Harry của tình hữu nghị với shard linh hồn trong Nhật ký sâu đậm trong vài tháng tiếp theo. Ông sẽ dành nhiều giờ mỗi đêm, dài sau khi các bé trai Slytherin khác đã ngủ, nói chuyện với Tom.Tom thích nghe về nàng tiên, nhưng anh cũng rất thích nói chuyện về trường học, và về phép thuật và phép thuật tồn. Đôi khi, khi Tom đã viết về những điều ông yêu tốt nhất, chẳng hạn như những cuốn sách Ma Rốc-bound cũ trong thư viện trường Hogwarts, echo của bước chân xuống hành lang dài quên của lâu đài, hoặc mùi hương của Hoa táo hoang dã xuống hồ trong mùa xuân, Harry gần như cảm thấy như nếu Tom đã trở thành có thể nhìn thấy một chút chút. Đôi khi, khi Tom's từ lớn wistful trên trang và văn bản của mình làm chậm lại, Harry có thể bắt đầu tạo ra một phác thảo mờ nhạt của một cậu bé trong ký túc xá vong linh.Cậu bé là rất đáng yêu để xem xét, với bóng tối đêm curls và mắt màu ánh trăng trên mặt nước. Harry sẽ giữ hơi thở của mình bất cứ khi nào cậu bé flickered vào xem, Hy vọng rằng ông sẽ ở lại và trở thành thực tế hơn. Nhưng cậu bé Ma không bao giờ lingered cho hơn một vài phút trước khi mờ dần vào bóng tối một lần nữa.Nhưng đêm khác, Tom sẽ viết về những suy nghĩ tối lạ đầy tâm trí của mình, và sau đó Harry không thể nhìn thấy anh ta ở tất cả. Harry nghi ngờ rằng cậu bé nghèo, đẹp trong Nhật ký có được người bị thương khi ông đã bị rách từ linh hồn mà ông một lần đã thuộc về, vì đã có lần khi Tom nói những điều có vẻ một chút điên.Tom này có một số ý tưởng tò mò về máu, ví dụ. Ông đôi khi sẽ nói chuyện với Harry về máu, và về làm thế nào có được khác nhau các loại máu trên thế giới. Một số trình thuật sĩ, ông giải thích với Harry, có máu tinh khiết, trong khi những người khác đã chỉ nửa máu, và những người khác có máu mà là bùn. Harry đọc của Tom từ với phát triển báo động. Có lẽ đã có một số vết thương khủng khiếp trong mảnh gương linh hồn của Tom làm cho anh ta tin rằng những điều kỳ lạ? Harry đã nhìn thấy máu trước khi, tất nhiên, và ông biết rằng nó đã là tất cả các màu đỏ và ẩm ướt, cùng, trừ khi bạn đã xảy ra để là một con kỳ lân (trong trường hợp của bạn máu sẽ là bạc) hoặc một con rồng rất cũ (máu ai thường mất trên một sheen vàng nhẹ). Nhưng bùn trong máu của bạn? Chắc chắn rằng sẽ làm cho bạn bị bệnh khủng khiếp? Và làm thế nào bất cứ ai có thể nhận được với chỉ nửa máu? Harry đã bắt đầu từ từ khi ông đọc của Tom fevered ramblings. Ông chạm vào các ký tự trong Nhật ký đánh vần ra điên rồ của Tom, gửi các tia lửa nhỏ của cổ tích kỳ diệu vào trang, cho đến khi Tom dừng lại nói như vậy những điều hoang dã và bắt đầu để nhớ cảm giác của cỏ dưới chân của mình vào một buổi sáng mùa xuân để thay thế....The spring months went by quickly for Harry and his friends, and soon all the students were busy with something called exams. Harry liked exams very much. Instead of the teachers talking incessantly to the students, as they did during the rest of the school year (which could make you a little sleepy at times), the professors wrote down questions about things they would like to know more about, and the students got to tell them what they knew. Harry made sure to include all sorts of interesting information about plants for Professor Snape (would't he be surprised to learn that raspberry leaves made you delightfully ticklish, and that juniper berries gave you a clearer singing voice?) and the real story behind the Goblin Rebellion for Professor Binns. How Binns would laugh when he realized that the whole thing had started with a fairy joke that was lost in translation!And all too soon came the end of the school year, the farewell feast, and the journey home for the summer. Harry missed his new friends very badly during the summer months, of course, but at least he had Shard and Tom. He had wanted to bring Ron and Draco home to the forest for the summer as well, but Leaf had hinted delicately that the other outcast fairies were not quite ready for three human wizard children at once, especially if two of them were very new at magic."Perhaps your friends can come when they are a little older," wrote Leaf in a letter to Harry. "When they have their magic completely under control and won't take someone's eyes out by mistake. Too many mis-fired spells in the forest, and we would attract the attention of the Faerie Queen and her henchmen, and I'm sure no one wants that!"So Harry and Hedwig went home by themselves, and they spent a lovely summer in the forest surrounded by all their old fairy and animal friends. Leaf and Twig couldn't get enough of listening to Harry's stories of Hogwarts and all his new friends, and Hedwig was the star of the fir tree where the owls lived. Wolf was ecstatic to see Harry as well, of course, but unfortunately, he didn't seem to care for Tom very much. In fact, Wolf tried to rip the diary apart as soon as Harry's back was turned, but Harry could sense Tom's anguish and managed to tear the diary away from Wolf just in time. Fortunately, Tom wasn't hurt, although he was a little shaken up. Harry put the torn pages back together with his best fairy magic, and Tom's writing appeared