For many years the Arctic was a popular destination in the summer season to see the land of themidnight sun but in winter the few inhabitants had the snow and ice to themselves. By the endof the 1980s it was decided that the dark and cold winter should be seen as an advantage. In thewinter of 1990 the French artist Jannot Derit was invited to have the opening of an exhibition ina specially built igloo (a building made of snow) in the little town of Jukkasjärvi on the frozenTorne River. The building, named Arctic Hall, attracted many interested visitors to the area. Onenight a group of foreign guests decided it would be a good idea to sleep in the Arctic Hall. Thefollowing morning the brave group were very pleased with their experience and the idea of anice hotel was born. Today it is world famous.As soon as winter begins, a team of snow builders,architects and artists from all over the world come toJukkasjärvi and they make the hotel for that year. Asone part is completed, it opens to visitors and overnightguests, while the other parts are still being built. Thefirst part is completed in December and each week afterthat a new part opens, until January 7th when the hotelis completed. As the ICEHOTEL is built under the opensky, using the natural materials of the winter season,the finishing date depends on nature and thereforethere are sometimes changes to the plan. In the spring,as the weather gets warmer, the hotel melts.Inside the hotel, the temperature is never colder than –5 °C to –8 °C, however cold it may beoutside. Winter outer clothes such as warm overalls, hats and gloves are included in the cost ofguests’ stay at the hotel. In addition to this, it is a good idea for guests to bring sweaters anda scarf as well as plenty of woollen socks and to choose footwear that is larger than normal toallow space for thick socks.If you are planning to come to the hotel, you can buy warm sweaters, woollen socks and muchmore on the ICEHOTEL website. You can order these and the equipment you will need at thesame time as you book your visit. The items will be delivered to your room when you check in.The hotel is in the village of Jukkasjärvi, 200 km above the Arctic Circle but only 15 km fromKiruna airport and 17 km from Kiruna train station. Transport by bus can be arranged from theairport or train station to the ICEHOTEL.
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