Hi there ^_^It's me again!Here's another story that I'd like to share. dịch - Hi there ^_^It's me again!Here's another story that I'd like to share. Việt làm thế nào để nói

Hi there ^_^It's me again!Here's an

Hi there ^_^

It's me again!

Here's another story that I'd like to share.

I hope you like it ^_^

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Viewfinder characters; they are the wonderful creations of Ayano Yamane-sensei. The added characters here are simply made up; any resemblance with any fictions is purely coincidental.

Before I forget; Thank you Mei for the encouragement ^_^

On with the story…

The Best I Ever Had

Chapter 1

It was a starless new moon night; everything was supposed to be right with the world, the night life in Shinjuku is bustling. It was already past nine, Akihito just finished his photo shoot for the actor Nakamura Saizo; he cannot say that he didn't like it, it was rather a pleasant job, the actor was a complete professional, he follow instructions well and if there is something that he doesn't like he voiced it out without acting like a diva, unlike all the other model-actor whom Akihito had worked with previously. He was actually impressed with the professionalism of the actor.

"Yosh, I have enough time to get home and edit the photos". He thought. Efficiently and carefully he started to pack up his equipment, made sure that his camera is secure inside his camera bag. He was about to leave the premise when he was called out.

"Leaving already?" A male voice asked. Akihito turned to see who it was. At the furthest part of the studio was a silhouette standing in-front the glass window overlooking the beautiful Shinjuku District

"Nakamura-san?" Akihito asked, wondering why the actor hasn't left yet, he was told that the actor had a prior engagement that he cannot miss. "Yes I was. Ano.., what are you still doing here? I thought you had to leave for an important meeting?" He innocently asked.

Silently the actor walked towards where Akihito was. Akihito can't help but be mesmerize by the movement of the actor, Nakamura Saizo exudes both grace and fierceness; the 28 year old actor is 6'2 tall, medium built but with well-defined muscle and tone, dark brown hair, rectangular shaped face, prominent high nose, thin lips but the most striking feature is his mysterious piercing black eyes, they somehow reminded Akihito of Asami's golden orbs. Akihito had to mentally kick himself for thinking about the older man. "Can't there be a day that he doesn't cross my mind. Urgh!" he silently scolded himself.

Saizo was somehow pleased that the young photographer was assessing him, even though he just ended a photo shoot with Akihito earlier that day. A small smile grazed his face, without taking his eyes away from Akihito, he answered "I was supposed to, but there was a last minute change of plan, so I'm free for the night."

"Oh I see. That's good. I'll take my leave then. Good night!" Akihito politely bowed his head and turned to leave.

"Won't you join me."Saizo acquiesced, halting Akihito's steps. Akihito checked his watch as if he was considering the thought; he took notice of the time and decided against it.

"I'm sorry Nakamura-san. I still have a job to do." Akihito declined politely.

"I understand, forget that I asked. Let me accompany you out then" Saizo offered. Akihito just nodded in agreement.

The elevator ride was uneventful. The two young men talked about their own interests and on how they got to where they are now. They talked like a couple of old friends catching up.


"It's sure nice to have worked with you Takaba-kun, you are an impressive photographer." Saizo praised. "I quite like you" he softly said with a gentle smile.

Akihito can't stop the slight blush that crept across his face. Although he felt that there was something behind the statement made by the actor, but he just shrugged it off.

"Err…thank you. It was pleasure working with you too. Well, see you around" Akihito slightly bowed and hurriedly walk away.

"I see. You really don't remember me."Saizo softly said. "No worries, I know in time you will" a small smile grazed his face.


It was already 10:15pm when Akihito arrived at the penthouse. "I'm home." came the usual greeting although he knows he won't get any response back. Asami should still be at Club Sion working or probably in one of his "business meetings". Akihito took off his shoes; walked straight to his old bedroom which was turned into his workroom; and started working on the shots he took of Nakamura Saizo, making a mental note to hand in the photos by ten in the morning.

Akihito was thoroughly checking the shots he took, most of the photos needed no editing; the shots were perfect. The more he worked on the photos he can't help but notice the eyes of Saizo, they seem to be looking straight at him, crazy right? Of course a model would need to look at the camera, where else would he look? But one particular shot caught his attention; Saizo was casually sitting on a white sofa; his arms resting softly on his thighs, his fingers interlocked and his face looking directly at the camera. An uneasy feeling came over him; he somehow thought he saw a sinister gleam in Saizo's eyes.

