Mango production, exportation, and postharvest lossestimates are shown for the study countries in Table 2.Annual production totals about 303,000 metric tons (18,19),of which an estimated 5% is exported (22); 287 metric tonsremaining for local consumption. Applying an averagedliterature value of 50% (5-9) for postharvest loss of mangoesto the 287 metric tons left for local consumption,approximately 143.5 metric tons of mangoes go to wasteannually in French-speaking West Africa. Extrapolatingfrom data reported above, 287 metric tons of mangoeswould yield about 208 metric tons of tray-ready mangoes,20.8 metric tons of dried mangoes (208,000 kg), 83.2billion g beta carotene (4,000 g/100 g dried mango),and 6.93 or 3.96 billion RAE of vitamin A, which is suf-ficient to meet the recommended intake, 300 g to 400RAE/day (16), of tens of thousands of children youngerthan age 5 years each year.
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