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"That was more than just a couple of minutes, bro," complained Mark.
"Shut up," I said falling onto Mark's back. He was lying on his stomach playing a game on his phone over his pillow. I laid half my body on his back and laid my head on his upper back while playing with his hair. I could tell we both weren't in the mood anymore and that was totally fine with me because I was super exhausted for whatever so reason.
As I was playing with Mark's hair, I started to doze off a bit. I let my hand droop around one side of Mark's neck and closed my eyes. I remembered Mark talking, but was too tired to comprehend anything.
I woke up and found myself clinging on to someone that smelled so manly and clean and fresh and everything I loved. I took in this scent and stretched my arms out. I yawned and asked the figure next to me, "how long was I asleep?"
"About 30 minutes or so, I don't know. Your phone was ringing and buzzing a lot," Mark said while handing me my cell phone. He was watching TV comfortably with one arm behind his head and the other hand holding the remote pointing it at the screen.
I sat up and laid my head on his shoulder while unlocking my phone to check my missed calls. Once I read the caller ID, I got excited!
(A/N: Jackson is italics, Kei is not)
I dialed the number and brought the phone up to my ear. In two rings, she answered, "Mijoo! It's about time you picked up your phon--YAH TELL HER I SAID 'HI'--Mijoo I see you're in town! And you didn't tell us--ya! Kei! Lemme talk to her! Or better yet, lemme talk to Mark! BRO CAN YOU HEAR ME?! HELLO??!," I heard through the phone. I started laughing which caused Mark to become curious and turn his attention to me. I put the phone on speaker and said, "Hey, can you two stop fighting?"
"We wouldn't be fighting if Kei had just given me the phone while I asked politely-- if that was your way of being polite then, gee, I wonder what I am-- oh, that's easy, you're EVIL--" they argued again.
"Jackson?! Hey, what's up, man?" Mark said through the speaker.
"Gimme that-- hey Mark! W'sup??? Why didn't you tell me you guys were in town?! Hey, we should meet up somewhere tonight! I wanna see you guys. Haven't seen you lovebirds since that first holiday weekend of college," our friend Jackson said into the receiver excitedly.
"Hey, give me the phone back, Kei, pleaaassseeeee! Geez that Jackson can be a pain in the butt. Anyway, like what Jackson suggested, we should all meet up and catch up like the old days. Maybe call up BabySoul (SooJung) and let's all have a mini reunion?" Kei said. Even through the phone she was cheery.
I checked the time on my watch. It was 4 pm.
"I miss you guys, yeah, let's meet at that one small restaurant we used to go to all the time at 5. We'll tell you guys both later!" I replied.
"Okay! See you two-- don’t have too much fun in the meantime, lovebirds- OW! Byee!"
Jackson and Kei are always bickering. It makes me miss them even more. Those two were really good friends while we were in school. They never had romantic feelings towards each other. Ever. Trust me. They're really good family friends and I'm not surprised they're still hanging out after all these years.
I decided to take a shower and change into something a little more semi formal/casual. The dress was starting to fit a little tight because of the tiny baby bump and minor bloating, but it wasn't too uncomfortable thankfully.
Mark settled for a black button up and slim fitting slacks.
I was trying to put my necklace on, but I was struggling trying to find the clamp. Mark appeared behind me and helped poor old me. After connecting the chain on the necklace, he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my temple. He was staring at me with alluring eyes in the reflection.
"I am so lucky to have such a gorgeous girlfriend like you in my life," he said.
I couldn't help but smile, but I couldn't look him in the eyes and settled for smiling at the floor because I was too embarrassed by his sudden confession. I wrapped my hands around his that rested on my lower stomach and giggled as he trailed kisses up my neck.
Before we got too out of control, I spun around and gave him a quick, but tender kiss. After we pulled away, I said, "thank you for helping me put my necklace on."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he automatically pulled me closer. I smirked at his vulnerability and impatience. We were inches apart from having our lips touch when I purposely spoke, "I would love to continue," purposely teasing him by suddenly pulling back and grabbing my coat and bag from the dresser.
When I turned around to continue speaking, Mark trapped me between his arms that rested on the dresser. "Can't we be just a few minutes late? We were never known to be on time anyway," Mark pouted. I grabbed his face and spoke to him like a child.
"Cuteeee~ but nice try. I think we're going to be later than usual."
After breaking from Mark's embrace, we walked down to the lobby hand in hand then called for a taxi to take us to meet our patient friends. I wonder what they've been up to since we last saw each other

A/N: This chapter was so hard to write because I got major writer's block and I had school and I was waiting for comebacks. It was a prety budy week if you ask me :-))))) lol, but besides the fact, can we please get a moment of silence for Got7 and Lovelyz's comebacks?

