Việc đầu tiên cậu bé nhận thấy khi ông tham gia vào 'Leaky Cauldron' dưới áo choàng tàng hình của mình, không chăm sóc cho những cảnh tượng lúng túng xảy ra lần cuối cùng ông đến đây, là gia đình Weasley. Và họ đã rất khác nhau từ những gì ông nhớ. Không có trong xuất hiện, tâm trí bạn, nhưng hành vi của họ là hoàn toàn atrocious, ít Harry nghĩ rằng nó là. Ron, bạn bè của mình, đã phàn nàn trong một thời trang rất giống như Malfoy, trong khi mẹ của ông đã cố gắng để nói cảm giác vào anh ta. Harry đã nhận khá tò mò về hành vi uncharacteristic này và crept gần gũi hơn do đó ông có thể nghe thấy những gì cảnh đã về."Mẹ, tại sao tôi phải ăn mặc như thế này?"-whined Ronald-"Tôi có nghĩa là hiệu trưởng Dumbledore cho đủ tiền cho coddling thằng ngu Potter!""Bây giờ, Ron..."-thở dài Weasley nữ-"bạn rất tốt biết rằng tiền chúng tôi nhận được xuất phát từ đó brat hầm. Em cần phải có một ngã, các khoản đóng góp' sẽ ngăn chặn cùng một lúc. Hoặc đã làm hiệu trưởng không giải thích cho bạn? ... Ở mức nào, nó không phải là an toàn để thảo luận về những thứ như thế ra trong mở. Bạn không bao giờ biết ai có thể nghe."Như đầu đỏ chuyển đến cửa ngõ, Harry cho một gasp bóp thoát khỏi anh ta, như ông cong võng cột sống vào tường. Người bạn của ông, người đầu tiên ông đã có, được thực sự được mua bởi hiệu trưởng bằng cách sử dụng tiền riêng của mình... nó là tâm thổi, thậm chí tệ hơn là tìm ra cha mẹ của bạn là không phải là người bạn mong đợi họ.Harry had no idea how long he spent just sitting there, staring at nothing in particular, but finally he forced himself to get up and enter the Alley.'Well,' – thought the boy – 'Who knew that Malfoy would turn out to be right. Some wizarding families are really better than others. I wonder if it's too late to become friends with him, or if I still have chance?'Diagon Alley was as busy as the last time Harry had been here. But this time the boy finally had time to really appreciate his surroundings. He knew he really should go to Gringotts first, but he really wanted to enjoy himself, so Harry just wandered from one shop to another, looking at all different things on display. Finally after several hours of simply wasting time, the boy managed to drag himself to the bank.Thankfully there were very few people at the bank, so Harry took off the hat he used to cover his scar and approached the first goblin he saw."Hello…" – he called out anxiously. The counter was very high, the goblins with their very short height, were obviously overcompensating and it made Harry, who was rather short for his 12 years, felt dwarfed.A few moments later a goblin came into his field of vision. The creature looked at the seemingly empty space and then looked down at him: "Yes? How can Gringotts be of assistance?"It was obvious that the creature didn't take him seriously and was simply humoring the child, but Harry didn't take offence, after all usually a child of his age would be accompanied by parents or guardians at the very least. This brought a very funny image of aunt Petunia in a bank full of wizards and goblins. He fought very hard not to laugh: "I am Harry Potter. I would like to see if there is some sort of test to see if I am entitled to anything apart from the vault that Hagrid had the key to. And perhaps to see my parents' will."As expected his name did get a reaction from the creature, though thankfully not the sort of awed gaping he received from random wizards and witches.The young wizard made a mental note to research this killing curse that made him so famous and see if he could come up with some sort of explanation for what happened the night his parents were killed… besides Dumbledore's 'your mother's love saved you'. Obviously the child didn't tell the headmaster just what he thought of his explanation, being slightly overwhelmed by the Sorcerer's stone fiasco, but the summer with the Dursleys was at least good in the way of giving him time to go over the events again and draw his own conclusions instead of just relying on the things that were told to him. Harry blinked when the goblin once more appeared above the huge counter:"This here is an Inheritance Potion, Mr. Potter. It costs 10 galleons per vial. You have to add seven drops of your blood to it and wait for an hour. After that pour the potion on any paper, actually any flat surface will do. Of course for an additional galleon, we can give you a roll of special paper used for making Family Trees. It is enchanted in such a way that it will grow along with the information the potion draws from your blood. After