For Refresher Upgrading Program on Pharmacy
December , 2013
Time: 60 minutes

SECTION A: Listen to each question or statement two times. Then write one suitable word or phrase in the gap on your answer sheet that best completes your answer.
1. ----------------------------------------- Warning
2. ----------------------------------------- Over dosage
3. ----------------------------------------- Glaucoma
4. ----------------------------------------- Suppository
5. ----------------------------------------- Inhalant / Spray
6. ----------------------------------------- Arteries
7. ----------------------------------------- Liver
8. ----------------------------------------- Urethra
9. ----------------------------------------- Diuretics
10. ----------------------------------------- Insulin

SECTION B: Listen to the questions or statements two times. Choose the best answer to each question or the best interpretation for each statement. Then mark a cross (X) over the letter (A, B, C or D) you have chosen on the answer sheet.
11. This is the inflammation of a joint, which can develop stiffness, warmth, swelling, redness and pain.
A. Arthritis B. Cold
C. Flu D. Sore throat
12. Why should breast feeding women pay attention to medicine?
A. Dangerous to them B. Dangerous to their infants
C. Harmful to their family D. Harmful to children
13. Here is a pair of organs is located in the right and left side of the abdomen.
A. Intestines B. Kidneys
C. Appendix D. Stomach
14. What’s the difference between a drug and a medicine?
A. They are chemically basic. B. They are aimed at disease treatment. C. A medicine works in separation with drugs.
D. A drug is a component while a medicine is a commercial product.
15. What occurs when combining OTC antihistamines & alcohol?
A. Drowsiness B. Dizziness
C. GI bleeding D. Irritability

16. How does the body process or metabolize every drug?
A- Similarly B- Changeably C- Differently D- Identically

17. Which symptom is not concerned with upper respiratory allergies?
A- Sneezing B- Runny nose C- Itchy throat D- Emphysema

18. Which area do the practices of meditation belong to?
A- Mind-body medicine B- Biologically based practices
C- Manipulative practices D- Energy medicine

19. Which of the followings are medications that cause an increase in the flow of urine?
A- Diuretics B- Beta blockers C- ACE inhibitors D- Vasodilators

20. What does the hormone angiotensin II cause?
A- It causes the blood vessels to relax B- It causes the blood vessels to expand
C- It causes the blood vessels to tighten D- It causes the blood vessels to widen

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Then mark a cross (X) over the letter (A, B, C or D) you have chosen on the answer sheet.
21. -------------------: It will be clearly stated in this section if a drug is thought to have a potential for abuse, dependence or withdrawal symptoms.
A. Drug abuse B. Drug abuse and dependence
C. Drug dependence D. Drug addiction
22. Insulin, widely used for the treatment of diabetes, was previously extracted from the ----------------- of cattle and/or pigs.
A. gall bladder B. kidneys
C. tissues D. pancreas

23. Sometimes medicines can cause health problems when they are taken together. This is called --------------------.
A. drug addiction B. drug tolerance
C. a drug interaction D. a withdrawal symptom

24. A(n) -------------------- or hypersensitivity reaction can range from hives, itching and nausea to a shock in which the person can die.
A. allergic B. adverse reaction
C. intended D. natural reaction
25. ------------------- was the first drug to treat simple pain. Most people in the world have some kind of peripheral pain, muscle pain, or headache or arthritis, just to give a few examples.
A. Penicillin B. Ether
C. Aspirin D. Antibiotic
26. -------------------: Vital information about precautions for most women taking the drug is displayed in this section.
A. Cautions B. Indications
C. Precautions D. Warnings

27. --------------------- is an official book containing a list of medicines and drugs, and instructions for their use.
A. Toxicology B. Epidemiology
C. Posology D. Pharmacopoeia

28. Pharmacists participate in disease state management in order to optimize and monitor drug therapy often in collaboration with ---------------------.
A. physicians B. pharmacists
C. health workers D. health officers
29. -------------------: Information about the condition(s), diagnosis or symptom(s) is declared in this section following the approval obtained.
A. Drug interactions B. Clinical pharmacology
C. Drug actions D. Indications and usage

