generation of EGS have been conducted bymany researchers. Li andLior [6] analyzed and compared leading geothermal power plantconfigurations with a geofluid temperature from200 to 800 C, andalso analyzed the embodied energy of EGS surface power plants. Liand Lior [7] also analyzed fracturing and thermal performance offractured reservoirs in EGS from a depth of 5 kme10 km using animproved model for flow and heat transfer. Effects of the geofluidflow direction choice, distance between fractures, fracture width,permeability, radius, and number of fractures, on reservoir heatdrawdown time were obtained. Chen and Jiang [8] numericallysimulated the heat extraction process of EGS with various welllayouts, including the standard doublet well layout, two triplet welllayouts, and a quintuplet well layout assuming the created heatreservoir could be treated as a homogeneous porousmedium. Theirsimulation results enabled a detailed analysis on the influences ofwell layout on EGS heat extraction performance. Ekneligoda andMin [9] presented a nomogram solution for the evaluation of theproduction temperature that incorporated the mass flow rate,fracture width, fracture length, number of conductive fractures,host rock temperature, and the production time of EGS by usingboth an analytical and numerical model. Bujakowski et al. [10]conducted numerical modeling using TOUGH2 code to evaluatethe energy performance of the prospective EGS plant operating inthe Lower Triassic sedimentary formations of the Polish Lowland.Results indicated that the energy performance of the EGS plant wasstrongly dependent on the volume and permeability of the artifi-cially fractured zone. Zhang et al. [11] conducted comparison ofsystem thermodynamic performance of CO2-EGS and water-EGSsystems.
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