[SUF60Language]ID = tập tin ngôn ngữ cài đặt nhà máy 6.0Mô tả = anhLanguageID = 9[Misc]MSG_GEN_FAILED = hoạt động không thành côngMSG_GEN_PACKAGE_SIZE = kích thước góiMSG_GEN_TOTAL_SIZE = kích thước tất cả cài đặtLANG_NAME = Anh[Button]BTN_CANCEL = hủy bỏBTN_OK = OKBTN_BROWSE = trình duyệt...BTN_START = khởi đầuBTN_CLOSE = đóngBTN_YES_TO_ALL = Yes để tất cảBTN_NO_TO_ALL = không cho tất cảBTN_YES = YesBTN_NO = khôngBTN_NEXT = tiếp theo >BTN_BACK = < trở lạiBTN_FINISH = kết thúcBTN_RETRY = thử lạiBTN_ABORT = bỏ quaBTN_REBOOT = khởi động lạiBTN_WEB_SITE = trang WebBTN_MORE_INFO = xem thêm thông tinBTN_IGNORE = bỏ quaBTN_EXIT = lối raBTN_CHANGE = thay đổi[Tiêu đề]DLG_NOTICE = thông báoDLG_ERROR = lỗiDLG_FATAL = lỗi nghiêm trọngDLG_CONFIRM = xác nhận hành độngDLG_PROGRESS = cài đặt tập tinDLG_INSERTDISK = chèn đĩaDLG_WARNING = cảnh báoDLG_IMPORTANT = quan trọng[Nguyên tố]ELEM_PATH = đường dẫnELEM_SEARCH_FILE = việc tìm kiếm cho tập tinELEM_SEARCH_MASK = tìm kiếmELEM_SEARCH_ALL = tất cả các tệp[Chú thích]CAPTION_NAME = tênCAPTION_FIRST_NAME = tênCAPTION_LAST_NAME = tên cuối cùngCAPTION_COMPANY = công tyCAPTION_INSTALL_TO = cài đặt % ProductName % đếnCAPTION_SPACE_REQUIRED = sức chứa cần thiết trên ổ đĩaCAPTION_SPACE_AVAILABLE = không gian sẵn dùng trên ổ đĩa đã chọnCAPTION_SHORTCUT_FOLDER = thư mục lối tắtCAPTION_SELECT_ONE = hãy chọn một trong các tùy chọn sau đâyCAPTION_SELECT_MULTI = hãy chọn các tùy chọn dưới đâyCAPTION_REBOOT = Yes, khởi động lại máy tính của tôi bây giờ.CAPTION_DRIVE = ổ đĩaCAPTION_FREE_SPACE = không gian trống trên ổ đĩa đã chọnCAPTION_SERIAL_NUMBER = số sê-ri[Cài đặt loại]INST_TYPICAL=TypicalINST_TYPICAL_DESCRIPTION=Installs the most common program features. Recommended for most users.INST_COMPLETE=CompleteINST_COMPLETE_DESCRIPTION=All program features will be installed. (Requires the most disk space.)INST_MINIMUM=MinimumINST_MINIMUM_DESCRIPTION=Only required features will be installed.INST_CUSTOM=CustomINST_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION=Lets you choose which program features you want installed. Recommended for advanced users only.[Uninstall]UNIN_WIN_TITLE=Removing Programs From Your ComputerUNIN_MAIN='%s' will now be removed from your computer. Please wait while the uninstallation is performed.UNIN_COMPLETE=Uninstall complete.UNIN_REMOVE_SHARED=The uninstaller would like to remove the following shared system file:UNIN_NO_APP_USE=No other application has registered their use of it, however thereis still a possibility that another application requires it in order to work.UNIN_OK_TO_REMOVE=Is it OK to remove the file?UNIN_CONFIRM_DEL=Confirm File DeleteUNIN_CONFIRM=Are you sure that you want to remove '%s' and all of its components?UNIN_HEADING=Uninstalling SoftwareUNIN_SUBHEADING=Please wait while the software is uninstalled.[Progress]MSG_PROG_DLOAD_GENERAL=Downloading fileMSG_PROG_EXTRACT_FILES=Extracting filesMSG_PROG_EXECUTE_FILE=Executing fileMSG_PROG_OPEN_FILE=Opening fileMSG_PROG_CLOSE_PROGRAM=Closing programMSG_PROG_DISPLAY_DIALOG=Displaying dialogMSG_PROG_WRITE_DATA=Writing dataMSG_PROG_CREATE_DIR=Creating directoryMSG_PROG_REMOVE_DIR=Removing directoryMSG_PROG_COPY_FILE=Copying filesMSG_PROG_DELETE_FILES=Deleting filesMSG_PROG_MOVE_FILES=Moving filesMSG_PROG_RENAME_FILE=Renaming fileMSG_PROG_READ_REGISTRY=Reading from RegistryMSG_PROG_READ_INI=Reading from INI fileMSG_PROG_READ_FILEINFO=Reading file informationMSG_PROG_COMMUNICATE_WEB=Communicating with Web siteMSG_PROG_READ_FILE=Reading from fileMSG_PROG_SENT=sentMSG_PROG_OF=ofMSG_PROG_RECEIVED=receivedMSG_PROG_MEGABYTE=MBMSG_PROG_KILOBYTE=KBMSG_PROG_BYTES=bytesMSG_PROG_CREATE_SHORTCUT=Creating shortcutMSG_PROG_REMOVE_SHORTCUT=Removing