100:00:05,910 --> 00:00:08,778(theme music playing)200:01:38,829 --> 0 dịch - 100:00:05,910 --> 00:00:08,778(theme music playing)200:01:38,829 --> 0 Việt làm thế nào để nói

100:00:05,910 --> 00:00:08,778(them

00:00:05,910 --> 00:00:08,778
(theme music playing)

00:01:38,829 --> 00:01:49,528
Sync & corrections by honeybunny

00:01:56,937 --> 00:01:58,571
(bird screeches)

00:02:04,145 --> 00:02:06,813
Your Grace,
I want to say--

00:02:06,864 --> 00:02:08,815
You will not speak.

00:02:10,735 --> 00:02:12,736
How do I know you are
who you say you are?

00:02:12,787 --> 00:02:15,266
If only I were otherwise.

00:02:15,377 --> 00:02:18,146
If you are Tyrion Lannister,
why shouldn't I kill you

00:02:18,180 --> 00:02:20,481
to pay your family back
for what it did to mine?

00:02:20,516 --> 00:02:23,184
You want revenge
against the Lannisters?

00:02:23,268 --> 00:02:25,603
I killed my mother
Joanna Lannister

00:02:25,605 --> 00:02:27,438
on the day I was born.

00:02:27,489 --> 00:02:31,025
I killed my father Tywin Lannister
with a bolt to the heart.

00:02:31,076 --> 00:02:33,694
I am the greatest Lannister
killer of our time.

00:02:33,745 --> 00:02:35,880
So I should welcome you
into my service

00:02:35,914 --> 00:02:38,149
because you murdered members
of your own family?

00:02:39,384 --> 00:02:41,903
Into your service?

00:02:41,937 --> 00:02:44,889
Your Grace, we have
only just met.

00:02:44,923 --> 00:02:47,241
It's too soon to know
if you deserve my service.

00:02:47,309 --> 00:02:50,127
If you'd rather return
to the fighting pits,

00:02:50,162 --> 00:02:52,380
just say the word.

00:02:54,516 --> 00:02:57,051
When I was a young man,
I heard a story

00:02:57,102 --> 00:03:00,555
about a baby born during the
worst storm in living memory.

00:03:00,606 --> 00:03:02,607
She had no wealth,
no lands, no army,

00:03:02,641 --> 00:03:06,027
only a name and a
handful of supporters,

00:03:06,061 --> 00:03:09,564
most of whom probably thought they could
use that name to benefit themselves.

00:03:09,615 --> 00:03:12,149
They kept her alive, moving
her from place to place,

00:03:12,201 --> 00:03:15,386
often hours ahead of the men
who'd been sent to kill her.

00:03:15,420 --> 00:03:18,706
She was eventually sold off to some
warlord on the edge of the world

00:03:18,790 --> 00:03:20,992
and that appeared to be that.

00:03:20,994 --> 00:03:22,994
And then a few years later,

00:03:23,045 --> 00:03:25,329
the most well-informed
person I knew

00:03:25,414 --> 00:03:28,249
told me that this girl without
wealth, lands, or armies

00:03:28,300 --> 00:03:31,502
had somehow acquired all three
in a very short span of time,

00:03:31,504 --> 00:03:33,504
along with three dragons.

00:03:33,555 --> 00:03:35,590
He thought she was our best,

00:03:35,641 --> 00:03:38,509
last chance to build
a better world.

00:03:39,978 --> 00:03:42,680
I thought you were worth
meeting at the very least.

00:03:42,714 --> 00:03:44,181
And why are you worth meeting?

00:03:44,183 --> 00:03:46,017
Why should I spend
my time listening to you?

00:03:46,019 --> 00:03:49,136
Because you cannot build
a better world on your own.

00:03:49,171 --> 00:03:52,590
You have no one at your side who
understands the land you want to rule.

00:03:52,624 --> 00:03:54,609
The strengths and
weaknesses of the houses

00:03:54,660 --> 00:03:55,943
that will either
join or oppose you.

00:03:55,994 --> 00:03:58,996
I will have a very large army

00:03:59,031 --> 00:04:00,581
and very large dragons.

00:04:00,616 --> 00:04:04,201
Killing and politics
aren't always the same thing.

00:04:04,203 --> 00:04:06,170
When I served
as Hand of the King,

00:04:06,204 --> 00:04:08,839
I did quite well with the latter
considering the king in question

00:04:08,874 --> 00:04:11,175
preferred torturing animals
to leading his people.