30. ------------------- is any sensation in bodily function experienced by a patient and associated with a disease.
A. Allergy B. Sign and signal
C. Syndrome D. Symptom
31. ------------------- are administered rectally or vaginally.
A. Suspensions B. Elixirs
C. Syrups D. Suppositories
32. In 1978 synthetic, humanized ----------------- was developed so that it was possible to produce it in vast quantities at low cost.
A. antibiotics B. insulin
C. penicillin D. test-tube baby
33. -------------------: Adverse reactions and possible hazards are indicated here and what to do if they occur.
A. Cautions B. Indications
C. Precautions D. Warnings
34. No other drug changed the world like this. Before -------------------, if you had a serious infection, you died.
A. Morphine B. Penicillin
C. MMR vaccines D. Aspirin
35. ------------------- is universally considered one of the most dreadful scourges of humanity. It is the first disease wiped from the face of the earth.
A. Smallpox B. Mumps
C. Polio D. Measles
36. -------------------: This section describes those circumstances in which the drug should not be used or should be used with caution because the potential risks may outweigh any potential benefit.
A. Contraindications B. Warnings
C. Drug potential D. Indications and usage
37. This disease was the second scourge to be eliminated thanks to the vaccine. It’s now hard to remember how frightening ------------------- once was.
A. Smallpox B. Chicken pox
C. Polio D. Measles
38. ------------------- was the first drugs used as an anesthetic, since then there have been a series of improved versions of anesthetics.
A. Penicillin B. Ether
C. Aspirin D. Antibiotic
39. ------------------- patients today owe a lot to two breakthrough drugs: Lanoxin (digoxin) and Lasix (furosenmide).
A. Kidney B. Liver
C. Heart D. Mental
40. Patients should contact ------------------- on the first point with health inquiries in America?
A. Medical health workers B. Pharmacists
C. Physician D. Health professionals
SECTION A (10P): Read the following passage and complete each of the gaps in the passage ONE suitable word. Then write it in the gap on the answer sheet.
High blood pressure is a serious problem when left ----- 41 -----. It frequently has no symptoms and often occurs for unknown reasons. It is an indication that the heart and the blood ----- 42 ----- are being overworked, it is a measure of the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the ----- 43 -----; when this force is ----- 44 ----- beyond a normal level, a patient will be diagnosed with either pre-hypertension or hypertension. It can damage the heart and ----- 45 ----- system and can contribute to heart attacks and strokes. Hypertension frequently occurs in patients with ----- 46 ----- and also affects other ----- 47 ----- such as the kidneys and the eyes. Frustration is common because many patients have no ----- 48 ----- and cannot tell if a medication is working or not.
----- 49 ----- of blood pressure is often an important tool during antihypertensive therapy. People taking ----- 50 ----- are also encouraged to make healthy lifestyle changes, such as giving up smoking, losing weight and getting regular exercise.
----- 41 ----- untreated
----- 42 ----- vessels
----- 43 ----- arteries
----- 44 ----- elevated
----- 45 ----- cardiovascular
----- 46 ----- diabetes
----- 47 ----- organs
----- 48 ----- symptoms
----- 49 ----- Self-monitoring
----- 50 ----- anti-hypertensives
SECTION B (10P): Read the following passage and give a brief answer to each question below on the answer sheet.
This is a drug that is used to reduce anxiety, fear, tension, agitation and related states of mental disturbance. Tranquilizers fall into two main classes: major and minor. Major tranquilizers, which are also known as antipsychotic agents, or neuroleptics, are so called because they are used to treat major states of mental disturbance and other psychotic patients. By contrast, minor tranquilizers, which are also known as antianxiety agents, or anxiolytics, are used to treat milder states of anxiety and tension in healthy individuals or people with less serious mental disorders. The major and minor tranquilizers bear only a superficial resemblance to each other, and the trend has been to drop the use of the word tranquilizer altogether in reference to such drugs, though the term persists in popular usage.
51. What is the benefit of tranquilizers? To reduce anxiety, fear, tension, agitation and related states of mental disturbance
52. What type of tranquilizer can be used in case of serious conditions?
Major tranquilizers
53. Find a noun phrase in this text that means “on the contrary”.
By contrast
54. What system of the human body is mainly affected when taking tranquilizers?
The nervous system
55. What problem can tranquilizers bring to us
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For Refresher Upgrading Program on Pharmacy
December , 2013
Time: 60 minutes

SECTION A: Listen to each question or statement two times. Then write one suitable word or phrase in the gap on your answer sheet that best completes your answer.
1. ----------------------------------------- Warning
2. ----------------------------------------- Over dosage
3. ----------------------------------------- Glaucoma
4. ----------------------------------------- Suppository
5. ----------------------------------------- Inhalant / Spray
6. ----------------------------------------- Arteries
7. ----------------------------------------- Liver
8. ----------------------------------------- Urethra
9. ----------------------------------------- Diuretics
10. ----------------------------------------- Insulin

