Day color in the city out of the castle was thinking now of thing.(Wel dịch - Day color in the city out of the castle was thinking now of thing.(Wel Trung làm thế nào để nói

Day color in the city out of the ca

Day color in the city out of the castle was thinking now of thing.

(Well then, it's from the time being the basic of RPG, information collection)

I wish I listen to the king who would otherwise, but when are staying any more, there is a possibility that it is difficult to leave the country caused an unexpected situation.

That's why, he also walked away quickly from that place possible. And there are excellent figures of four people is over there. It had determined that it would be necessary not.

(For the time being this "status" magic what? I attribute column ...... "character magic" of is somehow understand. I guess that mean non-attribute)

To mobilize the knowledge obtained in the games and novels. Speaking of magic, I remember also the word guild. This is the world had heard the story from the king and there is a guild.

The location of the guild decided to ask the city people. Then it was found that there is in the immediate vicinity.

The day color toward think trying to register the time being adventurers. Here also live in, can not just be on the journey. We must anyway earn gold.

By the way, here gold can be savings to the Guild card. Also it can be carried out in a well as payment cards. This is what was taught in the city people.

When you go to the guild, in was crowded in its own way. For some certain reception are lined up adventurers a will would hefty those who. Signboard that says registration wish had been pasted on to the very end.

Or black hair black eye is unusual, it would take a no less attention and day color enters. I think because it no school uniform saw that it that there is no way. Among them I was going to buy the protective clothing.

While soaking up the line of sight, walk it up as it is accepted in interest not practice swing.

"Bad, but I want to register."

And bluntly say so, receptionist will come described to create a business smile.

They come brought a variety of request in the guild. Doing the request, which is adventurer to obtain a reward.
The request from the bottom as a rank that represents the degree of difficulty, there is the F · E · D · C · B · A · S · SS · SSS.

Guild card is issued to subscribers, but it has the same role as residents card held by the public. It becomes so-called identification.

And also there is a rank in the adventurer, the same as the request rank has been applied. But S rank or more of adventurers is not almost. Especially SSS rank of adventurers, there are only three people in the [human family Hyumasu].

Receptionist is to bring the pure white card, was said to want there to hanging the blood. A small needle is passed a pricking a finger to use it shed blood.
Card that shed blood, disappear becomes particulate after a while.

"Oh? It has disappeared?"
"Try praying and" Guild card "in the heart"

When you as it was said, the card appeared in the hands. But the card had some also place different from the earlier. It should have been pure white card, but the outer frame of the appeared card had been the blue.

"This color is what that represents the rank. Blue from the bottom, purple, green, yellow, orange, pink, red, silver, gold, and black."

Uh-huh and nod while going to hear the explanation. Continue to check while watching the made the Guild card.

Name Heero Okamura

Sex Male

Age 17

From Unknown

Rank F


· Weapon
· Guard
· Accessory

Rigin 0

Hometown is a From the Unknown (unknown) was saved Nanoha. If one by one description Once written Toka different world was troublesome. Because Equipment will be of equipment. Some weapons and armor, accessories also of column. But listen to what was worrisome than it.

"Hey, rigging ...... do? This that is written on this card?"
"Yes? It is a savings amount of money, but ...?"

Come by tilting the neck look like what you're saying. Certainly would be natural to know the unit of money that if this world of residents rigging. Unfortunately, it of course that if you do not know for the day is color a different world who were summoned a little while ago.

When I heard, seems almost the same monetary value as the circle and say in Japan, because rigging. And sixth of the quest is likely now accepted in the quest, that is, the request is projected.

(That's nothing Well convenient card)

This in one piece, to the gold exchange can be also necessary shopping, also becomes status of certification. And it usually has to demonstrate a universal first time that there is in my body, taken out at any time.

