Mello’s conventional make-or-buy analysis indicated that Catawba’s offer should be rejected, since only $708,000 of costs would be avoided (including $80,000 of supervisory salaries and $28,000 of machinery depreciation)
Mello’s conventional make-or-buy analysis indicated that Catawba’s offer should be rejected, sinceonly $708,000 of costs would be avoided (including $80,000 of supervisory salaries and $28,000 ofmachinery depreciation)
Thường phân tích make-hay-buy Mello chỉ ra rằng đề nghị của Catawba nên bị từ chối, vì chỉ có $ 708,000 chi phí tránh được (bao gồm $ 80,000 tiền lương giám sát và $ 28.000 khấu hao máy móc)