Magnus BaneLast edited on November 27, 2014by XtzieeMagnus BanePortray dịch - Magnus BaneLast edited on November 27, 2014by XtzieeMagnus BanePortray Việt làm thế nào để nói

Magnus BaneLast edited on November

Magnus Bane
Last edited on November 27, 2014
by Xtziee
Magnus Bane
Portrayed by Godfrey Gao
Magnus IP, by CJ
Biographical Information
Age: Over 300 years old[1][2][3]
Status: Immortal
Species: Warlock
Title: High Warlock of Brooklyn
Residence: New York
“ You could give me the past, but Alec is my future. ”
–Magnus to Camille Belcourt, City of Fallen Angels

Magnus Bane is the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Being over three centuries old, his life has since intertwined with several Shadowhunters and Downworlders over the centuries.

Early life
SPOILER WARNING: Plot details follow. Caution is advised.
Magnus was born to a half-Dutch and half-Indonesian woman and the Prince of Hell Asmodeus in the 16th century in Jakarta, Indonesia, back then known as Batavia of the Dutch East Indies. He was born seemingly normal, only with unusual amber eyes.

Magnus was raised on a farm with his mother and her husband, both of whom raised him lovingly. However, when Magnus' warlock's mark developed and they realized that he was the son of a demon, they both feared him and Magnus despised himself, and his mother soon hung herself in their barn. When he was ten, his stepfather attempted to drown him but was instead burned when Magnus lashed out with his powers at him.[4] He was then brought up by churchmen and raised by the Silent Brothers of Madrid, Spain in the 17th century.[5] He received the name "Magnus Bane" from them. It was in Spain where Magnus later met and saved Catarina Loss from being burned as a witch, who would later became his lifelong, fellow immortal friend.[6]

Somehow, Magnus has acquainted himself with his father, Asmodeus. Aware of his father's influence, Magnus occasionally brought up his power and notoriety and used this in his favor. Being a very skilled and powerful warlock, Magnus began charging for his services fairly young, even before he was a full-grown warlock. Though he was only less than twenty years old, he had already began lying about his age, claiming to be hundreds of years old, old enough to know historic figures such as Julius Caesar and certain oracles, to increase his clients' confidence in him.[6]

At one point, Magnus fell in love with someone and had, for the first time in his long life, stayed with his lover for the duration of the girl's mundane life. Even for thirty years after that, Magnus still has not moved on from the pain, though it had become tolerable, and was still on an extended vacation, seeking adventure in places like Peru, unable to settle somewhere with the thought of his late lover still stinging.[6] Magnus once cited this heartbreak about a century after to another warlock friend who had lost her first loved one, saying that the first one was always the hardest.[7]

In 1791, Magnus was able to coerce his friend Ragnor Fell into going to Peru with him. They toured the city of Lima and eventually went to Arequipa, one of Magnus' favorite cities in Peru. There, a woman named Guiliana guided them through the rain forest, where Magnus was chased by a dominant male spider monkey, which he narrowly escaped.

Around that time, he was hired by Edmund García, a rich Peruvian merchant, to help him move his cargo of guano. Infuriated at the discovery that guano was in fact bird droppings, and that they accidentally fell into the cargo hold, Ragnor ended up throwing a magical fit onboard that would then sink the ship and the cargo, rendering them both foul and unpaid.[6]

In June the same year, during the time of the French Revolution, Magnus was enjoying himself in Paris, the city that widely embraced his fashion principles. He was later literally caught in the middle of it when Count Axel von Fersen approached and asked him to help break out the royal family from Versailles. Charmed by the Count, Magnus agreed to his plans in exchange for dinner with him, and the two became friends.

On the night of the escape, after he successfully glamoured Queen Marie Antoinette, the plan hit a snag when the queen ended up lost and ran into vampires, particularly Coselle of the Paris vampire clan. She was immediately brought to the party being thrown by the leader of the clan, Marcel Saint Cloud where, coincidentally, Magnus was also at. Unable to convince the vampires to let the Queen go, he had to improvise and resort to trickery to get away with the queen. With a hot air balloon, he escaped with the queen and met with the Count. Magnus's efforts were then greatly awarded when the grateful Count kissed him before they parted ways.