"I do say if Ukere the request?"
"Please choose from there of the bulletin board. But is up to you is the rank F. Received is Quest also E on that one."
"I see. What rank When you go up?"
"Doing a number of Quest, if experience value goes up, goes up nature and rank."
"In other words, if we doing a decent quest, this blue outer frame, Remember me next ...?"
"It's purple."
"Does that mean change in the purple?"
"That's right"

Divulge the breat
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中出城堡市天颜色在想现在的事。(那好吧,它从时间被 RPG,信息采集的基本)我希望听听王否则,会但当住任何更多,是一种可能性,很难离开该国造成意想不到的情况。这就是为什么,他也走了快从那个地方可能。有优秀人物的四人在那边。它确定了,不会有必要。(其时为此"地位"变魔术什么?我属性列......某种程度上理解"字魔术"。我猜那平均非属性)要调动游戏和小说中所得到的知识。说到魔法,我也记得词公会。这是世界听说过从国王的故事还有一个行会。公会的位置决定问问市人们。然后它被发现是在附近。一天颜色往想试图注册暂时的冒险家。在这里还生活着,不只是能在旅程上。无论如何,我们必须赢得黄金。在这里顺便说一句,黄金可以储蓄到工会的会员卡。也它可以进行井作为支付卡。这是别人教的东西城的人。当你去公会拥挤在它自己的方式。对于某些某些接待排队冒险家将会大幅那些谁。说了已注册的愿望粘贴到底的招牌。或黑头发黑眼睛是不寻常,才会没有少注意和天颜色进入。我认为因为它没有统一的学校看见了它,就没有办法。在他们之中我正要买的防护服。同时浸泡了视线,走起来作为它接受利益不练习挥杆。"不好,但我想要注册。坦率地说,所以,接待员会来描述来创建一个业务微笑。他们来在协会带来了诸多方面的请求。正在做着请求,是获得报酬的冒险家。请求从底部作为代表的难度等级,是 F ·E ·D ·C ·B ·A ·S ·SS ·病态窦房结综合征。工会的会员卡发布到订阅服务器,但它有居民卡由公众持有相同的作用。它成为所谓的鉴定。而且也还有等级冒险家,请求等级已应用的相同。但 S 级或更多的冒险者几乎不是。尤其是 SSS 级的冒险家,有的人只有三个 [人类大家庭 Hyumasu]。接待员是带纯白色卡,据说那里想去挂血液。小针通过刺一根手指来使用它流了血。流人血的卡消失成为颗粒后一段时间。"哦?它已经消失了吗?""试着祈祷和"导视牌"在心里"当你作为它说时,卡出现在手中。但卡有一些也不同从早前的地方。它应该被纯白色的卡,但出现卡外的架一直蓝。"这种颜色是什么,它表示的等级。从底部、 紫色、 绿色、 黄色、 橙色、 粉红色,红色,银,金,蓝色,黑色。嗯嗯点头而去听解释。继续检查一边看了工会的会员卡。名称就自爆冈村性别男17 岁来自未知等级 F探索设备·武器·警卫队·附件白话 0家乡是从未知 (未知) 保存跟我们。如果一个由一个描述一次写杭华不同世界是麻烦。因为设备将设备。一些武器和装甲,配件也的列。但听听什么是比它令人担忧。"嘿,索具...做吗?这写在这张卡上吗?""是吗?它是一个储蓄数额的钱,但是......?"来通过倾斜的脖子看起来像你在说什么。当然很自然地会知道的货币单位,如果这个世界索具的居民。不幸的是,它当然,如果你不知道这一天是颜色不同的世界,不久前被召的人。听见,似乎几乎相同的货币值作为圈子,说在日本,因为操纵。第六条和追求是可能现在接受追求,那就是,请求预计。(这是没有什么好方便卡)这在一块,对黄金交易可以也有必要购物,也成为地位的认证。它经常要证明一项普遍的我的身体,取出在任何时间里的第一次。"我说的做,如果 Ukere 请求?""请选择从那里的公告板。但达你是秩 F.收到也是追求 E 上那个。""看看。什么等级时你去吗?""做大量的追求,如果经验值上升,升高,自然排名。""换句话说,如果我们做一个体面的追求,这蓝色外框,还记得我下一步......?""它是紫色。"紫色的平均变化?""这是正确的"泄露的气息