P.S. I can not handle these comebacks. Mark looks hot as hell (as always)
Then ther's Mijoo...yep. She's me when I found out both groups were having a comeback.
And as a bonus: they're coming back at the same time!
Got7 and Lovelyz are going to be together on the same stage, dudes :o
Eeep. I hope either groups can get a win this time around!
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7 Seven
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I'll Be Your Angel (Completed)

What happens when your workaholic husband Daehyun finds out he is ill? Will he finally realise what's more important and take on his role as a husband and father?
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My latest update for my profile is an apology for not updating this story! I happens :-) enjoy the free chapters of my other story for the time being
I've been working on a new project here on AFF! It's a compilation of random one-shots I made, so if you're a MarkJoo shipper, I just updated that story
WOAH!! Another update?!?! I know, I'm just on a roll today. This will be all for tonight, though sadly ):
Updated two days in a row?!?? Whaaat? :D
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taeng995 AsianFanficsViếtTìmTagsCâu chuyệnPhổ biếnThành viênXã hội Nếu trang này đã có một cửa sổ pop lên hoặc một chuyển hướng (nó không nên!), xin vui lòng giúp chúng tôi bằng cách báo cáo Trang nàyMườiAuthor(s) HELLOxoxoTrạng thái chỉ có người đăng kíTags đánh dấu got7 marktuan lovelyz mijoo leemijoo markjoo Bookmark lưu (đi diễn đàn) báo cáo nội dung làm cho có thể đọc được một một một một "Đó là nhiều hơn chỉ là một vài phút, bro," phàn nàn Mark."Shut up," tôi nói rơi vào mặt sau của Mark. Ông nằm trên bụng của ông chơi một trò chơi trên điện thoại của mình trên gối của mình. Tôi đặt một nửa các cơ thể của tôi trên lưng và đặt đầu của tôi trên trên của mình trở lại trong khi chơi với mái tóc của mình. Tôi có thể cho biết cả hai chúng tôi đã không trong tâm trạng nữa và đó là hoàn toàn tốt đẹp với tôi bởi vì tôi đã kiệt sức siêu cho bất cứ điều gì vì vậy lý do.Như tôi đã chơi với mái tóc của Mark, tôi bắt đầu doze ra một chút. Tôi để cho bàn tay của tôi droop khoảng một bên của Mark cổ và nhắm mắt của tôi. Tôi nhớ đánh dấu nói chuyện, nhưng đã quá mệt mỏi để thấu hiểu bất cứ điều gì.Tôi tỉnh dậy và thấy bản thân mình bám níu vào một ai đó mà mùi rất manly và sạch sẽ và tươi và tất cả mọi thứ tôi yêu. Tôi đã trong mùi hương này và kéo dài cánh tay của tôi. Tôi yawned và yêu cầu các con số bên cạnh tôi, "bao lâu là tôi ngủ?""Khoảng 30 phút hoặc lâu hơn, tôi không biết. Điện thoại của bạn chuông và ù rất nhiều,"Mark cho biết: trong khi bàn giao cho tôi điện thoại di động của tôi. Ông đã xem TV thoải mái với một cánh tay phía sau đầu và mặt khác, đang nắm giữ từ xa trỏ nó vào màn hình.I sat up and laid my head on his shoulder while unlocking my phone to check my missed calls. Once I read the caller ID, I got excited!•••(A/N: Jackson is italics, Kei is not)I dialed the number and brought the phone up to my ear. In two rings, she answered, "Mijoo! It's about time you picked up your phon--YAH TELL HER I SAID 'HI'--Mijoo I see you're in town! And you didn't tell us--ya! Kei! Lemme talk to her! Or better yet, lemme talk to Mark! BRO CAN YOU HEAR ME?! HELLO??!," I heard through the phone. I started laughing which caused Mark to become curious and turn his attention to me. I put the phone on speaker and said, "Hey, can you two stop fighting?""We wouldn't be fighting if Kei had just given me the phone while I asked politely-- if that was your way of being polite then, gee, I wonder what I am-- oh, that's easy, you're EVIL--" they argued again."Jackson?! Hey, what's up, man?" Mark said through the speaker."Gimme that-- hey Mark! W'sup??? Why didn't you tell me you guys were in town?! Hey, we should meet up somewhere tonight! I wanna see you guys. Haven't seen you lovebirds since that first holiday weekend of college," our friend Jackson said into the receiver excitedly."Hey, give me the phone back, Kei, pleaaassseeeee! Geez that Jackson can be a pain in the butt. Anyway, like what Jackson suggested, we should all meet up and catch up like the old days. Maybe call up BabySoul (SooJung) and let's all have a mini reunion?" Kei said. Even through the phone she was cheery.I checked the time on my watch. It was 4 pm."I miss you guys, yeah, let's meet at that one small restaurant we used to go to all the time at 5. We'll tell you guys both later!" I replied."Okay! See you two-- don’t have too much fun in the meantime, lovebirds- OW! Byee!"Jackson and Kei are always bickering. It makes me miss them even more. Those two were really good friends while we were in school. They never had romantic feelings towards each other. Ever. Trust me. They're really good family friends and I'm not surprised they're still hanging out after all these years.•••I decided to take a shower and change into something a little more semi formal/casual. The dress was starting to fit a little tight because of the tiny baby bump and minor bloating, but it wasn't too uncomfortable thankfully.Mark settled for a black button up and slim fitting slacks.I was trying to put my necklace on, but I was struggling trying to find the clamp. Mark appeared behind me and helped poor old me. After connecting the chain on the necklace, he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my temple. He was staring at me with alluring eyes in the reflection."I am so lucky to have such a gorgeous girlfriend like you in my life," he said.I couldn't help but smile, but I couldn't look him in the eyes and settled for smiling at the floor because I was too embarrassed by his sudden confession. I wrapped my hands around his that rested on my lower stomach and giggled as he trailed kisses up my neck.Before we got too out of control, I spun around and gave him a quick, but tender kiss. After we pulled away, I said, "thank you for helping me put my necklace on."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he automatically pulled me closer. I smirked at his vulnerability and impatience. We were inches apart from having our lips touch when I purposely spoke, "I would love to continue," purposely teasing him by suddenly pulling back and grabbing my coat and bag from the dresser.
When I turned around to continue speaking, Mark trapped me between his arms that rested on the dresser. "Can't we be just a few minutes late? We were never known to be on time anyway," Mark pouted. I grabbed his face and spoke to him like a child.
"Cuteeee~ but nice try. I think we're going to be later than usual."
After breaking from Mark's embrace, we walked down to the lobby hand in hand then called for a taxi to take us to meet our patient friends. I wonder what they've been up to since we last saw each other