Because of the incident at the party, Marcel retaliated against Magnus by having his vampires trash his place and take his servants, Claude and Marie. One of Marcel's subjugates, Henri, stayed behind to escort Magnus back to him. Magnus refused and instead had him pass on a final message calling for a truce to Marcel. To avoid any more trouble, Magnus immediately left Paris, with his new monkey, Ragnor, after. He fled to the Alps, where he would go on to avoid anything French, not wanting to worry or think about his vampire problems or the Revolution affair, to no avail. Through an escaped nobleman from Dijon, he heard the news of the eventual capture of the king and queen in the Varennes. Worried for his safety, Magnus wrote a letter to the Count, only to hear back from his sister, Sophie instead. When Sophie asked Magnus to try to dissuade Axel from risking his life, Magnus, finding mundane lives so complicated yet fleeting and knowing that the Count would be determined and impervious, chose to ignore her request and move on with his life.[8]

Stay in London
First encounters

In 1857, Magnus visited London to attend a Clave meeting with fellow Downworlders. There, he met the stubborn Shadowhunter Edmund Herondale who fell in love with a mundane, Linette Owens. Having been present on the day the pair met, Magnus bore witness to what would later lead to the heartbreaking decision that Edmund made: to leave his Shadowhunter life behind to be with his love.

At the same time, Magnus also first encountered the vampire Camille Belcourt and made a pass at her. The pair connected, and Magnus found himself competing with the werewolf Ralf Scott for Camille's affections. Influenced by Edmund's heartbreak, Magnus decided to give the mortal Scott a chance at love with Camille. As a parting gift, Magnus bought Camille an enchanted, and expensive, necklace, bought for the price he got after selling his house in Grosvener Square. Magnus bid Camille farewell, and they parted with a kiss and a promise to meet again.[9]

Living with Belcourt

By 1878, Magnus had returned to London and reunited with Camille, having finished her time with the now deceased Ralf. At one point, Magnus was with Camille, Ragnor, who had then already become the High Warlock of London, and de Quincey at one of the Pandemonium Club events and was seen by an investigating Shadowhunter, Will Herondale.

In an attempt to get revenge on Alexei de Quincey, the vampire who had Ralf killed, Camille told the London Enclave about his illegal Downworld parties. To help with the infiltration, Camille had Magnus meet Tessa Gray, who had shape-shifted into Camille, and Will at de Quincey's party. He escorted them through the house and, since the group were suspecting that de Quincey was the Magister, helped them make sense of an automaton blueprint riddled with a binding spell they found in de Quincey's library. Afterwards, he took them to the ceremony to witness de Quincey breaking the Law themselves.[10]

Saving Will Herondale

Due to Camille's involvement in the death of de Quincey, she was forced to leave London to avoid the wrath of de Quincey's followers. To Magnus's disappointment, she left without telling him where she was headed. Though Magnus contemplated simply leaving her London home and subjugate Archer, which Camille left in his care, he couldn't since he still loved Camille and hoped she would return to him.

Shortly after their last encounter, Will Herondale went to Magnus and asked him to break his curse—a curse which endangered the people he loved or grew close to, supposedly cast by a demon that Will released from a Pyxis when he was a child. Intrigued by the boy's haunting sorrow, Magnus agreed.[10]

In the following months, Will continued to secretly visit Magnus as they continued to look for the blue demon that cursed him. They performed many spells and summonings in an attempt to draw the demon out, though none of the demons seemed to ever be the right one.

One evening, Magnus heard from Archer that Will was at a party thrown by Benedict Lightwood. Knowing that Benedict's parties were notorious for danger, Magnus went and ended up interrupting Will and Tessa kissing, under the influence of a warlock drug, on the balcony. He warned them that Will was easily recognized by Archer and that they should leave before anyone else recognizes them. He transports the pair to the estate grounds, where Will suddenly ran off to chase after a blue demon—the one that cursed him.

Later that night, Will came to Camille's house, wiped out, injured and messy, with the demon's tooth embedded in his arm after being bit. A frantic Will wanted Will to summon the demon for him immediately, which Magnus explained was not possible. Will then collapsed due to the poisonous bite and Magnus healed him.