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Kết quả (Trung) 2:[Sao chép]
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在全市走出了城堡白天的颜色在想现在的事。(那么,这是一个从暂且RPG的基本信息采集)我希望我听谁的,否则,但当是住更多的王,有一种可能性,这是很难离开这个国家造成了意想不到的情况。这就是为什么,他也是从那个地方可以走了快。而且还有四个人优秀人物在那边。它已经决定,这将是没有必要的。(就目前这种“身份”魔力吗?我属性栏......“字符神奇”的是某种理解。我想这是指非属性)动员在游戏和小说中获得的知识。说到神奇,我还记得的话公会。这是世界上已听取了王的故事,有一个公会。公会的位置决定向全市人民。然后我们发现有在附近。一天颜色朝向想到试图 ​​注册暂且冒险。这里还生活着,不能只是征程。我们必须赢得反正黄金。顺便说一句,这里金可节省公会卡。此外,它可以在一个很好地进行与支付卡。这是被教在城市的人。当你去公会,在以自己的方式拥挤。对于一定的接待一字排开冒险家遗嘱将大幅那些谁。招牌,上面写着登记的愿望已经粘贴到最后。还是黑头发黑眼圈是不寻常的,它会采取一个也不能少的关注和天彩进入。我想是因为它没有校服一看,原来是没有办法。其中我打算买防护服。而浸泡了视线,走它,因为它是在兴趣接受不练习挥杆。“坏了,但我要报名。” 直截了当地说出来,接待员会来描述创建一个业务的笑容。也都带来了各种各样的在公会请求。这样的要求,这是冒险者获得奖励。从底部为一个等级,代表难易程度的要求,有女··E·D·C·B?A·S·SS·SSS。公会卡是发放给用户,但它是由公众人士持有居民卡相同的作用。它成为所谓的鉴定。而且也有一个在冒险秩,相同的请求级别已被应用。但秩以上的冒险者是不是差不多。尤其是冒险家的SSS级,只有三个人在[人类大家庭Hyumasu] 接待员是把纯白色卡片,据说那里要挂血。小针传递一个刺手指使用它流血。卡流人血,消失了一段时间后变成颗粒。“哦?它已经消失了?” “ 试试祈祷和”公会卡“中的心脏” 当你作为有人说,该卡出现在手中。但卡有一些地方也从早先的不同。它应该是纯白色卡,但出现卡的外框一直是蓝色的。“这种颜色是什么,代表该等级。蓝从底部,紫色,绿色,黄色,橙色,粉色,红色,银色,金色和黑色。“ 嗯嗯点头,同时将听到的解释。继续检查,一边看所做的公会卡。姓名希罗冈村性别男年龄17 来自未知排名˚F 任务设备·武器·卫队·附件Rigin 0 的家乡是一个从未知(未知)保存叶。如果逐一说明一旦写入十日不同的世界很麻烦。由于设备将是设备。一些武器和防具,配饰也列。但是听什么比这令人担忧。“嘿,索具......怎么办?这是此卡上写的?” “ 是吗?这是钱的储蓄金额,但......” 通过倾斜来颈部看起来像你在说什么。当然,很自然就知道钱,如果这个世界上居民索具的单位。不幸的是,当然,如果你不知道这一天要做的就是颜色谁被传唤前一阵一个不同的世界。当我听到,似乎是几乎相同的货币价值为圆和日本说,因为索具。而求索第六,很可能我们现在所接受的任务,就是请求预测。(这没什么好方便卡)这一块,给黄金交易所可能还需要购物,也成为认证的状态。它通常需要证明通用首次出现在我的身上,随时取出来。“我说,如果Ukere请求吗?” “ 请从那里布告栏中进行选择,但是是给你的是F.级接收的任务也是E对那一个。“ ” 我明白了,当你去什么级别了?“ ” 做了一些探索,如果经验值上升,上升的性质和等级。“ ” 换句话说,如果我们做一个体面的追求,这个蓝色的外框,记住我,下次......?“ ” 它是紫色的。“ ” 这是否在紫色平均变化?“ ” 这是正确的“ 泄露breat

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