shortcutMSG_PROG_INSTALLING_FILE=Installing fileMSG_PROG_REGISTERING_CONTROL=Registering controlMSG_PROG_REGISTERING_FONT=Registering fontMSG_PROG_CHANGE_FILE_ATTRIB=Changing file attributesMSG_PROG_CHECKING_CONNECTION=Checking Internet connectionMSG_PROG_QUERY_SERVICE=Checking service statusMSG_PROG_STOP_SERVICE=Stopping serviceMSG_PROG_START_SERVICE=Starting serviceMSG_PROG_PAUSE_SERVICE=Pausing serviceMSG_PROG_CONTINUE_SERVICE=Continuing serviceMSG_PROG_DELETE_SERVICE=Deleting serviceMSG_PROG_CREATE_SERVICE=Creating serviceMSG_PROG_PARSE_STRING=Parsing stringMSG_PROG_SEARCHING_FILES=Searching for filesSTAT_INSTALL_FILES=The program files are being installed.STAT_INSTALL=Installing...STAT_SKIP=Skipping...STAT_INIT=Initializing...STAT_PERFORMING_ACTIONS=Please wait while setup actions are performed on your system.STAT_ACTIONS_TITLE=Performing Setup ActionsSTAT_ACTIONS_SUBHEADING=Installation actions are now being performed.STAT_ACTIONS_HEADING=SetupSTAT_REG_FONTS=Registering fonts...STAT_REG_FILES=Registering files...STAT_REG_UNINSTALL=Creating uninstall...STAT_REG_ICONS=Creating program icons...[Notice]CONFIRM_ABORT=The setup is not finished! Do you really want to abort?EXIST_NEWER=The installer would like to install a file, but a newer file with the same name already exists on your system.EXIST_OVER=Do you want to overwrite the following file?EXIST_ANY=The installer would like to install a file, but a file with the same name already exists on your system.EXIST_INUSE=The following file is in use and cannot be updated:EXIST_RETRY=Close all other applications and choose Retry, or choose Cancel to install this file on the next reboot.RESTART_RETRY=The installer could not restart the system. Please close all open applications and choose Retry.INSTALL_ASKDISK=Please insert disk #INSTALL_NEWLOC=If the files on this disk can be found in another location (for example, on another drive), enter the full path to the files, or click the Browse button to select a path.SCRN_FREESPACE=You do not have enough free space on the selected drive to install the software.SCRN_BADDIR=You have not entered a valid directory name.Try using the Browse button, or choose the default directory if you are having trouble.SCRN_EDITCHARS=Your response must be between %d and %d characters long.SCRN_EDITNUM=Please enter a number between %d and %d.SCRN_BADSCFOLDER=Your shortcut folder name must not contain any of the following characters: /:*?"|SCRN_WIZ_INSTALLING=Please wait while the necessary files are installed.[Error]ERR_INTEGRITY=Archive integrity check failed.The expected setup file size is: %s bytesThe actual setup file size is: %s bytesSetup aborted.ERR_OPENARC=Cannot open the following archive file (you may have inserted the wrong disk):ERR_MEM0=Memory allocation error.Please restart your system and close all applications before running the setup again.ERR_MEM1=Cannot allocate enough memory to decompress files. Setup aborted.ERR_MAKEDIR=Cannot create the following directory:ERR_FONTREG=Unable to register the following font:ERR_SKIP=Error skipping over fileERR_DECOMP=A decompression error has been detected.ERR_DECOMP_RW=Read/Write failureERR_DECOMP_CRC=File CRC mismatch - Data integrity errorERR_DECOMP_DEF=General decompression problemDLL_REGERR=ActiveX registration error #DLL_REGERR_LOAD=Failure in LoadLibrary()DLL_REGERR_GETPROC=Failure in GetProcAddress(DllRegisterServer)DLL_REGERR_FAIL=Failure code returned by DllRegisterServerTLB_ERR=TypeLib registration error #TLB_ERR_MEM=Out of MemoryTLB_ERR_ARGS=One or more of the arguments is invalid.TLB_ERR_IO=The function could not write to the file.TLB_ERR_STATE=The type library could not be opened.