A little while later, Camille unexpectedly returned and showed up at the house. As a test, Magnus asked her where she had been. Camille claimed to have come from Paris; Magnus immediately knew that it was a lie as he had previously tracked her subjugate Walker to Saint Petersburg in Russia, where Magnus's informants have told him that Camille was living with a mundane lover. Finally accepting that Camille did not love him the way he loved her, Magnus ended his relationship with Camille and, using the barely conscious Will's presence to his advantage, pretended to be in a relationship
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Magnus BaneBài trên 27 tháng 11 năm 2014bởi XtzieeMagnus BaneThể hiện bởi Godfrey GaoMagnus IP, bởi CJThông tin tiểu sửAge: Hơn 300 năm tuổi [1] [2] [3]Tình trạng: bất tửLiên kếtLoài: WarlockTiêu đề: Cao Warlock của BrooklynCư trú: New York"Bạn có thể cung cấp cho tôi quá khứ, nhưng Alec là tương lai của tôi."-Magnus để Camille Belcourt, thành phố của thiên thần sa ngãMagnus Bane là chàng chiến tướng cao Brooklyn. Đang hơn ba thế kỷ cũ, cuộc sống của mình có kể từ khi intertwined với một số Shadowhunters và Downworlders trong thế kỷ.Tiểu sửThời niên thiếuSPOILER cảnh báo: Âm mưu chi tiết theo. Phạt cảnh cáo là nên.Magnus được sinh ra với một người phụ nữ Hà Lan một nửa và nửa tiếng Indonesia và hoàng tử địa ngục Asmodeus vào thế kỷ 16 ở Jakarta, Indonesia, trở lại sau đó được gọi là Batavia của Đông Ấn Hà Lan. Ông được sinh ra dường như bình thường, chỉ với đôi mắt màu hổ phách không bình thường.Magnus đã được nâng lên trên một nông trại với mẹ và chồng bà, cả hai người trong số họ nêu ra anh ta yêu thương. Tuy nhiên, khi đánh dấu của chàng chiến tướng Magnus phát triển và họ nhận ra rằng ông là con trai của một con quỷ, cả hai đều sợ anh ta và Magnus khinh thường tự, và mẹ sớm treo mình trong nhà kho của họ. Khi ông là 10 tuổi, cha dượng của ông đã cố gắng rút ra anh ta nhưng thay vào đó đốt cháy khi Magnus lashed ra với sức mạnh của mình vào anh ta.[4] ông sau đó được nuôi dưỡng bởi churchmen và lớn lên bởi các im lặng anh em của Ma-đrít, Tây Ban Nha vào thế kỷ 17.[5] ông nhận được tên "Magnus Bane" từ họ. Đó là tại Tây Ban Nha nơi Magnus sau đó đã gặp và lưu Catarina mất từ bị đốt cháy như một phù thủy, người sau này trở thành người bạn bất tử suốt đời, đồng nghiệp của ông.[6]Bằng cách nào đó, Magnus đã quen mình với cha ông, Asmodeus. Nhận thức được ảnh hưởng của cha mình, Magnus thỉnh thoảng đưa lên sức mạnh và tai tiếng của mình và sử dụng điều này trong lợi của mình. Là một chàng chiến tướng rất có tay nghề cao và mạnh mẽ, Magnus bắt đầu tính phí cho dịch vụ của mình khá trẻ, ngay cả trước khi ông là một chàng chiến tướng toàn trồng. Mặc dù ông đã là chỉ ít hơn hai mươi tuổi, ông đã đã bắt đầu nói dối về tuổi của mình, tự xưng là hàng trăm năm tuổi, cũ, đủ để biết các nhân vật lịch sử như Julius Caesar và oracles nhất định, để tăng sự tự tin của khách hàng của mình trong anh ta.[6]Tại một thời điểm, Magnus rơi vào tình yêu với một ai đó và có, lần đầu tiên trong cuộc sống lâu dài của mình, ở lại với người yêu của mình trong thời gian của cuộc sống trần tục của cô gái. Ngay cả đối với ba mươi năm sau đó, Magnus vẫn đã không di chuyển trên từ đau, mặc dù nó đã trở thành tolerable, và vẫn còn trên một kỳ nghỉ kéo dài, tìm kiếm cuộc phiêu lưu ở những nơi như Peru, không thể giải quyết một nơi nào đó với những suy nghĩ của người yêu cuối của mình vẫn còn chua cay.[6] Magnus một lần trích dẫn này sự đau lòng về một thế kỷ sau khi để một warlock người bạn những người đã mất đi một người thân yêu của mình, nói rằng người đầu tiên là luôn luôn khó khăn nhất.