[10:45:31 AM] Dick Andrea: ok love that will be very nice of u [10:45:42 AM] Dick Andrea: Please remember to say hi to them from me [10:46:22 AM] Dick Andrea: please send the photo u were sending yesterday now let me see
[10:45:31 AM] Dick Andrea: ok love that will be very nice of u[10:45:42 AM] Dick Andrea: Please remember to say hi to them from me[10:46:22 AM] Dick Andrea: please send the photo u were sending yesterday now let me see
[10:45:31] Dick Andrea: tình yêu ok đó sẽ rất tốt đẹp của u [10:45:42] Dick Andrea: Hãy nhớ để nói hi với họ từ tôi [10:46:22] Dick Andrea xin vui lòng gửi hình ảnh u đã gửi ngày hôm qua bây giờ để tôi nhìn thấy