}{4267}There's a party here in Agrabah|and we're gonna rob 'em blind{4271}{4360}While they're all munching caviar|create a small disturbance{4364}{4414}I will sneak up from behind{4418}{4521}There's a party here in Agrabah|and the loot is pouring in{4525}{4583}I like this wedding stuff so far{4587}{4666}Maybe if I'm pleasant|I'll get to keep a present{4670}{4717}We've ordered just|a few tasteful flowers{4721}{4775}And valets who'll|carefully park for you{4779}{4830}The bridesmaids have|been dressing for hours{4834}{4875}Girls, you look just lovely|And so grown-up too{4879}{4992}There's a party here in Agrabah|Guests are filling up the room{4996}{5066}But there's something missing|Yes, aha{5070}{5129}Where is the groom{5562}{5598}Hello.{5602}{5686}Somebody's gonna be late|for his own wedding!{5690}{5747}Hold on, Genie.|There's something I need.{5751}{5803}I gotcha.{5807}{5902}It's a bachelor party, big boy!{5906}{5986}- None for you.|You're the designated flyer.|- No.{5990}{6062}This is for the wedding.{6142}{6204}Well, that's, uh--|that's a nice dagger.{6208}{6315}Interesting nuptial accessory.|It's a, uh, a bit sharp.{6319}{6393}- It belonged to my father.|- Your father?{6397}{6451}You never said a word|about your father.{6455}{6545}Oh, I've got to let the caterer know!|Chicken or sea bass?{6548}{6651}He's not coming to the wedding.|He died a long time ago.{6655}{6719}- Sorry.|- That's okay.{6745}{6797}I never knew him.{6801}{6853}Maybe if I did,|I'd feel ready for this.{6856}{6938}Al, are you getting cold feet?{6942}{7014}No, Genie. It's just that...{7018}{7126}I-l've always been a street rat,|stealin' what I need to survive,{7130}{7186}- runnin' from the guards,|- Uh-huh.{7190}{7252}- Iivin' my life alone.|- Ohh.{7256}{7336}I'm takin' a big step today|into a new world.{7340}{7408}Today's topic: fears|of the future family man.{7412}{7482}AI from Agrabah, share with us.{7486}{7550}I never had a father to show me|how to raise a family.{7553}{7606}No role model.|Get a little deeper.{7609}{7661}What do I know about families?{7665}{7710}Genie, what if|I'm no good at it?{7714}{7774}Ah, if my father were here--{7778}{7870}Al, little buddy, if your father were|here, he'd be as proud of you as I am.{7934}{8003}I just wish he could see this.
{8006}{8071}There's a party here in Agrabah
{8075}{8144}And the party's all for me
{8148}{8218}Just look, you guys|at where we are
{8222}{8290}And how our dreams|have come to be
{8294}{8415}There's a party here in Agrabah|and I can't believe it's true
{8419}{8479}After all this waiting|here we are
{8483}{8559}We'll finally get to say|"I do"
{8563}{8625}I never, ever had a real family
{8629}{8702}I never, ever had|a real, true friend
{8706}{8772}Someone who could just|understand me
{8776}{8835}Hey, come on, Aladdin!|This mush has gotta end!
{8839}{8952}There's a party here in Agrabah|and it's starting right away
{8956}{9011}Let's get ya dressed|'cause you're the star
{9015}{9070}Hey, come on|It's your wedding day
{9309}{9373}Aladdin's gettin' married|and it's gonna be
{9377}{9437}The wedding of the century
{9441}{9499}Amazing how Aladdin|could've come so far
{9503}{9557}- They're finally getting married!|- They're finally getting married!
{9561}{9615}- They're finally getting married!|- Look at all these presents!
{9619}{9674}We're finally getting married.
{9678}{9731}- I'm finally gettin' married!|- They're finally gettin' married!
{9735}{9955}At the party in Agrabah
{9959}{10034}There's a party in Agrabah
{10038}{10115}A party goin' on now! Gotta|party! Gotta party! Help me!
{10119}{10179}I can't stop myself!|Somebody rub the lamp!
{10183}{10253}Somebody rub the lamp!|Ah, you know I feel it!
{10257}{10301}That's enough.
{10797}{10885}Why do you walk in the open|while I suffocate like an animal?
{10889}{10945}Someone has to keep|a cool head, Sa'luk.
{10949}{11052}Someone will have no head|if this is another wild goose chase.
{11056}{11133}The oracle is the real thing.
{11137}{11182}This time I'm sure.
{11305}{11392}Hello, and welcome to Lifestyles|of the Rich and Magical.