the entire tree becomes visible, the paper will become framed. You can than put the completed tree on the wall, or anywhere you like."Harry stared at the creature in silence as his brain processed the information given to him. As he understood it, he could do it at home, which would mean that he didn't need to tell the entire world about his parentage just yet:"So than how will I be able to claim whatever turns up, how will I know that there is something to claim?" – he asked in confusion.The goblin rolled his eyes, which in Harry's opinion looked rather funny, but explained none the less:"That is done separately from creating a family tree. In fact you can do it right now, if you have the time. Just take this quill and right your name with it. I should warn you though that this is a blood quill and it uses your blood instead of ink. After you write down your name a list of vaults and other properties that are entitled to you will appear under your name. Mind you most of them will probably available to you after you are recognized as an adult in the wizarding world."Potter frowned, as he accepted the quill. He wondered if he should write Harry Potter, or Antares Black. Then he decided to go with Harry Potter, since he probably would have to explain a lot of things he was not comfortable with. Also the goblin said that it would only produce a list of things he could inherit, not explain why he was inheriting them. With a mental nod, he accepted the parchment from the goblin and carefully wrote down his full name. He knew it would write in his blood, but was unprepared for the pain that shot through his hand.Being no stranger to pain, however, the boy finished writing quickly and gave the quill back to the goblin. The creature then gave him a potion and Harry was surprised to see that as soon as he drank it, both the pain and the slight bleeding stopped, leaving his hand completely unblemished. The boy made a note to look up some easy Potions books to understand the subject better because if he was honest it was fairly interesting and he really wanted to show professor Snape that he was not a stupid dunderhead.Finally the goblin indicated for him to follow it to a nearby office, which Harry did, eager to know what they found out, but slightly confused about the sudden relocation.The office he found himself in was huge. Apart from that, it was furniture with taste, though everything was slightly bigger than Harry thought necessary for goblins. The boy didn't have much time to consider his surroundings, since he was pushed into the chair in front of the desk occupied by yet another goblin, this one visibly larger and older than the one Harry was dealing with before. The paper with his name was in front of the goblin and the creature was closely studying the boy, making Harry want to fidget but thankfully he managed to remain visibly composed."Good day, Mr. Potter." – said the unknown goblin – "Let's get down to business, shall we?"Harry gulped nervously:"Yes, let's…"The creature looked through the list and chuckled, which was not a pleasant sound at all Harry decided:"Well, this is quite the list, most impressive for one as young as you."That said, the goblin, whose name Sharpclaw as the plaque on his desk suggested, slid the list towards Harry. The boy took one look and his eyes bugged out:"Holy Merlin…" – he yelped, all thoughts of proper behaviour thrown out of the window, as he scanned the list that was probably longer than his Hogwarts list – "This is all mine?"Sharpclaw gave him a horrid grimace that was probably meant to be a smile:"Yes, young Potter. You're about to become one of our wealthiest clients.""Wow…" – he whispered and then cleared his throat, blushing slightly – "What do I need to sign to be recognized as the owner of all of this?"
For his enthusiastic question, the boy was rewarded with another horrible smirk that showed entirely too many teeth:
"Girphook will be here momentarily with the signet rings, all you need to do is try them on. If they accept you, it will mean that you've inherited the corresponding inheritance and title, if not… well, that depends on the ring and its' magic, though nothing lethal or permanent."
Harry gulped as he heard that, not the least bit assured. However this was not something he was willing to pass up just because he was nervous.
Author's Note: And I think I'll stop right here. See you in the next chapter =) And don't forget to press that blue button that says 'review' =)
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