And Akihito almost shouted his frustration in tears. But his lover wai dịch - And Akihito almost shouted his frustration in tears. But his lover wai Việt làm thế nào để nói

And Akihito almost shouted his frus

And Akihito almost shouted his frustration in tears. But his lover waited for him no matter how miserable he already is. The boy gripped his arms, holding for dear life as Asami shoved his huge erection hard into him. The powerful crime lord couldn't help but smirked at the sensation of Akihito's muscle swallowing his cock hungrily. If someone ever asked him where his home was, he would answer without hesitation that it was here, deep inside his lover's body.

"Oh...aaah!" Akihito exclaimed as Asami thrust into him. His lover's body arched like a bowstring in his excitement.

Asami closed his eyes, not stopping even for a heartbeat while he relished the bite Akihito gave him when the boy tried to hold his arousal back, hoping to extend that incredible moment they shared even for a second longer as the movement of Akihito's hips lost its finesse. Asami slammed into Akihito as deep as he could, loving the connection and the sexy sound their bodies created every time he thrust into his lover. Faster. Harder. Stronger.

It didn't take too long until he whispered in his young lover's ear, "Now, Akihito. Come with me, now."

When Akihito finally came right after his permission, the boy screamed his pleasure so loudly, letting Asami heard and felt it all through his release until they were both sated. He could feel Akihito's muscle twitched around his cock as his boy milked every last drop of cum from him. They stayed still for a long moment, Akihito rested on top of his body. But he didn't mind it at all. If it was one of those whores...he didn't even want to think about it. Not now. Not with how perfect everything was. It was then when he heard Akihito's voice, so soft that he almost missed it.

"I love you, Ryu. Always."

I love you too, Akihito. He bit back his reply and closed his eyes tight, trying his damned best to control the emotion that threatened to go wild. But it was even harder than when he had to keep his cool as his enemies put a gun on his chest and threatened to burrow a Teflon-coated bullet into his body when he just started his business.

Akihito's movement snaps him back from his lover snuggles to get more of his body warmth. Asami slowly moves Akihito so that the boy can sleep in a more comfortable position. But his lover insists on clinging onto him. People always think that Akihito is weak due to his lean body. Well, they are stupid for even thinking about that. Asami understands perfectly that if Akihito seriously fights him, he will have trouble restraining the boy. Akihito really knows how to fight and how to use his speed to defeat his opponent. Luckily, his lover always fights his embrace half-heartedly. Otherwise, he will need to take a more drastic measure to ensure the boy's obedience.

Watching his lover who sleeps so peacefully on top of him, he chuckles quietly at the irony. Ten years a go, if someone dare to tell him that he will fall so deeply in love with a brat more than ten years younger than him, moreover to let that brat turns him into a body pillow like this, he will surely explode that person's head for his or her stupid joke. And look at him now.

When he hears Akihito's breaths get deeper and steadier, he slowly releases himself from the boy's tight hold. Giving one more kiss on Akihito's forehead, he wears his robe and quietly walks out of the bedroom into another room that he uses as his home office.

Asami quickly lights a cigarette and pours himself a drink. Leaning into his mahogany desk, he enjoys the silent night breathing the nicotine with the incredible view displayed from the full wall window. His other hand holds a manila envelope Kirishima passed to him before he left for home today.

It is Emi's latest medical report. He furrows his brow at the thought of the girl. In the beginning he thought that the girl is the most similar one to Akihito. But as time goes on, he can see perfectly clear that the girl is completely different from his lover. He still can't be sure what the problem with the girl is, but he knows the girl hides something bad. It takes someone evil to recognize another evil one, he believes. Well, he will find it out sooner or later. And whatever evil the girl tries to hide, he is sure that it couldn't be more evil than him. He grins wickedly at his own thought.