just as clearly as it had before. But there was no denying that Wolf had given both Tom and Harry a bad fright, and Harry made sure he carried the diary with him at all times after that...."Have you heard, Harry?" said Ron as they were all gathered in the Great Hall again for the Welcoming Feast in the fall. "There is a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher again, and this one is apparently famous. My Mum has read every single one of his books."Harry looked up at the staff table with interest. To his disappointment, the new professor was very different from Quirrell. He had no secret soul shard or interesting turban, just a lot of brilliant hair and shiny teeth. And whereas poor Quirrell had always seemed a bit melancholy, the new professor appeared to be terribly happy; his smile swept over the room like a merciless beam of bright lamplight.Draco glanced doubtfully at the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher as well. "Apparently, Professor Lockhart knows a lot of banshees and vampires. We are to read all of his books about his encounters with them for class." He wrinkled his nose a little. "According to my father, some of the Old World vampires are quite civilized, but I don't see why anyone would want to get acquainted with a banshee.""Banshees are very excitable, of course," nodded Harry. "But what's a vampire? I've never met one of those."Ron shuddered ever so slightly. "They are sort of like human wizards, Harry, except that they are immortal, and they like to drink human blood... They'll even bite your neck to suck your blood out if they are really thirsty.""Oh." Harry pondered this stunning piece of information for a while. Vampires drank human blood? Oh no! Perhaps that was how some wizards had become half-blood? What a strange and terrible thought!As soon as the feast was over, Professor Lockhart swooped down on Harry like some large beaming bird of prey. "Harry, Harry, Harry!"He clicked his tongue and regarded Harry with an expression of tender exasperation."What?" Harry looked up at him, bewildered."I hear that you have been going around telling people that you we're raised by fairies!" Lockhart shook his shiny golden head a little. "Was it reading my books that set this off, Harry? I have seen this before, of course: An impressionable child picks up one of my works, and before you know it, he imagines that he is off on some grand adventure of his own..." Lockhart sighed. "All very understandable, of course, but it won't do to go around telling others that your imagined adventures are real, Harry! Especially since even a child knows that fairies don't exist! Now, if you had claimed to have been raised by grindylows, I am sure you would have found a gullible believer or two. But fairies! My dear boy, you can't expect anyone to believe that!" He petted Harry gently on the head. "Oh, don't look so alarmed! No harm done, Harry - I understand how easy it is to be carried away when you first begin reading my books. It's all right to fantasize about being like me, of course, but perhaps you had better keep those thoughts to yourself in the future! And for Merlin's sake, try to keep it realistic, Harry! I mean, fairies!"The Slytherin students stared at Lockhart in silence for a long moment."Er... Harry can fly, sir," said Draco Malfoy weakly."And walk through doors," muttered Blaise Zabini.Lockhart's smile grew even more brilliant. "Oh, come now, boys! Flying and walking through doors? Mere fantasies inspired by a certain passage on page 136 of Voyage With A Vampire! You really must try to keep your wild imagination in check, Harry! I will see you all in Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the morning, and I will treat you to some exciting stories of real adventure!"He flashed them all a dazzling smile and walked off, bright turquoise robes billowing behind him. Harry could hear Lockhart muttering under his breath: "Completely star-struck, poor child!"Harry stared after him. "He thinks I was hit by a star? You know, I think there is something wrong with poor Professor Lockhart; he seems terribly confused."Blaise Zabini shrugged. "Oh, he will figure it all out soon enough, Harry!" He snorted disdainfully. "Voyage with A Vampire, indeed! As if any pure-blood vampire would give him the time of day!"In response to Draco's quizzical glance, he muttered: "My former uncle by marriage is from an old vampire family. My aunt divorced him because of his...er... drinking problem.""Ah," murmured Draco sympathetically....Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Lockhart proved to be a very curious experience indeed. For some reason, all the textbooks had pictures of a smiling Lockhart on the cover. "Me!" exclaimed Lockhart as he held up two of the smiling books next to his own smiling face. Harry looked at the three identical smiles and was suddenly reminded, irresistibly, of the three-headed Fluffy."Gilderoy Lockhart, five time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile
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