Nó đã là gần 12 năm kể từ cuộc chiến chống lại orcish Horde đã kết thúc. Nó là một điều khủng khiếpxung đột có raged trên northlands, để lại nhiều người trong số các liên minh Vương Quốc bị san bằng và đentrong thức của nó. Quá nhiều người đàn ông dũng cảm thất thủ trước khi đám đông nổi sóng cuối cùng đã dừng lại. Tirion đã mất mộtsố lượng bạn bè tốt và binh lính trong suốt chiến tranh. Mặc dù liên minh đã tập hợp tại cácchiến thắng thứ mười một hour và kéo từ các ly hợp của một số thất bại, nó đã trả giá đắt. Hầu như mộttoàn bộ thế hệ của người đàn ông trẻ đã selflessly cho cuộc sống của họ để bảo đảm rằng con người sẽ không bao giờnô lệ cho man rợ orc Overlord. Gần cuối của cuộc chiến, các gia tộc bị đánh đập và leaderless orc đã làm tròn lên và đặt trong vòng bảo vệdự trữ gần ngoại ô đất liên minh. Tuy nhiên, như một biện pháp phòng ngừa, đó là cần thiết đểcảnh sát dự trữ với đầy đủ các đoàn Hiệp sĩ và footmen, Orc vẫn ngoan ngoãn và thụ động.Thật vậy, khi thời gian trôi qua, Orc dường như mất của họ khát máu hoành hành hoàn toàn và mất hiệu lực vào một kỳ lạXã stupor. Một số nghĩa vụ hôi của brutes' thờ ơ được đưa bởi không hoạt động, nhưng Tiriontiếp tục để được thuyết phục. Ông đã nhìn thấy, firsthand, Orc tàn bạo và savagery trong trận chiến. Những kỷ niệm củacủa tội ác ghê tởm đã cản giấc mơ của mình trong năm sau chiến tranh. Ông, cho một, sẽ không bao giờ tinmà cách hiếu chiến của họ đã để lại cho họ hoàn toàn. * * * Tirion prayed every night, as he always had, that conflict would never endanger his people again.Perhaps naively, he hoped fervently that his young son would be spared the rigors and horrors of war. Asa Paladin, he had seen far too many children orphaned or left for dead over the course of the tragicconflict. He wondered how any child could not become cold and disassociated when faced with terrorand violence all around them. He would certainly never allow that to happen to his own boy, that wascertain. Yet, despite his best wishes, he could not ignore the reality of the present situation. His closestaides and advisors had been telling him of the grim rumors for months now—that the orcs were onceagain on the move. Hard as it was to believe, the presence of so many emissaries in his keep confirmed itto be true. If the orcs were foolish enough to rise up again, he would do whatever it took in order to stop them.Duty had always been the one constant in his life. He had spent the majority of his years defendingLordaeron in one way or another. Though he had not been born a noble, his enthusiasm and honor hadwon him the rank of knight at the tender age of eighteen. Tirion served his king with undying loyalty andwon a great deal of respect from his superiors. Years later, when the orcs first invaded Lordaeron, intenton crushing civilization, he was one of the first knights to be given the honor of standing with Uther theLightbringer and being anointed as a holy Paladin. Uther, Tirion, and a number of devout knights were hand-picked by the Archbishop Alonsus Faol tobecome living vessels of the holy Light. Their special, sacred charge was twofold: aided by the holy Light,the Paladins would not only lead the fight against the vile forces of darkness, but heal the wounds inflictedupon the innocent citizens of humanity as well. Tirion and his fellows were given the divine power to healwounds and cure diseases of every kind. They were imbued with great strength and wisdom that enabledthem to rally their brethren and give glory to the Light. Indeed, the Paladins’ leadership and strengthhelped to turn the tide of the war and insure the survival of humanity. Though his own Light-given powers had waned somewhat over the years, Tirion could still feel strengthand grace flow through his aging limbs. Surely he would have strength enough when he needed it themost. For his son and for his people, he would have strength enough, he vowed. * * * Clearing his head of concerns, Tirion stopped to get his bearings. To his surprise, he found that he’dwandered much farther up the winding path than he’d intended. The path snaked its way up and over thedensely forested mountain. There were no outposts this far up, Tirion remembered. As a matter of fact,he couldn’t recall the last time he had ventured up this far. He took a moment to drink in the raw beautyof the place. He could hear babbling streams nearby and smell the clean, crisp air. The sky was blue andclear as he watched two falcons circle high above. He truly loved this land. He told himself that he’dreturn to this spot when a more opportune moment presented itself. Running his hand through his thinning,graying hair, he chided himself for becoming so lost in thought. He had come out to hunt, after all. Tiriondeftly turned his mount around on the thin path and spurred Mirador to a quicker pace back down themountain. He pulled sharply on the reins and steered his faithful mo
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