00:04:12,377 --> 00:04:14,262
I could do an even better job

00:04:14,296 --> 00:04:16,581
advising a ruler worth the name.

00:04:16,615 --> 00:04:18,983
If that is indeed what you are.

00:04:19,017 --> 00:04:21,269
So you want to advise me?

00:04:23,388 --> 00:04:25,523
Very well.

00:04:26,892 --> 00:04:28,442
What would you
have me do with him?

00:04:30,195 --> 00:04:33,898
I swore I would kill him
if he ever returned.

00:04:33,900 --> 00:04:35,816
I know.

00:04:39,237 --> 00:04:43,207
Why should the people trust a queen
who can't keep her promises?

00:04:46,278 --> 00:04:48,996
Whomever Ser Jorah was when
he started informing on you,

00:04:49,047 --> 00:04:52,083
he is no longer that man.

00:04:52,134 --> 00:04:54,168
I can't remember
ever seeing a sane man

00:04:54,252 --> 00:04:56,587
as devoted to anything
as he is to serving you.

00:04:56,589 --> 00:04:59,674
He claims he would kill
for you and die for you

00:04:59,725 --> 00:05:02,426
and nothing I ever witnessed
gives me reason to doubt him.

00:05:06,365 --> 00:05:08,499
And yet he did betray you.

00:05:20,946 --> 00:05:23,614
Did he have an opportunity
to confess his betrayal?

00:05:23,616 --> 00:05:25,866

00:05:25,901 --> 00:05:27,952
Many opportunities.

00:05:28,020 --> 00:05:30,621
And did he?

00:05:30,656 --> 00:05:35,009
No, not until forced to do so.

00:05:39,731 --> 00:05:41,632
He worships you.

00:05:41,683 --> 00:05:44,468
He is in love with you, I think.

00:05:44,519 --> 00:05:46,804
But he did not trust you
with the truth.

00:05:46,855 --> 00:05:48,356
An unpleasant truth to be sure,

00:05:48,440 --> 00:05:50,875
but one of great
significance to you.

00:05:50,909 --> 00:05:54,045
He did not trust that you would
be wise enough to forgive him.

00:05:55,180 --> 00:05:57,081
So I should kill him?

00:05:58,367 --> 00:06:00,451
A ruler who kills
those devoted to her

00:06:00,485 --> 00:06:03,154
is not a ruler
who inspires devotion.

00:06:03,205 --> 00:06:05,373
And you're going to need
to inspire devotion,

00:06:05,407 --> 00:06:09,243
a lot of it, if you're ever going
to rule across the Narrow Sea.

00:06:10,879 --> 00:06:14,165
But you cannot have him
by your side when you do.

00:06:19,538 --> 00:06:21,839
Remove Ser Jorah from the city.

00:07:19,614 --> 00:07:21,615
(door slams)

00:07:32,911 --> 00:07:34,628

00:07:34,663 --> 00:07:36,914
My son.

00:07:38,550 --> 00:07:40,985
Let me speak to--

00:07:41,019 --> 00:07:42,253

00:07:42,304 --> 00:07:44,221
I meant it.

00:07:44,256 --> 00:07:48,008
My face will be the
last thing you see--

00:07:53,732 --> 00:07:56,016
(door opens)

00:07:57,903 --> 00:08:00,437

00:08:02,357 --> 00:08:04,275

00:08:04,326 --> 00:08:08,045
My name is Lanna.
I'm an orphan.

00:08:09,614 --> 00:08:11,582
When I was eight,
I begged enough money

00:08:11,616 --> 00:08:13,617
to buy my first
bucket of oysters.

00:08:13,619 --> 00:08:17,955
I sold that bucket and made
enough money to buy two more.

00:08:17,957 --> 00:08:19,874
(people chattering)