[7]Cuộc phiêu lưuNăm 1791, Magnus đã có thể ép buộc người bạn của ông Ragnor rơi vào đi đến Peru với anh ta. Họ đã đến thăm thành phố Lima và cuối cùng đã đi đến Arequipa, một trong các thành phố yêu thích Magnus ở Peru. Có, một người phụ nữ tên là Guiliana hướng dẫn họ thông qua các rừng mưa, nơi Magnus đuổi bởi một chi phối tỷ spider monkey, mà ông đã may mắn thoát.Khoảng thời gian đó, ông đã được thuê bởi Edmund García, một thương gia giàu Peru, để giúp anh ta di chuyển hàng hóa của mình của phân chim. Tức giận lúc phát hiện ra phân chim đó là trong thực tế, chim, và họ vô tình rơi vào hàng hóa tổ chức, Ragnor đã kết thúc ném một phù hợp trên tàu huyền diệu mà sau đó sẽ chìm tàu và hàng hóa, làm cho họ cả hôi và chưa thanh toán.[6]Vào tháng sáu năm, trong thời gian của cuộc cách mạng Pháp, Magnus đã thưởng thức mình ở Paris, thành phố rộng rãi chấp nhận nguyên lý thời trang của ông. Ông sau đó theo nghĩa đen bị bắt ở giữa nó khi tính Axel von Fersen tiếp cận và hỏi anh ta để giúp thoát ra khỏi gia đình hoàng gia từ Versailles. Quyến rũ bởi số, Magnus đã đồng ý kế hoạch của mình để trao đổi với bữa ăn tối với anh ta, và cả hai trở thành bạn bè.Vào đêm thoát, sau khi ông thành công glamoured nữ hoàng Marie Antoinette, kế hoạch đánh một trở ngại khi nữ hoàng đã kết thúc mất và chạy thành ma cà rồng, đặc biệt là Coselle của gia tộc ma cà rồng Paris. Cô ngay lập tức đã được đưa đến các bên đang được ném bởi các nhà lãnh đạo của gia tộc, Marcel Saint Cloud mà, thật trùng hợp, Magnus là cũng lúc. Không thể thuyết phục ma cà rồng để cho nữ hoàng đi, ông đã phải improvise và khu du lịch đến trickery để nhận được đi với hoàng hậu. Với một khinh khí cầu, ông trốn thoát với nữ hoàng và đáp ứng với số. Những nỗ lực của Magnus được rất nhiều sau đó trao tặng khi số biết ơn hôn anh ta trước khi họ chia tay cách.Vì sự tại bữa tiệc, Marcel trả đũa chống lại Magnus bằng cách của mình ma cà rồng thùng rác của mình ra và đưa công chức của mình, Claude và Marie. Một trong của Marcel subjugates, Henri, ở lại phía sau để hộ tống Magnus trở lại với anh ta. Magnus từ chối và thay vào đó có anh ta vượt qua trên một thông điệp cuối cùng kêu gọi một thỏa thuận ngừng bắn với Marcel. Để tránh rắc rối thêm bất kỳ, Magnus ngay lập tức trái Paris, với con khỉ mới của mình, Ragnor, sau khi. Ông đã bỏ chạy tới dãy núi Alps, nơi ông sẽ đi vào tránh bất cứ điều gì Pháp, không muốn lo lắng hoặc suy nghĩ về vấn đề ma cà rồng của mình hoặc vụ cách mạng, để avail không có. Thông qua một nhà quý tộc ông đã trốn thoát từ Dijon, ông nghe tin tức chụp cuối cùng của nhà vua và nữ hoàng trong các Varennes. Lo lắng cho sự an toàn của mình, Magnus đã viết một bức thư cho số, chỉ để nghe trở lại từ chị em của mình, Sophie thay vào đó. Khi Sophie hỏi Magnus để cố gắng khuyên can Axel từ mạo hiểm cuộc sống của mình, Magnus, việc tìm kiếm nhàm chán sống để được thái phức tạp và biết số đồng hồ sẽ chỉ được xác định và không thấm nước, đã chọn để bỏ qua các yêu cầu của cô và di chuyển về với cuộc sống của mình.[8]Ở khách sạn ở LondonCuộc gặp gỡ đầu tiênNăm 1857, Magnus viếng thăm London để tham dự một cuộc họp Clave với đồng Downworlders. Có, ông đã gặp Shadowhunter bướng bỉnh Edmund Herondale người rơi vào tình yêu với một nhàm chán, vo Owens. Có được trình bày vào ngày các cặp đã gặp, Magnus mang làm chứng cho những gì sau này sẽ dẫn đến quyết định heartbreaking rằng Edmund đã thực hiện: để lại cuộc sống Shadowhunter của mình để với tình yêu của mình.Cùng lúc đó, Magnus cũng lần đầu tiên gặp phải ma cà rồng Camille Belcourt và đã vượt qua vào cô ấy. Cặp kết nối, và Magnus thấy mình cạnh tranh với những người sói Ralf Scott cho affections của Camille. Ảnh hưởng bởi sự đau lòng của Edmund, Magnus quyết định để cho một cơ hội sinh tử Scott lúc tình yêu với Camille. Như một món quà chia tay, Magnus mua Camille một mê hoặc, và đắt tiền, dây chuyền, mua với giá ông nhận sau khi bán ngôi nhà của ông ở Grosvener Square. Magnus giá Camille chia tay, và họ chia tay với một nụ hôn và một lời hứa để đáp ứng một lần nữa.