The primary instrument that was used to collect data in this current study was thequestionnaire. The four-section questionnaire was designed with a total of 46 items in theclose-ended format. The first section elicited background information. The second section,which was based on Jung (2006), entailed hours spent and general purposes of ICT use witheight options. The third section dealt with hours spent on using ICT to learn English witheight options. The final section consisted of the items in the close-ended format on a fivepointLikert scale (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly Agree) toinvestigate students’ perceptions and expectations of the use of ICT in English languagelearning. Before the questionnaire instrument was officially used in the study, piloting wasconducted by providing it to 30 participants who were not included in the main study. The aimof piloting was to enable the researcher to “identify problems, so that they could modify,delete, and add items in the instrument to increase its reliability” (Wang, 2009, p.103). Toensure the participants’ complete comprehension of the instrument, the questionnaire wastranslated into Vietnamese and also used in the pilot and main study. 6. ConclusionThe findings in this research study highlighted that the majority of the students spent moretime employing ICT for general purposes than for language learning purposes. Also, theyshowed strong positive attitudes towards the benefits of technology to English language
learning and expected that ICTs should be used more frequently in English teaching and
learning. These research results carry several pedagogical implications as follows:
1. First and foremost, the students in this study used technology for a greater variety of
non-learning activities; thus, gaining a deep understanding of these activities “might
shed light on how best to determine their educational uses” (Fujimoto, 2012, p.165).
2. Secondly, the learners expected teachers to instruct them how to search for and use
learning resources on the Internet. This could be explained that the students lacked
information literacy search skills (Ilogho & Nkiko, 2014; Baldwin & Balatsoukas,
2010). Henceforth, there should be information literacy search skills workshops on a
regular basis aiming to give students detailed instructions on how to be in search of
online resources to maximize their language learning.
Teaching English with Technology, 14(4), 32-46,
3. Finally, despite the fact that the investment of technology such as computers, and
Internet access on campus is available, many students do not seem to see the great
potential of technology in language learning. Therefore, students should be provided
with information technology knowledge through training workshops so that they
utilize ICTs in learning English effectively.
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