00:08:19,925 --> 00:08:23,427
Arya: It took a while, but
I finally saved enough
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
100:00:05, 910--> 00:00:08, 778(âm nhạc chủ đề chơi)200:01:38, 829--> 00:01:49, 528Đ.bộ và chỉnh sửa bởi honeybunnywww.addic7ed.com300:01:56, 937--> 00:01:58, 571(chim screeches)400:02:04, 145--> 00:02:06, 813Thưa cha,Tôi muốn nói--500:02:06, 864--> 00:02:08, 815Bạn sẽ không nói.600:02:10, 735--> 00:02:12, 736Làm sao tôi biết chứnhững người bạn nói bạn là?700:02:12, 787--> 00:02:15, 266Nếu chỉ có tôi đã khác.800:02:15, 377--> 00:02:18, 146Nếu bạn đang Tyrion Lannister,tại sao tôi không nên giết bạn900:02:18, 180--> 00:02:20, 481để trả lại tiền của bạn gia đìnhcho những gì nó đã làm với tôi?1000:02:20, 516--> 00:02:23, 184Bạn muốn trả thùĐối với Lannisters?1100:02:23, 268--> 00:02:25, 603Tôi đã giết mẹ của tôiJoanna Lannister1200:02:25, 605--> 00:02:27, 438vào ngày tôi được sinh ra.1300:02:27, 489--> 00:02:31, 025Tôi đã giết cha tôi Tywin Lannistervới một bolt để Trung tâm.1400:02:31, 076--> 00:02:33, 694Tôi là Lannister vĩ đại nhấtkẻ giết người của thời đại chúng ta.1500:02:33, 745--> 00:02:35, 880Vì vậy tôi nên hoan nghênh bạnvào dịch vụ của tôi1600:02:35, 914--> 00:02:38, 149bởi vì ngươi đã giết thành viêncủa gia đình của mình?1700:02:39, 384--> 00:02:41, 903Vào dịch vụ của bạn?1800:02:41, 937--> 00:02:44, 889Thưa cha, chúng tôi cóchỉ mới gặp.1900:02:44, 923--> 00:02:47, 241Nó là quá sớm để biếtNếu bạn xứng đáng dịch vụ của tôi.2000:02:47, 309--> 00:02:50, 127Nếu bạn sẽ thay vì trở lạiđể các hố chiến đấu,2100:02:50, 162--> 00:02:52, 380chỉ nói từ.2200:02:54, 516--> 00:02:57, 051Khi tôi đã là một người đàn ông trẻ,Tôi nghe nói một câu chuyện2300:02:57, 102--> 00:03:00, 555về một em bé sinh ra trong cáccơn bão tồi tệ nhất trong sinh hoạt bộ nhớ.2400:03:00, 606--> 00:03:02, 607Cô đã không có sự giàu có,vùng đất không có, không có quân đội,2500:03:02, 641--> 00:03:06, 027chỉ có một tên và mộtsố người ủng hộ,2600:03:06, 061--> 00:03:09, 564Hầu hết trong số đó có thể nghĩ rằng họ có thểsử dụng tên đó để hưởng lợi chính mình.2700:03:09, 615--> 00:03:12, 149Họ giữ cô ấy còn sống, di chuyểncô ấy từ nơi này đến nơi,2800:03:12, 201--> 00:03:15, 386thường giờ trước những người đàn ôngnhững người đã được gửi để giết cô ta.2900:03:15, 420--> 00:03:18, 706Nó cuối cùng được bán cho một sốCác lãnh chúa ở rìa của thế giới3000:03:18, 790--> 00:03:20, 992và đó xuất hiện để là mà.3100:03:20, 994--> 00:03:22, 994Và sau đó một vài năm sau đó,3200:03:23, 045--> 00:03:25, 329Đặt đầy đủ thông tin cácngười tôi biết3300:03:25, 414--> 00:03:28, 249nói với tôi rằng cô gái này mà không cósự giàu có, vùng đất hoặc quân đội3400:03:28, 300--> 00:03:31, 502bằng cách nào đó đã mua tất cả batrong một khoảng thời gian, rất ngắn3500:03:31, 504--> 00:03:33, 504cùng với ba con rồng.3600:03:33, 555--> 00:03:35, 590Ông nghĩ rằng cô ấy là tốt nhất của chúng tôi,3700:03:35, 641--> 00:03:38, 509cơ hội cuối cùng để xây dựngmột thế giới tốt hơn.3800:03:39, 978--> 00:03:42, 680Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn đã có giá trịmeeting at the very least.3900:03:42,714 --> 00:03:44,181And why are you worth meeting?4000:03:44,183 --> 00:03:46,017Why should I spendmy time listening to you?4100:03:46,019 --> 00:03:49,136Because you cannot builda better world on your own.4200:03:49,171 --> 00:03:52,590You have no one at your side whounderstands the land you want to rule.4300:03:52,624 --> 00:03:54,609The strengths andweaknesses of the houses4400:03:54,660 --> 00:03:55,943that will eitherjoin or oppose you.4500:03:55,994 --> 00:03:58,996I will have a very large army4600:03:59,031 --> 00:04:00,581and very large dragons.4700:04:00,616 --> 00:04:04,201Killing and politicsaren't always the same thing.4800:04:04,203 --> 00:04:06,170When I servedas Hand of the King,4900:04:06,204 --> 00:04:08,839I did quite well with the latterconsidering the king in question5000:04:08,874 --> 00:04:11,175preferred torturing animalsto leading his people.5100:04:12,377 --> 00:04:14,262I could do an even better job5200:04:14,296 --> 00:04:16,581advising a ruler worth the name.5300:04:16,615 --> 00:04:18,983If that is indeed what you are.5400:04:19,017 --> 00:04:21,269So you want to advise me?5500:04:23,388 --> 00:04:25,523Very well.5600:04:26,892 --> 00:04:28,442What would youhave me do with him?5700:04:30,195 --> 00:04:33,898I swore I would kill himNếu ông bao giờ trở lại.5800:04:33, 900--> 00:04:35, 816Tôi biết.5900:04:39, 237--> 00:04:43, 207Tại sao nên người dân tin tưởng một nữ hoàngnhững người không thể giữ lời hứa của mình?6000:04:46, 278--> 00:04:48, 996Bất cứ ai Ser Jorah là khiông bắt đầu thông báo cho bạn,6100:04:49, 047--> 00:04:52, 083Anh ấy không còn người đàn ông đó.6200:04:52, 134--> 00:04:54, 168Tôi không thể nhớbao giờ nhìn thấy một người đàn ông sane6300:04:54, 252--> 00:04:56, 587là dành cho bất cứ điều gìnhư ông là để phục vụ bạn.6400:04:56, 589--> 00:04:59, 674Ông tuyên bố ông sẽ giếtcho bạn và chết cho bạn6500:04:59, 725--> 00:05:02, 426và không có gì tôi từng chứng kiếnmang lại cho tôi lý do để nghi ngờ anh ta.6600:05:06, 365--> 00:05:08, 499Và được ông đã phản bội bạn.6700:05:20, 946--> 00:05:23, 614Ông đã có một cơ hộithú nhận sự phản bội của mình?6800:05:23, 616--> 00:05:25, 866Có.6900:05:25, 901--> 00:05:27, 952Nhiều cơ hội.7000:05:28, 020--> 00:05:30, 621Tyrion:Và ông đã làm?7100:05:30, 656--> 00:05:35, 009Không, không phải cho đến khi buộc phải làm như vậy.7200:05:39, 731--> 00:05:41, 632Ông thờ bạn.7300:05:41, 683--> 00:05:44, 468Ông là trong tình yêu với bạn, tôi nghĩ.7400:05:44, 519--> 00:05:46, 804Nhưng ông đã không tin tưởng bạnvới sự thật.7500:05:46, 855--> 00:05:48, 356Một sự thật khó chịu để chắc chắn,7600:05:48, 440--> 00:05:50, 875Ngoại trừ một tuyệt vờiý nghĩa đối với bạn.7700:05:50, 909--> 00:05:54, 045Ông không tin rằng bạn sẽbe wise enough to forgive him.7800:05:55,180 --> 00:05:57,081So I should kill him?7900:05:58,367 --> 00:06:00,451A ruler who killsthose devoted to her8000:06:00,485 --> 00:06:03,154is not a rulerwho inspires devotion.8100:06:03,205 --> 00:06:05,373And you're going to needto inspire devotion,8200:06:05,407 --> 00:06:09,243a lot of it, if you're ever goingto rule across the Narrow Sea.8300:06:10,879 --> 00:06:14,165But you cannot have himby your side when you do.8400:06:19,538 --> 00:06:21,839Remove Ser Jorah from the city.8500:07:19,614 --> 00:07:21,615(door slams)8600:07:32,911 --> 00:07:34,628Confess.8700:07:34,663 --> 00:07:36,914My son.8800:07:38,550 --> 00:07:40,985Let me speak to--8900:07:41,019 --> 00:07:42,253Confess.9000:07:42,304 --> 00:07:44,221I meant it.9100:07:44,256 --> 00:07:48,008My face will be thelast thing you see--9200:07:53,732 --> 00:07:56,016(door opens)9300:07:57,903 --> 00:08:00,437(sobbing)9400:08:02,357 --> 00:08:04,275(screams)9500:08:04,326 --> 00:08:08,045My name is Lanna.I'm an orphan.9600:08:09,614 --> 00:08:11,582When I was eight,I begged enough money9700:08:11,616 --> 00:08:13,617to buy my firstbucket of oysters.9800:08:13,619 --> 00:08:17,955I sold that bucket and madeenough money to buy two more.9900:08:17,957 --> 00:08:19,874(people chattering)10000:08:19,925 --> 00:08:23,427Arya: It took a while, butI finally saved enough
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