Akihito was so engrossed with his work, especially with the photo that he did not hear Asami came in, nor notice that the said man was standing in front of his room observing him.


Surprised, Akihito turned around and found Asami looking at him "Geez, you scared me!"

A smirk grazed Asami's face, amused with Akihito's reaction. Slowly he walked up to Akihito who in reflex quickly stood up, and stared at the advancing person. Akihito cannot help but be drawn to the golden orbs that were looking at him, for no particular reason, he was reminded of Saizo's piercing black orbs.

Why am I thinking about Saizo? Akihito tore his gaze away from Asami; he slightly stiffened at the thought that he was thinking of someone else while he is with the older man. Akihito's subtle change in demeanour did not escape Asami's ever observant eyes, which did not please Asami at all.

"What are you thinking?" Softly he tilted Akihito's chin up, and made sure that their eyes meet. "Or might I say who is it that you're thinking about?"

Akihito stiffened at the words; Asami's voice was laced with slight anger and warning. He was thinking of turning his gaze away from Asami, but he knew that will be futile. He remembered the very words Asami said when he deliberately look away from Asami's gaze "what you do in the streets does not interest me, just do not look away to avoid looking into my eyes"

"I… I was just thinking about work…" Akihito mentally kicked himself for lying; he was not entirely lying, because it really is associated with work, but of course he cannot simply say that he was thinking of someone and to think another man at that.

Asami is no fool; he was displeased that Akihito had the audacity to lie to him. Frustrated and angry, he roughly kissed Akihito. Akihito tried to fight it off only to find himself succumbing to pleasure. Sensing that Akihito conceded, slowly Asami trailed down nips and kisses along Akihito's neck; his hand sneaked inside the shirt caressing and teasing the pert nipples.

"I'll make sure you think of no one but me"

Asami's ministrations earned a pleasurable moan from the young man, pulling Akihito away from his work desk and pushed him on to the bed. Looming above his young lover Asami took no time in ravaging Akihito's already swollen lips; Akihito was lost and writhing in pleasure, that he did not notice that his shirt was taken off. Asami trailed down possessive kisses along Akihito's neck and torso; marking the young man.

Asami momentarily stopped from his pleasurable assault earning a disappointed look from the younger man; he stared intensely into Akihito' hazel orbs; it was already clear to Asami as to who now fills Akihito's mind. Satisfied with his work, ever so gently he kisses Akihito's lips which turned into a possessive kiss. He tore his lips away from Akihito and whispered You are mine. With this phrase Asami continued to mess his young lover.

Asami took out a cigarette and stared at his adorable kitten who was sleeping soundly or rather who passed out after what seemed like an endless bout of sex. Asami was satisfied at the turn of events, but he still cannot let go of the fact that someone was able to fill Akihito's mind. Slowly he got up from the bed, he went towards Akihito's desk, turned on the computer and stared at the photo of the young man that Akihito was looking at when he arrived. The file was labelled "Nakamura Saizo"


"Asami sama." Kirishima answered at the first ring.

"Find out everything you can about Nakamura Saizo."

"Yes, Asami sama"

With that Asami disconnected the call.

Looking at his sleeping lover, "Now Akihito, what is it about this man that interests you."

The thought of some random guy filling Akihito's head did not set well with Asami. He does not share what he have nor is he willing to give up something he owns. Akihito is his; he had proven that to the young man time and again; and if some random guy thinks he can make Akihito leave, they are in for a very rude awakening; no one not even the gods can take what is his, especially Akihito.


so what do you guys think?

comments, reviews and criticisms are welcome.

