*Re-posting this chapter after corrections. Thank you for pointing out dịch - *Re-posting this chapter after corrections. Thank you for pointing out Việt làm thế nào để nói

*Re-posting this chapter after corr

*Re-posting this chapter after corrections. Thank you for pointing out the mistakes, kaname143. I swear I changed some of those; I must have forgotten to save the changes. Sighs... Thank you so much!*

Hi, it's me again! I'm sorry it took me a while to update this; I was having some difficulties forming a more solid plot for this chapter. Thank you for all your reviews, favorites, follows and suggestions! They are my source of inspiration and they keep me going further.

Thank you to my reviewers: c0c0ly, hawk1891, raindropdew, FanofBellaandEdward, JoEggardHom, oosuan, Nbsiren, KyoukaxCloud, Samerys707, Pigyz-kun,Sezthekitty, Serinji, omitchi, Suspicious Crow, BcozI'mNaughty, bishyfreak, Esther Cain014, Rewinsan, Nikkie23534, CreedHartnet13, Stellar-TheFanGirl, Asami's clown and God-d-e-ss Eternity.

Not forgetting my guest reviewers: Sunshine, Loverly, caroline, knox, summerstorm, Nhara, whitangel, kaname143, Shane, SR, sage, AsamiFanGirl, Megan Nguyen and Charlotte. Thanks!

Special thanks to RiveReinStyx for taking time to read my mails and for putting up with my eternal ramblings.

This chapter is edited by romanceisdead69 and RiveReinStyx. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Viewfinder and its notable characters belong to the great Yamane Ayano sensei. I do not earn anything from writing this fan fiction

"Akihito, let's go to the club tonight!"

Akihito almost choked at the caramel blended milkshake he was slurping. "What? I thought you wanted to be all lovey dovey with the girl you had eyes on?"

"He got rejected." Kou patted Takato's hair.

"On your birthday?" Akihito felt sorry for his best friend. He knew Takato was pretty serious about the girl, considering he talked about nothing but her during their previous meet up.

"Yeah, she said she only thought of me as a friend. A FRIEND!" Takato emphasized the last word and placed his head on the table.

Kou leaned over to Akihito and whispered, "The girl was nothing but a gold digger. She didn't want to go out with Takato because he isn't wealthy enough."

"Did Takato tell you this?"

"I accidentally saw the texts he was exchanging with her."

Takato sat up abruptly. "Hey, what are you guys whispering about?"

"Nothing!" Both Akihito and Kou answered in unison.

Takato draped an arm around Akihito. "Akihito, let's go clubbing," he repeated his request.

Never a fan of clubbing, Akihito thought of rejecting Takato's request but then he felt sorry for his friend; he deserved happiness on his special day.

"Okay, let's go. Which club do you have in mind?" Akihito reluctantly agreed before turning back to his caramel blend.

"Club Sion."

Akihito spurted his drink. "No way! We're not going there!"

"Why not? That's Asami san's place right? We can skip the line and go right in!"

"No!" Akihito raised his voice and quickly continued before his friends had the chance to interrupt. "Think about it guys, you want to have fun right? Club Sion is like a place for old geezers. The patrons are wealthy and they're most likely old hags. You want to chill out with young, pretty girls right?"

Takato looked troubled and stared at his drink. "I supposed you are right. Then where do you suppose we go?"

Kou snapped his fingers. "What about The Fixer? We couldn't get in the last time, remember? I heard the place's awesome."

"The Fixer is excellent!" Akihito perked up immediately. Anywhere, in Akihito's opinion is better than Club Sion. He knew his lover well; Asami would no doubt use the opportunity to embarrass him in public. He'd probably have a grand seat with expensive upholstery to welcome him.

"Great, we'll go there." Kou clapped his hands.

"Akihito, I have another request." Takato grabbed Akihito's hands.

"Wh…. What?"

"Can we go in the limo, please?" Takato begged.

"NO! That's Asami's limo. I can't just use it!"

"But you can." Kou interrupted. "You came to meet us in Asami san's BMW right? I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you take his limo." Kou pointed his fore finger to the shiny BMW parked in front of the café.

Takato gripped Akihito's hands tighter. "Kou's right. Please, Akihito!"

Akihito tried to pull his hands away from Takato. "It wasn't my choice! That bastard took the keys to my Vespa. I was already running late for my job!"

"Akihito, please! It's my birthday today and this is the only thing I'm asking of you. PLEASE!"

Before Akihito could reply however, Kou had grabbed Akihito's hands away from Takato. He pushed Akihito's long sleeve sweater up and stared at his wrists. "Er, Aki-chan? Why are your wrists red? It looks like you were tied up or something."