For now, the girl will serve her purpose in his grand plan. It takes some time for his plan to give result but finally everything starts to come together. Kirishima doesn't think this will work, but obviously the man is wrong. He beams at the report. A child. His child. Akihito's future child. And the pregnancy is already 5 months old. He can't really believe it as he looks at Emi's photo that is included in the report. But the girl is always a bit small like his boy.

He can imagine Akihito's happiness when he informs the news a few months from now. His lover doesn't need to know the detail on how Asami gets the baby. Asami knows that the boy will melt immediately at the thought of having a child to complete his normal life. And with his power and wealth, such a thing can be easily arranged. In fact, he is sure Kirishima has all the paperwork ready as soon as his perfect secretary receives the medical report from the doctor.

He doesn't understand Akihito's attachment with children. For him, they are nothing but the source of trouble. He can't even imagine holding his own child. Actually, that idea gives him a horrible shiver. But whatever makes his Akihito happy will be done. He has promised Akihito.

He carefully thinks back at his entire plan that he has worked on for the last three years. He has calculated every step, action and risk to ensure Akihito's happiness. But somehow, his instinct tells him that something will go wrong despite his perfect planning. And he has learnt to trust his instinct a long time a go. He sighs. Come what may. He will solve whatever problem later. It is stupid to shrink in fear for something that hasn't happened yet.

He seals the envelope back and put it inside his drawer before he locks it safely. It is time to get back to his lover. By now, Akihito will miss his warmth already. And Asami will happily provide it for him.

He has two days to enjoy the time with his lover before he needs to release the boy back to the world. But now, with his plan smoothly on the way, he still has a lifetime to share with Akihito. There is no need to rush. He smiles as he walks leisurely back to the embrace of his love.

Kirishima is up and ready by the time he answers his phone. It is still dark outside. But sleep is forgotten as soon as he hears the specific ringtone he sets for Asami-sama. He lives in the same building with Asami-sama, he can be in the penthouse in a few minutes. He takes his Glock and put it in its holder. Giving a quick glance at his bedside clock, he notices that it is still 4 in the morning. He starts to worry, is something wrong?

"Is there anything I can help, Asami-sama?" he immediately asks efficiently.

He scans his brain to remember Asami-sama's condition when he left his boss penthouse last night. His boss has been in a very good mood for the last two days. But this morning that brat will leave to Osaka. He remembers the boy told him that his partner in the project would pick him up early morning so they can grab some equipment first before taking the Shinkansen. Maybe his friend suddenly can't pick him up and Asami-sama wants Kirishima to drive the boy?

His boss' angry command, however, freezes Kirishima's blood.

"Find Akihito. Block the roads! Stops the trains! Close down the airport! Burn down the whole Tokyo for all I care! Just. Bring. Me. Back. My. Boy!"

