SUMMARY: Takato realizes that Akihito has changed after those three da dịch - SUMMARY: Takato realizes that Akihito has changed after those three da Việt làm thế nào để nói

SUMMARY: Takato realizes that Akihi

SUMMARY: Takato realizes that Akihito has changed after those three days he went missing. He’s determined to help his friend through his problem.

AN: Takes place immediately after the very first chapter in the first volume and before Fixer. I just wanted to try my hand at the topic of PTSD, comments/thoughts/concrit would be appreciative :)

Takato, along with Kou, knocked on Akihito’s door insistently. They heard he was back after disappearing for three days and wanted to be sure.

Akihito barely opened the door, peaked out and looked around suspiciously before hazel eyes settled on them. “Guys?”

“Yo, Aki! Where you been?” Kou asked animatedly as he pushed against the door, shoving Akihito a little.

“Yeah, three days and no word, what happened, Aki?” Takato asked, noting his friend’s bewildered expression.

Akihito shrugged, rubbing at the back of his head while standing there in sweatpants and jacket. Odd.

“I had something very important to do. T-top secret.”

Takato frowned. “For three days?”

“Hey, where’s the pocky?” Kou shouted from the kitchen, obviously rummaging around in the fridge. Takato barely spared him an eye roll.

Akihito, Takato noticed, seemed to be weighing his answer in his head before blurting, “I didn’t get the chance to shop as yet.”

Takato was suspicious. He didn’t know Akihito to be so nervous and jumpy, and he’s known him for years. Akihito barely looked at him before walking over to the small sofa in his apartment and fluffling the cushions...which just came off as something to do with his idle hands.

“So, jacket indoors?” Takato asked lightly.

“What?” Akihito asked confused, turning to stare at him questioningly.

Takato pointed at his attire. “Why are you dressed like that?”

Akihito tugged at the sleeve where his wrists were before shrugging. “No reason, just feel like it. Have a seat.”

“Thanks.” Takato sat and took in the apartment as Akihito headed towards the kitchen, more than likely to see what Kou was up to. Now, he knew Akihito was rarely home to clean properly and stuff, but the pristineness of the area struck him as weird. Didn’t Akihito just come back after three days to wherever? Another friend spotted him entering his apartment and called them. He smiled when Kou came back with a cup of juice in each hands. The three of them sat in awkward silence, which was another weird thing. Their comfortable camaraderie flew the nest all of a sudden.

“So...” Takato started, eyeing his blond friend after a sip of his drink. “Tell us what kind of holes you had to crawl into this time and how you got out.”

Kou grinned. “Yeah, Aki. Was it like the drain pipe with fifty snakes in it? Or the dark alley where you fought off five gangsters by yourself?”

Takato snickered at that last one. Their friend was such a joker sometimes. Except, Akihito laughed hesitantly, avoided their gazes, shrugged and then remained silent.

Takato exchanged a look with Kou. This seemed more serious all of a sudden. He decided to reiterate his question. “Where were you, Akihito?”

“Bet you’re gonna say in some dungeon somewhere with whips and chains and a beautiful girls that needed saving, huh?” Kou snorted, waggling his eyebrows.

Takato’s alarm rose when Akihito visibly flinched when Kou mentioned whips and chains, his eyes moving about frantically while his fingers tightened around his own leg. He looked like he was about to suffer a panic attack, tension tightening his muscles.

“Or maybe...”

“Kou, stop.” Takato had cut in. “Aki’s sick, look at him.”

Kou did look and his eyes widened in realization. “Aki, what’s wrong?”

Akihito shook his head. “Nothing, I just need to lie down.”

Takato stood, trying to touch his friend on his shoulder, then noticing how Akihito side stepped him expertly, walking around the couch so the piece of furniture was between him and them.

“I, um... look, I’m really tired and out of it after everything that’s happened. Can you guys come back another time? I really need to rest and get myself together. You know?”