[9]Sống chung với BelcourtNăm 1878, Magnus đã quay trở lại London và đoàn tụ với Camille, có hoàn thành thời gian của mình với Ralf bây giờ đã chết. Tại một điểm, Magnus là với Camille, Ragnor, người đã sau đó trở thành công cao Warlock Luân Đôn de Quincey tại một trong các sự kiện câu lạc bộ Pandemonium và được nhìn thấy bởi một Shadowhunter điều tra, sẽ Herondale.Trong một nỗ lực để có được trả thù Alexei de Quincey, ma cà rồng đã Ralf giết, Camille nói với vùng đất Luân Đôn về của mình bên Downworld bất hợp pháp. Để giúp với sự xâm nhập, Camille có Magnus đáp ứng Tessa Gray, người có hình dạng-chuyển vào Camille, và sẽ ở de Quincey bên. Ông hộ tống chúng thông qua các nhà, và kể từ khi đội đã nghi ngờ rằng de Quincey là Magister, giúp họ làm cho tinh thần của một kế hoạch chi tiết automaton thủng với một chính tả ràng buộc họ tìm thấy trong thư viện de Quincey. Sau đó, ông đã đưa họ đến buổi lễ để chứng kiến de Quincey phạm luật.[10]Saving Will HerondaleDue to Camille's involvement in the death of de Quincey, she was forced to leave London to avoid the wrath of de Quincey's followers. To Magnus's disappointment, she left without telling him where she was headed. Though Magnus contemplated simply leaving her London home and subjugate Archer, which Camille left in his care, he couldn't since he still loved Camille and hoped she would return to him.Shortly after their last encounter, Will Herondale went to Magnus and asked him to break his curse—a curse which endangered the people he loved or grew close to, supposedly cast by a demon that Will released from a Pyxis when he was a child. Intrigued by the boy's haunting sorrow, Magnus agreed.[10]In the following months, Will continued to secretly visit Magnus as they continued to look for the blue demon that cursed him. They performed many spells and summonings in an attempt to draw the demon out, though none of the demons seemed to ever be the right one.One evening, Magnus heard from Archer that Will was at a party thrown by Benedict Lightwood. Knowing that Benedict's parties were notorious for danger, Magnus went and ended up interrupting Will and Tessa kissing, under the influence of a warlock drug, on the balcony. He warned them that Will was easily recognized by Archer and that they should leave before anyone else recognizes them. He transports the pair to the estate grounds, where Will suddenly ran off to chase after a blue demon—the one that cursed him.Sau đêm đó, sẽ đến nhà của Camille, bị xóa sổ, bị thương và lộn xộn, với con quỷ răng nhúng trong cánh tay của mình sau khi bị cắn. Một sẽ điên cuồng muốn sẽ triệu tập con quỷ cho anh ta ngay lập tức, Magnus giải thích là không thể. Sẽ sau đó sụp đổ do độc cắn và Magnus chữa lành anh ta.Một chút sau, Camille bất ngờ trở về và cho thấy lên tại nhà. Như một bài kiểm tra, Magnus yêu cầu cô nơi cô đã. Camille tuyên bố đã đi từ Paris; Magnus ngay lập tức biết đó là một lời nói dối như ông đã có trước đó theo dõi cô ta chinh phục Isarel Walker tới Saint Petersburg, liên bang Nga, nơi của Magnus informants đã nói với ông rằng Camille đã sống với một người yêu nhàm chán. Cuối cùng chấp nhận rằng Camille đã không thích anh ta cách ông yêu cô ấy, Magnus kết thúc mối quan hệ của ông với Camille và, bằng cách sử dụng sẽ hầu như không có ý thức sự hiện diện cho lợi ích của mình, giả vờ để trong một mối quan hệ
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Magnus Bane
Last edited on November 27, 2014
by Xtziee
Magnus Bane
Portrayed by Godfrey Gao
Magnus IP, by CJ
Biographical Information
Age: Over 300 years old[1][2][3]
Status: Immortal
Species: Warlock
Title: High Warlock of Brooklyn
Residence: New York
“ You could give me the past, but Alec is my future. ”
–Magnus to Camille Belcourt, City of Fallen Angels