SECTION B: Listen to the questions or statements two times. Choose the best answer to each question or the best interpretation for each statement. Then mark a cross (X) over the letter (A, B, C or D) you have chosen on the answer sheet.
11. This is the inflammation of a joint, which can develop stiffness, warmth, swelling, redness and pain.
A. Arthritis B. Cold
C. Flu D. Sore throat
12. Why should breast feeding women pay attention to medicine?
A. Dangerous to them B. Dangerous to their infants
C. Harmful to their family D. Harmful to children
13. Here is a pair of organs is located in the right and left side of the abdomen.
A. Intestines B. Kidneys
C. Appendix D. Stomach
14. What’s the difference between a drug and a medicine?
A. They are chemically basic. B. They are aimed at disease treatment. C. A medicine works in separation with drugs.
D. A drug is a component while a medicine is a commercial product.
15. What occurs when combining OTC antihistamines & alcohol?
A. Drowsiness B. Dizziness
C. GI bleeding D. Irritability

16. How does the body process or metabolize every drug?
A- Similarly B- Changeably C- Differently D- Identically

17. Which symptom is not concerned with upper respiratory allergies?
A- Sneezing B- Runny nose C- Itchy throat D- Emphysema

18. Which area do the practices of meditation belong to?
A- Mind-body medicine B- Biologically based practices
C- Manipulative practices D- Energy medicine

19. Which of the followings are medications that cause an increase in the flow of urine?
A- Diuretics B- Beta blockers C- ACE inhibitors D- Vasodilators

20. What does the hormone angiotensin II cause?
A- It causes the blood vessels to relax B- It causes the blood vessels to expand
C- It causes the blood vessels to tighten D- It causes the blood vessels to widen

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Then mark a cross (X) over the letter (A, B, C or D) you have chosen on the answer sheet.
21. -------------------: It will be clearly stated in this section if a drug is thought to have a potential for abuse, dependence or withdrawal symptoms.
A. Drug abuse B. Drug abuse and dependence
C. Drug dependence D. Drug addiction
22. Insulin, widely used for the treatment of diabetes, was previously extracted from the ----------------- of cattle and/or pigs.
A. gall bladder B. kidneys
C. tissues D. pancreas

23. Sometimes medicines can cause health problems when they are taken together. This is called --------------------.
A. drug addiction B. drug tolerance
C. a drug interaction D. a withdrawal symptom

24. A(n) -------------------- or hypersensitivity reaction can range from hives, itching and nausea to a shock in which the person can die.
A. allergic B. adverse reaction
C. intended D. natural reaction
25. ------------------- was the first drug to treat simple pain. Most people in the world have some kind of peripheral pain, muscle pain, or headache or arthritis, just to give a few examples.
A. Penicillin B. Ether
C. Aspirin D. Antibiotic
26. -------------------: Vital information about precautions for most women taking the drug is displayed in this section.
A. Cautions B. Indications
C. Precautions D. Warnings

27. --------------------- is an official book containing a list of medicines and drugs, and instructions for their use.
A. Toxicology B. Epidemiology
C. Posology D. Pharmacopoeia

28. Pharmacists participate in disease state management in order to optimize and monitor drug therapy often in collaboration with ---------------------.
A. physicians B. pharmacists
C. health workers D. health officers
29. -------------------: Information about the condition(s), diagnosis or symptom(s) is declared in this section following the approval obtained.
A. Drug interactions B. Clinical pharmacology
C. Drug actions D. Indications and usage

