Trượt mặc tấmBảng điều khiển biến phần quét sẽ hiển thị các tấm trượt mặc sau đây: ● tham khảo ○ hnăm Collector — hiển thị quỹ đạo mà bạn chọn là nguồn gốc và cho phép bạn chỉ định các loại hnăm. ○ chi tiết — mở hộp thoại chuỗi để bạn có thể sửa đổi các thuộc tính chuỗi. ○ Phần máy bay kiểm soát — xác định như thế nào máy bay phần là định hướng. ○ bình thường để quỹ đạo — di chuyển khung luôn luôn là bình thường để một quỹ đạo được chỉ định. ○ bình thường để chiếu — trục Y của di chuyển khung là song song với một hướng cụ thể và z-axis là tiếp tuyến đến chiếu của quỹ đạo gốc theo hướng được chỉ định. Các nhà sưu tập tài liệu tham khảo hướng cho phép bạn thêm hoặc xoá tài liệu tham khảo. ○ liên tục bình thường hướng — trục Z của di chuyển khung là song song với một hướng cụ thể. Các nhà sưu tập tài liệu tham khảo hướng cho phép bạn thêm hoặc xoá tài liệu tham khảo. ○ Ngang/dọc kiểm soát — xác định như thế nào quay khung xung quanh thành phố máy bay ký họa bình thường được điều khiển dọc theo phần biến góc. ○ Automatic—The section plane is automatically oriented in the XY direction. Creo Elements/Pro calculates the direction of the x-vector such that the swept geometry is minimally twisted. Automatic is the default for an origin trajectory without any referenced surfaces. The direction reference collector allows you to define the initial section or frame x-axis orientation at the start of the sweep. Sometimes it is necessary to specify the x-axis direction, for example, for straight line trajectories or trajectories that have a straight segment at the start. ○ Normal to Surface—Y-axis of the section plane is normal to the surface on which the Origin trajectory lies. This is the default option when the Origin trajectory reference is a curve on a surface, one-sided edge of a surface, two-sided edge of a surface or solid edge, curve created though intersection of surfaces, or two projection curves. Next allows you to move to the next normal surface. ○ X-Trajectory—X-axis of the section plane passes through the intersection point of the specified X-trajectory and the section plane along the sweep. ● Options—Select variable or constant sweeps. ○ Variable section—Constrains the sketch entities to other trajectories (pivot plane or existing geometry) or use section relations with the trajpar parameter to make the sketch variable. The references to which the sketch is constrained change the shape of the section. Also, defining the dimensioning scheme by a graph or relations (with trajpar) makes the sketch variable. Sketch regenerates at points along the trajectory and updates its shape accordingly. ○ Constant section—Sketch does not change its shape as it is being swept along the trajectories. Only orientation of the frame on which the section lies changes. ○ Cap ends check box—Add capped ends to the sweep. Note that you must select a surface reference with a closed section to use this option. ○ Merge ends check box—Merge the ends of the sweep. There must be a solid surface at the ends of the sweep in order to perform a merge. Additionally, the sweep must have Constant section selected with a single planar trajectory. ○ Sketch placement point—Specify the point on the Origin Trajectory where you want to sketch the section. The start point of the sweep is not affected. The start point of the sweep is used as the default location where you sketch the section if Sketch placement point is empty. ● Tangency—Selection and control of surfaces with tangent trajectories. ○ None—Disable the tangent trajectory. ○ Side 1—Sweep section contains a center line tangent to surfaces on side 1 of the trajectory. ○ Side 2—Sweep section a contains center line tangent to surfaces on side 2 of the trajectory. ○ Selected—Manually specify surfaces for tangent center lines in the sweep section. ● Properties—Rename the sweep feature or view information about the sweep feature in the Creo Elements/Pro embedded browser. Shortcut MenusIn the graphics window, right-click for the Variable Section Sweep shortcut menu commands: ● Trajectory—Show and select the trajectory use for the variable section sweep. ● Start X Direction—Select a reference to define the initial section x-axis direction. ● Placement Point—Select a datum point along the origin trajectory for sketch placement. ● Clear—Clear any active collector. You cannot clear the Origin Trajectory reference or Normal, X, and Tangent trajectories. ● Normal To Trajectory—Moving frame is always normal to a specified trajectory. ● Normal To Projection—Y-axis of moving frame is parallel to a specified direction and z-axis is tangent to the projection of the original trajectory along the specified direction. ● Constant Normal Direction—Z-axis of moving frame is parallel to a specified direction. ● Automatic—The section plane is automatically oriented in the XY direction. ● Sketch—Open the internal section sketcher. ● Variable section—Specify that the shape of the section can be changed as it is swept along the trajectory. ● Constant section—Specify that the section shape does not change as it is swept along the trajectory. ● Remove—Remove a reference for the selected Trajectories collector. You cannot remove the Origin Trajectory reference. However, you can replace it by selecting a new Origin Trajectory reference in the graphics window. ●
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