Magnus Bane is the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Being over three centuries old, his life has since intertwined with several Shadowhunters and Downworlders over the centuries.

Early life
SPOILER WARNING: Plot details follow. Caution is advised.
Magnus was born to a half-Dutch and half-Indonesian woman and the Prince of Hell Asmodeus in the 16th century in Jakarta, Indonesia, back then known as Batavia of the Dutch East Indies. He was born seemingly normal, only with unusual amber eyes.

Magnus was raised on a farm with his mother and her husband, both of whom raised him lovingly. However, when Magnus' warlock's mark developed and they realized that he was the son of a demon, they both feared him and Magnus despised himself, and his mother soon hung herself in their barn. When he was ten, his stepfather attempted to drown him but was instead burned when Magnus lashed out with his powers at him.[4] He was then brought up by churchmen and raised by the Silent Brothers of Madrid, Spain in the 17th century.[5] He received the name "Magnus Bane" from them. It was in Spain where Magnus later met and saved Catarina Loss from being burned as a witch, who would later became his lifelong, fellow immortal friend.[6]

Somehow, Magnus has acquainted himself with his father, Asmodeus. Aware of his father's influence, Magnus occasionally brought up his power and notoriety and used this in his favor. Being a very skilled and powerful warlock, Magnus began charging for his services fairly young, even before he was a full-grown warlock. Though he was only less than twenty years old, he had already began lying about his age, claiming to be hundreds of years old, old enough to know historic figures such as Julius Caesar and certain oracles, to increase his clients' confidence in him.[6]

At one point, Magnus fell in love with someone and had, for the first time in his long life, stayed with his lover for the duration of the girl's mundane life. Even for thirty years after that, Magnus still has not moved on from the pain, though it had become tolerable, and was still on an extended vacation, seeking adventure in places like Peru, unable to settle somewhere with the thought of his late lover still stinging.[6] Magnus once cited this heartbreak about a century after to another warlock friend who had lost her first loved one, saying that the first one was always the hardest.[7]

In 1791, Magnus was able to coerce his friend Ragnor Fell into going to Peru with him. They toured the city of Lima and eventually went to Arequipa, one of Magnus' favorite cities in Peru. There, a woman named Guiliana guided them through the rain forest, where Magnus was chased by a dominant male spider monkey, which he narrowly escaped.

Around that time, he was hired by Edmund García, a rich Peruvian merchant, to help him move his cargo of guano. Infuriated at the discovery that guano was in fact bird droppings, and that they accidentally fell into the cargo hold, Ragnor ended up throwing a magical fit onboard that would then sink the ship and the cargo, rendering them both foul and unpaid.[6]

In June the same year, during the time of the French Revolution, Magnus was enjoying himself in Paris, the city that widely embraced his fashion principles. He was later literally caught in the middle of it when Count Axel von Fersen approached and asked him to help break out the royal family from Versailles. Charmed by the Count, Magnus agreed to his plans in exchange for dinner with him, and the two became friends.

On the night of the escape, after he successfully glamoured Queen Marie Antoinette, the plan hit a snag when the queen ended up lost and ran into vampires, particularly Coselle of the Paris vampire clan. She was immediately brought to the party being thrown by the leader of the clan, Marcel Saint Cloud where, coincidentally, Magnus was also at. Unable to convince the vampires to let the Queen go, he had to improvise and resort to trickery to get away with the queen. With a hot air balloon, he escaped with the queen and met with the Count. Magnus's efforts were then greatly awarded when the grateful Count kissed him before they parted ways.

