Title: The Smoke After FireSummary: After figuring out of Takaba's bet dịch - Title: The Smoke After FireSummary: After figuring out of Takaba's bet Việt làm thế nào để nói

Title: The Smoke After FireSummary:

Title: The Smoke After Fire

Summary: After figuring out of Takaba's betrayal, Asami believed the boy to be gone from his life. Now, years later, it appears that his photographer has been under his nose all along.

Warnings: Dark/Twisted Fic. Angst. Romance. Yaoi. Oneshot. Mpreg . OC's. OOC. Alternate Universe.

A/N: A twisted fic if you might say, so I'm warning you, if you DO NOT like stories where Asami and Takaba are not together, or stories that are angsty, more specifically, if YOU DO NOT LIKE YAMIGA'S ANGSTY, SAPPY, DEPRESSING FART WORTHY STORIES THAT ARE A SHAME TO BE COMPARED TO A SYMPHONY THEN DON'T READ IT! HEED MY WARNING YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Anyway, this story has been stuck in my mind for a year now. But again this is dark and to some may be very disturbing.

Takaba was dead. Asami was pleased.

The young photographer sat there before him strapped to a chair. His head dangling, and blood dripping from his mouth, forming a pool on the ground. There were cuts and bruises riddling his body, and slightly he shook, despite being in such a horrid state.

Asami smiled and approached Takaba. There was a lit cigarette between his fingers and he didn't hesitate to extinguish it on Takaba's skin. There was a hissing sound that came first and then, a strange noise that emitted from Takaba, or what was left of him. Asami laughed.

"Now," He began. "You know the price for betrayal. It's just a shame it had to be you. I could've used you for so much mo re, but a whore would only slander my title." He chuckled. "Good bye, Takaba."

Asami turned to leave the room, and at the same time, took his phone from his pocket. He held it to his ear. "Take his body out of here." He spoke. "And clean this mess. Be here in less than five minutes." And like that, he crossed the threshold, and vanished down the corridor.

Asami hadn't realized that another person, witnessed his deed. He had left the room without looking around, without making sure that he and Takaba were alone.

Standing, pushing the door open with all his might was a young boy, perhaps no older than five. Dressed nicely, he stepped into the smelly room and held his palm to his nose. Without much thought, he approached Takaba's cadaver, which still remained hooked up and slumped over the chair.

"Eww…" He spoke, not knowing what else to say as he couldn't comprehend what he saw. "You're ugly…" He pushed on Takaba's chair lightly, and surprisingly, the whole thing toppled over. Takaba hit the ground with a thud and stream of crimson liquid emitted from his mouth.

Momentarily, his eyes shot open, instantly scaring the boy.

Takaba began to cough and trash until finally, his body went limp…permanently.

The boy screamed and ran out of the room. His initial reaction was to find his father, Asami, but his mother was closer. She was in the bedroom combing out her long dark hair when her son entered the room literally crying and screaming.

"There's something in basement! It's gross!"

His mother, no doubt concerned for her son, rushed down to see what it was. Upon entering the basement, she screamed even louder than he did. However, she made sure the young boy could not enter the room as she instantly recognized the identity of the body.

Takaba Akihito, the boy who nearly jeopardized her wedding.

"A piece of trash!" She commented, entering the room herself. She stood over the boy, and nudged him with the edge of her heel.


"Shinji…" She turned to face him. "Don't say a word about seeing this boy to your father."

"Is he okay? He looks ugly." Shinji replied. "He's gross is he dead?"

"Almost." She smiled at her son.

"Well he should die." Shinji replied. "He stinks and he's ugly. He should be burned."

Mrs. Asami walked away from the monstrosity on the ground and out of the room, she stood by her son and shut the door. "That's not for us to decide. But nevertheless, he's something we don't have to worry about."

Shinji smiled.


Takaba was taken away later that day.

Asami didn't feel anything. The betrayal had already hardened his heart and extinguished any feelings he felt for Takaba. That boy truly was a piece of trash and Asami didn't have time to deal with him. He had gotten what he deserved, a painful execution. Not a hint of guilt resided within Asami.

He now had other things to focus on, and that was his son and heir, Shinji.

Takaba was a thing of the past, now Asami had to look to the future.


Shinji, before he went to bed, entered the basement one final time. To his surprise, the room was empty and cleaned from top to bottom.

He shrugged then, and itched his brown hair. After that, he turned away and went back to his room.


Shinji had graduated both college and high school very early. By the time he was twenty, he already had a job lined up for him and a vast amount of savings in his bank account. Asami, no doubt was pleased with the way his son had come out.

He had looks, and soon would gain power and money, as anyone knew to respect Shinji, for he was Asami's son. Like his father, he has a semi muscular build and bore piecing golden eyes , in addition he wore that same cold glare. He was attractive but at the same time dangerous, just what Asami wanted him to be.