Trying his hardest not to blush, Akihito withdrew his hands and quickly covered his wrists. That pervert! I should have known better than to present him a pair of handcuffs as a thank you gift. Akihito went red as tomato as he recalled how he writhed under Asami with his hands bound above; how he tried to struggle free from his retrains as Asami devour him the night before.

"Akihito, you okay? You look red," Takato placed his palm on Akihito's forehead.

Akihito brushed his friend's hand away hastily. "I—I'm fine," he lied.

Kou smiled cheekily. "Oh, really? So, what happened to your hands, Aki-chan?"

"Stop calling me Aki-chan, Kou!" Akihito blushed harder.

Kou leaned closer to Akihito's ear and blew it gently. "How does it feel being cuffed, Aki-chan?"

Akihito smacked Kou's head. "Stop it, Kou!"

"I will if you promised to go in the limo," Kou winked.

"And you called me your friend," Akihito hissed.

Kou smiled warmly. "That's what friends are for, Aki-chan."

Battle lost, Akihito took his phone from his pocket and speed dialed Asami's number. He drummed his fingers on the table as he waited while his best friends stared at him in anticipation.


"Akihito," the older man greeted sensually.

Remembering it was the same tone that Asami used the previous night, Akihito fought back a blush. "I- ah- can I use the limo tonight?"


"It's Takato's birthday and he wanted to arrive at the club in style."

"Which club?"

"That's none of your business."

"Then I'm afraid Takato and Kou would be very disappointed to know that they have to walk to the club," Akihito sensed a smirked in that response.

Damn it, why was everyone blackmailing him today? He swore if it wasn't for Takato, Akihito would have told Asami to kiss his ass.

"All right you bastard. The Fixer, satisfied?" Akihito gritted.

"Very. Now be good and pass the phone to Toru," Asami chuckled.

"I'm not your servant," Akihito grumbled but he scanned around the café anyway to look for his bodyguard who was sitting a few tables away, sipping his Darjeeling. He marched over to Toru and slammed the phone on the table. "Your boss."

Toru managed to place the cup tenderly on the table before grabbing the phone. "Asami sama," he greeted.

Asami's voice turned cold. "Toru, Akihito is using the limo tonight to The Fixer. I'm sending one of the men to be the driver. You enter the club with Akihito and do not leave him out of your sight, are we clear?"

Toru gripped the phone tighter to stop his hands from trembling. "Perfectly, Asami sama."

"Good. Do not disappoint me Toru. I forgave you once; there'd be no next time." Asami ended the call.

Toru gulped before passing the phone back to Akihito where the boy was eyeing him curiously. "So, what did he want?"

"Nothing, Takaba sama."

Still staring at his bodyguard, Akihito pocketed the phone. That bastard must have said something to Toru and knowing his bodyguard, he wouldn't spill. Asami's orders were absolute.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked back to his friends to break the good news. Takato jumped up from his seat and hugged Akihito tightly while Kou was as calm as ever, as though he had anticipated the results. Takato made Akihito promise to pick them up at eight before dragging Kou out of the café to get ready.

As Akihito sat comfortably in the limo in his new jeans, black silk shirt and casual jacket, he looked at his expressionless bodyguard seated across him. He was momentarily surprised to find another uniformed bodyguard at the basement parking and thought that Asami had sent him to relief Toru's duties but it turned out he was merely the driver.

"Toru, I didn't remember inviting you to our party." Akihito crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry Takaba sama. This is Asami sama's orders. Rest assured I would not disturb you in any way." Toru bowed slightly.

Akihito softened slightly, "Did that bastard give you a hard time over the broken camera?" Akihito asked sympathetically. He didn't live three years with his lover for nothing; he understood Asami well enough to know that he didn't take failures from his subordinates kindly.

Toru's expression remained unchanged, giving nothing away. "No, Takaba sama."

"Hn.. as if you would tell me," Akihito turned to look outside the window.

They pulled in front of Takato's apartment right on time where his friends were already waiting. Kou whistled in appreciation the moment they both climbed into the limo.

"Wow, this is something," Kou decided.

"This IS a dream!" Takato looked everywhere in awe.

"Yeah, enjoy the ride because this is the first and the last time we're going anywhere in this," Akihito sneered.

Kou sat next to Akihito. "Don't sulk, Aki-chan. By the way, nice threads," Kou rubbed the lapel of Akihito's jacket approvingly

"I didn't have a choice. Came back one day to find most of my stuff missing; that controlling bastard replaced my entire wardrobe!" Akihito sulked.

Kou poked a finger at Akihito's cheek. "Chill, dude. You've been sulking the whole day, relax."

Takato scooted next to Akihito. "Yeah, relax Akihito. It's my birthday and we are going to par – tay!"