Because of the incident at the party, Marcel retaliated against Magnus by having his vampires trash his place and take his servants, Claude and Marie. One of Marcel's subjugates, Henri, stayed behind to escort Magnus back to him. Magnus refused and instead had him pass on a final message calling for a truce to Marcel. To avoid any more trouble, Magnus immediately left Paris, with his new monkey, Ragnor, after. He fled to the Alps, where he would go on to avoid anything French, not wanting to worry or think about his vampire problems or the Revolution affair, to no avail. Through an escaped nobleman from Dijon, he heard the news of the eventual capture of the king and queen in the Varennes. Worried for his safety, Magnus wrote a letter to the Count, only to hear back from his sister, Sophie instead. When Sophie asked Magnus to try to dissuade Axel from risking his life, Magnus, finding mundane lives so complicated yet fleeting and knowing that the Count would be determined and impervious, chose to ignore her request and move on with his life.[8]

Stay in London
First encounters

In 1857, Magnus visited London to attend a Clave meeting with fellow Downworlders. There, he met the stubborn Shadowhunter Edmund Herondale who fell in love with a mundane, Linette Owens. Having been present on the day the pair met, Magnus bore witness to what would later lead to the heartbreaking decision that Edmund made: to leave his Shadowhunter life behind to be with his love.

At the same time, Magnus also first encountered the vampire Camille Belcourt and made a pass at her. The pair connected, and Magnus found himself competing with the werewolf Ralf Scott for Camille's affections. Influenced by Edmund's heartbreak, Magnus decided to give the mortal Scott a chance at love with Camille. As a parting gift, Magnus bought Camille an enchanted, and expensive, necklace, bought for the price he got after selling his house in Grosvener Square. Magnus bid Camille farewell, and they parted with a kiss and a promise to meet again.[9]

Living with Belcourt

By 1878, Magnus had returned to London and reunited with Camille, having finished her time with the now deceased Ralf. At one point, Magnus was with Camille, Ragnor, who had then already become the High Warlock of London, and de Quincey at one of the Pandemonium Club events and was seen by an investigating Shadowhunter, Will Herondale.

In an attempt to get revenge on Alexei de Quincey, the vampire who had Ralf killed, Camille told the London Enclave about his illegal Downworld parties. To help with the infiltration, Camille had Magnus meet Tessa Gray, who had shape-shifted into Camille, and Will at de Quincey's party. He escorted them through the house and, since the group were suspecting that de Quincey was the Magister, helped them make sense of an automaton blueprint riddled with a binding spell they found in de Quincey's library. Afterwards, he took them to the ceremony to witness de Quincey breaking the Law themselves.[10]

Saving Will Herondale

Due to Camille's involvement in the death of de Quincey, she was forced to leave London to avoid the wrath of de Quincey's followers. To Magnus's disappointment, she left without telling him where she was headed. Though Magnus contemplated simply leaving her London home and subjugate Archer, which Camille left in his care, he couldn't since he still loved Camille and hoped she would return to him.

Shortly after their last encounter, Will Herondale went to Magnus and asked him to break his curse—a curse which endangered the people he loved or grew close to, supposedly cast by a demon that Will released from a Pyxis when he was a child. Intrigued by the boy's haunting sorrow, Magnus agreed.[10]

In the following months, Will continued to secretly visit Magnus as they continued to look for the blue demon that cursed him. They performed many spells and summonings in an attempt to draw the demon out, though none of the demons seemed to ever be the right one.

One evening, Magnus heard from Archer that Will was at a party thrown by Benedict Lightwood. Knowing that Benedict's parties were notorious for danger, Magnus went and ended up interrupting Will and Tessa kissing, under the influence of a warlock drug, on the balcony. He warned them that Will was easily recognized by Archer and that they should leave before anyone else recognizes them. He transports the pair to the estate grounds, where Will suddenly ran off to chase after a blue demon—the one that cursed him.

Later that night, Will came to Camille's house, wiped out, injured and messy, with the demon's tooth embedded in his arm after being bit. A frantic Will wanted Will to summon the demon for him immediately, which Magnus explained was not possible. Will then collapsed due to the poisonous bite and Magnus healed him.

A little while later, Camille unexpectedly returned and showed up at the house. As a test, Magnus asked her where she had been. Camille claimed to have come from Paris; Magnus immediately knew that it was a lie as he had previously tracked her subjugate Walker to Saint Petersburg in Russia, where Magnus's informants have told him that Camille was living with a mundane lover. Finally accepting that Camille did not love him the way he loved her, Magnus ended his relationship with Camille and, using the barely conscious Will's presence to his advantage, pretended to be in a relationship
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