While Asami had one agenda, Shinji had another.

When he turned twenty, he had moved out of the house and purchased an upscale home somewhere in Kyoto. His father of course, didn't approve of it at first but Shinji assured him that when the time came, he'd certainly move back to Tokyo to take over Asami's business.

Shinji had already begun delving into his father's business, and of course he hid this from Asami. Yet his mother knew all about it, in fact, she had helped him. She allowed him to dig deeper and deeper into the underworld until he finally retrieved what he had been looking for. The same 'piece of trash', that he'd seen years ago, the same piece of trash that he could hardly stop thinking about, ever since he was a young boy.

One maimed, ruined and absent Takaba Akihito. Yet despite finding him in such a vegative state, Shinji still felt his heart burn up, like it did all those years ago. He had finally found his 'piece of trash', his puzzle piece.

It took bargaining to buy Takaba from the man who had purchased him from Asami years ago, and it took money, to keep that man quiet. But every second, every dime spent was worth it.

He'd taken his prize back to Kyoto with him and had hired a staff of medical doctors to care for him, as he was immobile, in such a state.

This new Takaba Akihito, couldn't move, speak, nor could even look up. His head always hung low as some of the nurses around the house would push him around in his wheel chair. He couldn't eat normally as he was fed through a feeding tube. All the torture, and abuse of twenty years had done its work on Takaba and now he was nothing but a hallow shell.

Shinji absolutely loved him this way.

He loved Takaba for his imperfections and for his special needs. He didn't care how much older Takaba was than him, nor did he care how badly affected his body was. He still looked beautiful, like an angel, like a dream come true.

Shinji loved every bit of him.


Shinji already took to working in the deep city of Kyoto, expanding Asami's business. When Mrs. Asami visited Kyoto, she'd no doubt be with Takaba. He'd sit in his wheel chair, with his head down as she'd be sewing or reading a book, humming slightly, next to him on the sofa.

"You look very nice today, Akihito…" She'd usually say. "Shinji is very lucky to have you…" She never respected a response, but figured Takaba was pleased.


Shinji had contacted his mother on something that was bothering him. The two talked over lunch, before she went back to Tokyo.

"Is it easy, raising children?" He began his conversation, taking a sip of his coffee.

"It depends on how children are raised. Your father and I strictly raised you for business." Mrs. Asami replied. "Our relationship was and still is political, as well as your birth."

Shinji shrugged. "That much I figured. But that doesn't concern me."

"Are you thinking about something?" She reached her hand across the table and placed it upon her son's.

"I've mused on the idea of having children and…given Takaba's state, I decided to go ahead and schedule a surgery for him."

Mrs. Asami rose an eyebrow. "I don't understand…"

"His reproductive organs are obliterated. He's been sexually abused for years, they aren't of any use." He moved some hair out of his face. "I've requested that the doctor switches out his reproductive organs, and replaces them with a females."

Mrs. Asami sighed. "It's your choice, it's not like he has a say." She smiled. "I'm getting older and I've pondered on the idea of grandchildren. In addition, Aki has nice eyes…" She went on sipping her coffee, all the while, Shinji smiled.


A year later, Shinji was twenty one.

He had by now become his father's prominent business partner and took to traveling back and forth from Kyoto to Tokyo. The family business had grown widely since the past year and Asami gave Shinji more than enough credit.

Shinji had to agree that he was responsible for the recent expansion as he himself made ties with many different organizations both in the political and underworld. This ensured that the family fortune couldn't come tumbling down, it would be secure for years.

Asami praised his son for his cunning ideas, but at the same time, gave himself just as much credit for their success. Shinji was, Asami's son after all. No less was expected from him. That stoic, demanding and authorative personality was something he'd inherited from Asami. It was a given that Shinji would act the way he did, it was decided since his birth.