And they do all of that. Well, they don't literally burn down the whole Tokyo, but it is close enough. They search for the whole day, the whole week, the whole month, but they can't find Takaba Akihito. Whatever the boy does to remove his trace is so good that Kirishima feels impressed. Not that he dares to say so to his boss. Asami-sama is in such a fury that Japan, no, let him correct it, the whole world practically trembles at the crime lord's black mood though only him and Suoh know the real reason.
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Và Akihito hầu như hét lên sự thất vọng của mình trong nước mắt. Nhưng người yêu của mình chờ đợi cho anh ta không có vấn đề đau khổ như thế nào ông đã là. Cậu bé gripped cánh tay của mình, Giữ cho cuộc sống thân yêu như Asami Xô đẩy cương cứng lớn của mình cứng lên người hắn. Chúa mạnh mẽ tội phạm không thể giúp đỡ, nhưng cười lúc cảm giác của cơ bắp của Akihito nuốt cock của mình hungrily. Nếu ai đó đã bao giờ hỏi anh ta nơi nhà của ông là, ông sẽ trả lời mà không do dự rằng nó đã ở đây, sâu bên trong cơ thể người yêu của mình."Oh... aaah!" Akihito kêu lên như Asami lực đẩy vào anh ta. Người yêu của mình cơ thể cong như một bowstring trong sự phấn khích của mình.Asami nhắm mắt, không dừng lại ngay cả đối với một nhịp tim trong khi ông relished cắn Akihito đã cho anh ta khi cậu bé đã cố gắng để giữ lại kích thích của mình, Hy vọng mở rộng đó đáng kinh ngạc mà họ chia sẻ thậm chí cho một thứ hai dài hơn là sự chuyển động của Akihito của hông mất finesse của nó. Asami nhảy vào Akihito sâu như ông có thể yêu thương kết nối và những âm thanh sexy cơ thể của họ tạo ra mỗi khi ông lực đẩy vào người yêu của mình. Nhanh hơn. Khó khăn hơn. Mạnh mẽ hơn.Nó đã không mất quá lâu cho đến khi ông thì thầm vào tai của người yêu trẻ tuổi của mình, "bây giờ, Akihito. Đi với tôi, bây giờ. "When Akihito finally came right after his permission, the boy screamed his pleasure so loudly, letting Asami heard and felt it all through his release until they were both sated. He could feel Akihito's muscle twitched around his cock as his boy milked every last drop of cum from him. They stayed still for a long moment, Akihito rested on top of his body. But he didn't mind it at all. If it was one of those whores...he didn't even want to think about it. Not now. Not with how perfect everything was. It was then when he heard Akihito's voice, so soft that he almost missed it."I love you, Ryu. Always."I love you too, Akihito. He bit back his reply and closed his eyes tight, trying his damned best to control the emotion that threatened to go wild. But it was even harder than when he had to keep his cool as his enemies put a gun on his chest and threatened to burrow a Teflon-coated bullet into his body when he just started his business.Akihito của phong trào snaps ông trở lại từ người yêu của ông snuggles để có được nhiều hơn nữa của ông ấm cơ thể. Asami chậm di chuyển Akihito vì vậy rằng cậu bé có thể ngủ trong một vị trí thoải mái hơn. Nhưng người yêu của mình khăng khăng bám vào anh ta. Mọi người luôn luôn nghĩ rằng Akihito là yếu do nạc cơ thể của mình. Vâng, họ là stupid để thậm chí suy nghĩ về điều đó. Asami hoàn toàn hiểu rằng nếu Akihito nghiêm túc chiến đấu anh ta, ông sẽ gặp khó khăn khi lệnh cấm cậu bé. Akihito thực sự biết làm thế nào để đấu tranh và làm thế nào để sử dụng tốc độ của mình để đánh bại đối thủ của mình. May mắn, người yêu của mình luôn luôn chiến đấu của mình ôm hôn half-heartedly. Nếu không, ông sẽ cần phải có một biện pháp quyết liệt hơn nhằm Vâng lời của cậu bé.Xem người yêu của mình những người ngủ vì vậy một cách hòa bình trên đầu trang của anh ta, ông cười lặng lẽ tại trớ trêu ở đây. Mười năm một đi, nếu ai đó dám nói với ông rằng ông sẽ rơi nên sâu sắc trong tình yêu với một brat hơn mười năm trẻ hơn anh ta, hơn nữa để brat đó biến anh ta thành một gối cơ thể như thế này, ông chắc chắn sẽ nổ của người đó đứng đầu cho trò đùa ngu ngốc của mình. Và nhìn vào anh ta bây giờ.Khi ông nghe hơi thở của Akihito nhận được sâu hơn và ổn, ông chậm giải phóng mình khỏi Giữ chặt chẽ của cậu bé. Cho một nụ hôn thêm trên trán của Akihito, ông mặc chiếc áo choàng của mình và lặng lẽ đi ra khỏi phòng ngủ vào một phòng mà ông sử dụng như văn phòng nhà của mình.Asami quickly lights a cigarette and pours himself a drink. Leaning into his mahogany desk, he enjoys the silent night breathing the nicotine with the incredible view displayed from the full wall window. His other hand holds a manila envelope Kirishima passed to him before he left for home today.It is Emi's latest medical report. He furrows his brow at the thought of the girl. In the beginning he thought that the girl is the most similar one to Akihito. But as time goes on, he can see perfectly clear that the girl is completely different from his lover. He still can't be sure what the problem with the girl is, but he knows the girl hides something bad. It takes someone evil to recognize another evil one, he believes. Well, he will find it out sooner or later. And whatever evil the girl tries to hide, he is sure that it couldn't be more evil than him. He grins wickedly at his own thought.For now, the girl will serve her purpose in his grand plan. It takes some time for his plan to give result but finally everything starts to come together. Kirishima doesn't think this will work, but obviously the man is wrong. He beams at the report. A child. His child. Akihito's future child. And the pregnancy is already 5 months old. He can't really believe it as he looks at Emi's photo that is included in the report. But the girl is always a bit small like his boy.He can imagine Akihito's happiness when he informs the news a few months from now. His lover doesn't need to know the detail on how Asami gets the baby. Asami knows that the boy will melt immediately at the thought of having a child to complete his normal life. And with his power and wealth, such a thing can be easily arranged. In fact, he is sure Kirishima has all the paperwork ready as soon as his perfect secretary receives the medical report from the doctor.He doesn't understand Akihito's attachment with children. For him, they are nothing but the source of trouble. He can't even imagine holding his own child. Actually, that idea gives him a horrible shiver. But whatever makes his Akihito happy will be done. He has promised Akihito.He carefully thinks back at his entire plan that he has worked on for the last three years. He has calculated every step, action and risk to ensure Akihito's happiness. But somehow, his instinct tells him that something will go wrong despite his perfect planning. And he has learnt to trust his instinct a long time a go. He sighs. Come what may. He will solve whatever problem later. It is stupid to shrink in fear for something that hasn't happened yet.He seals the envelope back and put it inside his drawer before he locks it safely. It is time to get back to his lover. By now, Akihito will miss his warmth already. And Asami will happily provide it for him.
He has two days to enjoy the time with his lover before he needs to release the boy back to the world. But now, with his plan smoothly on the way, he still has a lifetime to share with Akihito. There is no need to rush. He smiles as he walks leisurely back to the embrace of his love.