Takato knew an avoidance tactic when he saw one, but he didn’t want to push his friend. Whatever Akihito had gotten into, it had scared him and it seemed like he needed time. “Ok, fine. We’ll come back tomorrow, how does that sound?”

Akihito nodded readily. “Good. But, call first?”

Takato frowned. Normally they just showed up at Akihito’s place whenever they felt like it. They were always welcomed no matter what. He suddenly felt really helpless. “Sure.”

“Aki...?” Kou asked confused, finally picking up on the changes in their friend.

Takato cut Kou off with a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head in the negative when Kou looked at him. “Let’s go.”

They waved to Akihito before leaving. Takato would swear his heart palpitated when he heard the lock on the door audibly clicking into place.

“Takato, what just happened?” Kou asked.

Takato drew in a breath, took one last look at the door before turning to Kou. “No idea. Let’s give him time to rest at least, then we can try to find out what’s going on.”

“Ok.” Kou’s concern was obvious and Takato knew his own face mirrored his friend’s as they walked out of the apartment building.


“Hey, Kou...?” Takato greeted after calling his friend. “I haven’t heard from him, how about you?...Wanna try going over there again?...Fine, meet me in half an hour. Ok, bye.”

The two friends made their way towards their friend’s apartment, and while it wasn’t strange to see people leaving Akihito’s floor, Takato wondered what an obviously rich man in a tailor made suit and shiny leather shoes would be doing at the apartment. It’s so rare to see people of that stature about the place.

“I couldn’t get him all day yesterday,” Kou said worriedly.

“Me neither,” Takato supplied. At one point Akihito’s phone was turned off. “We’ve given him enough time, he should be rested enough now.”

Kou nodded. “Yeah.”

Takato frowned when he walked up to Akihito’s front door, realizing it was slightly ajar. “Aki?” He called hesitantly when he pushed it open and stepped inside the apartment. There was no answer.

“Yo, Aki!” Kou shouted.

That’s when they both heard retching sounds from the bathroom.

“Hey, you ok?” Kou asked softly, kneeling beside Akihito, who was hunched over the toilet, puking his guts out. Kou started patting Akihito’s back, but the blond pulled away violently, heaving and revealing swollen red eyes and stuffy nose.

“D-don’t touch me.” Akihito’s voice trembled while he watched them both, eyes pleading while he wiped sick from his mouth with the back of one hand. Takato’s worry ratched up a notch and he raised his hands in surrender, watching Kou do the same.

“Ok, ok. We won’t touch, ok Aki?” Takato tried to placate his friend. What was causing this type of reaction in Akihito? He had no idea. “How you feeling?”

Right before their eyes Akihito drew in a deep breath and seemed to pull himself together, wiping his eyes and nose with the sleeve of his long sleeve shirt; calming his shaky breathing. “I’m fine, really. Just a bug, you know?”

Kou offered Akihito a hand to stand, with he took it after so much hesitation Takato knew there was more brewing beneath the surface of whatever Akihito was going through.

“Just, let me wash up and I’ll be out, ok?”

Takato nodded before he and Kou stepped out of the bathroom, exchanging a worried look. When Akihito emerged, he was fresh faced and generally more presentable. Except, the bags forming under his eyes.

“So, we were calling you all day yesterday, didn’t get a response,” Takato started with after Akihito brought them drinks. Akihito set them down, looked at them and then shrugged noncommittally.

“My battery was dead.”

Kou frowned. Akihito never allowed his phone to go dead for so long before, especially since he had to get called in for jobs.

Kou and Takato exchanged a look while Akihito kept his eyes firmly on his juice glass.

“So, what kind of bug has you puking? Do you need to see a doctor?”

Akihito flew up out of his seat so fast Takato almost dropped the glass halfway to his lips, noticing Kou’s startled jump from the corner of his eyes.

“No, no doctor,” Akihito supplied frantically. “I ah...I took something, I’ll feel better in a moment.”