However, as much as Asami knew his son from the inside out, he began to see a much more mysterious or distant side of Shinji. The younger Asami began to cut his visits brief and a
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Title: The Smoke After FireSummary: After figuring out of Takaba's betrayal, Asami believed the boy to be gone from his life. Now, years later, it appears that his photographer has been under his nose all along.Warnings: Dark/Twisted Fic. Angst. Romance. Yaoi. Oneshot. Mpreg . OC's. OOC. Alternate Universe.A/N: A twisted fic if you might say, so I'm warning you, if you DO NOT like stories where Asami and Takaba are not together, or stories that are angsty, more specifically, if YOU DO NOT LIKE YAMIGA'S ANGSTY, SAPPY, DEPRESSING FART WORTHY STORIES THAT ARE A SHAME TO BE COMPARED TO A SYMPHONY THEN DON'T READ IT! HEED MY WARNING YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Anyway, this story has been stuck in my mind for a year now. But again this is dark and to some may be very disturbing.Takaba was dead. Asami was pleased.The young photographer sat there before him strapped to a chair. His head dangling, and blood dripping from his mouth, forming a pool on the ground. There were cuts and bruises riddling his body, and slightly he shook, despite being in such a horrid state.Asami smiled and approached Takaba. There was a lit cigarette between his fingers and he didn't hesitate to extinguish it on Takaba's skin. There was a hissing sound that came first and then, a strange noise that emitted from Takaba, or what was left of him. Asami laughed."Now," He began. "You know the price for betrayal. It's just a shame it had to be you. I could've used you for so much mo re, but a whore would only slander my title." He chuckled. "Good bye, Takaba."Asami đã chuyển sang rời khỏi phòng, và cùng lúc đó, mất điện thoại của mình từ túi của mình. Ông đã tổ chức nó để tai của mình. "Có cơ thể của mình ra khỏi đây." Ông đã nói. "Và làm sạch mess này. Ở đây trong ít hơn năm phút." Và như vậy, ông đã vượt qua ngưỡng, và biến mất xuống hành lang.Asami đã không nhận ra rằng một người khác, chứng kiến hành động của mình. Ông đã rời khỏi phòng mà không cần nhìn xung quanh, mà không có đảm bảo rằng ông và Takaba chỉ có một mình.Đứng, đẩy cửa mở với tất cả các có thể của ông là một cậu bé, có lẽ không lớn hơn năm. Mặc quần áo độc đáo, ông bước vào phòng mùi và tổ chức của mình palm để mũi của mình. Mà không có nhiều suy nghĩ, ông tiếp cận của Takaba cadaver, mà vẫn tiếp tục nối lên và giảm mạnh trong ghế."Eww..." Ông nói, không biết điều gì khác để nói như ông không thể thấu hiểu những gì ông đã thấy. "Bạn đang xấu xí..." Ông đẩy vào Takaba của ghế nhẹ, và đáng ngạc nhiên, toàn bộ điều lật đổ. Takaba rơi xuống đất với một té nghe cái bịch và dòng chất lỏng crimson phát ra từ miệng của mình.Trong giây lát, đôi mắt của ông bị bắn mở, ngay lập tức scaring cậu bé.Takaba bắt đầu ho và thùng rác cho đến khi cuối cùng, cơ thể của mình đi nhao... vĩnh viễn.Thằng nhóc gào lên và chạy ra khỏi phòng. Phản ứng ban đầu của ông là để tìm cha mình, Asami, nhưng mẹ của ông là gần gũi hơn. Cô ấy là trong phòng ngủ, xơ len ra mái tóc dài đen tối của mình khi con trai của cô bước vào phòng nghĩa đen khóc và la hét."Đó là một cái gì đó ở tầng hầm! Nó là tổng!"Mẹ, không có nghi ngờ có liên quan cho con trai bà, vội vàng xuống để xem những gì nó. Khi đi vào tầng hầm, cô gào lên thậm chí to hơn ông đã làm. Tuy nhiên, cô đã chắc chắn cậu bé không thể tham dự phòng như cô ngay lập tức công nhận danh tính của cơ thể.Takaba Akihito, cậu bé đã gần jeopardized đám cưới của cô."Một mảnh rác!" Cô nói thêm, nhập phòng mình. Cô đứng trên cậu bé, và nudged ông với các cạnh của gót chân của mình."Mẹ...""Shinji..." Cô đã chuyển sang đối mặt với anh ta. "Không nói một từ về nhìn thấy cậu bé này với cha của bạn.""Là ông chấp nhận được? Ông trông xấu xí." Shinji trả lời. "Ông là tổng là ông đã chết?""Gần như." Cô cười lúc con trai bà."Tốt ông phải chết." Shinji trả lời. "Ông stinks và ông là xấu xí. Ông nên được đốt cháy."Bà Asami đi bộ đi từ monstrosity trên mặt đất và ra khỏi phòng, cô đứng bởi con trai của cô và đóng cửa. "Đó là không cho chúng tôi để quyết định. "Nhưng tuy nhiên, ông là một cái gì đó chúng tôi không phải lo lắng về."Shinji cười.OoOoOoOTakaba đã bị lấy đi sau ngày hôm đó.Asami đã không cảm thấy bất cứ điều gì. Sự phản bội đã cứng trái tim của mình và dập tắt bất kỳ cảm xúc ông cảm thấy cho Takaba. Thằng nhóc đó thực sự là một mảnh rác và Asami đã không có thời gian để đối phó với anh ta. Ông đã nhận được những gì ông xứng đáng, một thực hiện đau đớn. Không phải là một gợi ý của tội lỗi cư ngụ trong Asami.