A/N: This chapter was so hard to write because I got major writer's block and I had school and I was waiting for comebacks. It was a prety budy week if you ask me :-))))) lol, but besides the fact, can we please get a moment of silence for Got7 and Lovelyz's comebacks?

P.S. I can not handle these comebacks. Mark looks hot as hell (as always)
Then ther's Mijoo...yep. She's me when I found out both groups were having a comeback.
And as a bonus: they're coming back at the same time!
Got7 and Lovelyz are going to be together on the same stage, dudes :o
Eeep. I hope either groups can get a win this time around!
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cece_khjlover #1 Sep 20, 2015 09:53:33 Reply All Report
Chapter 9: wo wrong moment for him to show up
cece_khjlover #2 Sep 14, 2015 23:21:01 Reply All Report
Chapter 7: aww im glad naeun is no longer jealous
cece_khjlover #3 Sep 14, 2015 11:22:48 Reply All Report
Chapter 6: such a sweet ,beautiful, cute chapter ^-^
cece_khjlover #4 Sep 13, 2015 10:14:07 Reply All Report
Chapter 5: haha mark is real naughty :P
vanilla_twilight #5 Sep 9, 2015 19:47:01 Replies Reply All Report
this is honestly such a cute story and i can't believe that this is your first! it's so well done for a first fanfic! i've been missing the mijoo/mark ship and this fanfic is just reigniting those feelings inside of me!! everything about these two make me smile and i love how they're so affectionate with each other!! i hope you update soon, keep up the good work!! ♡ ♡ ♡
cece_khjlover #6 Sep 7, 2015 12:33:13 Replies Reply All Report
Chapter 4: i am enjoying this fic yup :)
Dyokkomi14 #7 Sep 6, 2015 22:30:38 Replies Reply All Report
Chapter 4: They're going to be parents soon! Wow. I love the way you wrote it authornim. Keep up!
castling #8 Aug 30, 2015 14:06:10 Replies Reply All Report
shamelessly advertising right here, but would you mind dropping by lovelyz8(dot)livejournal(dot)com? it's a newly opened lovelyz fanwork community and it would be lovely if you could maybe share your lovelyz fic(s) right there, too! if you've taken the time to look at it, thank you. (also, it would be great if you could help spread the word!) ♡

well, anyway. onto your fic, oh my gah. i can't believe this is your first time writing a fic? honestly, when i first started (back in '09 omg) i was all over the place and i didn't even use the paragraph kind of writing and i just. what i'm trying to say is, this is really nicely written! you've had me grinning like a dumb person in the middle of reading and although it's quite short, you managed to put in some nice touches and especially, i especially loved the part where mark wanted to hold mijoo's hand while driving omg. there's really nothing to judge, this is just so squeal-worthy and warm and fluffy, ugh. and it has got7's mark in it like, ; ;. i'm sure you're doing a pretty good job, keep going at it! ♡
JeonginCouple #9 Aug 29, 2015 09:19:52 Reply All Report
Update soon please :)
shinjein #10 Aug 28, 2015 14:07:38 Reply All Report
...i cant wait?
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I'll Be Your Angel (Completed)

What happens when your workaholic husband Daehyun finds out he is ill? Will he finally realise what's more important and take on his role as a husband and father?
Story Feed
My latest update for my profile is an apology for not updating this story! I happens :-) enjoy the free chapters of my other story for the time being
I've been working on a new project here on AFF! It's a compilation of random one-shots I made, so if you're a MarkJoo shipper, I just updated that story
WOAH!! Another update?!?! I know, I'm just on a roll today. This will be all for tonight, though sadly ):
Updated two days in a row?!?? Whaaat? :D
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