Kou stood, wanting to reach out but not wanting Akihito to shy away from his touch like in the bathroom. “Hey, ok. No doctor, Akihito. You sure you’re alright though?”

Akihito nodded frantically, blond bangs flying in front his face. “I’m good guys,” he muttered while rubbing one wrist almost absentmindedly through the long sleeve of his shirt.

Takato wondered if he realized he was doing it. “Something the matter with your wrists?”

Akihito’s look was sharp before he hid his hands behind his back. “Get out.”

“What?” Kou startled.

“I don’t want either of you here, come back tomorrow.”

Takato wasn’t willing to give in just yet. “Whatever is happening with you, I can help.”

Akihito snorted derisively. “No, you can’t.”

“How do you know?” Takato challenged.

“I just do, ok?” Akihito snarled. “Now, I’m not well, as you guys can see, so go home so I can rest.”
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Kết quả (Việt) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Tóm tắt: Takato nhận ra rằng Akihito đã thay đổi sau khi những ngày ba, ông đã bị mất tích. Ông đã xác định để giúp bạn bè của mình thông qua các vấn đề của mình.MỘT: Diễn ra ngay sau khi chương đầu tiên trong tập đầu tiên và trước khi Fixer. Tôi chỉ muốn thử bàn tay của tôi tại chủ đề của PTSD, ý kiến/suy nghĩ/concrit sẽ được đánh giá cao :)Takato, cùng với Kou, gõ Akihito của cửa insistently. Họ nghe nói ông là trở lại sau khi biến mất trong ba ngày và muốn chắc chắn.Akihito hiếm khi mở cửa, đạt vị trí ra và nhìn xung quanh đáng ngờ trước Tram mắt giải quyết trên chúng. "Guys?""Yo, Aki! Nơi bạn? " Kou hỏi animatedly như ông chinh chống lại cửa, shoving Akihito một chút."có, ba ngày và không có chữ, những gì đã xảy ra, Aki?" Takato yêu cầu, ghi nhận biểu hiện hoang mang bạn bè của mình.Akihito shrugged, cọ xát ở phía sau đầu của mình trong khi đứng ở đó trong sweatpants và Áo. Lẻ."Tôi đã có một cái gì đó rất quan trọng để làm. T-Top bí mật."Takato cau mày. "Trong ba ngày?""Hey, mà là các pocky?" Kou hét lên từ nhà bếp, rõ ràng là rummaging xung quanh trong tủ lạnh. Takato hầu như không tha Anh ta một cuộn mắt.Akihito, Takato nhận thấy, dường như để cân nặng của mình câu trả lời ở đầu trước khi muốn, "Tôi không có cơ hội mua sắm như được nêu ra."Takato là đáng ngờ. Ông không biết Akihito để như vậy thần kinh và tăng vọt, và ông đã gọi anh ta trong năm. Akihito hiếm khi nhìn vào anh ta trước khi đi bộ ghế sofa nhỏ trong căn hộ của mình và fluffling đệm... mà chỉ cần đến tắt như là một cái gì đó để làm với hai bàn tay nhàn rỗi của mình."Vì vậy, áo trong nhà?" Takato hỏi nhẹ."Những gì?" Akihito hỏi nhầm lẫn, quay để nhìn chằm chằm vào anh ta questioningly.Takato hướng vào trang phục của mình. "Tại sao có bạn ăn mặc như vậy?"Akihito tugged ở tay áo nơi cổ tay của ông đã trước khi shrugging. "Không có lý do, chỉ cảm thấy như nó. Có một chỗ ngồi.""Cảm ơn." Takato ngồi và đã ở nhà như Akihito đứng đầu về phía nhà bếp, nhiều hơn khả năng để xem những gì Kou đã tới. Bây giờ, ông biết Akihito đã hiếm khi về nhà để làm sạch đúng cách và công cụ, nhưng pristineness của khu vực đánh anh ta như là lạ. Không Akihito chỉ trở lại sau ba ngày để bất cứ nơi nào? Một người bạn khác phát hiện ông vào căn hộ của mình và kêu gọi họ. Ông cười khi Kou đã trở lại với một cốc nước trái cây trong mỗi bàn tay. Ba người ngồi trong im lặng vụng về, đó là một điều kỳ lạ. Của tình bạn thân thiết thoải mái bay tổ tất cả của một bất ngờ."Vì vậy..." Takato