Ông bây giờ có những thứ khác để tập trung vào, và đó là con trai và người thừa kế, Shinji.Takaba là một điều của quá khứ, bây giờ Asami đã phải nhìn vào tương lai.OoOoOoOShinji, before he went to bed, entered the basement one final time. To his surprise, the room was empty and cleaned from top to bottom.He shrugged then, and itched his brown hair. After that, he turned away and went back to his room.OoOoOoShinji had graduated both college and high school very early. By the time he was twenty, he already had a job lined up for him and a vast amount of savings in his bank account. Asami, no doubt was pleased with the way his son had come out.He had looks, and soon would gain power and money, as anyone knew to respect Shinji, for he was Asami's son. Like his father, he has a semi muscular build and bore piecing golden eyes , in addition he wore that same cold glare. He was attractive but at the same time dangerous, just what Asami wanted him to be.OoOoOoOWhile Asami had one agenda, Shinji had another.When he turned twenty, he had moved out of the house and purchased an upscale home somewhere in Kyoto. His father of course, didn't approve of it at first but Shinji assured him that when the time came, he'd certainly move back to Tokyo to take over Asami's business.Shinji had already begun delving into his father's business, and of course he hid this from Asami. Yet his mother knew all about it, in fact, she had helped him. She allowed him to dig deeper and deeper into the underworld until he finally retrieved what he had been looking for. The same 'piece of trash', that he'd seen years ago, the same piece of trash that he could hardly stop thinking about, ever since he was a young boy.One maimed, ruined and absent Takaba Akihito. Yet despite finding him in such a vegative state, Shinji still felt his heart burn up, like it did all those years ago. He had finally found his 'piece of trash', his puzzle piece.It took bargaining to buy Takaba from the man who had purchased him from Asami years ago, and it took money, to keep that man quiet. But every second, every dime spent was worth it.He'd taken his prize back to Kyoto with him and had hired a staff of medical doctors to care for him, as he was immobile, in such a state.This new Takaba Akihito, couldn't move, speak, nor could even look up. His head always hung low as some of the nurses around the house would push him around in his wheel chair. He couldn't eat normally as he was fed through a feeding tube. All the torture, and abuse of twenty years had done its work on Takaba and now he was nothing but a hallow shell.Shinji absolutely loved him this way.He loved Takaba for his imperfections and for his special needs. He didn't care how much older Takaba was than him, nor did he care how badly affected his body was. He still looked beautiful, like an angel, like a dream come true.Shinji loved every bit of him.OoOoOoShinji already took to working in the deep city of Kyoto, expanding Asami's business. When Mrs. Asami visited Kyoto, she'd no doubt be with Takaba. He'd sit in his wheel chair, with his head down as she'd be sewing or reading a book, humming slightly, next to him on the sofa."You look very nice today, Akihito…" She'd usually say. "Shinji is very lucky to have you…" She never respected a response, but figured Takaba was pleased.OoOoOoOShinji had contacted his mother on something that was bothering him. The two talked over lunch, before she went back to Tokyo."Is it easy, raising children?" He began his conversation, taking a sip of his coffee."It depends on how children are raised. Your father and I strictly raised you for business." Mrs. Asami replied. "Our relationship was and still is political, as well as your birth."Shinji shrugged. "That much I figured. But that doesn't concern me.""Are you thinking about something?" She reached her hand across the table and placed it upon her son's."I've mused on the idea of having children and…given Takaba's state, I decided to go ahead and schedule a surgery for him."Mrs. Asami rose an eyebrow. "I don't understand…""His reproductive organs are obliterated. He's been sexually abused for years, they aren't of any use." He moved some hair out of his face. "I've requested that the doctor switches out his reproductive organs, and replaces them with a females."Mrs. Asami sighed. "It's your choice, it's not like he has a say." She smiled. "I'm getting older and I've pondered on the idea of grandchildren. In addition, Aki has nice eyes…" She went on sipping her coffee, all the while, Shinji smiled.OoOoOoO
A year later, Shinji was twenty one.

He had by now become his father's prominent business partner and took to traveling back and forth from Kyoto to Tokyo. The family business had grown widely since the past year and Asami gave Shinji more than enough credit.

Shinji had to agree that he was responsible for the recent expansion as he himself made ties with many different organizations both in the political and underworld. This ensured that the family fortune couldn't come tumbling down, it would be secure for years.

Asami praised his son for his cunning ideas, but at the same time, gave himself just as much credit for their success. Shinji was, Asami's son after all. No less was expected from him. That stoic, demanding and authorative personality was something he'd inherited from Asami. It was a given that Shinji would act the way he did, it was decided since his birth.

However, as much as Asami knew his son from the inside out, he began to see a much more mysterious or distant side of Shinji. The younger Asami began to cut his visits brief and a
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