Kirishima is up and ready by the time he answers his phone. It is still dark outside. But sleep is forgotten as soon as he hears the specific ringtone he sets for Asami-sama. He lives in the same building with Asami-sama, he can be in the penthouse in a few minutes. He takes his Glock and put it in its holder. Giving a quick glance at his bedside clock, he notices that it is still 4 in the morning. He starts to worry, is something wrong?

"Is there anything I can help, Asami-sama?" he immediately asks efficiently.

He scans his brain to remember Asami-sama's condition when he left his boss penthouse last night. His boss has been in a very good mood for the last two days. But this morning that brat will leave to Osaka. He remembers the boy told him that his partner in the project would pick him up early morning so they can grab some equipment first before taking the Shinkansen. Maybe his friend suddenly can't pick him up and Asami-sama wants Kirishima to drive the boy?

His boss' angry command, however, freezes Kirishima's blood.

"Find Akihito. Block the roads! Stops the trains! Close down the airport! Burn down the whole Tokyo for all I care! Just. Bring. Me. Back. My. Boy!"

And they do all of that. Well, they don't literally burn down the whole Tokyo, but it is close enough. They search for the whole day, the whole week, the whole month, but they can't find Takaba Akihito. Whatever the boy does to remove his trace is so good that Kirishima feels impressed. Not that he dares to say so to his boss. Asami-sama is in such a fury that Japan, no, let him correct it, the whole world practically trembles at the crime lord's black mood though only him and Suoh know the real reason.
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