bắt đầu, nhắm đến người bạn tóc vàng của ông sau khi uống đồ uống của mình. "Cho chúng tôi biết những loại lỗ bạn có để thu thập dữ liệu vào thời gian này và làm thế nào bạn nhận ra."Kou grinned. "Vâng, Aki. Là nó giống như ống cống với năm mươi rắn trong nó? Hoặc hẻm tối nơi bạn chiến đấu ra năm băng đảng của chính mình?"Takato snickered lúc đó mới nhất. Bạn bè của họ là như vậy một ga đôi khi. Ngoại trừ, Akihito cười hesitantly, tránh gazes của họ, shrugged và sau đó vẫn im lặng.Takato trao đổi một cái nhìn với Kou. Điều này có vẻ nghiêm trọng hơn tất cả của một bất ngờ. Ông quyết định nhắc lại câu hỏi của ông. "Where were bạn, Akihito?""Đặt cược bạn sẽ nói trong một số dungeon một nơi nào đó với whips và dây chuyền và một cô gái xinh đẹp cần tiết kiệm, hả?" Kou snorted, waggling lông mày của mình.Takato của báo động tăng khi Akihito rõ rệt flinched khi Kou đã đề cập whips và dây chuyền, đôi mắt của ông di chuyển thắt chặt điên cuồng trong khi ngón tay của mình xung quanh chân của mình. Ông trông giống như ông đã bị một cuộc tấn công hoảng loạn, căng thẳng thắt chặt các cơ bắp của mình."Hoặc có lẽ...""Kou, dừng lại." Takato đã cắt in "Aki của bệnh, nhìn vào anh ta."Kou đã xem xét và đôi mắt của mình mở rộng trong thực hiện. "Aki, những gì là sai?"Akihito lắc đầu. "Không có gì, tôi chỉ cần nằm xuống."Takato đứng, cố gắng để chạm vào bạn bè của mình trên vai mình, sau đó nhận thấy như thế nào Akihito bên bước ông chuyên nghiệp, đi bộ xung quanh chiếc ghế dài như vậy các mảnh đồ nội thất là giữa Anh và họ."Tôi, um... nghe này, tôi thật sự mệt mỏi và ra khỏi nó sau khi tất cả mọi thứ mà đã xảy ra. Cậu có thể trở lại một thời gian? Tôi thực sự cần phải nghỉ ngơi và nhận được bản thân mình với nhau. Bạn biết không?"Takato biết một chiến thuật tránh khi ông thấy một, nhưng ông không muốn đẩy bạn bè của mình. Bất cứ điều gì Akihito đã nhận vào, nó đã sợ hãi anh ta và nó có vẻ như ông cần thời gian. "Ok, tốt. Chúng tôi sẽ trở lại vào ngày mai, mà âm thanh như thế nào?"Akihito nodded readily. “Good. But, call first?”Takato frowned. Normally they just showed up at Akihito’s place whenever they felt like it. They were always welcomed no matter what. He suddenly felt really helpless. “Sure.”“Aki...?” Kou asked confused, finally picking up on the changes in their friend.Takato cut Kou off with a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head in the negative when Kou looked at him. “Let’s go.”They waved to Akihito before leaving. Takato would swear his heart palpitated when he heard the lock on the door audibly clicking into place.“Takato, what just happened?” Kou asked.Takato drew in a breath, took one last look at the door before turning to Kou. “No idea. Let’s give him time to rest at least, then we can try to find out what’s going on.”“Ok.” Kou’s concern was obvious and Takato knew his own face mirrored his friend’s as they walked out of the apartment building................“Hey, Kou...?” Takato greeted after calling his friend. “I haven’t heard from him, how about you?...Wanna try going over there again?...Fine, meet me in half an hour. Ok, bye.”The two friends made their way towards their friend’s apartment, and while it wasn’t strange to see people leaving Akihito’s floor, Takato wondered what an obviously rich man in a tailor made suit and shiny leather shoes would be doing at the apartment. It’s so rare to see people of that stature about the place.“I couldn’t get him all day yesterday,” Kou said worriedly.