I hope you will also read this, as I want to say that you must not stop looking for Mr. Right, whether you have me now, because I'm only one of many more suitable person who would love to have an attractive woman like you.
Remember, you are still young, and I'm 33 years your senior. Until you and I can be a couple, you have to keep looking, so that you will know if John is the right person for you. I have lived my life, but you are just starting yours.
I promise not to be upset, sad or angry if there is someone who is better, younger, and be a good provider to you and your son. You deserve everything that is good. If you want to know who is genuine, you just have to ask me and I will tell you honestly.
Please put back your photo, especially the close-up of you in the yellow/beige top, because I like it so much, and show everybody your beautiful smile and face.
Take care.