thank you for reading.
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Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Hi there ^_^It's me again!Here's another story that I'd like to share.I hope you like it ^_^Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Viewfinder characters; they are the wonderful creations of Ayano Yamane-sensei. The added characters here are simply made up; any resemblance with any fictions is purely coincidental.Before I forget; Thank you Mei for the encouragement ^_^On with the story…The Best I Ever HadChapter 1It was a starless new moon night; everything was supposed to be right with the world, the night life in Shinjuku is bustling. It was already past nine, Akihito just finished his photo shoot for the actor Nakamura Saizo; he cannot say that he didn't like it, it was rather a pleasant job, the actor was a complete professional, he follow instructions well and if there is something that he doesn't like he voiced it out without acting like a diva, unlike all the other model-actor whom Akihito had worked with previously. He was actually impressed with the professionalism of the actor."Yosh, I have enough time to get home and edit the photos". He thought. Efficiently and carefully he started to pack up his equipment, made sure that his camera is secure inside his camera bag. He was about to leave the premise when he was called out."Leaving already?" A male voice asked. Akihito turned to see who it was. At the furthest part of the studio was a silhouette standing in-front the glass window overlooking the beautiful Shinjuku District"Nakamura-san?" Akihito hỏi, tự hỏi tại sao các diễn viên đã không còn được nêu ra, ông đã nói rằng các diễn viên đã có một cam kết trước đó ông không thể bỏ lỡ. "Tôi đã có. Ano.., những gì là bạn vẫn còn làm ở đây? Tôi nghĩ bạn đã để lại cho một cuộc họp quan trọng?" Ông innocently yêu cầu.Âm thầm diễn viên đi bộ hướng tới nơi Akihito. Akihito không thể giúp nhưng phải thôi miên bởi sự chuyển động của các diễn viên, Nakamura Saizo exudes ân sủng và không vừa lòng; diễn viên 28 tuổi là 6'2 cao, Trung bình xây dựng nhưng với cũng xác định cơ bắp và giai điệu, tóc nâu đen, hình chữ nhật hình mặt, mũi cao nổi bật, môi mỏng nhưng các tính năng nổi bật nhất là xuyên bí ẩn đen mắt, họ bằng cách nào đó nhắc nhở Akihito của Asami quả cầu vàng. Akihito đã phải tinh thần đá mình cho suy nghĩ về người đàn ông lớn. "Không thể có là một ngày rằng ông không qua tâm trí của tôi. Urgh!"ông âm thầm scolded mình.Saizo bằng cách nào đó được vui mà các nhiếp ảnh gia trẻ đã đánh giá anh ta, ngay cả khi ông vừa kết thúc một buổi chụp hình với Akihito trước đó ngày hôm đó. Một nụ cười nhỏ grazed khuôn mặt của mình, mà không cần dùng mắt ra khỏi Akihito, ông trả lời "tôi đã được yêu cầu, nhưng đã có một sự thay đổi phút cuối cùng của kế hoạch, vì vậy tôi miễn phí cho đêm.""Oh tôi thấy. Tốt. Tôi sẽ đưa tôi để lại sau đó. Chúc ngủ ngon!" Akihito một cách lịch sự cúi đầu và bật để lại."Sẽ không bạn cùng tôi." Saizo chenopodium, ngăn chặn Akihito của bước. Akihito kiểm tra chiếc đồng hồ như nếu ông đã xem xét những suy nghĩ; ông đã thông báo thời gian và quyết định chống lại nó."Tôi xin lỗi Nakamura-san. Tôi vẫn còn có một công việc để làm." Akihito đã từ chối một cách lịch sự."Tôi hiểu, quên rằng tôi yêu cầu. Hãy để tôi đi cùng bạn ra sau đó"Saizo được cung cấp. Akihito chỉ gật đầu trong thỏa thuận.Thang máy đi xe đã được uneventful. Hai người đàn ông trẻ nói chuyện về lợi ích riêng của họ và cách họ đã đến nơi họ đang có bây giờ. Họ nói chuyện như một số bạn bè cũ bắt kịp.Đinh!"It's chắc chắn tốt đẹp đã làm việc với bạn Takaba-kun, bạn là một nhiếp ảnh gia Ấn tượng." Saizo đánh giá cao. "Tôi khá giống như bạn" ông nhẹ nhàng nói với một nụ cười nhẹ nhàng.Akihito không thể dừng lại đỏ mặt nhẹ crept trên khuôn mặt của mình. Mặc dù ông cảm thấy rằng có là một cái gì đó đằng sau những tuyên bố được thực hiện bởi các diễn viên, nhưng ông chỉ shrugged nó đi."Err... cảm ơn bạn. Đó là niềm vui làm việc với bạn quá. Vâng, xem bạn xung quanh"Akihito hơi cúi và nhanh chóng đi bộ."Tôi thấy. Bạn thực sự không nhớ tôi." Saizo nhẹ nhàng nói. "Đừng lo, tôi biết trong thời gian bạn sẽ" một nụ cười nhỏ grazed khuôn mặt của mình.