The limitations that can be appointed in this researchinclude the size dịch - The limitations that can be appointed in this researchinclude the size Klingon làm thế nào để nói

The limitations that can be appoint

The limitations that can be appointed in this research
include the size of the initially recruit sample to assess the
instrument, which was minimized by the choice of the
item assessment method, in view of the obtained results.
Besides, the sample comprised senior Nursing students,
although professionally active nurses would be desirable.
This procedure was adopted due to the fact that literature
on the theme suggests that scales under development
be initially applied to students representative of the final
population for whom the instrument is being constructed.
In this sense, it was constructed for nurses and other
health professionals, due to easy and rapid data collection(
18). Despite these limitations, one cannot lose out of
sight that this is a preliminary study and that the scale
needs to be applied to other samples of nurses and other
health professionals, which is already happening and will
give rise to new publications on the validity and application
of the scale presented here as, in this study, it was
limited to a preliminary exploration of the scale’s psychometric
properties through the analysis of its items.
Nevertheless, this study is important, mainly when considering
the contemporary reality, which raises care delivery
to patients with alcohol and other drugs-related problems
as a new challenge for health care practice. Besides,
the Ministry of Health itself acknowledges that health professionals’
attitudes, allied with a lack of knowledge and
preparation to act on this problem have resulted in low
detection levels of these problems. These represent an
obstacle for professionals’ more effective action, demanding
research on the theme, also regarding the availability
of reliable instruments that are capable of identifying such
attitudes. Moreover, the use of the EAFAAA should not be
limited to the mere identification of attitudes; on the opposite,
the scale can be used to enhance professionals’
reflection when discussing their answers, hence analyzing
their attitudes towards the issue.
The analysis of the items in the Attitude Scale towards
Alcohol, Alcoholism and Alcoholics showed high internal
consistency, item-total correlation and Cronbach’s alpha
coefficients, which demonstrate its factor validity and
through which the instrument’s good psychometric parameters
can be affirmed, raising perspectives for future
research. Based on the premise of maintaining the most
representative items in the final scale version, 49% of items
from the initial version were eliminated. Nevertheless, the
scale is still extensive, demanding further research with a
view to offering a shorter scale with more refined psychometric
qualities. Although the scale has demonstrated its
reliability to measure attitudes towards alcohol, alcoholism
and alcoholics, further applications to health professional
and a consequent broadening of the sample are necessary
to improve the scale’s psychometric qualities and continue
its validation process in different populations.
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To the Center for Applied Statistics - CEA, University of São Paulo Institute of Mathematics and Statistics for cooperation
with the statistical analysis of study data.
Correspondence addressed