Akihito's mood did get better although he didn't stop sulking at the fact Asami had thrown most of his stuff away. He was lucky that he happened to be wearing his favorite pair of torn jeans, shirt and jacket on the day it happened or he had to say goodbye to those as we
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*Re-posting this chapter after corrections. Thank you for pointing out the mistakes, kaname143. I swear I changed some of those; I must have forgotten to save the changes. Sighs... Thank you so much!*Hi, it's me again! I'm sorry it took me a while to update this; I was having some difficulties forming a more solid plot for this chapter. Thank you for all your reviews, favorites, follows and suggestions! They are my source of inspiration and they keep me going further.Thank you to my reviewers: c0c0ly, hawk1891, raindropdew, FanofBellaandEdward, JoEggardHom, oosuan, Nbsiren, KyoukaxCloud, Samerys707, Pigyz-kun,Sezthekitty, Serinji, omitchi, Suspicious Crow, BcozI'mNaughty, bishyfreak, Esther Cain014, Rewinsan, Nikkie23534, CreedHartnet13, Stellar-TheFanGirl, Asami's clown and God-d-e-ss Eternity.Not forgetting my guest reviewers: Sunshine, Loverly, caroline, knox, summerstorm, Nhara, whitangel, kaname143, Shane, SR, sage, AsamiFanGirl, Megan Nguyen and Charlotte. Thanks!Special thanks to RiveReinStyx for taking time to read my mails and for putting up with my eternal ramblings.This chapter is edited by romanceisdead69 and RiveReinStyx. Thank you!Disclaimer: Viewfinder and its notable characters belong to the great Yamane Ayano sensei. I do not earn anything from writing this fan fiction"Akihito, let's go to the club tonight!"Akihito almost choked at the caramel blended milkshake he was slurping. "What? I thought you wanted to be all lovey dovey with the girl you had eyes on?""He got rejected." Kou patted Takato's hair."On your birthday?" Akihito felt sorry for his best friend. He knew Takato was pretty serious about the girl, considering he talked about nothing but her during their previous meet up."Yeah, she said she only thought of me as a friend. A FRIEND!" Takato emphasized the last word and placed his head on the table.Kou leaned over to Akihito and whispered, "The girl was nothing but a gold digger. She didn't want to go out with Takato because he isn't wealthy enough.""Did Takato tell you this?""I accidentally saw the texts he was exchanging with her."Takato sat up abruptly. "Hey, what are you guys whispering about?""Nothing!" Both Akihito and Kou answered in unison.Takato draped an arm around Akihito. "Akihito, let's go clubbing," he repeated his request.Never a fan of clubbing, Akihito thought of rejecting Takato's request but then he felt sorry for his friend; he deserved happiness on his special day."Okay, let's go. Which club do you have in mind?" Akihito reluctantly agreed before turning back to his caramel blend."Club Sion."Akihito spurted his drink. "No way! We're not going there!""Why not? That's Asami san's place right? We can skip the line and go right in!""No!" Akihito raised his voice and quickly continued before his friends had the chance to interrupt. "Think about it guys, you want to have fun right? Club Sion is like a place for old geezers. The patrons are wealthy and they're most likely old hags. You want to chill out with young, pretty girls right?"Takato looked troubled and stared at his drink. "I supposed you are right. Then where do you suppose we go?"Kou snapped his fingers. "What about The Fixer? We couldn't get in the last time, remember? I heard the place's awesome.""The Fixer is excellent!" Akihito perked up immediately. Anywhere, in Akihito's opinion is better than Club Sion. He knew his lover well; Asami would no doubt use the opportunity to embarrass him in public. He'd probably have a grand seat with expensive upholstery to welcome him."Great, we'll go there." Kou clapped his hands."Akihito, I have another request." Takato grabbed Akihito's hands."Wh…. What?""Can we go in the limo, please?" Takato begged."NO! That's Asami's limo. I can't just use it!""But you can." Kou interrupted. "You came to meet us in Asami san's BMW right? I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you take his limo." Kou pointed his fore finger to the shiny BMW parked in front of the café.Takato gripped Akihito's hands tighter. "Kou's right. Please, Akihito!"Akihito tried to pull his hands away from Takato. "It wasn't my choice! That bastard took the keys to my Vespa. I was already running late for my job!""Akihito, please! It's my birthday today and this is the only thing I'm asking of you. PLEASE!"Before Akihito could reply however, Kou had grabbed Akihito's hands away from Takato. He pushed Akihito's long sleeve sweater up and stared at his wrists. "Er, Aki-chan? Why are your wrists red? It looks like you were tied up or something."Trying his hardest not to blush, Akihito withdrew his hands and quickly covered his wrists. That pervert! I should have known better than to present him a pair of handcuffs as a thank you gift. Akihito went red as tomato as he recalled how he writhed under Asami with his hands bound above; how he tried to struggle free from his retrains as Asami devour him the night before."Akihito, you okay? You look red," Takato placed his palm on Akihito's forehead.Akihito brushed his friend's hand away hastily. "I—I'm fine," he lied.Kou smiled cheekily. "Oh, really? So, what happened to your hands, Aki-chan?""Stop calling me Aki-chan, Kou!" Akihito blushed harder.Kou leaned closer to Akihito's ear and blew it gently. "How does it feel being cuffed, Aki-chan?"Akihito smacked Kou's head. "Stop it, Kou!""I will if you promised to go in the limo," Kou winked."And you called me your friend," Akihito hissed.Kou smiled warmly. "That's what friends are for, Aki-chan."Battle lost, Akihito took his phone from his pocket and speed dialed Asami's number. He drummed his fingers on the table as he waited while his best friends stared at him in anticipation."Asami?""Akihito," the older man greeted sensually.Remembering it was the same tone that Asami used the previous night, Akihito fought back a blush. "I- ah- can I use the limo tonight?""Why?""It's Takato's birthday and he wanted to arrive at the club in style.""Which club?""That's none of your business.""Then I'm afraid Takato and Kou would be very disappointed to know that they have to walk to the club," Akihito sensed a smirked in that response.Damn it, why was everyone blackmailing him today? He swore if it wasn't for Takato, Akihito would have told Asami to kiss his ass."All right you bastard. The Fixer, satisfied?" Akihito gritted."Very. Now be good and pass the phone to Toru," Asami chuckled."I'm not your servant," Akihito grumbled but he scanned around the café anyway to look for his bodyguard who was sitting a few tables away, sipping his Darjeeling. He marched over to Toru and slammed the phone on the table. "Your boss."Toru managed to place the cup tenderly on the table before grabbing the phone. "Asami sama," he greeted.Asami's voice turned cold. "Toru, Akihito is using the limo tonight to The Fixer. I'm sending one of the men to be the driver. You enter the club with Akihito and do not leave him out of your sight, are we clear?"Toru gripped the phone tighter to stop his hands from trembling. "Perfectly, Asami sama.""Good. Do not disappoint me Toru. I forgave you once; there'd be no next time." Asami ended the call.Toru gulped before passing the phone back to Akihito where the boy was eyeing him curiously. "So, what did he want?""Nothing, Takaba sama."Still staring at his bodyguard, Akihito pocketed the phone. That bastard must have said something to Toru and knowing his bodyguard, he wouldn't spill. Asami's orders were absolute.
He shrugged his shoulders and walked back to his friends to break the good news. Takato jumped up from his seat and hugged Akihito tightly while Kou was as calm as ever, as though he had anticipated the results. Takato made Akihito promise to pick them up at eight before dragging Kou out of the café to get ready.