**V**Nó đã 10:15 pm khi Akihito đến penthouse. "I 'm nhà." đến chúc mừng thông thường mặc dù ông biết ông sẽ không nhận được bất cứ phản ứng lại. Asami nên vẫn còn tại câu lạc bộ Sion làm việc hoặc có lẽ trong một cuộc họp kinh doanh"của mình". Akihito cất cánh giày của mình; đi thẳng đến phòng ngủ cũ của mình mà đã trở thành workroom của mình; và bắt đầu làm việc trên bức ảnh ông đã của Nakamura Saizo, làm cho một lưu ý tâm thần để tay trong các bức ảnh bởi mười vào buổi sáng.Akihito was thoroughly checking the shots he took, most of the photos needed no editing; the shots were perfect. The more he worked on the photos he can't help but notice the eyes of Saizo, they seem to be looking straight at him, crazy right? Of course a model would need to look at the camera, where else would he look? But one particular shot caught his attention; Saizo was casually sitting on a white sofa; his arms resting softly on his thighs, his fingers interlocked and his face looking directly at the camera. An uneasy feeling came over him; he somehow thought he saw a sinister gleam in Saizo's eyes.Akihito was so engrossed with his work, especially with the photo that he did not hear Asami came in, nor notice that the said man was standing in front of his room observing him."Akihito"Surprised, Akihito turned around and found Asami looking at him "Geez, you scared me!"A smirk grazed Asami's face, amused with Akihito's reaction. Slowly he walked up to Akihito who in reflex quickly stood up, and stared at the advancing person. Akihito cannot help but be drawn to the golden orbs that were looking at him, for no particular reason, he was reminded of Saizo's piercing black orbs.Why am I thinking about Saizo? Akihito tore his gaze away from Asami; he slightly stiffened at the thought that he was thinking of someone else while he is with the older man. Akihito's subtle change in demeanour did not escape Asami's ever observant eyes, which did not please Asami at all."What are you thinking?" Softly he tilted Akihito's chin up, and made sure that their eyes meet. "Or might I say who is it that you're thinking about?"Akihito stiffened at the words; Asami's voice was laced with slight anger and warning. He was thinking of turning his gaze away from Asami, but he knew that will be futile. He remembered the very words Asami said when he deliberately look away from Asami's gaze "what you do in the streets does not interest me, just do not look away to avoid looking into my eyes""I… I was just thinking about work…" Akihito mentally kicked himself for lying; he was not entirely lying, because it really is associated with work, but of course he cannot simply say that he was thinking of someone and to think another man at that.Asami is no fool; he was displeased that Akihito had the audacity to lie to him. Frustrated and angry, he roughly kissed Akihito. Akihito tried to fight it off only to find himself succumbing to pleasure. Sensing that Akihito conceded, slowly Asami trailed down nips and kisses along Akihito's neck; his hand sneaked inside the shirt caressing and teasing the pert nipples."I'll make sure you think of no one but me"Asami's ministrations earned a pleasurable moan from the young man, pulling Akihito away from his work desk and pushed him on to the bed. Looming above his young lover Asami took no time in ravaging Akihito's already swollen lips; Akihito was lost and writhing in pleasure, that he did not notice that his shirt was taken off. Asami trailed down possessive kisses along Akihito's neck and torso; marking the young man.
Asami momentarily stopped from his pleasurable assault earning a disappointed look from the younger man; he stared intensely into Akihito' hazel orbs; it was already clear to Asami as to who now fills Akihito's mind. Satisfied with his work, ever so gently he kisses Akihito's lips which turned into a possessive kiss. He tore his lips away from Akihito and whispered You are mine. With this phrase Asami continued to mess his young lover.

Asami took out a cigarette and stared at his adorable kitten who was sleeping soundly or rather who passed out after what seemed like an endless bout of sex. Asami was satisfied at the turn of events, but he still cannot let go of the fact that someone was able to fill Akihito's mind. Slowly he got up from the bed, he went towards Akihito's desk, turned on the computer and stared at the photo of the young man that Akihito was looking at when he arrived. The file was labelled "Nakamura Saizo"


"Asami sama." Kirishima answered at the first ring.

"Find out everything you can about Nakamura Saizo."

"Yes, Asami sama"

With that Asami disconnected the call.

Looking at his sleeping lover, "Now Akihito, what is it about this man that interests you."

The thought of some random guy filling Akihito's head did not set well with Asami. He does not share what he have nor is he willing to give up something he owns. Akihito is his; he had proven that to the young man time and again; and if some random guy thinks he can make Akihito leave, they are in for a very rude awakening; no one not even the gods can take what is his, especially Akihito.


so what do you guys think?

comments, reviews and criticisms are welcome.

thank you for reading.
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