Youngjae đạt đến vào túi áo phòng thí nghiệm của mình một lần nữa và lần này đã diễn ra một lọ nhỏ rõ ràng chất lỏng. Mark's nó trông giống như một ống đơn giản của nước mắt chưa thạo. Youngjae giải thích. "Đó là một dự thảo đang ngủ. Tôi pha chế nó để giúp đỡ bệnh nhân của tôi, phần còn lại. Nó hoạt động nhanh và nên làm như lừa, nếu bạn có thể nhận được một trong số họ một mình và trượt vào thức uống của họ, nhận được thông tin điện thoại và có được ra khỏi đó mà không có bất cứ ai là sự khôn ngoan. Cũng giống như một bản sao lưu kế hoạch có thể. Đừng nói bất cứ điều gì để Jaebum mặc dù. Anh ta sẽ giết tôi nếu ông biết tôi đã nói với bạn điều này." Mark gật đầu như ông lấy chai thuốc và trượt vào túi áo khoác của mình, biết ơn để bạn bè của mình các thông tin phụ. Ông cảm thấy tự tin hơn bây giờ mà ông có thể đưa mình để sử dụng tốt với một kế hoạch trò chơi. "Cảm ơn ' jae. Tôi sẽ rất cẩn thận, tôi hứa." ------- Mark was thrumming with nervous energy later that night while he set about getting ready for bed in the bathroom adjacent to Jaebum’s room. As he washed his face he couldn’t help but think about how all the time spent underground was making him paler than usual. Maybe he’d stick his head out the window the entire drive up to Busan to soak up some much needed vitamin d before he ended up resembling a vampire himself. He ran a hand over the fading blue and grey patchwork on his temple. He was almost completely healed from the attack by now but the sallowness of his skin made what remained stand out brightly like paint smeared across a stark white wall. He sighed as he trailed his hand lower, running his fingers across his neck. The pinprick scars from Jaebum’s fangs faint but gleaming ever so slightly when the light hit just right. He’d been sitting with Jaebum’s words for almost a day now, the vampire’s confession digging deeper and deeper until it set it’s claws into the forefront of Mark’s mind. He hadn’t said anything back. He hadn’t been pressured to. But it was starting to eat at him slowly in an unpleasant churning way that he was sure would consume him whole if he couldn’t contain it first. Love was still a foreign concept to him. He tried to imagine it in his mind, tried to grasp it in his hands but every time he felt like he was hitting a wall. He knew he cared for Jaebum, knew that there was something special between them that he couldn’t quite stamp a label on, but he still felt tethered. Tethered to his past. To the way he was raised up. To the many experiences and people he’d come across that had ground into him time and time again that he wasn’t worth love or effort. Human affection was fleeting and would be gone in an instant and people like him had to put up these walls to survive. He was constantly at war with his own demons and no matter how much he tried to lock them away, every so often they bubbled to the surface. He hadn’t even felt himself start to cry until he noticed a few errant teardrops hitting the sink. He wiped furiously at his face, angry at himself for even getting caught up in his head like this. The mission tomorrow was hanging over him and he needed to get himself together if he was going to be at all useful. He gripped the edge of the sink and closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths, pulling back into himself and focusing on re-adjusting his features into the mask he wore so regularly to hide his emotions as he tried to find his center.
While he was trying to calm himself down, his eyes flew open as a pair of arms wrapped themselves securely around his waist, causing whatever zen he was trying to find flying out the window as he nearly jumped out of his skin. He clutched tightly at his chest in surprise as he swung his other arm back to elbow at the offending creature behind him with all of his strength, achieving nothing as Jaebum laughed into his neck. The vibrations caused Mark to flinch away ticklishly and twist himself in the vampire’s hold, meeting him face to face and giving him one last thwack on the chest for good measure.
“God you scared the shit out of me! Don’t do that damn vampire lurking thing. Make some noise so I hear you coming.” He pouted in a way he tried to make intimidating, but he knew he must just look like a self indulgent baby. Especially with the way Jaebum continued to laugh as he kissed at Mark’s protruded bottom lip.
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