As Akihito sat comfortably in the limo in his new jeans, black silk shirt and casual jacket, he looked at his expressionless bodyguard seated across him. He was momentarily surprised to find another uniformed bodyguard at the basement parking and thought that Asami had sent him to relief Toru's duties but it turned out he was merely the driver.

"Toru, I didn't remember inviting you to our party." Akihito crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry Takaba sama. This is Asami sama's orders. Rest assured I would not disturb you in any way." Toru bowed slightly.

Akihito softened slightly, "Did that bastard give you a hard time over the broken camera?" Akihito asked sympathetically. He didn't live three years with his lover for nothing; he understood Asami well enough to know that he didn't take failures from his subordinates kindly.

Toru's expression remained unchanged, giving nothing away. "No, Takaba sama."

"Hn.. as if you would tell me," Akihito turned to look outside the window.

They pulled in front of Takato's apartment right on time where his friends were already waiting. Kou whistled in appreciation the moment they both climbed into the limo.

"Wow, this is something," Kou decided.

"This IS a dream!" Takato looked everywhere in awe.

"Yeah, enjoy the ride because this is the first and the last time we're going anywhere in this," Akihito sneered.

Kou sat next to Akihito. "Don't sulk, Aki-chan. By the way, nice threads," Kou rubbed the lapel of Akihito's jacket approvingly

"I didn't have a choice. Came back one day to find most of my stuff missing; that controlling bastard replaced my entire wardrobe!" Akihito sulked.

Kou poked a finger at Akihito's cheek. "Chill, dude. You've been sulking the whole day, relax."

Takato scooted next to Akihito. "Yeah, relax Akihito. It's my birthday and we are going to par – tay!"

Akihito's mood did get better although he didn't stop sulking at the fact Asami had thrown most of his stuff away. He was lucky that he happened to be wearing his favorite pair of torn jeans, shirt and jacket on the day it happened or he had to say goodbye to those as we
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