TLB_ERR_READ=The function could not read from the file.
TLB_ERR_FORMAT=The type library has an older format.
TLB_ERR_LCID=The LCID could not be found in the OLE-supported DLLs.
TLB_ERR_LOAD=The type library or DLL could not be loaded.
TLB_ERR_REG=The system registration database could not be opened.
ERR_FILENOTFOUND=Please make sure your disk is in the drive!
The following file cannot be found:
ERR_OPEN_INPUT=Could not open input file
ERR_OPEN_OUTPUT=Could not open output file
ERR_FILE_READ=Error reading from file
ERR_FILE_WRITE=Error writing to file
ERR_COPY_GENERAL=A general I/O error occured during file copy.
MSG_ERR_NOCONNECT=Could not connect to the Internet.
MSG_ERR_DOWNLOADING=Error downloading file.
MSG_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND=The specified file was not found.
MSG_ERR_EXTRACTING=Error extracting file.
MSG_ERR_EXECUTE=Error executing file.
MSG_ERR_OPENING_FILE=Error opening file.
MSG_ERR_CLOSEPROGRAM=Failed to close program.
MSG_ERR_INVALID_HOSTNAME_FORMAT=Improper hostname format.
MSG_ERR_CONNECT_GENERAL=Connection failed.
MSG_ERR_NORESPONSE_SERVER=No response from server.
MSG_ERR_NEGRESPONSE_SERVER=Negative response received from server.
MSG_ERR_UNKNOWN=Unknown error.
MSG_ERR_REQUEST_DENIED_SERVER=Request denied by server.
MSG_ERR_INVALID_TYPE=An invalid type has been specified.
MSG_ERR_NOOPEN_DATAPORT=Data port could not be opened.
MSG_ERR_PORT_FAILED=PORT command failed.
MSG_ERR_RETR_FAILED=RETR command failed.
MSG_ERR_CONN_TERMINATED=Connection terminated before operation complete.
MSG_ERR_FILE_VERIFICATION=Failed file verification.
MSG_ERR_FILE_SIZE=File size is incorrect.
MSG_ERR_FILE_CRC=File CRC is incorrect.
MSG_ERR_WEB_DOWNLOAD=Failed to download file from Web.
MSG_ERR_NOCONNECT_SERVER_PROXY=Unable to connect to server or proxy server.
MSG_ERR_INVALID_URL=Invalid URL supplied.
MSG_ERR_OPERATION_TERMINATED=Operation terminated before completion.
MSG_ERR_UNABLE_OPENDATASOURCE=Unable to open specified data source.
MSG_ERR_TIMEOUT=Timeout occurred.
MSG_ERR_SOCKET_RECEIVE=Socket receive error occurred.
MSG_ERR_DATASOURCE_WRITE=Data source write error.
MSG_ERR_SETPORT=Failed to set port.
MSG_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND=The specified file was not found.
MSG_ERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND=The specified path was not found.
MSG_ERR_INVALID_EXE=The .exe file is invalid.
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