30. ------------------- is any sensation in bodily function experienced by a patient and associated with a disease.
A. Allergy B. Sign and signal
C. Syndrome D. Symptom
31. ------------------- are administered rectally or vaginally.
A. Suspensions B. Elixirs
C. Syrups D. Suppositories
32. In 1978 synthetic, humanized ----------------- was developed so that it was possible to produce it in vast quantities at low cost.
A. antibiotics B. insulin
C. penicillin D. test-tube baby
33. -------------------: Adverse reactions and possible hazards are indicated here and what to do if they occur.
A. Cautions B. Indications
C. Precautions D. Warnings
34. No other drug changed the world like this. Before -------------------, if you had a serious infection, you died.
A. Morphine B. Penicillin
C. MMR vaccines D. Aspirin
35. ------------------- is universally considered one of the most dreadful scourges of humanity. It is the first disease wiped from the face of the earth.
A. Smallpox B. Mumps
C. Polio D. Measles
36. -------------------: This section describes those circumstances in which the drug should not be used or should be used with caution because the potential risks may outweigh any potential benefit.
A. Contraindications B. Warnings
C. Drug potential D. Indications and usage
37. This disease was the second scourge to be eliminated thanks to the vaccine. It’s now hard to remember how frightening ------------------- once was.
A. Smallpox B. Chicken pox
C. Polio D. Measles
38. ------------------- was the first drugs used as an anesthetic, since then there have been a series of improved versions of anesthetics.
A. Penicillin B. Ether
C. Aspirin D. Antibiotic
39. ------------------- patients today owe a lot to two breakthrough drugs: Lanoxin (digoxin) and Lasix (furosenmide).
A. Kidney B. Liver
C. Heart D. Mental
40. Patients should contact ------------------- on the first point with health inquiries in America?
A. Medical health workers B. Pharmacists
C. Physician D. Health professionals
SECTION A (10P): Read the following passage and complete each of the gaps in the passage ONE suitable word. Then write it in the gap on the answer sheet.
High blood pressure is a serious problem when left ----- 41 -----. It frequently has no symptoms and often occurs for unknown reasons. It is an indication that the heart and the blood ----- 42 ----- are being overworked, it is a measure of the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the ----- 43 -----; when this force is ----- 44 ----- beyond a normal level, a patient will be diagnosed with either pre-hypertension or hypertension. It can damage the heart and ----- 45 ----- system and can contribute to heart attacks and strokes. Hypertension frequently occurs in patients with ----- 46 ----- and also affects other ----- 47 ----- such as the kidneys and the eyes. Frustration is common because many patients have no ----- 48 ----- and cannot tell if a medication is working or not.
----- 49 ----- of blood pressure is often an important tool during antihypertensive therapy. People taking ----- 50 ----- are also encouraged to make healthy lifestyle changes, such as giving up smoking, losing weight and getting regular exercise.
----- 41 ----- untreated
----- 42 ----- vessels
----- 43 ----- arteries
----- 44 ----- elevated
----- 45 ----- cardiovascular
----- 46 ----- diabetes
----- 47 ----- organs
----- 48 ----- symptoms
----- 49 ----- Self-monitoring
----- 50 ----- anti-hypertensives
SECTION B (10P): Read the following passage and give a brief answer to each question below on the answer sheet.
This is a drug that is used to reduce anxiety, fear, tension, agitation and related states of mental disturbance. Tranquilizers fall into two main classes: major and minor. Major tranquilizers, which are also known as antipsychotic agents, or neuroleptics, are so called because they are used to treat major states of mental disturbance and other psychotic patients. By contrast, minor tranquilizers, which are also known as antianxiety agents, or anxiolytics, are used to treat milder states of anxiety and tension in healthy individuals or people with less serious mental disorders. The major and minor tranquilizers bear only a superficial resemblance to each other, and the trend has been to drop the use of the word tranquilizer altogether in reference to such drugs, though the term persists in popular usage.
51. What is the benefit of tranquilizers? To reduce anxiety, fear, tension, agitation and related states of mental disturbance
52. What type of tranquilizer can be used in case of serious conditions?
Major tranquilizers
53. Find a noun phrase in this text that means “on the contrary”.
By contrast
54. What system of the human body is mainly affected when taking tranquilizers?
The nervous system
55. What problem can tranquilizers bring to us
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For Refresher Upgrading Program on Pharmacy
December , 2013
Time: 60 minutes

SECTION A: Listen to each question or statement two times. Then write one suitable word or phrase in the gap on your answer sheet that best completes your answer.
1. ----------------------------------------- Warning
2. ----------------------------------------- Over dosage
3. ----------------------------------------- Glaucoma
4. ----------------------------------------- Suppository
5. ----------------------------------------- Inhalant / Spray
6. ----------------------------------------- Arteries
7. ----------------------------------------- Liver
8. ----------------------------------------- Urethra
9. ----------------------------------------- Diuretics
10. ----------------------------------------- Insulin

