Our Vision
Shin Nihon Infrastructure Investment Corporation (SIIC) was established in December 2015 by a group of Japanese and Vietnamese professional infrastructural, realty, financial investors having high class of experience. SIIC initial capital is 2,000 billion Vietnam Dong, paid in cash. We are a shareholding corporation having several shareholders. We aim at being a listed company, to be listed in a country with grade A credibility
We have been observing that Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia are countries with huge potentials to develop infrastructure including roadway, railway, seaway and airway. The Governments of developing countries are challenging about capital to invest in infrastructure development. We target our investment on infrastructure in those countries following the formats of PPP, BT, BOT or combined, whatever suit with the condition and environment of each country
For the period from 2016 to 2020, we target to seek for roadway infrastructure projects to develop including national road, freeway, city boulevard and the connectivity infrastructure to connect major economic hubs in Indochinese peninsula together. We seek for port and airport logistics projects to develop. Such projects are in major economic hubs in the Indochinese Peninsula
For the period from 2020 to 2025, also in Indochina peninsula, we set our target to seek for airport project of small and medium scales at highland area where transport connectivity is incomplete.
Our Mission
For the Market: we utilize our expertise and knowledge on international investment and our experience of international business, harmonized with local business culture of each locality of the countries Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia to develop our projects with excellent quality, minimum cost and least time consuming
For our shareholders and business partners: We stand beside our shareholders in good will and sustainable development. We commit to optimize the shareholders investment in SIIC
For our staffs: We selectively recruit the senior staffs and train new staff toward sustainable human resources. Our senior staffs, beside their roles in making business for the corporate, shall take responsibility to teach the juniors
For the Society: We involve in community activities and the social programs of the country as well as the locality
Our Core Value
SHIN新meaning New: We apply new technology, innovative ideas of the developed world especially of the G7 to develop our projects, we apply to doing business in Indochina countries.
NIHON日本meaning Japan: We utilize and exploit Japanese business philosophy, Japanese business morals and Japanese business culture to develop our projects and doing business in Indochina countries
Scope of Business
1. Investment on Infrastructure Projects. Investment on Realty Projects
2. Develop Infrastructure Projects. Develop Realty Projects
3. General Contractor Works
Contact information:
Representative: Mr. Huynh Phong Vu
Position: Chief Executive Officer
Address: Unit 5, 8th Floor, Le Méridien Tower, 3C Ton Duc Thang Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, SR Vietnam
Organization personnel:
Mr.Le Ngoc Anh Minh – Senior Advisor
Mr. KENJI NAKANO Executive President
Mr. Huỳnh Phong Vũ - CEO
Mr. Ryuichiro ABE, Vice CEO, Finance & Investment
Mr.Nguyen Ngoc PHONG, Vice CEO, Construction