“Me neither,” Takato supplied. At one point Akihito’s phone was turned off. “We’ve given him enough time, he should be rested enough now.”Kou nodded. “Yeah.”Takato frowned when he walked up to Akihito’s front door, realizing it was slightly ajar. “Aki?” He called hesitantly when he pushed it open and stepped inside the apartment. There was no answer.“Yo, Aki!” Kou shouted.That’s when they both heard retching sounds from the bathroom.“Hey, you ok?” Kou asked softly, kneeling beside Akihito, who was hunched over the toilet, puking his guts out. Kou started patting Akihito’s back, but the blond pulled away violently, heaving and revealing swollen red eyes and stuffy nose.“D-don’t touch me.” Akihito’s voice trembled while he watched them both, eyes pleading while he wiped sick from his mouth with the back of one hand. Takato’s worry ratched up a notch and he raised his hands in surrender, watching Kou do the same.“Ok, ok. We won’t touch, ok Aki?” Takato tried to placate his friend. What was causing this type of reaction in Akihito? He had no idea. “How you feeling?”Right before their eyes Akihito drew in a deep breath and seemed to pull himself together, wiping his eyes and nose with the sleeve of his long sleeve shirt; calming his shaky breathing. “I’m fine, really. Just a bug, you know?”Kou offered Akihito a hand to stand, with he took it after so much hesitation Takato knew there was more brewing beneath the surface of whatever Akihito was going through.“Just, let me wash up and I’ll be out, ok?”Takato nodded before he and Kou stepped out of the bathroom, exchanging a worried look. When Akihito emerged, he was fresh faced and generally more presentable. Except, the bags forming under his eyes.“So, we were calling you all day yesterday, didn’t get a response,” Takato started with after Akihito brought them drinks. Akihito set them down, looked at them and then shrugged noncommittally.“My battery was dead.”Kou frowned. Akihito never allowed his phone to go dead for so long before, especially since he had to get called in for jobs.Kou and Takato exchanged a look while Akihito kept his eyes firmly on his juice glass.“So, what kind of bug has you puking? Do you need to see a doctor?”Akihito flew up out of his seat so fast Takato almost dropped the glass halfway to his lips, noticing Kou’s startled jump from the corner of his eyes.“No, no doctor,” Akihito supplied frantically. “I ah...I took something, I’ll feel better in a moment.”Kou stood, wanting to reach out but not wanting Akihito to shy away from his touch like in the bathroom. “Hey, ok. No doctor, Akihito. You sure you’re alright though?”Akihito nodded frantically, blond bangs flying in front his face. “I’m good guys,” he muttered while rubbing one wrist almost absentmindedly through the long sleeve of his shirt.
Takato wondered if he realized he was doing it. “Something the matter with your wrists?”

Akihito’s look was sharp before he hid his hands behind his back. “Get out.”

“What?” Kou startled.

“I don’t want either of you here, come back tomorrow.”

Takato wasn’t willing to give in just yet. “Whatever is happening with you, I can help.”

Akihito snorted derisively. “No, you can’t.”

“How do you know?” Takato challenged.

“I just do, ok?” Akihito snarled. “Now, I’m not well, as you guys can see, so go home so I can rest.”
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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