Do Your Referrals a HUGE Favor!Hi Gai,Did you read the latest update? Search is LAUNCHING!!So do your referrals a HUGE FAVOR and make surethey know about this HUGE EVENT!!Right now your referrals can fund their accounts only.Within 24-48 hours, they can buy key words andtrade them for big money on the Key Word Exchange!If a key word costs just 50 cents to start (ACXManagement has not confirmed the price yet),then members may be able to sell this key wordfor much much more, right?Imagine owning the key word "insurance" - ithappens to be the number one money-makerfor Google and would cost you $119,000 perday to rent at Google according to should you get to own this key word, youwill profit from all the future revenue generated.This is absolutely amazing!It might take some time for you to fullyunderstand the implications of what ACX isdoing, but we are trying - most importantly,this will be the chance for you and your referralsto make the most money on line in the historyof the Internet - does that sound good?How are we going to make money?It's important to know how ACX Search worksin order to help your referrals be successfulalso, so let's take a look at what ACXManagement has told us so far.First of all, we will be buying and selling so-calledkey words, like the exciting programs Tag Villageand Kooday have done in the past. A lot of excitementand very fast earnings are possible, just like ourPanel Exchange has been making it possible formembers to buy and sell panels for months already!So your referrals should be notified of this fact andthey should be getting ready to fund their ACX SearchAccounts - there are hundreds of thousands of wordsand phrases in each language ACX Search will bemaking available, so the potential to make a lot ofmoney is huge, in the upcoming key word exchangeand also when the search engine launches.The more key words your referrals purchase,especially the popular ones, the more money yourreferrals will make - and YOU will make money whenthey purchase key words also!For example, if you buy a key word for 50 cents andthen sell it the same day for $1 - you doubled yourmoney in one day! Maybe you can do this manytimes per day for many key words you choose!Like ACX Management said,"These key words and phrases are like"prime" real estate, just like domainnames. So get ready to stake yourclaim and get rich with us."If Google can make Billions of dollars sellingadvertising with key words, ACX will surelybe able to make a few million, don't youthink? And because ACX uses affiliates toadvertise, those profits will be distributed tothe affiliates and members!It's going to be amazing, so be sure to starttalking to your referrals about it - they arelisted at the following URL, right? about the success of this project?Tag Village and Kooday were damaged beyondrepair because they tried to use PayPal as apayment processor, and then decided to usedifferent payment methods when things gottough - not very smart.ACX will be able to make those projects lookvery insignificant because ACX already has muchmore reliable payment processors, ready to dobusiness!ACX Search Will Also Help Existing Systems!As ACX Management said also:"In the meantime, be sure to take fulladvantage of the Ad/Media and MonsoonSystems, because the profits from ACXSEARCH are going to make our 3 Powerfulprogram stronger than ever before!"This is really great news - so we can makethe existing money-making system strongeralso!Yes, this week will be something very special.That's right, with the upcoming ACX SearchSystem,- Your current referrals will want to be active again!- New Referrals will be SOOOOO easy to find!- You will make a LOT of money sharing ACX!SO BE PROACTIVE AND GET READY!!!Are you reading our Daily Marketing Tips?If not, you are really missing out - becausethey are packed with very valuable tipsand tricks on how to sell just about anythingonline or offline - the basics that everyoneneeds!These E-mails are being sent to you eachday, so maybe you have been saving them?This E-mail is your weekly reminder to promote ACXwith all your might - the more diligently we all shareACX with others, the longer we can all receive daily
withdrawals, and ACX can prevent an XpressShift
or Reset.
As we've said many times before, a relatively small
percentage of members sharing ACX with others is what
makes it possible for All Members to earn big money.
At ACX we just need a small increase in sales revenue each
week, and this will keep all requested withdrawals being paid
daily for many months to come, and without an XpressShift
or Reset - just like in our Simple Recipe:
All signals point to
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