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limitations laH chaH ngeHmeH qaStaHvIS Qulsize DaH nobvam initially ghuv sample chovjan, baS minimized pong wIvitem assessment method, in view of Suq ghot'e'.ram, ghojwI' Nursing senior comprised sample.naH jajmeymaj professionally pov ghojmoq desirable.adopted mIw muHIvtaHbogh ngoD literatureghISDen 'e' bopummeH development chup themeinitially applied ghojwI' representative QavroghvaH qeqlu' constructed jan.qaStaHvIS Dapvetlh constructed 'oH ghojmoq latlh jeporgh Damo' ghaH targhHom veDDaq noch, muHIvtaHbogh De' ngeD 'ej ngIm vuDmey tlhopDaq (18). lubotbe' limitations pagh luj wa'puS 'e' ghotvam'e' HaD preliminary 'e' je ghISDenapplied ghojmoq latlh 'ej samples latlh nISporgh Damo' ghaH targhHom veDDaq noch, chonayta' qaStaH 'ejSal nob chu' publications validity application 'ejghISDen naDev Dan je, qaStaHvIS HaDlimited preliminary exploration ghISDen psychometricQo'noS bang vegh items poj.'ach, HaD potlh, rewbe'mey'e' HeghDI' qelcontemporary reality, baS SaH delivery pepSID alcohol latlh drugs-related qay' jelaw' chu' qaD qeq SaH porgh Damo' ghaH. ram.porgh Damo' ghaH acknowledges Ministry porgh Damo' ghaH narghtaHvIS 'oH targhHom veDDaq nochboq attitudes, Hutlh Sov jeghot'e' ram Qu'maj, mung je yIvang qay' qaStaHvIS 'eSdetection patlh qay'. 'oS roDobstacle vI'Iprup vaQ action targhHom veDDaq noch, yu'Qul theme, je quv, vIchID availabilityreliable jan 'e' capable ngu' HaQchorHeyattitudes. nep vaj wej eafaaa lo'Qo'noS limited 'Ijqu'law' identification attitudes; opposite.laH DanoHmeH ghISDen targhHom veDDaq noch enhancereflection HeghDI' jang, yIDoH Ha' poj ja'chuqattitudes towards wanI'vammo' tlha'.CONCLUSIONpa' Attitude ghISDen towards items pojalcohol, Alcoholism 'ej Alcoholics cha' jen internalconsistency, item-total correlation 'ej alpha cronbachcoefficients, validity factor 'agh jIHMej jevegh jan be'ghomDaq QaQ psychometric parameterslaH affirmed, perspectives pep nuq 'oHQul. waw' HochHom leH premiserepresentative items neH Qav ghISDen version 49 vatlhvI' itemspImchugh chuqmey poHmey version vo' eliminated. 'a.ghISDen reH Hoch 'ay', qaStaHvIS Qul ghaH yu'jIH vI'Iprup refined shorter ghISDen, psychometric offeringlaHlIj. naH jajmeymaj 'aghta' ghISDenreliability attitudes towards alcohol, alcoholism 'aD'ej alcoholics, qaStaHvIS applications porgh Damo' ghaH targhHom veDDaq noch'ej consequent broadening sample 'utghISDen psychometric laHlIj Dub 'ej taHvalidation mIw qaStaHvIS pIm roghvaH.REFERENCE1. organização mundial da saúde (oms). relatório sobremundo Qu' saúde. saúde yInDaj yab Dotlh: puyjaq concepção, puyjaq esperança.genebra; 2001.2. brasil. ministério da saúde. saúde yInDaj yab Dotlh e atenção básica: vavínculo e Qu'vatlh diálogo necessários [internet]. brasília; [citado 20032009 nov. 28]. disponível em: brasil. ministério da saúde. ministério da saúde Qu' políticapara atenção Integral usuários jan álcool e outras drogas.brasília; 2004.4. cruz. ms, Silva filho jf. formação jan profissionais para net assistênciajan usuários jan drogas e constituição jan novohabitus jan cuidado. j Bras psiquiatr. 2005; 54 (2): 120-6.5. Vargas d, Labate rc. trabalhar com pacientes alcoolistas: satisfaçãojan enfermeiros jan ropyaH qach geral. rev gaúcha enferm.2005; 26 (2): 252-60.6. happell b, taylor c. Negative attitudes towards clientsqay' related drug alcohol je: taS jonlu'meH DuHbe' vItu'.nurs aust n z j ment porgh Damo' ghaH. 2001; 10 (2): 87-96.7. berger m, wagner th, baker lc. yan internet 'ej stigmatizedillness. soc sci Med. 2005; 61 (8): 1821-7.8. g. Undergraduate Lopes rassool gh, Luis mav, carraro te.perceptions bIr mIw wIje'laHbe'chugh vaj HaDwI' substance lo' rachwI' 'ejquvHa'moHlu': brazilian position. j psychiatr ment porgh Damo' ghaH nurs.2006; 13 (1): 85-9.9. 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Vargas d, Luis mav. construção e validação jan uma escalajan atitudes frente ao álcool, ao alcoolismo e ao alcoolista.rev latino Am enferm. 2008; 16 (5): 895-902.17. pasquali l. taxonomia instrumentos psicológicos. qaStaHvIS:pasquali. l, organizador. instrumentos psicológicos: manualprático jan elaboração. brasília: labpam ghap ibapp; 1999. p. 27-35.18. spector QIt chaH juS ghaH. rating ghISDen construction summated: introduction.newbury park: jIvHa'wI'; 1992.acknowledgementApplied Statistics-cea, botlh yejHaD ben DuSaQ'a'Daq DawI' SoH são paulo Mathematics 'ej Statistics cooperationghaH statistical poj HaD De'.correspondence SoQ
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