SECTION B: Listen to the questions or statements two times. Choose the best answer to each question or the best interpretation for each statement. Then mark a cross (X) over the letter (A, B, C or D) you have chosen on the answer sheet.
11. This is the inflammation of a joint, which can develop stiffness, warmth, swelling, redness and pain.
A. Arthritis B. Cold
C. Flu D. Sore throat
12. Why should breast feeding women pay attention to medicine?
A. Dangerous to them B. Dangerous to their infants
C. Harmful to their family D. Harmful to children
13. Here is a pair of organs is located in the right and left side of the abdomen.
A. Intestines B. Kidneys
C. Appendix D. Stomach
14. What’s the difference between a drug and a medicine?
A. They are chemically basic. B. They are aimed at disease treatment. C. A medicine works in separation with drugs.
D. A drug is a component while a medicine is a commercial product.
15. What occurs when combining OTC antihistamines & alcohol?
A. Drowsiness B. Dizziness
C. GI bleeding D. Irritability

16. How does the body process or metabolize every drug?
A- Similarly B- Changeably C- Differently D- Identically

17. Which symptom is not concerned with upper respiratory allergies?
A- Sneezing B- Runny nose C- Itchy throat D- Emphysema

18. Which area do the practices of meditation belong to?
A- Mind-body medicine B- Biologically based practices
C- Manipulative practices D- Energy medicine

19. Which of the followings are medications that cause an increase in the flow of urine?
A- Diuretics B- Beta blockers C- ACE inhibitors D- Vasodilators

20. What does the hormone angiotensin II cause?
A- It causes the blood vessels to relax B- It causes the blood vessels to expand
C- It causes the blood vessels to tighten D- It causes the blood vessels to widen

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Then mark a cross (X) over the letter (A, B, C or D) you have chosen on the answer sheet.
21. -------------------: It will be clearly stated in this section if a drug is thought to have a potential for abuse, dependence or withdrawal symptoms.
A. Drug abuse B. Drug abuse and dependence
C. Drug dependence D. Drug addiction
22. Insulin, widely used for the treatment of diabetes, was previously extracted from the ----------------- of cattle and/or pigs.
A. gall bladder B. kidneys
C. tissues D. pancreas

23. Sometimes medicines can cause health problems when they are taken together. This is called --------------------.
A. drug addiction B. drug tolerance
C. a drug interaction D. a withdrawal symptom

24. A(n) -------------------- or hypersensitivity reaction can range from hives, itching and nausea to a shock in which the person can die.
A. allergic B. adverse reaction
C. intended D. natural reaction
25. ------------------- was the first drug to treat simple pain. Most people in the world have some kind of peripheral pain, muscle pain, or headache or arthritis, just to give a few examples.
A. Penicillin B. Ether
C. Aspirin D. Antibiotic
26. -------------------: Vital information about precautions for most women taking the drug is displayed in this section.
A. Cautions B. Indications
C. Precautions D. Warnings

27. --------------------- is an official book containing a list of medicines and drugs, and instructions for their use.
A. Toxicology B. Epidemiology
C. Posology D. Pharmacopoeia

28. Pharmacists participate in disease state management in order to optimize and monitor drug therapy often in collaboration with ---------------------.
A. physicians B. pharmacists
C. health workers D. health officers
29. -------------------: Information about the condition(s), diagnosis or symptom(s) is declared in this section following the approval obtained.
A. Drug interactions B. Clinical pharmacology
C. Drug actions D. Indications and usage