{11396}{11470}That's right. We're taking you|to the marriage of the millennium.
{11474}{11526}And who's this coming|on the lovely stretch camel?
{11530}{11621}Oh, it's Cleopatra and Caesar,|and they're bringing a salad.
{11625}{11667}How wonderful!
{11671}{11733}Oh, look, there's Osiris.|Oh, Osiris!
{11737}{11794}Osiris, can we have|a word with you?
{11798}{11901}Oh, no, the crowd is parting.|Who's coming? It's Moses!
{11905}{11993}- And your name is?|- I'm Thor.|- You're Thor?|- Well, it hurts.
{11997}{12062}Once again, this whole broadcast|has been brought to you by sand!
{12066}{12141}It's everywhere. Get used to it.
{12145}{12190}Come on. Come on.
{12194}{12251}I can see fine from back here.
{12255}{12299}Uh-uh. It's Aladdin.
{12303}{12371}Look, there's one thing|I get sentimental about...
{12375}{12435}and I'm sittin' on it.
{12472}{12565}- Huh?|- The loot, monkey. The loot.
{12569}{12654}Bad news, Al. The boutonnieres|clash with the cummerbunds.
{12658}{12730}Genie, isn't it|a little late for that?
{12734}{12826}What? What are you trying|to say? Out with it! What? What?
{12830}{12877}They're here.
{12881}{12938}Oh, no!
{12941}{13023}I'm late, I'm late|for a very important date.
{13569}{13635}- Your Majesty.|- Your Majesty.|- Your Highness.
{13638}{13683}Your Majesty.
{14199}{14291}D-Don't look so solemn, boy.|This is a happy day.
{14294}{14363}Oh, look. It's a Kodiak moment.
{14402}{14451}Put that bear outta here.
{14607}{14673}Ohh! Hmm.
{15041}{15117}- Wow!|- Oh, yeah!
{15350}{15403}I never thought|this day would come.
{15407}{15482}Now I'm afraid that it|has come all too soon.
{15486}{15539}Oh, Father.
{15579}{15676}- You distract the guards.|- Part of your plan?
{15680}{15746}A large part.
{15750}{15790}It's time.
{16382}{16442}It's all so magical.
{16446}{16494}I'm not gonna cry. I'm not.
{16631}{16683}Oh, sorry.
{16727}{16823}- Well, we're here.|- Together forever.
{17026}{17078}Let me be the point man.
{17134}{17187}I thought the earth wasn't supposed|to move until the honeymoon.
{17191}{17234}Whoa! Oh, my word!
{17423}{17487}What is going on here?
{17623}{17702}Come here, monkey boy!|You were almost Dumbo toe jam.
{17778}{17850}Oh, they trampled the carpet!|That's a little redundant.
{17854}{17929}So this isn't a bad day|for you, really, is it?
{18143}{18194}It is an attack.
{18255}{18293}Not in this palace!
{18602}{18690}I think we're gonna have|a little problem with leaks.
{19127}{19184}It must be here somewhere.
{19188}{19242}Meet your match, Zorro!
{19246}{19318}Good birdie.|Polly want a little--
{19322}{19402}Say "cracker" and I'll|let you have it on principle!
{19439}{19514}- You have a lot of spirit.|- Ow! Ow! Ow!
{19518}{19566}And a lot of mouth.
{20198}{20267}- They fight like demons.|- Worse than demons.
{20271}{20346}- These are the Forty Thieves.|- Really? I get 39.
{20480}{20527}Where is it?
{20531}{20602}Ah, at last.
{20706}{20785}- Can I see your invitation?|- Stay out of my way, boy,
{20789}{20854}and you won't get hurt!
{20903}{21020}Fool! You don't stand a chance|against the King of Thieves!
{21024}{21082}When I get up, I'll bow to you!
{21101}{21170}Mmm. Huh? Ohh!
{21174}{21238}That was for ruining my wedding.
{21241}{21325}Huh? Aah!
{21779}{21843}I guess there's really|no point to this now.
{22383}{22482}Freeze, sandbags!|Don't make me use the other end!
{22783}{22854}Mama always said,|"Magic is as magic does."
{22858}{22925}Cassim said nothing about|facing the powers of a genie.
{22929}{23037}Get the others out of here.|We'll leave the "king" to his plans.
{23555}{23606}Where's the King of Thieves?
{23667}{23735}I'll see you again, boy.
{23838}{23915}Ooh! This is not my fault.
{23919}{23990}This was not built to code.
{24025}{24134}Good luck gettin' back|the catering deposit.
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