Gurhan-Canli and Maheswaran's (2000b) research into the
cognitive determinants of COO evaluations highlights an
evolving research track centered on the COO construct iself.
Recent research using structural equation modeling (LaRoche
et. al. 2005; Pereira, Hsu, and Kundu 2005) contends countryof-origin
evaluations are part of a larger COO "image"
construct consisting of cognitive, affective, and conative
components. This research suggests the idea of 'country of
origin' is complex and encompasses symbolic and emotional
components as well as cognitions. In other words, country-oforigin
evaluations may stem not only from country-specific
beliefs or cognitions but also from one's emotions or feelings
toward a country. Given the date of these findings, this
research is in its infancy and is not yet well developed