30. ------------------- is any sensation in bodily function experienced by a patient and associated with a disease.
A. Allergy B. Sign and signal
C. Syndrome D. Symptom
31. ------------------- are administered rectally or vaginally.
A. Suspensions B. Elixirs
C. Syrups D. Suppositories
32. In 1978 synthetic, humanized ----------------- was developed so that it was possible to produce it in vast quantities at low cost.
A. antibiotics B. insulin
C. penicillin D. test-tube baby
33. -------------------: Adverse reactions and possible hazards are indicated here and what to do if they occur.
A. Cautions B. Indications
C. Precautions D. Warnings
34. No other drug changed the world like this. Before -------------------, if you had a serious infection, you died.
A. Morphine B. Penicillin
C. MMR vaccines D. Aspirin
35. ------------------- is universally considered one of the most dreadful scourges of humanity. It is the first disease wiped from the face of the earth.
A. Smallpox B. Mumps
C. Polio D. Measles
36. -------------------: This section describes those circumstances in which the drug should not be used or should be used with caution because the potential risks may outweigh any potential benefit.
A. Contraindications B. Warnings
C. Drug potential D. Indications and usage
37. This disease was the second scourge to be eliminated thanks to the vaccine. It’s now hard to remember how frightening ------------------- once was.
A. Smallpox B. Chicken pox
C. Polio D. Measles
38. ------------------- was the first drugs used as an anesthetic, since then there have been a series of improved versions of anesthetics.
A. Penicillin B. Ether
C. Aspirin D. Antibiotic
39. ------------------- patients today owe a lot to two breakthrough drugs: Lanoxin (digoxin) and Lasix (furosenmide).
A. Kidney B. Liver
C. Heart D. Mental
40. Patients should contact ------------------- on the first point with health inquiries in America?
A. Medical health workers B. Pharmacists
C. Physician D. Health professionals
SECTION A (10P): Read the following passage and complete each of the gaps in the passage ONE suitable word. Then write it in the gap on the answer sheet.
High blood pressure is a serious problem when left ----- 41 -----. It frequently has no symptoms and often occurs for unknown reasons. It is an indication that the heart and the blood ----- 42 ----- are being overworked, it is a measure of the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the ----- 43 -----; when this force is ----- 44 ----- beyond a normal level, a patient will be diagnosed with either pre-hypertension or hypertension. It can damage the heart and ----- 45 ----- system and can contribute to heart attacks and strokes. Hypertension frequently occurs in patients with ----- 46 ----- and also affects other ----- 47 ----- such as the kidneys and the eyes. Frustration is common because many patients have no ----- 48 ----- and cannot tell if a medication is working or not.
----- 49 ----- of blood pressure is often an important tool during antihypertensive therapy. People taking ----- 50 ----- are also encouraged to make healthy lifestyle changes, such as giving up smoking, losing weight and getting regular exercise.
----- 41 ----- untreated
----- 42 ----- vessels
----- 43 ----- arteries
----- 44 ----- elevated
----- 45 ----- cardiovascular
----- 46 ----- diabetes
----- 47 ----- organs
----- 48 ----- symptoms
----- 49 ----- Self-monitoring
----- 50 ----- anti-hypertensives
SECTION B (10P): Read the following passage and give a brief answer to each question below on the answer sheet.
This is a drug that is used to reduce anxiety, fear, tension, agitation and related states of mental disturbance. Tranquilizers fall into two main classes: major and minor. Major tranquilizers, which are also known as antipsychotic agents, or neuroleptics, are so called because they are used to treat major states of mental disturbance and other psychotic patients. By contrast, minor tranquilizers, which are also known as antianxiety agents, or anxiolytics, are used to treat milder states of anxiety and tension in healthy individuals or people with less serious mental disorders. The major and minor tranquilizers bear only a superficial resemblance to each other, and the trend has been to drop the use of the word tranquilizer altogether in reference to such drugs, though the term persists in popular usage.
51. What is the benefit of tranquilizers? To reduce anxiety, fear, tension, agitation and related states of mental disturbance
52. What type of tranquilizer can be used in case of serious conditions?
Major tranquilizers
53. Find a noun phrase in this text that means “on the contrary”.
By contrast
54. What system of the human body is mainly affected when taking tranquilizers?
The nervous system
55. What problem can tranquilizers bring to us
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Hỗ trợ công cụ dịch thuật: Albania, Amharic, Anh, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ba Lan, Ba Tư, Bantu, Basque, Belarus, Bengal, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Bồ Đào Nha, Catalan, Cebuano, Chichewa, Corsi, Creole (Haiti), Croatia, Do Thái, Estonia, Filipino, Frisia, Gael Scotland, Galicia, George, Gujarat, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Hungary, Hy Lạp, Hà Lan, Hà Lan (Nam Phi), Hàn, Iceland, Igbo, Ireland, Java, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Klingon, Kurd, Kyrgyz, Latinh, Latvia, Litva, Luxembourg, Lào, Macedonia, Malagasy, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Myanmar, Mã Lai, Mông Cổ, Na Uy, Nepal, Nga, Nhật, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Pháp, Phát hiện ngôn ngữ, Phần Lan, Punjab, Quốc tế ngữ, Rumani, Samoa, Serbia, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenia, Somali, Sunda, Swahili, Séc, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thái, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, Thụy Điển, Tiếng Indonesia, Tiếng Ý, Trung, Trung (Phồn thể), Turkmen, Tây Ban Nha, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Việt, Xứ Wales, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu, Đan Mạch, Đức, Ả Rập, dịch ngôn ngữ.

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